14 August 2013
In This Issue
W Varsity Softball
Location: LassiterTime: 5:55 PM
W Varsity Volleyball
Mt. Paran
Location: Mt. ParanTime: 5:00 PM
W Varsity Volleyball
Location: Mt. ParanTime: 6:00 PM
M Varsity Football
North Cobb
Location: North CobbTime: 7:00 PM

Use your credit/debit card to pay for your PTSA memberships and donations!

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Join the PTSA

Thank you to all new members of the Allatoona High School PTSA.  As a result of the Buc Blast and the Staff Luncheon, we have 650 memberships so far!  To reach our goal of 1,000 members, we have a ways to go.  Your $6 membership and any donation go toward so many great programs at AHS for students, staff, and parents.  Both the PTSA and the school get recognition at the local, state, and national level based on memberships and programs.  The AHS PTSA can be a model PTSA, but we need your help.  Please join today.  For your convenience, there are several ways to join: 
  1. Join now by paying online
  2. Download the form and send back into the AHS with the attention to PTSA.
  3. Email us and we'll send you a form.  
Thank you and have a great school year! 
Kazerooni Earns Spot On All-State Cheerleading Squad
Congratulations to one of our senior Allatoona cheerleaders,

Madison Kazerooni, on making the Georgia All-State Cheerleading Squad.    


During the first round of the competition, Madison was scored on academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, leadership, and community service. Over the weekend, she traveled to Columbus to compete in the second round which consisted of an interview and individual performance.  Only 16 cheerleaders were selected from the state and Allatoona is the only school from Cobb County that has representatives on the All-State squad. 


Madison is now in the running for Georgia Cheerleader of the Year.  Both the runner-up and the Cheerleader of the Year will receive scholarship money and will be announced at the state competition in November.

Order Yearbooks Online To Avoid Price Increase
Pre-order your yearbook now to avoid price increases! Yearbooks may be purchased online using school code 10511. Alternately, you may order by sending cash or check with a completed form to Mrs. Williams in room 2202. 

Round to Ten to Win!
If you entered the PTSA "ROUND TO TEN TO WIN" Raffle at Buc Bash on August 5 for the chance to win an IPAD MINI, remember that we'll draw the winner at Open House on August 29! If you join the PTSA before Open House, you'll still be entered into the raffle for a chance to win. Membership cards will be sent home with your student or mailed.  
Allatoona High School PTSA | bucblast@gmail.com | http://www.ptsaahs.com
3300 Dallas-Acworth Highway
Acworth, GA 30101
Submissions to the Buc Blast are due every Monday by 5pm.