January 2017

Celebrate the Arizona Humanities Awards February 24th

Congratulations to the 2017 Arizona Humanities Awards Recipients! Read more about each recipient and their incredible accomplishments on our website. 

Be sure to listen to the KJZZ interview with Mark Brodie and Brenda Thomson about the awards.

James Blasingame
Humanities Public Scholar Award
Barbara Hatch
Friend of the
Humanities Award
Nancy Liliana
Humanities Rising
Star Award
Celebrate the award recipients and nominees at the 2017 Arizona Humanities Awards Event on Friday, February 24th from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at New City PHX (1300 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004). Enjoy appetizers, drinks, a lively program and music.

Vail Preservation Society Awarded Storying Arizona Grant

Esmond Station Student Oral History Project with Lucy Haro, courtesy Vail Preservation Society
Congratulations to the Vail Preservation Society! The Vail Preservation Society (VPS) recently received the $10,000 Storying Arizona Grant. VPS will use the grant for their oral history project Celebrating Every Voice. Students and community members will record and share Vail's history through a variety of efforts, story slams and community conversations in Vail, Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff.

Arizona Humanities will share more news from this special initiative in the future.
Mini Grants Can Help Support Your 2017 Programs

Mini Grant Recipient: BreakBeat Poets Workshops and Performance, 2016
Are you looking for funding to support humanities programs this year? Mini Grants are small grants of up to $2,000 that are available on a rolling basis to support innovative public programs that increase understanding of the human experience.

Click here to read more about Mini Grants and the application process in our Grant Guidelines.
Discuss Refugee Resettlement, Modern Policing, Racial Literacy and more with FRANK Talks at your library

FRANK Talk at Chandler Public Library
Take part in thought-provoking, expert-facilitated discussions on important current issues. FRANK Talks inspire people to practice the skills of citizenship - to listen respectfully, and to engage thoughtfully with one another and are brought to you by a partnership between Arizona Humanities and the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, 

Explore January Grantee Highlights

Pueblo Grande Museum Drop-In Discovery Saturdays (January 21)

Every third Saturday of the month through April, enjoy free, fun, educational programs on the back patio at Pueblo Grande Museum. On Saturday, January 21st, join Ron Carlos, Maricopa Potter and Jacob Butler, Onk Akimel O'Odham Artist, on the back patio for a drop-in informational program and demonstration about the process of making pottery. Click here to learn more.

Baca Float Ranch Movie Event in Green Valley (January 21)

In southern Arizona, Baca Float Ranch was located south of Canoa Ranch before it became Rio Rico. The ranch no longer exists. The Bottom of the Bottle, a 1956 Fox Movie production, shares author Georges Simenon's perception of the people who lived on Baca Float Ranch, and their social lifestyle. Scholar Gregory McNamee offers a lively look into the movies made and stars who shared stories of western lifestyles in and around Canoa, followed by a viewing of a locally inspired 1956 film. Click here to learn more.
Author + Talks Return to Downtown Phoenix January 19th 

Examine issues of equity and diversity in our school system with Angelina Castagno from Northern Arizona University on Thursday, January 19th. Castagno, an educational anthropologist, will share her research on the ways students and communities engage systems of race and power.

When: Thursday, January 19th - 6:45-8:30 p.m. (Talk and Q&A)
Where: Arizona Humanities - 1242 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004

Free event with light refreshments included. 
RSVP through eventbrite: 
Join Arizona Friends of the Libraries Conference January 21

Are you a member or do you volunteer for your Friends of the Library group? Friends of Libraries are important organizations that support local libraries in communities throughout Arizona. Friends groups help with fundraising, advocacy, literacy programs, and so much more. Join your library and support your peers from around the state at the Arizona Friends of Libraries Conference, featuring keynote speaker Jana Bommersbach.

When: January 21, 2017 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Where: Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004

Click here to learn more about the Arizona Friends of the Libraries Conference.
Water/Ways Application Deadline is March 1st

Image from the Water/Way exhibit, courtesy of the Florida Humanities Council
With the holidays over and the new years resolutions filling up your to-do lists, just a reminder the deadline to submit your application to host the Smithsonian's Water/Ways exhibit is March 1, 2017

Each site will host the exhibit, develop public programs, connect with local partners, and share their own community water story. This program is a great opportunity for rural cultural organizations and towns to collaborate and become a catalyst for recognition in the community. 

2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards Applications Now Open

The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is accepting applications for the 2017 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards.
Twelve award-winning programs this year will each receive $10,000 and an invitation to accept their award at a ceremony at the White House.
After-school and out-of-school-time arts and humanities programs, also known as Creative Youth Development programs, are encouraged to apply. Nominations are due February 8th. 

