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 March 2014 Newsletter
March Comes In Like a Lion..
Second Saturday at it's Best

WAAAM Presents :

WWII Pilot,  and "Making Stuff" by NOVA



We are honored and excited to welcome David and Peggy Childs as our speakers this Saturday.  Enjoy the adventure as you experience World War II from a P-47 pilot's eyes.
Childs says "I am a WWII 9th Air Force Thunderbolt fighter pilot who parachuted from my incendiary torched cockpit, very low, very quick; I hit hard into new snow in a forest glade south of the Moselle and west of the Rhine. My story is one of events, some chilling, some humorous, always with a drive to survive. We live in Northern Oregon east of the Cascade Mountains. I stopped flying before my visual and age numbers converged."



WAAAM has been selected as an official 

MAKING STUFF outreach site!    


WAAAM will host activities today that correspond with four episodes of MAKING STUFF - Wilder, Colder, Safer and Faster. These activities are included with paid museum admission and will occur between 10am - 2pm. Bring your kids or those that are young at heart and join  Museum Volunteers Doug & Leslie Davee in "Making Stuff."


NOVA's groundbreaking series MAKING STUFF, hosted by technology expert David Pogue, focuses on the personal qualities that underlie the process of invention - the visionary talent, sheer luck and dogged determination that turn a wild idea into a cutting-edge material. Now in its 40th season, NOVA is the most-watched prime time science series on American television, reaching an average of five million viewers weekly. NOVA airs Wednesdays at 9:00pm on most PBS stations. 



A great way to spend a Saturday!  

 9-5           WAAAM is open


10-2          A Museum in Action - watch and learn. 

                 Stop by and see what we get flying and driving.

10-2          The NOVA Series! Making Stuff...

                  Learn something cool here. 

11-1:00      Lunch is Served - Hot off the Grill


1:00           "Steam Tractor in the Shop" Tour         


3                Traffic Jam Car Show Planning Meeting

5                Museum closes - See you again soon!


As each "Second Saturday" comes around we are excited to share our transportation history with you. 
Come out and see what takes flight and what takes a spin around the yard!


**April 12th**
  Second Saturday : Show (off ) your Chevy
Bring your old, new, restored or under construction Chevrolet
as we honor, share & learn about 100plus years of Chevrolets 
Ready to Roll...Almost
Rudy .Velie
Rudy and the Velie
Our awesome volunteers are working hard to restore our 1922 Velie car. Rudy says "the engine is looking better and better! It now turns over!"
Our old Velie has a ways to go until she is show ready but getting the engine running and transmission operating  is a passion for a few of the "CAR GUYS" who show up faithfully each week. I think they will have it driving by the 3rd Annual WAAAM Traffic Jam Car Show and Swap Meet in July! 
Rudy, Ray and the Velies (plane & car)
Wikipedia has an artical about WL Velie I hope you find interesting.
Read it  here Willard_Lamb_Velie  and after that... dig some more. Every where around us there are stories galore.
We love the stories of these operating treasures. Keep them coming our way.
100 LBS of Pressure. But Who is Counting?

Donations needed to finish the The Steam Tractor by the 4th of July 

1978 Hood River Parade

The Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum is seeking donations to help restore the iconic steam tractor used in many of the Hood River 4th of July Parades in the past.


"We're very close to finishing this project but in order to finish it in time for this year's parade we need a little help," says Museum Director Judy Newman. "It's Hood River's icon so it seems only right that we look to the community to help finish it up."


The 1911 Aultman & Taylor Steam Traction Tractor has been a mainstay in the Hood River Fourth of July Parade for many generations of Hood River folks. Its last appearance in the parade was around 1980. Volunteers have been working on the tractor since Summer 2013. So far WAAAM has raised $2,400. About $2,000 more is needed to complete the project.


As a 501(c)3 non-profit, all donations to WAAAM are tax deductible l to the fullest extent of the law.
 Get involved with our Steam Team!
Requirements: You don't mind getting dirty, you hold a museum membership, and you have a little time.  Give us a call join in the fun. This is a once in a life time opportunity. (How often does one get to restore a steam tractor?)
Great Scott, We have been Blogged Again


Volunteer Doug Davee sent this in.


"I just ran across this:

DailyKOS.com blogges about WAAAM 

Daily Kos blog has something like a million followers
world wide.  ;-)


You, the museum visitors and supporters do so much to get the word out. Every time you post, share and comment about the museum you help spread the word. Thanks for being a volunteer marketer!
Will Work for AvGas
And work they did. WAAAM Volunteers shared their love of aviation and automobiles at the 31st NW Aviation Conference in Puyallap, WA the last weekend in Feb -
Our booth represented an old school mechanics rig loaded with parts and pieces of aircraft from days gone by. Lots of interesting pieces of aviation and automobile history.


This was a 2 day trade show and aviation enthusiast event teaching and inspiring nearly 12,000 visitors!


Many thanks to Rachel and John and the crew of the Washington Aviation Association who put on a great show!


Give a hand to our volunteers:
Shelley and Dan Lubbers, Dick Clarke, Mary Patterson, Harold Nelson, Janie Johnston, Ken Olsson, and John and Julie Benton who loaded, hauled, set up talked , learned shared and took it all down returning the treasures to WAAAM. All in a weekends  work! Nice going team.


Olsson's recap of the weekend, "We're all enjoying ourselves.  Our location just inside the entrance is quite good with plenty of traffic stopping at our booth. Quite a few compliments on the booth itself. I talked with the Historic Aviation Guild guys (the ones who came down to H.R. last year wearing old uniforms) and they said they planned to be at WAAAM for June's Glider Second Saturday. I invited them to come in November for uniform month as well since historic uniforms is significantly what they're about. They seemed very interested since November tends to be a slow month for them. I offered that wool uniforms would be comfy in November, too. I went to two sessions, one by John Sessions talking about their 13 airplanes (Historic Flight Foundation) and Laureano Mier's (Pearson Education Center Museum) about education and museums. Laureano, talk about a cheerleader! He was really vocal telling people about how much he appreciates your letting him bring classes to WAAAM. At the end of the day he came by with a banquet ticket and asked me to join them at their table. I was going to decline but I'm glad I accepted because I was there to see Dayle Harris get the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot award. They auctioned a few items and I bid just a little too high on a basket of goodies and won it."  *See the note below for info on Dayle Harris


Shelley Lubbers put it this way. "The Aviation show crazy busy on Saturday, all day really. Sunday was quieter but still busy. They put us at the front entry which really ramped things up. The setup with the truck was a success and people really seemed to like it. Different than prior years, we had a majority of the people knowing about WAAAM and a bunch that had been to the museum.  
Congratulations Dayle!!
on your award from the FAA.

"Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award"
The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award recognizes pilots who have demonstrated professionalism, skill and aviation expertise by maintaining safe operations for 50 or more years
A  WAAAM member, donor and neighbor,
Dayle Harris is the nephew of  the man who started General Airways based in Portland, Oregon just after WWII.
In honor of Gus Callas, the family trust started an aviation scholarship awarded yearly to a teen volunteer of the WAAAM Museum who has an aviation interest.
If you would like to contribute this scholarship please give us a call.
  Small Things Matter 
Why do we have a 1958 roll of toilet paper as our "What's in the Box?" question of the month? Because we thought our cold war, fall out shelter sanitation kit is pretty cool. The kit comes with 10 rolls of toilet paper and says it lasts for 2 weeks - how many people does the kit say it covers? A) 5, B) 25, C) 50. Stop by the museum to find the answer and see the full sanitation kit on display.


WAAAM Traffic Jam 
Planning Meeting  
Saturday Mach 8th,
3 pm at WAAAM
 (Second Saturday)
Bring your enthusiasm, ideas, knowledge and willingness to get involved with this annual car show and Swap Meet all wrapped into a fun fndraiser for WAAAM.

5 months til SHOW TIME!

