THANK YOU for Giving!
"Thank you for your donations and support to the MAB Foundation! You have made it possible for me to learn even more about a career in broadcasting."
Madison Waldvogel
Rockford High School Grad & MABF Student Advisory Committee Member
Thank you donors! |
Eduardo Fernandez
Bruce and Sue Goldsen
Robert Goodrich
Specs Howard School
Dr. Peter Orlik
Gary Reid
Tom Scanlan
SmallTown Papers
Dirk Spillemaeckers
Rick Sykes
Peter Tanz
Stephen Trivers
Dan Wellman
Bruce and Sue Goldsen
Robert Goodrich
Robert Holland
Debbie Kenyon
Chuck Stokes
Peter Tanz
Michael Walenta
Jennifer Williams
Thank You Founders Club! |
Chairman's Level $100,000 and up
Michigan Association of
W. Lawrence Patrick
President's Level
WHKB-FM & The Marks Foundation
Endowment Level
Ross A. Biederman Jerry P. Colvin Alan W. Frank
Charles D. Fritz Carl E. Lee
Charles D. Mefford
Gary A. Reid
Mark Waters & Nancy
Karole L. White
Membership Level
Elaine Baker P. Thomas Bryson
Eduardo Fernandez Jock T. Fritz Bruce I. & Susan E.
Goldsen Iacobelli Family Foundation Peter A. Kizer Julie M. Koehn
Robert G. Liggett, Jr. Patrick J. Mullen Robert F. Ottaway Tom and Sue Scanlan Willard Schroeder Richard Sommerville Stephen Trivers William J. Wertz
Sustaining Level
Stephen Schram
Contact Us! |
MAB Foundation
819 N. Washington Ave.
Lansing, MI 48906
PH: 517.484.7444
FX: 517.484.5810
Well it looks like summer has finally arrived. The grass is turning green, birds are singing and graduation ceremonies and open houses are underway. Whether it is at the high school or college level, students are talking about their futures. Some are launching their careers with their first job while others are looking at the next step in their educational journey.
The MAB Foundation has played an important role for those students passionate about the broadcasting field. Many of our members have offered students their first career opportunity in this exciting industry, while the foundation as a whole has been devoted to sponsoring award ceremonies to honor the creative works of aspiring broadcasters, holding workshops, seminars and events designed to inform and prepare students for positions in this industry.
The foundation's success in these many endeavors is because of the generous support of our members and foundation supporters. We would like to take a moment to say "Thank You" for your support.
But in order for us to continue to inspire the creative minds who will become the future leaders of this industry, we need your continued support. Please consider making a donation, no matter how large or small, to the MAB Foundation for 2014. For those of you who have donated, again we say "Thank You" and we hope that you will continue to support the foundation.
Rick Sykes
Chairman, MAB Foundation
Professor, Central Michigan University
Founders Club make a strong impact in 2014
Thanks to generous donations, endowments and continued support from the MAB, the MAB Foundation was honored to present 23 college scholarships ($1,000 each) and two high school scholarships ($750 each) in March (pictured above).
These scholarships would not be possible without the generous support from Founders Club donors! Levels start at $2,500 with larger pledges of $50,000 or more, offering an annual scholarship to a Michigan college student.
Contact Julie Sochay for more information and to continue to strengthen our future broadcasting workforce through scholarships!
Support Opportunities - Golf or Sponsor!
Internship Program Offers EEO Credits for Stations
 Are you looking for a way to support the MAB Foundation AND help train a student broadcaster??
The MAB Foundation Internship Program offers stations an opportunity to not only help the Foundation offer hands-on training for our student broadcasters and set them on the right path for a career in broadcasting, but it also is an opportunity for your station to support the MAB Foundation and earn possible EEO credits. Each internship created through this program, puts the organization one step closer to our goal of providing our industry with viable candidates for employment.
Mentoring our Young Professionals at BCBC!
We are looking for broadcast professionals to join us in shaping our future workforce as...
- speakers
- mentors
- career fair booth vendors
- sponsors
- and more!
Anything you can do makes a difference! Mark your calendar for Friday, November 7 and contact Julie Sochay to see what you can do to be a part of this year's BCBC!
Congratulations 2014 Student Award Winners!
Student winners of the 2014 Michigan High School and College Broadcast Awards competition received more than just an award for their wall - they met new contacts, mentors and were able to learn with the top broadcast professionals in the state.
Through the MAB Foundation's student awards program, participants received judges' comments and the opportunity to join hundreds of broadcasters from around the state, free of charge, at the GLBC where the awards were presented in March.
General donations and Founders Club donations from people like you help us keep this program alive and free of charge to all Michigan high schools, colleges and universities. Consider joining us as we plan for the 2015 awards program by judging and/or donating today!
Click here for the full list of student winners!