Dr. Smokey Santillo  
Key Excerpts from
Dr. Santillo Books
In This Issue
The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes
Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals
Natural Healing with Herbs

Key Excerpts from    
Dr. Santillo Books 


The following are key excerpts from each of Dr. Santillo's four currently published books, summary information about each book, its purpose and use.   


  The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes  
The Power of Nutrition with Enzymes Book


     In 1966, this statement appeared in a Scottish medical journal: "Each of us, as with all living organisms, could be regarded as an orderly, integrated succession of enzyme reactions." We usually think of enzymes--if we think of them at all--as involved in digestion. And indeed, they are essential in digesting food and releasing nutrients to the body. But very seldom are we reminded that enzymes are also involved in every other metabolic function.

Enzymes are present throughout our tissues and organs. Our immune system, bloodstream, liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas, our ability to see, think, and breathe--all of our systems depend on enzymes. Nothing in the body can happen without them.

     An enzyme shortage is very detrimental and may cause serious health problems. In fact, enzyme depletion can be as predisposing to disease as genetics or toxicity. Furthermore, as we become enzyme-deficient, we age faster. The more we build up our body's enzyme reserve, the healthier we'll be!


We become enzyme deficient at a very early age. This can be the beginning of many chronic ailments, from cancer to obesity.

Most people don't understand that nothing happens in the body without the presence of the proper enzymes. For example, enzyme deficiencies can affect your circulatory system, hormones, digestive processes, and athletic performance. It has been said that old age, chronic diseases, and enzyme deficiencies are synonymous terms. This book is a must-read for everyone. 


Your Body Speaks--Your Body Heals
Your  Body Speaks-Your body Heals Book Excerpt:
     All foods, juices, herbs, and supplements function on two levels: the energetic and the physical. When the body absorbs nutrients and other substances, they influence the body's energy as well as the body's physiology. With the understanding that all organs and functions are interrelated--not only by nerves, hormones, and blood circulation, but also by meridians--you can see that a good nutritional program should support all bodily systems at both of those levels.

     Nutrients are "departmentalized," meaning that each affects specific tissues, organs, and functions. Similarly, the energies of foods and herbs affect specific meridians. Why? Nature's design. All sciences, including nutrition, are based on fundamental natural laws. Electricity, for example, acts in a certain way, and nothing will change that. To perform the precise functions they were designed for, your organs need the energy and nutrients appropriate to them, and nothing will change that either.


This book discusses causes of disease and simple detoxification methods.

It prov
ides a full discussion of all the Juice Plus+� formulas and how to use them as foundational nutrition, for both laymen and doctors. One chapter focuses on Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend�, with details on the benefits of each of its 18 ingredients.

It integrates a system of healing, synthesizing both Eastern and Western medicine and how to use foundational nutrition to support all body functions.


ProMetabolics: Your Personal Guide to Transformational Health and Healing
ProMetabolics Book Excerpt:

     Disease is a process. It starts somewhere in our bodies and spreads from there; if we want to heal it, we have to approach it from within. The symptoms we experience when we're sick are just a cover, a blanket that is not telling us what the core of our problem really is. All symptoms are manifestations of the body's attempt to re-balance itself. Not only is disease a process, but your own disease is unique to you. Treatment, whether drug therapy, nutritional therapy, or something else, is therefore not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Not everyone who shares similar symptoms needs the same vitamins or medications.

I have faced two major illnesses in my lifetime. Neither one exists in my body any longer. Through knowledge and understanding, I eliminated both conditions. Knowledge is the greatest tool. Although we've been taught to believe that the symptom is the problem, this is far from the truth. The truth is that the body's terrain--its fluids and tissues--becomes toxic at the site of infection. These toxins can cause scarring and inflammation. These local disturbances, in turn, can radiate from the original focal point to far-distant places by way of the nervous system, energy meridians, and bloodstream. This distribution of an infection or its effects throughout the body is known as the causal chain.

This book focuses on educating you about the development and process of disease. It introduces a simple monitoring system that everyone can use to monitor their diet, supplements, and hormonal systems.

This takes the guesswork out of what diet and supplements you should personally use. It's a great book for people who want to know how to use supplements and it gives an excellent explanation of the epidemic of heavy metal toxicity. The book is very comprehensive and serves as an excellent reference guide, with an extensive Index.

Natural Healing with Herbs  
Natural  Healing with Herbs Book Excerpt:
     The underlying principle of herb medicine is twofold. Like conventional medicine and drugs, the chemical compounds in particular herbs have, through time and experience, come to be considered the active agents--stimulants, inhibitors, supplements or synthesizers. This first aspect of herbs spawned the production of chemical compounds. Their extraction from particular herbs later evolved into the form of conventional medicinal drugs.
     The second aspect of herb medicine is that of energies. The amount, quality, and degree of forces released and generated from particular herbs contribute to the alteration of energies in various metabolic functions and energy streams through meridians, resulting in the improvement of in balance of physical and mental conditions as a whole.

This book is a complete reference book on the use of herbs. It
synthesizes Chinese and American herbology, the only book of its kind.  
For over 120 different health challenges, this book gives not only the herbal usage for these conditions, but also gives water cures, homeopathic, and cleansing suggestions. Diet, on what to eat and what not to eat for each condition, is also discussed.
Save with the Complete Book Set
Dr. Santillo Book Set

This Book Set includes all four books:
  • YOUR BODY SPEAKS--YOUR BODY HEALS: A New Dimension in Nutritional Healing
  • PROMETABOLICS: Your Personal Guide to Transformational Health and Healing
  Makes a great gift!