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                                                                                                           NewsNET May 6, 2015 - Vol 8, Issue 17
Jennifer's story

This Mother's Day, please give generously - in honor of your mother and other important women in your life - to Imagine No Malaria. Along with your donation in her honor you can send her a complimentary e-card.


Join us in sharing this video of Jennifer's story and remember all the resources and information available to you on the West Ohio Imagine No Malaria website at inmohio.org

Come to the Table
Come to the Table Summary

The Ohio River Valley District, in response to the death of several black men because of lethal force from police officers in the fall of 2014, embarked on a campaign from words to action. For three months, a group of lay and clergy United Methodist leaders from across our five-county district engaged in honest and respectful dialogue. They listened and learned from other perspectives. They grew in appreciation of the diverging views of race and policing in this region. After months of word and speech, they committed to truth and action. On Sunday, May 17th, they will gather to put into action four strategic directions. Like Governor Kasich's executive order, the strategic directions among United Methodists is intended to prepare our communities to prevent similar tragic events that we have seen in other U.S. cities. If you haven't been involved to date, but find your interest growing and your passion ignited, please know you are welcome to take part. Click here to register now 

Your family won't want to miss a chance to check out all of the awesome Family Fun events at annual conference this year! Stop by the Family Fun booth, grab a treat and decorate an event name tag needed to participate in the FREE events! All families will receive welcome gifts that include discount coupons to Lakeside businesses and local community attractions. From "Check-in, Schmeck-in" to Hovie Movie: Featuring Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who. Learn more about all the activities and register.
Arctic Imagine Ride

The Arctic Imagine Ride is a motorcycle adventure and creative vision of Rev. Dennis Miller, superintendent of the Foothills District, in response to the West Ohio Conference's campaign for Imagine No Malaria. The goal is to raise $20,000 to save 2,000 men, women, and particularly children from this preventable disease. Malaria claims a life in sub-Saharan Africa every 60 seconds. The Arctic Imagine Ride is an invitation into the fullness of Jesus' call to offer the gift of abundant life to God's children in Africa. Together, we can transform life-wrenching loss into shouts of joy!  Learn more

Grand Adventure (attention grandparents!)

Grandparent Camp is the perfect way to make lasting memories with your grandchild(ren) or grandparent(s), and enjoy sharing your talents, wisdom, love and energy with each other. Go for a swim in the pool or pond, share a canoe or paddle boat, stomp around the mud pit, tell stories during crackling campfires and rolling wagon rides, and sing and worship God in the midst of God's wide creation. During this camp for any age, build and strengthen the bonds that will last a lifetime. Learn more

Rural Advocates Meet

The West Ohio Conference Center was the gathering place for 15 United Methodist Rural Advocates (UMRA) leaders from across the U.S. Attendees at the April 21-24 gathering in Worthington, Ohio came from Hawaii, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Mississippi, Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The mission of UMRA is to advocate for the work of Jesus Christ in rural communities. The primary purpose of the April meeting was to finalize legislation that UMRA will be proposing for General Conference 2016 in Portland, Oregon. A variety of petitions and resolutions that had been proposed for UMRA submission at the Legislative Consultation in October, 2014 were discussed and approved for sending to the General Conference for consideration. Read more

Call for Papers: A Theological Reflection on United Methodist Collegiate Ministries

The Collegiate Ministries office at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry invites you to participate in a scholarly dialogue on collegiate ministry in The United Methodist Church. The theme for the dialogue is: "The Prophetic Voice and Making Peace: Theological Reflection on United Methodist Collegiate Ministries." Within that theme, there are five areas of focus: ecology, interpersonal and structural racism, Christian sexual ethics, religious diversity and pluralism (especially how this is understood in terms of Wesleyan theology), and Christian vocation. The goal of this dialogue is to create for the church and for collegiate ministries a resource that addresses theologically the current primary concerns on college campuses and in the lives of college students. You are invited to submit a paper proposal that attends to one of the five themes for consideration to be invited to the dialogue. Learn more

2015 Annual Conference Session

Children and Families:

Member Information:

Offering Information: 

  • All clergy and lay members mustbregister onlinebfor the 2015 Annual Conference Session before the deadline ofbMay 30. Register via the West Ohio website at Register for Events.
  • Clergy wishing to be excused from Annual Conference should complete this request form.

Upcoming Events

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Let us remember in prayer those grieving the loss of their loved one, and remember in thanksgiving the life and ministry of:

Alice McCormack who died on April 29. Mrs. McCormack is survived by her husband, Rev. Lynn E. McCormack, a retired elder in the West Ohio Conference; a sister Vanita (Harry) Street; stepdaughter Minda (Ron) Jones; stepdaughter-in-law Jill Burley McCormack; 5 step grandchildren and 10 step great-grandchildren. Rev. and Mrs. McCormack were married in 1975 and together they served St. Paul's (Montpelier, 1979); Metamora (1992); and Oakwood Cornerstone (1994) United Methodist Churches. ObituaryExpressions of condolence may be sent to Rev. Lynn McCormack, 101 Circle Drive, Leipsic, Ohio 45856.


Diana Lee Michael who died on April 28. Surviving Diana is her husband, Rev. Peter Callam Michael, an elder in the West Ohio Conference. Also surviving are her three sons; Bill (Teri) Thacker Jr., John (Ashley) Thacker, Geoffrey Thacker; her stepdaughter, Debra (John) McVey; her sister, Mary Patton; three grandchildren; and three step grandchildren. Mrs. Michael was a member and the parish administrator of the All Saints Episcopal Church in Portsmouth. Rev. Michael currently serves as Hospice Chaplain at Southern Ohio Medical Center in Portsmouth. ObituaryExpressions of condolence may be sent to Rev. Pete Michael, 23 Jason Lane, Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694. 

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