NEH Announces $16.3 Million for 290 Humanities Projects

In it's most recent announcement of awards, NEH grants will support a variety of humanities-based research and programs. NEH Chairman William D. Adams shared, "The humanities help us study our past, understand our present, and prepare for our future. The National Endowment for the Humanities is proud to support projects that will benefit all Americans and remind us of our shared human experience." 

One grant was awarded to Arizona: Arizona State University received a $46,200 grant for fellowships for advanced research on Japan. Project Director Aaron S. Moore will lead "Engineering Asian Development: The Cold War and Japan's Post-Colonial Power in Asia." Click here to read more about the NEH grant recipients.

Interested in learning about NEH grant opportunities for your organization? Click here to learn more about grants and deadlines.
National Day of Healing Event Lands in Phoenix January 17th

The National Day of Racial Healing and the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) initiative focus on transformation in America - a nation that was conceived in the constitution and built on a belief in racial hierarchy, a collective national consciousness that has dominated the educational, economic, social and legal discourse for centuries. Supported by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the National Day of Racial Healing is a by-product of TRHT's effort to provide a collective commitment and long-term determination to embrace a new narrative for the nation, a belief in our common humanity. The goal is to be a nation united and free of racial biases. 

Phoenix events will include storytelling on the light rail and a strorytelling performance at the A.E. England Building at Civic Space Park in downtown Phoenix. Visit to learn more.
Spotlight on City Poet Laureates in Phoenix and Tucson

Rosemarie Dombrowski, via ASU Now
Congratulations to poet, teacher, and literary advocate Rosemarie Dombrowski who will serve as the first Poet Laureate for the City of Phoenix. Supported by the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture and the Phoenix Public Library, Dombrowski will begin a two-year term starting this month. She will give public readings, compose poems for special occasions, and work on a special project with a focus on education.

Applications for Tucson's next poet laureate are now open! Supported by the City of Tucson, Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona, and University of Arizona Poetry Center Tucson's next poet laureate will "promote poetry and an appreciation of poetry amongst the general public and to inspire an emerging generation of literary artists and readers of literature." Nominations are due February 1st and the selected individual will serve a two- year term to begin March 1st.

Thanks to our Generous Supporters - December 2016

Andrea Ahmed*
Jerry and Judy Ankenbrandt
Betsy Bayless
Cordelia Beveridge
Gail Bradley*
Gail Browne
Ryan Bruce*
Roberta Buchanan
Becky Burnham
Sam Campana
Michael and Ricki Cantor
Carol Christine
Tina Clark*
January Contreras
Beverly Copen
Margo Cordova
Robert Crawford
Allen Dart
Leslie Dashew
Sara Dial
John Doty
Anne Doyle*
Joyce East
Lorraine Field
Virginia and David Foster
Nita Francis
Jill Ginsburg
Deb Gullett
Pam Hait
Rita Hamilton*
Lisa Hartsock
Sharon Hoblit
Emily and William Jaeger
Dana Jamison, MD*
Barbara Jaquay
Anna and Richard Johnson
Phyllis Kaminsky
Lois Kelley
Mari Koener
Kathy Kolbe
Beverly Konik
David and Carrye Lersch
Rabbi Alicia Magal
Mary Martuscelli
Tammy McLeod
Elizabeth McNamee
Nancy Medbery
Duane Morse
Leslie Motter
Margaret Mullen
Paul & Lynette Murphy
Kathy Murphy
Mary Lu Nunley*
Cathy Olesen
Barb and Jerry Probst
Martha Prumers
Philip and Carolyn Robbins
Joan Roberts
Fran Roberts
Jeffrey Ross
Mary Jane Rynd
William Scales
Mary Schroeder
Debora Schwartz
Margaret Serrano-Foster
Marilyn Seymann
Dan Shilling
Richard Smith
Rodo Sofranac,(Thrivent Choice)
Linda Srere
Karrin Taylor
Brenda Thomson
Laura Tohe
Pam Turbeville
Karilyn Vanoosten
Carolyn Warner
Christine Wilkinson
Celeste Winters
Edwin and Norma Womack
Tamara Woodbury
Drexel Woodson
Emerson Yearwood*
Juliana Yoder
Great American Title Agency
The Rob and Melani Walton Foundation

*Current Board Member
The Social Buzz

Important Dates
  • January 16 - Office Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 
  • March 1 - Water/Ways Smithsonian Exhibit Application Deadline
About Arizona Humanities

Mission: Arizona Humanities builds a just and civil society by creating opportunities to explore our shared human experiences through discussion, learning and reflection.

Arizona Humanities is a statewide 501(c)3 non-profit organization and the Arizona affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Arizona Humanities supports public programs that promote understanding of the human experience with cultural, educational, and non-profit organizations across Arizona.

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