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News for West Ohio Conference Congregations
March 25, 2014 - Vol 7, Issue 12


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How does UMCOR work?
How UMCOR works

In this episode of One Great Hour of Sharing Podcasts, Greg Forrester, leader of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) US Disaster Response area, explains how UMCOR works and how One Great Hour of Sharing helps. One Great Hour of Sharing Pastor Toolkit

Local church fighting malaria in Africa and Haiti

Harlem Road United Methodist Church in Galena is a globally-focused church. Their work in Haiti includes onsite and financial support for an orphanage, including helping them keep their more than 100 kids protected from malaria. In addition to their very important work in Haiti, Harlem Road has decided to make a commitment to Imagine No Malaria in Africa because "The United Methodist Church has developed the program to ensure that our dollars will be put to the best possible use in fighting Malaria. Then...after Africa...perhaps Haiti will be the next focus." (read more of their story)

Overview of copyright licensing for churches

What is a Copyright?There is much confusion about about what kinds of licenses a church may need to comply with the copyright laws. The first step is to learn a few basics: 

  1. Read  "Copyrights 101 by Church Copyright Solutions" 
  2. Watch this short video
  3. Visit westohioumc.org/copyright  for more information.

Women invited to join mission journey to Cambodia

In 2004, with the people of Cambodia still recovering from the ravages of the Khmer Rouge's killing fields, the Methodist Mission in Cambodia was formed. This mission has grown to include over 5,000 church members, 143 congregations and 140 pastors. The United Methodist Women invite you on an Ubuntu Mission Journey to Cambodia, where women will have the opportunity to grow in understanding of the Cambodia Methodist Women and their ministries, share cultural experiences, deepen their faith, encourage bonds of friendship and exchange ideas. The journey will take place March 4-16, 2015, with registrations due September 1, 2014. (details)

Historian of the year selected

The West Ohio Commission on Archives & History has selected the 2014 West Ohio Conference Historian of the Year. Gretchen Wilson, historian for Sharonville United Methodist Church for 10 years until 2012, was selected for her work on a 200 year history for the church. Gretchen will be awarded a plaque by the United Methodist Historical Society at its Annual Meeting and Convocation in April. Also nominated and receiving certificates for their work as church historians will be Bernard "Bernie" Berg of Leipsic United Methodist Church, Eva Barger of Concord United Methodist Church, and Tom Atkinson of First United Methodist Church (Middletown). For additional information about the annual meeting see the events listings below or click here 

Wings of the Morning update from Gaston Ntambo

Every year January through April a cholera outbreak claims many lives along the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This year is no exception. In Nyembo Mpungu, 28 had died and 67 were being treated when medicine arrived from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). We are very grateful to UMCOR for making the difference among so many lives.   (continued)

Servant opportunities to prepare our camps

Work camps help revive West Ohio camps from a long winter and getting them ready for the spring and summer camp seasons. Come and be the hands and feet of Jesus, helping to prepare for thousands of campers to experience a connection with Jesus during their camping experiences. Work camps are ideal for small church groups or individuals with a variety of indoor/outdoor projects. There is NO cost to come and serve. If your church group is unable to attend that weekend, another weekend may be arranged. Please also prayerfully consider a financial commitment to cover a certain project that your church can start and complete. Camp Otterbein Work Camp, Camp Wesley Work Camp, Camp Widewater Work Camp.

Distinguished evangelist of church award

Foundation for EvangelismThe Foundation for Evangelism is seeking nominations for the 2014 Distinguished Evangelist of The United Methodist Church Award. With this honor, the Foundation celebrates a United Methodist clergy or lay person whose personal ministry in evangelism is recognized throughout the denomination. The 2014 Distinguished Evangelist of The United Methodist Church will join others such as Adam Hamilton, Shane Bishop, Jorge Acevedo, Charles Anderson, and Mark Beeson as exceptional United Methodist leaders who have a passion for evangelism. (learn more)

Upcoming EventsUpcomingEvents

Let us remember in prayer those grieving the loss of their loved one, and remember in thanksgiving the life of:



Rev. Charles F. Cooley, age 95, who died on March 21. Rev. Cooley retired in 1988 after having served in past Ohio conferences, the West Ohio Conference and the Western Michigan Conference. Private memorial services will be held at a later date. Expressions of condolence will reach Charles' brother and sister-in-law, Rev. & Mrs. Franklin Cooley, 5045 Sycamore St., Elida, Ohio 45807.


Mrs. Sue Reeves who died on March 23. Sue was the spouse of Rev.Tim Reeves, currently serving at Middleburg United Methodist Church. Visitation will be Friday, March 28 from 6-8 pm and Saturday, March 29 from 10-11 am at Middleburg United Methodist Church, 11824 State Route 287, Middleburg, Ohio 43336. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Saturday, March 29 at 11:00 am, also at the church. Expressions of condolence will reach Rev. Reeves and family at 9710 County Road 153, East Liberty, Ohio 43319

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