Chasing sunrise down the Muscle Ridge, just south of Rockland
photo courtesy of Alexander Hardt

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter

October 2014 


In This Issue
Cruise News
Crew's News
Galley News

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Alex took this while out lobstering.  We had barely finished breakfast;  he'd been out hauling for a couple of hours by then.  We anchored that evening off Niles Beach, Cape Ann.


Cruise News
It's time to put the schooner to bed for the off season, so what better time to show off the quilt Virginia made and presented on  her cruise in late September. That's the American Eagle in the center square. Virginia and her husband hadn't been back for fourteen years; I hope she didn't spend the whole time creating this wonderful piece. It's intended to hang on the wall but it was on my bunk in the main cabin for the rest of this season.


As part of our patchwork/tapestry of trips for 2015 we again have listed a Bastille Day cruise, made a bit more interesting with the visit of L'Hermione, a replica of the 32 gun  light frigate that brought the Marquis de Lafayette to America in 1780. Her last port visit in the United States is Castine July 14 and 15. There should be a chance to chase her up the Bay and watch fireworks to celebrate the revolution.  One of her escorts to Castine is the schooner Anthea, owned and skippered by Gerard Pascal, who sailed with us on the American Eagle in June, 2003.




And for parity in the European Union, here's a 

link to a German yachting magazine. On pages 10 & 11 there's a stunning photo of the American Eagle by Benjamin Mendlowitz.



Crew's News


The last sail to come off this fall was the jib. Sitting on the bowsprit as the sail dried overhead is the crew from our final 2014 cruise. Fore to aft: Christa, Brad, Olivia, Angela, Gerard, and Michael. Three thousand miles around the Gulf of Maine, twenty lobster bakes, six thousand meals and they're still smiling!




Galley News


Brunch: fresh pineapple, make your own eggs benedict on galley-made English muffins with lobster hollandaise or not, and three kinds of hot doughnuts. I only ate the holes.











In between 



Far -- Arizona


  And really far -- Ireland




and off Nahant 76 years ago last week  


Gertrude L. Thebaud and Bluenose, racing

Thanks Karyn for finding this among your Dad's stuff.


Taken October 9, 1938, towards the end of the first race of three in the last International Fishermen's Cup series, within three miles of the finish.  The Bluenose had just cracked her fore topmast and doused her fore and jib topsails.  The new sails on the Thebaud had been hand stitched by Marion Cooney who also made the first suit of sails for the American Eagle.

Now back to fall outfitting. Keep those postcards coming so I can travel vicariously until next May.                

photo courtesy of Anthony Marks


          John and the crew

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