 Call or e-mail Larry or Stephanie 541-308-1600 TrafficJam@waaamuseum.org

 if you would like more info or just show up for the meeting.


See you there  
Our condolences to the
Wenger Family

We, your friends at the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum want to express our sympathy for your loss and to let you know that our thoughts are with you.
Your wife and mother and our friend Sonja will be missed.
WAAAM Board of Director and Donor Jerry Wenger's wife Sonja passed away last week.
Keep your engine
 running strong
A gift for you, Our WAAAM Supporters.
2Morrow, Inc had donated a smartphone app aimed at keeping you going and going and going...at no cost to you!
2Morrow, Inc. provides mobile behavior change tools to both the public and organizations looking to empower change among employees or customers.  
1) Download "My Pocket Coach" from your app store
2) Open the app. Enter the Coach Code: WAAAM and your email 
3) Start Tracking. 
Issue 3, 2014

March 8th
Second Saturday
*Author David Childs shares his story of WWII
*NOVA Making Stuff
*Traffic Jam Planning Meeting.
April 12 
Show off your Chevy
May 10
Second Saturday
Military- Mash and The Korean War
May 17 & 18  
Pear & Wine Fest
a Rotary Club event  
June 14
Second Saturday
Gliders - 
The World of Silent Flight 
June 21
Model T Driving School
July 11 
Friday Night Cruise
-a part of the  
WAAAM Traffic Jam

July 12
Second Saturday
The WAAAM Traffic Jam -
a Car Show 
July 12
Twin Tunnels Tour
Old cars and the Historic Hwy 30

July 12 & 13
Swap Meet
July 19
Model T Driving School
August 9
Second Saturday 
Motorcycles -
Life on Two Wheels
August 16
Model T Driving School


September  5
Pilot Night -
 part of the Hood River Fly-in


September  6 & 7
Annual Hood River Fly-in
Hundreds of planes 
come & go


September 13
Second Saturday 
Steam Cars, Tractors along with Hit & Miss Engines
September 13 
 International Model A Day
October 11
Second Saturday The Teens: Cars & Planes.  
( Dress the part! Wear your Clothes & Costumes that represent the 19Teens)


November  8
Second Saturday
Honoring the Uniform-
Military, Fire, Police, Volunteer etc.
Join us and wear yours


December 13
Second Saturday 
Vintage Bicycles 


Second Saturday


Join WAAAM with a 



Solo (individual)     $50

Family                    $100
(2 adult of the same household + their children/grandchildren 18 yrs & under) 
Member +1 (guest)   $120
(one named member who can bring a  guest) 
Members +2 (guest) $150
(two named members who can bring 2 guest each ) 
membership benefits are


~ Unlimited museum visits
~ Gift Shop 10% discounts
~ Monthly Newsletter
~ Members only  events ~ ~Tax deductible (check limits with your tax adviser)
 Open Daily   9 ~ 5

Thanksgiving, New Year Day

 and Christmas Day



Lady Visitor: "I learned so much. Who knew that these old airplans have  fabric skin not metal!"

Oregon Lifestyles

  A Video Tour of WAAAM
Click the Picture  
Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum
Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum

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WAAAM iPhone App -Screen Shots 


Keep History Alive Using Your iPhone!


The iPhone app is FREE so please download it today!




Read all about it!

Online Newsletter


Use your cell phone 



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Support Your WAAAM Air & Auto Museum
Click here and 

The Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum stays open and keeps our engines running because of people like you! 
Thank you. You help make WAAAM wonderful.
From Keeping Things Clean to Keeping Them Running or Doing a Full Restoration, it take a village to make everything at WAAAM happen. THANK YOU for being a part of this  Village.  
 A Current Fundraiser for WAAAM ...
"Donate for Dusters" here 
Cash, Stocks, Cars, Planes, Motorcycles, Real Estate***
Donations of items not fitting in the collection may be sold to fund suitable acquisitions or restorations.Memberships & donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 

Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum

1600 Air Museum Rd. Hood River, OR 97031


