
   Astara Visions  Newsletter 



"It's All About Heart"


Astara 2012 Chetumal

It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   
 Astara E. Edmonds  


"Peace is its own reward"
Mahatma Gandhi   

Leaning Buddha

"In this moment, I stand as an adventurer in consciousness. A unique cosmic event becoming realized here and now.  
The evolutionary impulse of the universe declares my aliveness as Spirit's grace walking with steadfast awareness this day.  
I live authentically, ever attuned to the mind of God that broadcasts through me as originality, unconditional love, goodness, harmony, and wholeness.  
Yes! I am a beneficial presence to this planet, blessed and a blessing wherever I go! Life is Good! And so it is."

~ Rev. Angela Peregoff 


swan hearts

"Inner compassion  
And outer tolerance  
Can easily make a new world,  
A better world."

~♥ Rajeev ♥~  

purple flower butterflies  
"Everything that exists has a vibration and ultimately a rhythm that is unique. If allowed to progress, this rhythm evolves into a melody that represents your soul.

The important moment is recognizing that melody, allowing it to flow through you and out into the universe.

Take time each day to listen. Feel your imprint upon a reality that desires your participation.

Often in the linear the melodies of others can become overpowering. The environment of chaos can also disrupt your ability to flow. We suggest slowing down a bit to establish a reconnection to your song. Remember all the nuances of you and your vibration, and reset them to full participation.

It's why you incarnated ... to play your melody to your reality

Begin again.

This time truly listen to the beauty of the tones. It's you at your highest level.

There is nothing more beautiful."

-VERONICA (April Crawford)


Astara 2011

I want to thank you for letting me share my messages with you. 
You are my inspiration. It is my honor to listen as SPIRIT SPEAKS, bringing us all a little bit of wisdom.



  healing Hands 2

Our collective focus of loving, healing intention creates a unified field of energy.  We are all capable of joining and influencing this energy field. 
You can participate through meditation, visualization, sound therapies, Reiki or your method of healing.   
Our planetary focus will include the increase in:






Additional link for  

Global Healing:

Global Coherence Initiative  

Kuan Yin bronze



Astara Visions Newsletter 
is a monthly email
publication by
Astara E. Edmonds.

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Issue: #45                
March 2013    
flower and orb


  • SPIRIT SPEAKS by Astara E. Edmonds
"It's All About Heart"  


I think of our Earth entering into higher dimensional frequencies as a birthing process.  Childbirth is filled with beauty, exuberance, and joy that also contains stress, fear and pain all in the same experience.   Out of this passage comes new life. If we choose to see this new life, this new human or this new humanity through our heart center of love, we embellish and empower this life with the necessary nurturing to become the new steward of peace.


It may appear that nothing much has happened since the gateway of 12/21/12, and yet, transformation is taking place right now.   Astrologically, six significant planets are in water signs intensifying our emotions, psychic and intuitive abilities as well as our creativity.  With so much water (emotion) being emphasized, we are all feeling more sensitive.   While extremes in emotion may come up, it is important to seek balance.  When issues from the past are revealed to us individually or as a society, there is an opportunity to heal.  It is important to pay attention to our emotions, our memories, our dreams and our intuitions.


Our perceptions of life are being felt through our heart center with greater intensity and clarity.  We have been accustom to thinking with our minds as though this is the superior path to understanding and creating.  We have now entered a time of allowing our heart enter to share the path of partnership with the mind for understanding and creativity.   This partnership allows for a greater flow of intuition and emotion bringing us the possibility of greater unity and wholeness.


Our journey of awakening to our true potential is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, joys and sorrows, light and dark, remembering and forgetting, loving and not loving.  

And yet, we are here on purpose to remember that we are made of love.  Our journey is to awaken to this truth and live it to the best of our ability.  It is also helpful to remember that each Soul has a unique story and awakening varies for each of us.  Knowing this can be helpful in moments that challenge our emotions with the harshness we see and experience in the world.


