First Option Newsletter      


May 2013   


In This Issue
BlueSky Financials by First Option
FAQ's Regarding GUI
Holiday Schedule
IBM Power 7 Implementation Tips
Top 3 Reasons to Host
Quick Links

As you know, First Option purchased the rights to the Daprex software in July of 2011. Since then we have been busy creating a new GUI based version of the software as well as an automated customer support helpdesk and knowledgebase.

Using the rock solid base of the financial software formerly known as Daprex, First Option has developed and is proud to announce BlueSky Financials by First Option.The GUI product was released in March and we have installed a number of customers thus far. The feedback has all been positive and people are finding it very easy to learn.

We also have self guided videos at our YouTube site for Accounts Payable and General Ledger and will be adding more applications this year.

We continue to enhance the user interface, desktop integration and availability into the Cloud of BlueSky Financials by First Option. Additional development scheduled for 2013 is business reports delivered from a browser and much more.... Stay Tuned!


In 2013 First Option will be offering a 'hands on' webinar featuring BlueSky Financials by First Option. This will include a refresher course of the helpdesk support system and introduce our video based training. The agenda will be beneficial to both veteran and new users.


We wish you and your family a wonderful summer and thank you for your continued business.


New GUI  Based Financial Software - First Option BlueSky Financials
software services
Have you checked out the new GUI Version of First Option BlueSky Financials? 

This new GUI version will be the foundation for all future screen and desktop interface enhancements and includes:


  • Easy to Maneuver Screens - Command Keys have been replaced with buttons. System function keys have also been replaced by easy to read buttons.
  • Same format - The application menus remain in the same navigation as the green screen so you will be familiar with your day to day functions and not slowed down by training issues.
  • GL Upload - The GL upload can now be done via the Daily Processing menu in General Ledger.
  • Customize the size of your screen - You can make your screen larger for easy reading.
  • Screens are easier to read and don't have glare of green screen.
  • Can access First Option's helpdesk from your application screen and enter a ticket or view the Knowledgebase and News section.
  • Can access First Option's blog from the application main menu and get software tips and updates. 
  • Export of P&L and Balance sheet to excel.


For a sneak peak of the software click the link below.


Click for demo 


First Option Financial Software maintenance customers will receive a discounted price for the GUI PC based client software as well as the GUI client software maintenance. This is a onetime fee which is based on concurrent users in addition to a maintenance fee. The fee for up to 10 concurrent users is $1500 which includes:

  1. One time smart client license (Up to 10 concurrent users)
  2. Three year smart GUI client software maintenance.
  3. Quick Start GUI Video Guide.
  4. Free Installation.


To order your new version, please enter a ticket into the helpdesk at 




or send an email to

FAQ Regarding the New GUi based product

IT Services
Question: Can I remain on the current version?

Answer: Absolutely! We will continue to support the green screen version.

Question: Learning new software is challenging , will this be a difficult transition?

Answer: No, the software functions the same and the menus have not been changed. You will probably find it easier to maneuver through the applications with the new buttons.

Question: Will there be training on the new software?

Answer: There is a quick start video which guides you through the changes. As always we will be happy to provide a quote for training. There are also training videos located at our youtube site.

Question: What language is the software written in?

Answer: C#

Question: What is the database being used?

Answer: DB2

Question:  Is this a "screen scraper"?

Answer: No. The software creates programmable objects of the fields of the "old green screen" which allows us to add functionality without changes or additions to the DDS. For example, we can export screen data into excel or word. We can also consume web services which provides greater flexibility for third party interfaces. It uses the DDS and DB2 data on your installed First Option Financial RPG based application.

Question: What are the infrastructure requirements for the new product?

Answer: The software is supported on PCs running on an operating systems XP and windows 7. If you have concerns regarding your infrastructure, enter a ticket and the help desk will address your specific questions.

Question: Can I still use the green screen user interface?

Answer: Yes, but desktop integration (e.g., download data grid screens to excel), JE Upload from the iSeries, and all future user interface and reporting enhancements will only be offered on the new product (BlueSky Financials by First Option.)


Upcoming Holiday Schedule


First Option will be closed for July 4th and will be closed Friday July 5th as well. 

Click the link below for our 2013 Holiday Schedule.

We will be closed on Labor Day September 2nd and will be closing at 2pm ET the Friday before Labor Day.
IBM Power 7 Implementation Tips


Upgrading to the iSeries Power 7?


The performance increase for the price is a pretty compelling argument to make the jump. In some of the migrations this means jumping from V5R4 to V7R1 skipping V6R1. At a high level, the typical upgrade process should include but is not necessarily limited to:


1.) Contact all iSeries software providers for new software license keys, if applicable.   Also, to ensure the version you are currently running is compatible with the target OS release.


2.) Upgrade to the First Option Financial Software V7R1 compatible version. A dedicated system is required for the upgrade which typically takes 2-3 hours. The duration is dependent upon your current First Option Financial Software production software (i.e., if you have not upgraded for a couple of years the duration could be longer.) Enter a help desk ticket if you are unsure as to whether or not you have been upgraded to latest version.

3.) Load V5R4 PTF that contains analysis functionality. Your IBM Business partner should be consulted to help plan/load this software.

4.) Run conversion analysis to determine if there are any objects that do not have observability. If objects found (they are typically objects in a customer's unique library or other third party software products), resolve issues with those objects. If you would like First Option to participate in this step, please enter a help desk ticket and we will be happy to provide an estimate.


5.) Once item 4 is complete, schedule a time to migrate with your IBM business partner which should include a customer acceptance test. The customer acceptance test is VERY important.   The plan should include but not be limited to your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly procedures. It is also important that you test backups and interfaces. The bottom line is a detailed scripted test plan will stage the project for success.

5.) Migrate i5 to i7 system

6.) Perform customer acceptance test and have a 'fall back' plan if it fails.

7.) If step 6 is successful, GO LIVE!



Top Three Reasons First Option Financial Customers' Host.
software services


First, peace of mind - Your system is up and running 24/7 by 365 except for scheduled maintenance. Even with the threat of hurricane Sandy, First Option's iSeries server remained up throughout the entire storm! Intermittent connection problems with Internet Service Providers were identified, escalated and resolved on a timely basis.


Second, avoid the cost of hardware and software maintenance, monitoring, backup tapes, PTF's and operating system upgrades - Hosting your First Option Financial Software in our shared environment allows you to share the cost with other customers.  


Third, Focus resources on your business not IT - The internal cost of hiring, managing, and training IT resources can be costly. Use First Option's experienced network of IT resources for business critical projects which allows you to grow your business not your IT staff.   


For more information on our hosting package please email 

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