
   Astara Visions  Newsletter 



"Being heart Centered"


It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   
 Astara E. Edmonds  


Words of Wisdom

"Being still does not mean don't move.
It means move in peace."
E'yen A. Gardner

"If you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomena of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that."   
Alan Watts

 "Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become."  

Paramahansa Yogananda


"Why do humans think
Earth is silent beneath all that stone and dirt?
Why don't they hear her
as clearly as I do?

The whispers of moonlight,
the summons of sun,
the longing of river
and the shout of thunder.

Earth is not silent.
She speaks in every turning of her axis,
every tilting of her hips,
and in the secrets she shares with the seasons and in every tectonic shift.

Earth is not silent.
She speaks through weather and breathes through forests and she loves through her trees.
She dances in her oceans and she rests in her deserts.

Why do humans think
She is so silent when she has so much to say?
If only we could learn
to truly listen."

Edveeje Fairchild

"When we dedicate our lives to becoming a blended being that brings Divine Light through a physical body, we are becoming beacons of inspiration and love for the Earth's evolution."
Shanta Gabriel

Astara 2011

I want to thank you for letting me share my messages with you. 
You are my inspiration. It is my honor to listen as SPIRIT SPEAKS, bringing us all a little bit of wisdom.



Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy that we are capable of joining and influencing.
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.

Please join me in aligning with: 

Additional link for global healing:  

*A very special global Reiki focus of healing is taking place for a dear friend, Laurelle Gaia.  Your positive alignment for healing and your prayers are greatly appreciated.*
Namaste', Astara

Issue: #59                       
September 2015      
Be the Peace


  • SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds  

  "Being Heart Centered"
This message comes through the energies of the 2015 Fall Equinox along with other potent astrological energies sweeping this home world, Earth.  Times are potent on so many levels as we individually and collectively awaken and transform ourselves. It is not an easy or comfortable journey much of the time, but it is on purpose by our soul intention to be here now.  Always, at the core of all change, is the everlasting, ever present power of love. Love, the truth of our being, is guiding our footsteps along our path.
I recently returned from the International Reiki Retreat held in Sedona, Arizona, consisting of a group of fellow Reiki Masters and practitioners.   It was an amazing gathering of healers dedicated to serving life with their gifts and talents.   I know it was a moment of recharging, refueling and re-energizing for each of us.  As the conference completed, we flew off in different directions across the country and beyond, to be who we are. This gathering is one example of how spirit offers support to create and reinforce ones inner strength to be in our ever changing world.
As a messenger for Spirit, my commitment to you (and myself), is one of encouragement to seek and share your talent and gifts with the world.  We each have our own song to sing and dance to dance that expresses Source within us.   Your special talent and gifts are what the world needs to spark the flow of inspiration and creativity.  These gestures of giving have a powerful effect on dispelling negativity.   Your talent may be the very gift that someone needs and is waiting for.
All of us can feel weary or doubtful at times.  That is when we turn to our inner Source, to that place of quiet listening and conversation with Spirit.  From this place of stillness, we know that we are all connected and there is nothing really "outside" of us.   From this place, we can ask the Angels for help or assistance, knowing we are having a conversation with loving and brilliant family who care about our well being.  As we all grow in our trust in this inner process, we become stronger, more resilient, more creative and less fearful.
We are empathic beings feeling many thoughts and emotions generated by others.  Using techniques of clearing energy is important to keep ourselves balanced.  You may find this method of clearing is helpful; "I let go of all unbalanced energy and I choose to be balanced, healthy, creative, loving and compassionate."   You can choose whatever affirming words you desire.  This allows us to better manage the energy we are processing through the body.
As the world transforms, many of us will be drawn together for the purpose of lifting our inner spirit to higher levels of creativity and productivity.   When our spirit is high, open and engaged, new ideas and clarity can flow freely. A s we continue to grow, letting go of harmful habits, outdated attachments and limiting beliefs is significant to our well being.   Lifting oneself or another out of the density of fear and constriction is an worthy act of empowerment and expansion.
In my awakening process and expansion in awareness, I often hear these wise words guiding me:
 "keep it simple" and "keep your heart open".  
An open heart is a loving, peaceful, compassionate expression of Source.   Remaining heart centered, even during challenges, is our highest calling.

New Release - Cookbook

I am excited to share this kitchen treasure with you!   A wonderful compilation of healthy recipes and valuable information guides, to inspire you.  

Yummy deliciousness for you to enjoy!

Try these popular recipes:

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Enchiladas
Moroccan Chunky Vegetable Soup
Astara's Almost Famous Potato Salad
Carrot Cake Cookies or Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies
Lovely Lemon Muffins
Creamy Herb Sunflower Dressing
(and so many more!) 
Spirit -  the living essence of goodness, 
             from seed to sprout to table. 
Spices - the simple and complex flavors of life, designed  to delight our senses and
thrill our taste buds.

Available for purchase at: 
$19.95 + shipping.
  Discounts for multiple purchases.
Wholesale available. 
Major credit cards accepted.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased for yourself and for gift giving. 
It warms my heart to see this little gem take wing!

Inspiring Meditations Videos by Astara

Please enjoy my group meditations recorded live from the  Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in Tampa. 


You are my inspiration for doing this.  

Enjoy and please share with friends and anyone who would benefit by listening to them. 


BMSE 2014 Gift Meditation by Astara E  Edmonds
BMSE 2014 Gift Meditation by Astara E Edmonds



Summer Solstice, June, 2014

(A potent 5 minutes)  





An Expansive Meditation

For You and Earth 

 "Awakening Our Awareness"
 by Astara Edmonds Live 2013
July, 2013  
(9:16 min.)

 May your Light be Joy and your Joy be Love.
  Astara in Belize 2012

Psychic/Clairvoyant, Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Public Speaker,
 Writer and Author.   

I am available for Private Readings in person or by phone and all levels of Reiki Trainings.  Please see my web site for
 prices and details.  Credit cards accepted.


I am happy to honor the creativity and services of others by sharing their links on my web site.  This is a time of "WE", so feel free to visit and enjoy!

Namaste'. Astara  

          Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is  avgreen frogailable at:
or contact Astara at 352-447-4104
 email astaravisions1@yahoo.com  

Astara Visions is located in Inglis, Florida
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.  Articles may be shared with authorship named.  



I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."  
Albert Einstein

 Purpose Angel wings