With new energies affecting our physical bodies, especially the pineal gland, good nutritional support is important. Making smart, healthy choices for good quality food and water as well as good supplements and herbs helps our bodies process at an optimal level.  A program of detoxification helps the body eliminate toxins that accumulate.  Food that is alive and rich with vitamins and minerals provides the body with necessary fuel and strengthens the immune system.  It is important to be loving and respectful to your body.


Essential oils such as Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary and many others, supports our physical and emotional bodies with beneficial nurturing.  Candles and incense nurture our spirit and remind us of our inner well being and connection to Spirit.  Sacred sounds that range from music, chants and toning, to birds, crickets and nature act as tuning forks for our bodies.  And, breathing deep and full to release and recharge the body is vital.


Remember the significance and power of your dream for a world filled with greater compassion, love and kindness.  Within all the chaos that exists, our dream and dedication to this purpose is dynamic and has the power to be fulfilled.  When you feel disillusioned or disappointed, shift your focus to your dream and place your trust there.   The Universe responds to what we send into it so give with awareness and know that you contribute to an entire matrix of similar focus.  Our thoughts, emotions and dreams are streams entering a river that becomes an ocean of combined energy.  Each of us effect this ocean of energy so being conscientious matters as thoughts and emotions shape our reality.


Take time to focus on your heart center, drawing in Universal Life Force and allowing that energy to blossom.   Let that loving heart energy spread into your space and share it with the world around you.   We are awakening to the potential of our powerful loving nature.   Peace and Love are our history and our destiny.


May your heart open to greatness and your light shine to illuminate the world.



earth light  




The Wisdom, Love and Insight of others: 




"The core of the expression of the new earth is both play and the now moment. This is why it is critical that you embrace this knowing in your being to awaken the innate knowing that you already possess. When you have awakened this innate knowing, then you begin what we refer to as inner alchemy. The body physically begins to shift, the cells and all of the nano physiology that is you, all of the energy fields that are you. 

When the inner alchemy progresses and the inner shifts, then that is mirrored on the outer, and your physical reality shifts as well. Do you understand? We are talking about the creation of the new earth, of the Golden Age of Divine Love. It is truly the outer expression of the inner alchemy that you are manifesting by shifting your awareness from the constraints of past and future, sorrow and fear, to the joy and play of the present moment. This is the only time that exists. There is no other time. With the disappearance of past and future time so disappears the old earth, the old energy and all of the pain and suffering that have accompanied those thought forms that have been so much a part of your ego personality expression."
~ Golden Dolphins via Nina Brown 




 water drop



"The Water signs, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio will dominate the world stage in 2013, as several of the planets will be traveling through the Zodiac  in water signs.  The line up is as follows:


Neptune in Pisces until 2026 
Saturn in Scorpio until 2015
Jupiter in Cancer, the second half of the year
Mercury retrogrades in Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio respectively
Moon's North Node in Scorpio all year


Water is the fundamental and most basic component of all life on Planet Earth, comprising approximately 70% of the surface of the Earth and also the human body. It represents the feminine or yin aspects of human nature and the world; intuition, inspiration, wisdom, women and healing, the inner journey of life.  Water also controls our emotional bodies and our creative ability."


By Wendy Cicchetti  

I highly recommend Wendy's Astrological Newsletter (see links). 











                             Let Your Light Shine
  Astara in Belize 2012

Astara is a gifted Psychic/Clairvoyant, an Usui/Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and Writer.   

Astara is available for Private Readings in person or by phone.  Please see the web site for prices and details.  MC/Visa accepted.


Astara's Readings offer you insight and guidance to bring

clarity and empowerment to your life.

Astara now offers Astrology natal, transit and progression charts.  Contact her for details.
Reiki Kanji framed  
  • Contact Astara for all levels of Reiki Training.
  •  Newsletters may be forwarded and shared.  
               Astara E. Edmonds
Additional information is available at:
or contact Astara at 352-447-4104
 email astaravisions1@yahoo.com  

Astara Visions is located in Inglis, Florida
All featured articles copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.  Articles may be shared with authorship named.      
For past issues, click here 


I walk the path of the Ancient Ones remembering the sacredness of Life, Love and Compassion.........Astara

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty."

Albert Einstein