All students are invited to the 3rd Annual Homecoming Bonfire & Car Smash on Thursday, September 19 at 7:30pm behind the AHS Stadium.

09/18/13 Wednesday |
W JV Volleyball | Pope | Location: Pope | Time: 5:15 PM | W JV Volleyball | Kell | Location: Pope | Time: 6:15 PM | W JV Softball | Harrison | Location: Allatoona | Time: 5:00 PM | W Varsity Softball | Harrison | Location: Allatoona | Time: 7:00 PM | 09/19/13 Thursday |
W Varsity Softball | Rome | Location: Allatoona | Time: 5:55 PM | W Varsity Volleyball | Cobb Co. Tourn. | Location: Allatoona | Time: TBD | M 9th Football | North Paulding | Location: Allatoona | Time: 6:00 PM | M JV Football | North Paulding | Location: North Paulding | Time: 6:00 PM | 09/20/13 Friday |
M Varsity Football | Lithia Springs | Location: Allatoona | Time: 7:30 PM | 09/21/13 Saturday |
W Varsity Volleyball | Cobb Co. Tourn. | Location: Allatoona | Time: TBD |

Univ. of North GA
SEPTEMBER 19 Agnes Scott College
Mercer Univ.
GA Southern
PROBE College Fair
Cobb South Fair
Monday, September 23
Marietta High School
6:30 - 9:30 PM
Seniors must book an appointment at the Cady Studios location in Roswell to have their portraits taken. All portraits must be taken by December 16 for pictures to appear in the yearbook!
Stay Connected
AHS PTSA Needs Your Support
We are getting close to a 50% mark for PTSA membership and would love to increase last year's membership. Please remember that all PTSA dollars received go to Allatoona High School, Local, State and National PTA.
What does the Allatoona PTSA do for you? We produce these school emails and maintain the PTSA website and Facebook pages to keep you informed, offer upcoming PTSA-sponsored SAT prep classes, recognize student achievement with the funding of student scholarships and the Honor Roll banners in Allatoona's hallways and so much more!
Please join us if you have not become a member yet. We do not do participate in any fundraising and we rely on our membership dues and donations to our budget for all PTSA events held at AHS. You can join today by joining online, submit your membership form to or send your form in to the school with the attention to AHS PTSA. Thank you for your support of the PTSA.

2013 Homecoming Dance This Saturday
The 2013 Homecoming Dance is this Saturday, September 21 from 8pm to 11pm. Club Emerald Homecoming Dance Tickets are on sale at the HELM desk during all lunches now through Friday, September 20. You must have a completed Behavior Contract and your student ID to purchase tickets. Additional copies will be available at the HELM desk.
Prices are $25 per person or $40 per pair of tickets. Checks should be made payable to AHS. Change cannot be provided for checks nor cash given in the incorrect amount, so please make sure you have the EXACT amount required to purchase your ticket(s). Don't let your child miss the chance to experience the walk from Kansas through Munchkinland and into the Land of Oz where they will experience the lights, music and excitement of Club Emerald.
 SAT Prep Class Offered
The Allatoona PTSA will again offer a SAT Prep Class this fall to help students accomplish the following: - Build Helpful Strategies to Prepare for the SAT Reading, Math & Writing Sections - Instructional classroom support by AHS faculty, and - Participate in taking a full length practice test The SAT Prep Class will include 7 days of instruction and on the 8th meeting participate in a practice SAT exam. Classes will begin on Monday, October 28th at Allatoona High School. Cost is $150.00 for Student PTSA Members ($6 membership saves $25) and $175.00 for non-PTSA Members. Class Dates:
(Practice Test)
Registration can be completed as follows: - Submit Payment Online
- Complete the attached application and submit to the Counseling Office, or mail to AHS at: Attention SAT Prep Course, Allatoona High School PTSA, 3300 Dallas Acworth Highway, Acworth, GA 30101
 2013-2014 Reflections Theme is "Believe, Dream, Inspire." What do you believe in? What are your dreams? Who inspires you? Choreograph a dance, produce a film, write a poem or story, compose a song, take a picture or create a piece of visual art and tell us your interpretation of the theme: "Believe, Dream, Inspire." Complete a PTA Reflections Entry Form today and submit. General participation rules and detailed information about the program can be found at our PTSA website. Contact our Reflections Chair Julie Strickland with questions.
Allatoona Chorus Presents 1st Annual Musical Coffee House & Silent Auction
Join the Allatoona Chorus for its 1st Annual Musical Coffee House & Silent Auction, Friday, September 27, 7pm - 10pm in the AHS Cafeteria.
Tickets are $5 and are on sale now through the event. To purchase, please contact Peggy Gorhum.
Bring your family and friends for an evening of musical entertainment featuring a variety talented student artists. Justin the Magician will also be in attendance working his magic for all ages. While enjoying the nights entertainment, dessert and light refreshments, we encourage you to bid on silent auction items which include an iPad Mini, weekend getaways, tickets to Atlanta sports and entertainment venues (i.e. Hawks and Ballet) among other services and creative items up for bid. All proceeds going to support the Allatoona Chorus Booster program.
Question: If there was a captivating program you could attend with your student, that would reduce the likelihood of them being involved in an accident by more than 75%, would you attend? And if so, how much would that be worth to you? How does less than � of your insurance deductible sound?
Yes, the Accident Avoidance Workshops is that program. Yes, it costs less than � of the typical $500 deductible. Yes, you can write a portion of it off on your taxes. Yes, both you AND your student will receive Defensive Driving Certificates, which has saved some families over $500 a year for 3 years running. But don't do it because of the money. Do it because your student can't be replaced.
The Workshops are coming right to Allatoona High School this November. Click here for more information and for a complete schedule, or call 770-262-7009. If you are ready to register, you may click here.
 Academic Recognition Friday, October 11
We are looking for business owners to donate items for our honor students and parents to volunteer for the event to be held on Friday, October 11. Contact Wynne Shoemaker for more information and to assist.
 Financial Aid Night Monday, October 14
Mark your calendars for Financial Aid Night, Monday, October 14, 6:30 pm in the AHS Cafeteria. Contact Dawn Neely in the Counselors' Office for more information.