First Option Newsletter      


September 2013   


In This Issue
New Arizona Data Center
Training Videos - New GUI
Holiday Schedule
Top 3 Reasons to Host
Quick Links
Daprex Software is now BlueSky Financials

The former Daprex financial software has been renamed and trademarked to BlueSky Financials™.


Going forward, BlueSky Financials will be sold on a subscription basis in the cloud. The products include: Accounts Payable, General ledger, Accounts Receivable, Misc Cash Receipts, Purchasing, Inventory

and Fixed Assets.


Please note, First Option will also continue to offer the iSeries version of the software for new customers who wish to purchase the software to run on their iSeries.


What does this mean for existing customers (former Daprex)?

  • Or upgrade to the GUI version of the hosted product. 

Email sales@1stoption for hosting quotes.

  • Or, you can upgrade to the GUI product for a small fee and remain on your iSeries.

The fee is $1500 for three year subscription and then $90 per month after that. Fee includes installation and access to training videos.

  • Or, Continue with your current arrangement. 
First Option continues to enhance the user interface, desktop integration and availability into the Cloud of

BlueSky Financials.


Additional development scheduled for 2013 is business reports delivered from a browser and much more.... Stay Tuned! 


New Arizona Data Center


In August 2013, First Option installed and implemented a development site in Phoenix AZ. For the next 12 months, First Option will be using this site for phase II BlueSky Financial and iSeries WatchDog by First Option development activities.


The development efforts scheduled for the next year include:

  • Enhanced data capture of program messages for iSeries WatchDog by First Option.
  • Enhanced GUI alert capabilities for iSeries WatchDog by First Option.
  • Enhanced message response options for iSeries WatchDog by First Option.
  • Enhanced job queue threshold settings for iSeries WatchDog by First Option.
  • Streamlining screen navigation in targeted application areas in BlueSky Financial.
  • Enhanced reporting capabilities to facilitate customization and export options in both applications.

In addition to the above scheduled activities, we will be researching web services that may be helpful to the applications (e.g., 1099 filing, zip code look ups, etc.) If First Option determines the web service is useful to an application, it will be consumed and included into the new version.  



Training Videos - New GUI based product
software services


Training videos by application are now available on First Option's youtube site.  


Currently there are videos for AP, GL, AR, and Report Writer. Purchasing, Inventory and Fixed Assets will be added in the next few months. There is also a video on how to use the helpdesk and knowledgebase.


Below is a quick demo on how to view the training videos.Click image below.

How to use New Training Videos
How to use New Training Videos

IT Services

The Knowledgebase continues to grow!   


Each week First Option creates knowledgebase entries from the helpdesk tickets/calls that were placed that week. The knowledgebase is an excellent reference tool if you are looking up a procedure that you only do once in a while, like setting up a new user profile. You can search on your previous tickets, search entries in each application or submit a query on the topic you are looking for.


This month's Knowlegebase item is How to set up a New User:  




I have a new user who has a valid USERID but how do I set them up in the application, menu and corporation security files?




There are 2 parts to this : Application/menu option security and Corporation/Div/Dept/Job level security.  This second part is referred to as Entity Security. 


Part 1 - Application/Menu Option Security

CLONE/COPY an Existing User

If the new user is to have the same application (i.e. AP, GL etc.) and same menu option security as an EXISTING user, you can clone/copy the security FROM the existing user to the new user for each applicable application.  To do this, select #1-General Functions from the Main Menu.  Then select #6-Setup Menu Security.  From there select #11-Add/Chg User Security.  The valid 'System Codes' are listed below.

GF - General Functions               XP - Cross Applications             GL - General Ledger

AP - Accounts Payable                AR - Accounts Receivable         

MC - Misc. Cash Receipts

IN - Inventory                           PO - Purchasing                        DM - Order Entry &Billing

SA - Sales Analysis                    FA - Fixed Assets


You must authorize the user for the applicable system codes.  Enter the appropriate system code and press ENTER.  When prompted for the User Profile, enter the userid of the person you are copying FROM and press F18.  Now enter the userid of the new employee and press F20 to accept.  Press F12 to return to the System Code prompt and continue with the next System Code.


