
   Astara Visions  Newsletter 



"The Comfort of Compassion"


It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   
 Astara E. Edmonds  


Words of Wisdom


"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The mountain has left me feeling renewed..... I've let myself be rooted in the unshakable sanity of the senses, spared my mind the burden of too much thinking, turned myself outward to experience the world and inward to savor the pleasures it has given me."
~ Richard Nelson

"To live in this single moment, this lightest breath, this softest touch, to be captured by this smallest, this briefest space of time, to be fully present, alive, consumed by this instant alone, this is truly living."
~ Jim Pendley

Astara 2011

I want to thank you for letting me share my messages with you. 
You are my inspiration. It is my honor to listen as SPIRIT SPEAKS, bringing us all a little bit of wisdom.



Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy that we are capable of joining and influencing.
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.

Please join me in aligning with: 

Additional link for global healing:  


Issue: #63                           

June/July 2016
image by Alexander Maltev
Say "yes" to your goodness. The Light of your Goodness illuminates the world.


SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds

Happy Summer Solstice,  
June 20, 2016

"The Comfort of Compassion"
(a message worth repeating for these times)

Out of the vastness of the Universe and the depths of our Hearts, comes love and compassion.  Through love and compassion we discover comfort for ourselves, our family, our friends and our planet.  Comfort has many facets like the prism of a crystal and each facet has significance.   Whether you are giving or receiving comfort, you join a vast force of transformational power.

A comforting smile, hug, gesture or word has the power to lift and transform sadness, despair, confusion, loneliness and grief.   We each have that gift inside ourselves to give to another who is in need of our gift. When each of us slips into that place of need, someone can cross our path who touches our heart with that same gift of comfort.  We also benefit from the presence of Angels who come to our aide when we need support. Angels of compassion, unfailing love and great comfort.

We are living in a unique period of Earth's emergence as she is growing and increasing her vibration from less dense frequencies to more refined frequencies.  With these changes comes a purification of the lower, more dense vibrations.  Much of what is held in darkness rises to the light to be revealed and processed.   Much of the turmoil that we experience and see around the world is due to the unmasking of what has been hidden. Now we see more, hear more and know more.  Working through our collective fear, anxiety, resentments, anger and hurt is part of this process as we are awakening into a more refined state of being.

Many of you who are reading this are dedicated to "being of service" in this lifetime.  Whether you are a healer, intuitive, counselor, teacher, speaker, writer, shaman, artist, environmentalist, or friend of humanity, the goodness you offer is very important.  The kindness you offer helps you and others feel better.

May each of us in our own way say "Yes" to our heart's expansion and allow compassion to flow through us more freely.  Free-flowing compassion can effect our lives and the lives of others in positive and comforting ways.  May this expanded love and compassion bring out the best in each of us to nurture the world.

As we grow in self-awareness, simply ask; "what are my gifts and how may I use my gifts effectively in service to the world?" As the answe
rs unfold, we extend ourselves beyond the "Me" to the "We".  When the focus is on the "We", giving, sharing and being of service emerge naturally and with unified strength.   When we realize the "We" in us, service oriented endeavors become more important and more available to us.   Look within to the gifts you have to offer and be willing to express these gifts.  The world is ready for your talent and compassionate action.  Your generosity has no limits and your goodness and kindness makes a positive contribution to a higher quality of life.

  • Say "YES" to your goodness.
  • The light of your Goodness illuminates the world.


An affirmation/prayer for you.  
� 2016 Astara E. Edmonds. This message may be shared with my copyright name. See www.AstaraVisions.com for newsletter archive link.

An Inspiring Video Message
from www.thebigglow.com  

Spirit and Spices, The Vegetarian Way

 June of 2015, Summer Solstice, my cookbook was published and ready to fly.  I am proud of this accomplishment, a profound journey for me.

To celebrate this anniversary of creativity, I am offering this special:  $15.95 plus shipping.
  (Offer good through July 2016) 
  Just reply to this newsletter and I will send you a special  PayPal invoice.
These delicious and nutritious vegetarian recipes are designed for everyone who wants to create welcoming meals.

I love the aroma, taste and essence of spices!
Good spices are rich and flavorful and fun.
I offer you my spicing experience to enrich your food
 and inspire you to be creative in your own way.
I encourage the use of high quality ingredients that are organic and as free of additives, pesticides,
 chemicals and GMO's as possible.
Our food is meant to be li
fe sustaining and enriching.

I believe in a healthy, vital immune system through wise
choices in food. Our relationship with food has the
potential to give us optimal health while being
appetizing and delicious.
It is with a joy filled heart that I bring you this inspired
collection with the hope that I offer you a spark that will ignite in you a deeper awareness of the spirit in food.

And, yes, it is OK to play with your food!

Available for purchase at: 
$19.95 + shipping.  
Major credit cards accepted.
To receive the SPECIAL price, reply to this newsletter.

Thank You for purchasing for yourself or a loved one!

Inspiring Meditations Videos by Astara

Please enjoy my group meditations recorded live from the  Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in Tampa. 


You are my inspiration for doing this.  

Enjoy and please share with friends and anyone who would benefit by listening to them. 


BMSE 2014 Gift Meditation by Astara E  Edmonds
BMSE 2014 Gift Meditation by Astara E Edmonds



Summer Solstice, June, 2014

(A potent 5 minutes)  





An Expansive Meditation

For You and Earth 

 "Awakening Our Awareness"
 by Astara Edmonds Live 2013
July, 2013  
(9:16 min.)

 May your Light be Joy and your Joy be Love.
  Astara in Belize 2012

Psychic/Clairvoyant, Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Public Speaker,
 Writer and Author.   

I am available for Private Readings in person or by phone and all levels of Reiki Trainings.  Please see my web site for
 prices and details.  Credit cards accepted.


          Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is  avgreen frogailable at:
or contact Astara at 352-447-4104
 email astaravisions1@yahoo.com  

Astara Visions is located in Inglis, Florida
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.  Articles may be shared with authorship named.  



I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."  
Albert Einstein

 Purpose Angel wings