July 2016

RCM's mission is to find solutions in Canada for our patients with complex problems.
Unfortunately, for some complex patients, there are no solutions available in Canada or the waiting lists are so long that the patient is at risk.
The only option for these patients is for us to find the treatment at a centre of excellence in the U.S. or in Europe.
CASE STUDY:                                              
Frank is a 67-year-old Canadian male who worked on an international pipeline project.
In 2013, he presented with a cough. Investigations in Canada showed that he had a sarcoma of his chest wall. His Canadian doctors suggested that he go to Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston for his treatment.
The high grade sarcoma was successfully removed. Following surgery, he had radiation and chemotherapy. Fortuitously, he had international health insurance from his pipeline employer.
He was well until January 2016, when a large painful mass appeared in the right lower back.  
He had a PET/CT which showed that the mass involving the gluteal (butt) muscles also involved the pelvic bone. The mass was 7.8 cm in length. There was no spread to other sites.
Frank could not be treated in his home province. The family retained Rupert Case Management (RCM) to advocate for Frank.

We arranged for him to be evaluated in Toronto at the highest volume sarcoma centre in Canada. 
After a quick assessment, Frank was told that there was no treatment available in Toronto.
We scanned the country and could not find any options.
Rupert Case Management manages a network of about 3,000 experts.  It was time to look at US options.
We emailed the head of the Scripps proton beam centre in San Diego. He responded immediately.  We learned from him that the team at Scripps had treated sarcomas up to 30 cm using pencil beam therapy.
We were encouraged.
Frank's family did their own search and found a proton beam centre in Florida where Frank's sister lived.

They travelled there but learned that the centre did not offer pencil beam. However, while they were there, the radiation doctor suggested that they see a local cancer surgeon. They saw the surgeon who recommended that Frank be seen by the sarcoma team at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

Frank still had his international insurance. He had left the pipeline project but chose to pay the $3750 per year in premiums.

He went to the Mayo with a binder prepared by the team at RCM.

The team at the Mayo agreed that the operation could be done using a cryo-surgical technique in 3 stages. Frank had his surgery. The surgery was followed by 3 days of pencil beam radiation. With pencil beam the radiation is delivered very accurately to the tumour with little damage to the skin.

There is no proton beam centre in Canada.

The experience was excellent. He was never rushed. There were no waiting lines.  His insurance company paid the entire bill.  He and his family are very pleased.
RCM is now providing all of our clients with the option of purchasing care in the US if a solution can not be found in Canada.
Furthermore, we are able to provide our clients with a discount at most US centres of excellence even if our clients do not have international healthcare insurance.
Canadians are often surprised to find that they have the option of purchasing international healthcare insurance with US coverage.
That might be a good idea based on what we are seeing.
Call your insurance broker to learn more.
TO START THE CONVERSATION:                                              

1-800-620-7551 or 647-350-5500


Email us at: info@rupertcasemanagement.com


It all starts with a conversation.  We are always pleased to help.



           Raymond Rupert MD. MBA.
           Founder/Medical Director
           Rupert Case Management Inc.
           505 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 203
           Toronto, ON M5N 1B1
           direct:     647-350-5500
           24*7:       1-800-620-7551
           email: info@rupertcasemanagement.com
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