NEW USER from Scratch

To set up user security from scratch, enter the system code and press ENTER as described above.  Then enter the UserID when prompted and press F9-Create Mode and hit ENTER.  See below :


FOILCAVANA                 First Option, Inc                          10/03/11
ADDCHG                   User Profile File Maintenance                15:15:06
 User Displayed: LLP      Users Name  :  TESTUSER                            
                                   Department :                               
                                   Default Outq: LLP        Library: *LIBL    
                                   Application:  AP                           
          Is the user allowed to view other users comments:  Y                
          Is the User allowed to send messages            :       Y                
          Is the User allowed to display messages         :       Y                
          Is the User allowed to display submitted jobs   :     Y                
          Is the User allowed to display spool files      :         Y                
          Is the User restricted to certain entities      :          Y                 
          Is the User allowed to access the configuration :    Y                                   

Enter the User's name and skip down to the Y/N questions. All should be set to 'Y' except the last one re: the configuration.  That should only be set to Y for the user who is authorized to add/change/delete other users' security. If the new user is to be authorized to ALL the options within the application, press F23=Authorize to All Applications.  (Follow above instructions on how to proceed to the next System code).  If the new user is to be authorized to specific menu options (but not all), press F24=View Allowed Options.  On the next screen key an 'X' next to each option to which this user should be allowed access.  Press F16 twice to update and again, follow above instructions on how to proceed to the next System code.


Part 2 - Corp/Div/Dept/Job Entity Security

CLONE/COPY an Existing User

If the new user is to have the same entity security as an EXISTING user, you can clone/copy the security FROM the existing user to the new userl.  To do this, select #1-General Functions from the Main Menu.  Then select #1-X-App File Maintenance Menu #1.  From there select #13-Clone Security User-to-User.  Enter the FROM and TO Userids and press ENTER.         
NEW USER from Scratch

To set up user entity security from scratch, select #1-General Functions from the Main Menu.  Then select #1-X-App File Maintenance Menu #1.  From there select #12-Security by User. Enter the new USERID and press ENTER.   If the user is authorized to ALL corps/divs/depts/jobs, key '999' under the Corp column and press ENTER and F20 to accept. See the screen below.

User ID . . . . . .   DXFM19                                         
Position to . . . .          By Corp                                  
  CRP Desc          DIV Desc          DPT Desc            Job Desc    



If the user is restricted to a specific company but is authorized to ALL divs/depts/jobs within the company, key the Corp# on the Corp column and '999' in the Div# column and press ENTER and F20.   The same logic holds true if the user is restucted to a specific company and division but authorized to all depts/jobs within that Corp/Div.  Key in the Corp#, the Div# and then '999' in the Dept# column and press ENTER and F20.                                                                                                                                            



Upcoming Holiday Schedule


First Option will be closed Columbus Day the 14th.
First Option will be closed for Veterans Day the 11th and November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving.

Click the link below for our 2013 Holiday Schedule.

Holiday Schedule

If you would like to receive reminders please Subscribe to our News section via the Helpdesk.
Top Three Reasons First Option Financial Customers' Host
software services


ThreeFirst, peace of mind - Your system is up and running 24/7 by 365 except for scheduled maintenance. Even with the threat of hurricane Sandy, First Option's iSeries server remained up throughout the entire storm! Intermittent connection problems with Internet Service Providers were identified, escalated and resolved on a timely basis.


Second, avoid the cost of hardware and software maintenance, monitoring, backup tapes, PTF's and operating system upgrades - Hosting your First Option Financial Software in our shared environment allows you to share the cost with other customers.  


Third, Focus resources on your business not IT - The internal cost of hiring, managing, and training IT resources can be costly. Use First Option's experienced network of IT resources for business critical projects which allows you to grow your business not your IT staff.   


For more information on our hosting package please email 

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