| Allatoona High School Football 2013 Hype |
Wednesday, 9/4 JV Volleyball @ Walton w/Lassiter
Thursday, 9/5 V Volleyball @ McEachern JV Football @ S. Paulding, 6pm F Football vs S. Paulding, 6pm V Softball @ E Paulding, 7pm
Friday, 9/6 SENIOR NIGHT V Football vs Paulding County, 7:30pm
Saturday, 9/7 JV Volleyball @ N Cobb Classic
JV/V Cross Country @ Panther XC Invite, Fayetteville
Monday, 9/9 JV Volleyball @ Villa Rica Hiram @ Lithia Springs
V Softball vs Pope, 5:30pm
Tuesday, 9/10 V Volleyball @ Villa Rica Hiram @ Lithia Springs
V Softball vs Paulding County, 5:55pm
Homecoming T-shirts
are presale only!
They are $15 and on sale during lunches this week at the HELM desk. If paying by check, make it out to AHS.

John Casablanca's Modeling & Career Center
Valdosta State
Univ. of North GA
Mercer Univ.
GA Southern
Stay Connected
 Principal Bursmith Hosts School Year's First Coffee Talk
Join Mr. Bursmith and Allatoona's Administration Staff for Coffee Talk, an open forum meeting. This is your chance to discuss any concerns or share ideas about our school with our staff.
When: Friday, September 6 @ 9am
Where: Media Center
 2013-2014 Reflections Theme is "Believe, Dream, Inspire." What do you believe in? What are your dreams? Who inspires you? Choreograph a dance, produce a film, write a poem or story, compose a song, take a picture or create a piece of visual art and tell us your interpretation of the theme: "Believe, Dream, Inspire." Complete a PTA Reflections Entry Form today and submit. General participation rules can be found here.
 PTSA Announces iPad Mini Winner
As a part of this year's membership drive, the AHS PTSA provided raffle tickets for the chance to win an iPad Mini to those who signed up for membership before last week's Open House. We're pleased to announce that Mary Drake Chavez is the lucky winner! Thanks for joining the AHS PTSA!
 AHS Helm Announces A "Wiz" of a Homecoming
The AHS Helm announced this year's Homecoming Theme: Emerald City. Homecoming week is September 16 - 20 with the Homecoming Dance on September 21, 8 - 11pm.
Dress-Up Days
Monday: Fake Injury Day
Tuesday: Buc Dynasty Day (Redneck Day)
Wednesday: There's No Place Like Home (Culture Day)
Thursday: Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! Day (Animal Day)
Friday: Battle of the Colors (Spirit Day) -- Seniors (Black), Juniors (Red), Sophomores (White), Freshmen (Lime Green)Call For Donations & Volunteers Donations of candy are needed for this year's Candy Bar! Specific candies (in bulk, please) include: Red Hot Hearts | Banana Runts | Indigo (bluish purple) M&M's Peach Rings | Green Jelly Beans | Purple Nerds Blue Jolly Ranchers Donations of corn stalks to decorate Kansas at the Homecoming Dance are also needed. Parent volunteers who would like to chaperone will be assigned to the Coat Check area and the Candy Bar and are needed 7:30 - 11:30pm. Please email Mrs. Shoemaker if you are willing to help and/or donate candy or stalks, as well as the type of candy you'd like to donate.
Senior Portraits Deadline Announced
Seniors who have not yet had a portrait taken for the yearbook have one more opportunity to do so at Allatoona on Saturday, September 14 from 9am to 4pm in the practice gym. Appointments are strongly suggested to avoid long wait times. Go to www.cadystudios.com to schedule an appointment. After this date, students must book an appointment at the Cady Studios location in Roswell to have their portraits taken. All portraits must be taken by December 16 for pictures to appear in the yearbook!
If there was a captivating program you could attend with your student that would reduce the likelihood of them being involved in an accident by more than 75%, would you attend? And if so, how much would that be worth to you? How does less than � of your insurance deductible sound?
Whether building confidence in new drivers, or knocking the hot-rods down a few pegs, the Accident Avoidance Workshops' goal is to save lives by positively impacting new drivers' development, in both their decision making abilities and the physical skills necessary to maximize on their own vehicle's capabilities without losing control of their vehicle, or themselves.
The Workshops are coming right to Allatoona High School this November. Click here for more information and for a complete schedule, or call 770-262-7009. If you are ready to register, you may click here.
Your PTSA Membership Counts
Haven't joined the AHS PTSA yet? We've made it more convenient than ever to become a member. Your $6 membership and any donation go toward so many great programs at AHS for students, staff, and parents. Both the PTSA and the school get recognition at the local, state, and national level based on memberships and programs. The AHS PTSA can be a model PTSA, but we need your help. Please join today. For your convenience, there are several ways to join: