Alice Deal Middle School

Think globally - Listen compassionately - Act inclusively  


The Weekly Bulletin 

deal modernized
Our school mission:
Alice Deal Middle School inspires excellence, curiosity, and compassion through intellectual and social engagement.
deal front        Ecology Field Trip

Principal's message to Deal students and families: 

November has arrived and with it the start of our second advisory. As with each year, the second is our most interrupted advisory. Veterans Day falls on a Wednesday next week, then Thanksgiving a week and a half after that. December is only three weeks long, followed by a long Winter Break. January picks up, celebrates Dr. King early on, and then the advisory ends three weeks after the month starts. Along with all these celebrations and commemorations are windy and rainy days (rarely snow, however), cold and flu season, and everything else that conspires to upend the regular flow of school. With this schedule, it is really important to keep your children focused on keeping track of their work. Interruptions require all of us to reset our attention, and we are going to need a lot of resetting.

Of course, November and December have their wonderful distractions as well! The much-acclaimed International Night is on November 19 (see below) and is an excellent way to meet new friends, greet old friends, and eat good, good food. While the focus on the night is on the food, it also serves as a wonderful time for Deal families to donate for our World Language trips in the Spring. We use the night's donations to fund many scholarships for our students to travel to China, Costa Rica, or France - so while there are no tickets for the food, we hope you can be as generous with your support as you have been in the past.

Your student might come home in the next few weeks and tell you that he or she completed a survey about their teacher. This short survey is called "Leveraging the Power of Student Voice" and is an online activity that asks for student feedback about their instructional experience with their teachers. It asks questions about lesson implementation, classroom management, how teachers relate to students, use of feedback, challenges for students, and student engagement. The survey is anonymous and only teachers and the school administration will see the results. Each teacher is only surveyed by a single class section and the expectation is that no student will complete more than two surveys. This is different from the student satisfaction survey conducted at the end of the year. While the "Student Voice" survey is a new effort and the outcomes are totally unknown, I felt it important that you know what your student was doing.

Finally, Wednesday morning is our Enrollment Audit - the annual exercise in which outside auditors come to Deal and count our students. As this is the primary way in which we establish the validity of our enrollment and registration process, please support us by not scheduling any appointments for the morning of that day. There will be very little disruption to our day, but we do need everyone here!

Take care, 
James Albright
NB. Thank you to all of you who responded to my recent plea for Career Day support! With a great outpouring of interest, we are now fully booked! Also, please note that while Edline updates will happen every few days to catch late work, actual grades will be distributed after November 9th and will match the November 9 Edline update. 

 Alice Deal Community Association
International Night
Thursday, November 19th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

International Night '14 International Night '14 International Night '14 International Night '14 International Night '14

We need YOU to make this free and fun community event a success! Join the Deal community as we share delicious foods from around the globe, and help support the ADCA International Trip scholarships.

Sign up now to bring your favorite dish. Click here!
If you don't cook, you can serve, clean up or set up.
Volunteer here!
Bring a dish to share - your favorite dish from any region of the world, including family favorites from the USA.If you have any questions contact International Night Co-Chairs or Silvia Dinale or Deborah Rephan.           
Week of 
November 2, 2015
 Bell Schedule
Monday - Bell I 
Tuesday - Bell I 
 Wednesday - Bell I 
Thursday -  Thursday Bell
Friday - Bell I 
Upcoming Dates  

November 3
Career Day

November 4
Enrollment Audit 2nd Period 

November 5
8th Gr Tempest Performance, 9:00 am
WTU Meeting, 3:30 pm
Deal at Lafayette, 6:30 pm

November 6
Deal Visit (Tour) @ 10am

November 9
6th Grade Birthday Party, 3:00 pm 

November 11
Veterans Day 
No school for staff and students 

November 12
Team Leaders, All
8th Grade Williamsburg Trip

November 13
SCAC Meeting, 7:30 am
Buddy Day - Eaton
Fall Dance

November 16
Shakespeare Festival Auditions

November 17
Shakespeare Festival Auditions
Geoplunge Tournament

November 18
Buddy Day  - Bancroft
Deal Map-a-thon, 3:30-5:30 pm

November 19
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm
International Night, 6:30 pm - 8 pm

November 20
Make-Up Picture Day 

November 26 - 27
Thanksgiving Break 
No school for students and teachers

December 2 
Buddy Day - Shepherd

December 3

Team Leaders, Grade level 8:10 am

Meeting, 3:30
 Deal Art/Music Coffee House, 6:30 pm

December 4 
Professional Development Day 
(No school for Students)  

December 5
Saturday Academy, 9:00 am - Noon
ADCA Holiday Greens Sale

December 6
ADCA Holiday Greens Sale

December 7
Advisory Mid Point

December 8
Buddy Day - Janney
Diversity Group Meeting, 3:30 pm
Deal @ Bancroft, 6:30 pm

December 9
Principal's Coffee, 10:00 am

December 10
8th Grade Capitol Trip
Winter Concert, 6:30 pm

December 11
8th Grade Capitol Trip
SCAC Meeting, 7:30 am
Deal Visit, 10:00 am

December 12
Saturday Academy, 9:00 am - Noon
Holiday Greens Sale

December 13
Holiday Greens Sale

December 15
ELA Dept Meeting, 8:10 am

December 16
Open House, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

December 17
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm

December 21 - January 1
Winter Break
No School for Students and Teachers
DCPS Attendance Protocol and Policy: Things to Remember
Important: please provide a note for any absence as soon as possible (day of or soon after) to The note can be emailed to her or brought to her office next to the school entrance. It is also suggested that you email your child's teachers so that they can plan accordingly.

1. Students that miss two class periods will automatically be counted as being absent for the entire school day.

2. Students must submit a note from their parents to be excused from being absent from school. DCPS' list of reasons an absence can be excused are limited to:
  • Death in the family
  • Illness (doctor's note must be provided for absences that exceed 5 days)
  • Medical appointment
  • Emergency
  • Religious holiday
  • Court summons
  • School activities (DCPS sponsored sports events, academic activities etc.)
  • School visit (tours, interviews, etc.)
Notes can be provided as paper notes or as emails from the parent or guardian to our Attendance Counselor, Ms. Wright. If you have any questions or concerns more, please contact our Ms. Wright, at
or by calling (202) 939-2010.


Team Dakar
Team Dakar students looking to continue their growth in their Team Dakar classes are invited to join us after school on Tuesdays for Team Dakar Study Hour. Students will work on assignments, meet with teachers for help with class content, and use their peers as a resource.

Team Dakar Study Hour will be Tuesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in Ms. Hailfinger's room (E104). Bring your GRIT and GROWTH MINDSET for optimal success!

Team La Paz
Team La Paz would like to thank its students for being wonderfully engaged learners who are working hard to advocate on their own behalf. We appreciate all of you who have come to us of their own accord to ask about missing assignments and makeup work. Keep it up! As always, remember that our tutoring days are:

Tuesday - Science
Wednesday - Math and English
Thursday - Individuals and Society

Media Center News
Center Hours
Before School 8:00 - 8:40 am
 After School  3:30 - 5:00 pm

 Students are welcome for independent reading and homework. Please review the expectations and complete the permission slip available in the Library or on our website Alice Deal Library Pass.

Bus Information

DDOT to Temporarily Impose Partial Lane Closures on Military Road NW from Oregon Avenue to 14th Street

Students using the W45, D31, D33 and D34 will be affected in the afternoon on the way home from school. 

Commuters should expect significant traffic delays starting Monday, October 5th.

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will begin rotating lanes closures on Military Road, NW, from Oregon Avenue to 14th Street, starting Monday, October 5th at 7:30 am, weather permitting. Rolling closures are expected to remain in place until Sunday, November 8th at 5:30 pm. The eastbound right lane on Military Road NW will be impacted first. Following the eastbound right-lane closure will be westbound right-lane closures. Similar work will follow in the east and westbound left lanes. These closures are necessary to perform repairs, asphalt milling, overlay and line striping on Military Road.
One lane in each direction will remain open throughout the duration of this work. Commuters and residents should prepare for major, ongoing delays on Military Road and the adjacent roadways during construction.  
DDOT encourages commuters to seek alternate routes. However, if traveling through this area, drivers are asked to stay alert and to obey all construction signs. 
For more information and updates on the 16th Street Bridge construction, please visit the project website 
Here is a link to the bus route schedule.

If an issue occurs with your designated school transit service, below are the contacts at Metro who can help:

Bus Operations
(202) 962-1825

(D31, D33, and D34)
(202) 962-5800

Superintendent Priscilla Alston: (202) 962-5808

Assistant Superintendent Frank Machado: (202) 962-5809 (direct)

(Morning D32s, one of the afternoon D32s)

Superintendent Jackie Smith: (202) 379-8787; mobile: (202) 962-8785

Assistant Superintendent Amit Tonse: (202) 379-8787 mobile: (202) 570-6728

For longer-term bus planning needs (i.e., requests for new transit services, ongoing crowding, etc.), contact Kristine Marsh at (202) 962-6088 or
As always, please send an email about bus problems or concerns to 

Alice Deal 

Have you lost something during the school day? Check out the lost and found section of the website ( for photos of items found in common areas at Deal, including in the cafeteria, field, and gallery. Lost items will be kept for approximately two weeks before they are donated. To claim an item, please ask a staff member in the cafeteria to guide you to the lost-and-found.
We make an effort to identify labeled items and make announcements for students to pick these up in the Welcome Center. Please help us by putting your full name on all lunch boxes, back-packs, and other items you bring to school on a regular basis.

Don't see what you've lost? Most classrooms have individual lost-and-found areas. Consider checking in with your teachers. You can also stop by the lost-and- found in the cafeteria as not all items may be pictured.
World Language Trips - General Update

World Language Scholarships
Many families have asked about the availability of scholarships for our world language trips. We will again offer scholarships for select students. Funding for these scholarships is provided by the ADCA, individual family contributions (thank you!), and funding set aside by the Chancellor for student trips. Here is how it will work:

1. After the end of 1st advisory, every 8th student who could be enrolled on a World Language trip (not the UK/Italy trip, however) will have their grades reviewed. 

2. Students earning a B or better in their World Language class and who receive federal aid (WIC, FARMS, other - we maintain this list) will be offered the chance for a scholarship.

3. Students will be asked to complete an application, write an essay, and submit the package by a set date. All students who qualify will be offered a partial scholarship for the trip associated with their language of study. This has typically been $1,500, or roughly 50 - 60% of the total trip cost. This is regardless of whether they have already signed up or not.

Families who do not qualify for federal support but are still interested in support at some level should contact Principal Albright at Families in need have been offered $500 in years past (though this has varied based on the total amount available).

Because scholarship funding comes from a variety of sources, eligible families should not anticipate the funding to come up front; support is funded very close to the actual trip.

Please direct enrollment questions to the trip leader for your student; direct scholarship questions to Mr. Albright.


To learn more about these trips, please check out these links:

Costa Rica
The deadline to enroll in this year's trip is Costa Rica is December 1st. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to explore the world.
 If you haven't enrolled, please visit  and enter tour number 1697148BA or email
Visit and enter tour number 1687377BT

Visit and enter tour number 1692201BH or email

These trips are a memorable experience and we encourage all families to consider participating. To learn more about past trips, visit and check out our travel blogs!
Student & Parent Information

New: Enrollment Audit 
As part of DC Public Schools' annual student enrollment audit, a student count will take place at Deal this Wednesday, November 4th.  It is very important that every student is present for the head count. Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time so they can be counted.

New: Alice Deal Career Day
The month of November is Career Awareness Month and Deal will be celebrating the months with our annual Career Day this Tuesday, November 3rd from 9:00 - 9:45 am. Speakers will introduce students to a variety of career options and can be parents, neighbors, or Deal supporters. Please contact Mrs. Robin Howard, 6th Grade Counselor, at for further information.

New: Strings Program Gets Underway!
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who are interested in participating in the Strings Program should report to room CG04 at 7:45 am on Tuesday, November 3. Strings rehearsals will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45 am until 8:30 am in CG04. Please bring your instrument!

New: Edline Update and Report Cards 
Our first advisory ended last Friday! Our last Edline updates of the first advisory will take place November 2nd, November 5th, and November 9th. Report cards will be sent home the week of November 9th and will reflect the grades in the November 9th Edline update.

New: Visit Deal Day
Prospective families are invited to learn more about Deal on our Deal Visit Day this Friday! Visitors should begin their visit in the auditorium at 10:00 am. See you there!

New: Cross Country
Congratulations to the Deal Cross Country boys AND girls for their victories at Saturday's DCIAA City Championship meet! This is the 10th year in a row that the team has swept the event!
The boys swept the top four places with Mattia Facchinato-Sitja in fourth, Matias Hernandez in third, Seamus O'Connor in second, and Jay Murray bringing home the gold with an awesome time of 17 minutes and two seconds. His average mile time was six minutes and 49 seconds! Other scorers included Max Karp in eighth, Tim Ward in tenth, and Oliver Hannagan in tenth. Congrats also to Levi Berger, Pete Strider, Ryan Thomas, Luke Hurst, Luca Ciagne, Unai Fraeters, Ben Davis, and Adam Burch for their phenomenal races.
In the girls event, Talya Lehrich brought home the gold medal by dropping two minutes off of her time on the same course earlier this season. She came in at 18 minutes, fifteen seconds with a seven minute, eighteen second mile! Olivia Pickens was close behind her in second, Isabel Gretschel got fifth, and other scorers for our team included Rere Lowengrub in ninth, Emma Harris in eleventh, Skylar Phillips in twelfth, and Wyatt Mccrory in seventeenth. Ella Perlman-Chang, Ellie Selden, Catherine Hammes, Alexa White, Sierra Madison, Emily Burker, Eleanor Downing, and Rebecca Meroney also all had amazing races as a part of the Deal Championship Squad.
And finally, congrats to the entire Cross Country team for completing a great season! GO VIKINGS!

New: 8th Grade Tempest Performance
There's no better way to see The Bard's work than live and in person! As part of their study of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, 8th grade students will enjoy an abridged performance by the Shakespeare Theatre Company in the auditorium on Thursday, November 5th.
New: Author Ronald L. Smith Visiting Deal on Friday!
Author Ronald L. Smith will be visiting Deal on Friday, November 6th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in room E105. He will speak with Book Club members who recently completed his novel, Hoodoo. If you are interested in attending this author's visit, please contact Ms. Culp at You can find out more about Mr. Smith and Hoodoo at .

New: Parent Volunteers Needed
All parents and community members that are interested in singing with the student choirs for the winter concert, please email me at
New: Choir Design Contest
Deal's afternoon choir, "Noted," is hosting a contest! If you can draw or have a knack for graphic design, this might be for you. Design a logo for the group and you could win a prize! The logo must include the name of the group and should scream Alice Deal Middle School and Music. All submissions are due to Mr. McKeithen in room CG21 by Friday, November 6th.

New: Free Field Hockey Clinic
Interested in learning how to play field hockey? Come to a 15-minute interest meeting on Tuesday, November 3rd at 3:30pm in the gallery to learn about a free clinic that will be held at Deal in November. The coaches are members of the Wilson Field Hockey Team and will teach you about the fundamentals of the sport. All skill levels are welcome. If you are unable to attend but are still interested in the clinic, email us at
Follow Deal on Twitter
For the latest news and a glimpse in to daily life at Deal, be sure to follow us on twitter @DealVikings!

6th Grade News


Contact Information 

Do you have concerns, questions or comments?
Contact the 6th grade team:

Ms. Howard - Counselor

Mr. Kling - Social Worker

Ms. Neal - Assistant Principal

7th Grade News

Contact Information 
Do you have concerns, questions or comments?
Contact the 7th grade team:

Ms. Humphrey - Counselor

Mr. Boccardi - Social Worker

Mrs. Stallworth - Assistant Principal

8th Grade Corner 

Attention: 8th graders! 
Want to get all Advisory 2 Passport visits done in one day?! Ms. Huber will host an optional Passport to History trip on Wednesday, November 11th (Veteran's Day) to six Passport locations. This trip is open to all 8th grade students. Students will meet at 10:00 am at Deal and take the metro to Farragut North to visit and discuss the sites within Lafayette Park. We will return to Deal by 12:30 pm. Students who would like to attend need a parent signed permission slip (available from their history teacher), metro card, and camera. Permission slips need to be turned in by Tuesday, November 10th to Ms. Huber in W305. The trip will be capped at 20 students so act fast!

Colonial Williamsburg Field Trip
The 8th grade I&S Department is excited about our upcoming field trip to Colonial Williamsburg on Thursday, November 12th! Please make sure you submit your field trip permission slip and $50 payment to your child's History teacher. Payment is accepted as cash, money order, or checks made out to Alice Deal MS.  Chaperones for each team are still needed! If you are free for the day and would like to chaperone please contact your child's History teacher. 

High School Applications
Eighth grade students applying to high schools will likely need transcripts and letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, and admin at Deal. Here are a few tips to ensure the process goes smoothly for students and staff:

Requesting a Transcript 
Most applications will ask for a transcript or school records. Requests should be sent to Ms. White in writing at least two weeks prior to the submission deadline. If your student applies to multiple schools, please gather all requests to submit at one time. Requests should include stamped envelopes for mailing.
Requesting Recommendations
Who - Start by thinking about the best teachers to attest to your strengths and positive attributes. Some schools require specific subject teachers to write the recommendation; be aware of this before you ask.

Prepare - Gather the recommendation forms and fill out all pertinent information. Prepare an addressed and stamped envelope for each requested recommendation for. All recommendations will be placed in the mail by the individual teacher or by your counselor.

Ask - Ask the individual if they would be willing to write your recommendation. Tell them when it needs to be completed and mailed in. It is also a good practice to send a follow-up email to the teacher thanking them for taking the time to do this for you. This email will help you keep track of who is submitting recommendations for you and also help with follow-up.

Grow - Use the experience of asking for a letter of recommendation to help you grow your communication skills.  This will come in handy when advocating for yourself in high school. 
High School Open House Dates: 
Want to learn more about a specific high school? The best way to learn more is to visit them in person! The following are current open house dates for Wilson and for DCPS application high schools. Please be sure to call the high school prior to attending  an open house to verify the date, time and location. These dates may change and we will make sure to keep the bulletin updated as we hear from schools.

Wilson Senior High School
Friday, November 20th @ 9:00 am
Friday, January 8th @ 9:00 am
Friday, February 19th @ 9:00 am
Friday, March 18th @ 9:00 am
Benjamin Banneker Academic High School
Saturday, November 7th from 9:00 am
McKinley Technology High School
Saturday, November 21th @ 10:00 am
Thursday, January 14th from @ 6:00 pm
School Without Walls High School
Wednesday, November 18th @ 10:00 am
Wednesday, November 18th @ 6:00 pm  
Duke Ellington School of the Arts
Thursday, November 5th @ 3:00 pm
Saturday, November 14th @ 11:00 am
Wednesday, January 13th @ 3:00 pm
Phelps ACE High School
Thursday, December 17th @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, January 9 @ 10:00 am
Thursday, January 21 @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, January 30 @ 10:00 am 
Contact Information
Do you have compliments, questions or comments? Let the 8th grade team know:

Ms. DeAngelis - Social Worker

Ms. White - Counselor

Mr. Rottman - Assistant Principal
This Week at Deal...

Monday: Girl Up
Girl Up will meet Monday, November 2nd from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in Ms. Huber's room. See you all there! 
Monday: Gay/Straight Alliance
The Deal Gay/Straight Alliance will continue to meet every other Monday in W207 from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Leading up to winter break, we will  meet on November 2nd, 16th, 30th, and December 14th. These meetings are mainly student-led. We talk about current events, things we are concerned about at our schools, ways we can be positive influences on our community, and anything else that pops into our heads. 
Monday: 8th Grade Passport Trips
The rescheduled trip to the Supreme Court will take place Monday, November 2nd. There will also be a trip to the White House after school on Monday, November 9th. Please meet Ms. Daniels in room E307 at 3:30 pm with metro fare, camera, and good walking shoes.
Monday: After School Outdoor Basketball 
The After School Outdoor Basketball Club will meet on Monday, November 2nd at 3:30 pm behind the school on the court next to the Cottage. Dress for cold weather. In the event of rain, we meet with Mr. Namian in Room E207.

Wednesday: Art from the Heart 
Art from the Heart meets each Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in R109. Last week, several members of Art-from-the-Heart took a trip to The Washington Home (a community hospice center) after school, where they delivered original paintings to patients and residents. This after-school activity meets weekly to enjoy snacks and great conversation as they create original artwork to be delivered to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices in our local community to bring them a ray of sunshine. All are invited to join and serve our community in this special way.
Wednesday: Model UN
Model UN will meet for a General Assembly meeting on Wednesday, November 4th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in RG03. GWCIA Conference participants will receive a letter with final instructions for our conference on Saturday, November 7th at our General Assembly meeting.

Friday: Book Club
Book club will resume on Friday, November 6th. Club members should be finished reading Hoodoo by our next meeting. We will discuss the ending and begin reading out next book. Please bring a copy of the book you chose to read next.

Deal Athletics ...

Winter Sports
Winter sports begin November 2nd! Please fill out the consent & emergency treatment forms here:
and give a copy of your child's physical to Coach Downing.

Boys Basketball-
Girls Basketball-
Indoor Track-

Swim Team
The Deal swim team starts pool practice on Tuesday, November 10th. All those interested should attend the team meeting after school on November 3rd from 3:20 - 3:45 pm in Mr. Helsabeck's classroom (W207). At this meeting you will register for the team electronically, so it is important that all Deal students who will be swimming with us be at this meeting! We will  use TeamSnap to manage communication with parents this season. Our practice schedule will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 - 5:00 pm at the Wilson Pool.

Basketball Try-out Schedule
Boys 6th
Monday- Meeting/SignUp
Tuesday- Tryout #1 - 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Friday- Tryout #2 - 3:30 - 5:30 pm

Girls 6th
Monday- Meeting/SignUp
Thursday: Tryout #1 - 3:30 - 5:30 pm

Girls 7/8th
Monday- Meeting/SignUp
Thursday- Tryout#1 - 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Friday- Tryout #2 - 3:30 - 5:30 pm

Boys 7/8th
Monday - Tryout #1 - 3:30 - 6:00 pm
Tuesday - Tryout #2 - 3:30 - 6:00 pm
Thursday - Tryout #3 - 3:30 - 6:00 pm

The Consent and Emergency Treatment form must be filled out  at for your child to try out. Please email with any questions or concerns. Additional tryout dates will posted in next week's bulletin.

Indoor Track
Indoor Track starts this week!  Practice will be held from 3:30-4:30 pm on Monday and Wednesday. We will meet in the gallery before heading outside for practice.  Please complete the necessary forms online at rankonesport. A copy of your current sports physical MUST be turned into Coach Farrar before students will be allowed to practice.  Be sure to stop by the welcome center to get the informational letter this week if you haven't yet received one.
Cheerleading practice will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.  All cheerleaders must have the required forms in order to participate. 

Ultimate Frisbee
The ultimate frisbee team will practice this Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. We will meet in Mr. Harkin's room (R101) immediately after school. Remember to wear athletic clothing and bring a water bottle - it is hot outside! Players will need to have signed and returned the "Consent to Participate" and "Emergency Information" forms in order to practice. 

Team A will practice Monday and Tuesday. Teams A and B will practice on Wednesday and Friday. All Volleyball practices take place from 3:30 - 4:45 pm.
Staff Information 
Wednesday: Enrollment Audit 
Auditors will count students in their assigned class in Aspen during second period. Students who are tardy should be directed to the auditorium to be counted following the normal headcount. Please do not give any passes during the headcount. 
If the audit is not completed before the end of second period students will remain in their classroom. Please do not dismiss your students until you hear an announcement that the headcount is over.

Thursday: 8th Grade Tempest Performance
All 8th grade students will attend a performance of The Tempest in the auditorium from 9:00 - 10:00 am. 8th grade homeroom teachers should bring their homerooms to the auditorium and be seated by 8:55 am. Students will be dismissed to their 2nd period classes at 10:00 am.

Thursday: WTU Meeting
A Washington Teachers Union meeting will take place from 3:30 - 4:30 pm.

Friday: New LSAT Meeting Time
The LSAT will meet in the conference room at 7:30 am. This is a new meeting date.

Friday: 8th Grade Meeting
All 8th grade teachers are asked to meet in room E300 at 8:10 am for an all-team meeting.

 Alice Deal Club/Activities 
(Clubs continue to be added)

Book ClubE105Friday3:30-4:30
BaseballGymMonday - Friday  AM/PM
African DrummingCG21Monday3:30 - 4:30
Art of the Month ClubC205Monday3:30 - 4:30
Caribbeans on BoardE103Monday3:30 - 4:30
Dance ClubC128Monday3:30 - 4:30
Future Teacher ClubR102Monday3:30 - 4:30
Girl Up ClubW 305Monday3:30 - 4:30
International Cinema ClubR109Monday3:30 - 4:30
MeditationCG06Monday3:30 to 4:30
Muay Thai Fundamentals and FitnessTBAMonday3:30 - 4:30
Open StudioC224Monday3:30 - 4:30
Outdoor After School Basketball ClubCottageMonday3:30 - 4:30
Podcast ClubE207Monday3:30 - 4:30
Run Girls Run!W306Monday3:30 - 4:30
Scrabble ClubCafeteriaMonday3:30 - 4:30
Sixth Grade Soccer ClubE104Monday3:30 - 4:30
Student CouncilMonday3:30 - 4:30
The Poetry CafeC222Monday3:30 - 4:30
Board GamesE100Monday3:30 - 4:30
History through the cityE307Monday (alt.)3:30-5:30
Peer MediationC302Monday and Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Concert ChoirAuditoriumMonday, Wednesday, and Friday7:45 - 8:30 am
Cross CountryReno ParkMonday, Wednesday, and Thursday3:30-5:00
Ultimate FrisbeeR101Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
Debate - BeginningR103Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
Crocheting/Knitting ClubE207Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
Power Walking ClubC302Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
Science Fair HelpE201Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
SpeechW101Tuesday3:30 - 4:30
Adult ColoringW307Tuesday (alt.)3:30 - 4:15
Jazz BandCG20Tuesday and Thursday3:30 - 4:30
Debate - AdvancedE200Tuesday and Thursday3:30 - 4:30
Vocal EnsembleCG21Tuesday and Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Concert BandCG20Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday3:30 - 4:30
Art from the HeartR109Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Comic Book ClubN103Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Creative Writing ClubE106Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
D.I.Y. ClubW105Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Model UN ClubRG03Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Robotics ClubCG07Wednesday3:30 - 4:45 pm
Scrapbooking & CollageC104Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Sports RapW100Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Student CongressE200Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
World Language Newspaper and Culture ClubC314Wednesday3:30 - 4:30
Calligraphy & TeaC213Thursday3:30 - 4:30
Gay - Straight AllianceW207Thursday (alt.)3:30-4:30
Book ClubE105Friday3:30-4:30
#FindYourParkTBASaturday10:00 - Noon
Photography (Motography-the art of travel photography)TBATBD3:30 - 4:30
Sailing ClubE101TBD3:30 - 4:30
Vinyl ClubW300TBD3:30 - 4:30

Community Information
(Items in this section are not sponsored by Deal)

Do you have a community event or organization you would like to see included in the weekly bulletin? Please contact with submission requests.

Summer Program Opportunity for grades 6, 7, and 8
Have fun and enjoy personal enrichment classes with academically-motivated students from around the world in Duke University's Honors Institute. This international and elite program challenges young students to explore advances in technology to design robots or advances in forensic science to solve crimes. Students can also learn the science behind making new medicines and new developments in genetics. For more information visit their website at

CREATE Arts Center
Art Camps at CREATE Arts Center is located in downtown Silver Spring. When school is out, art is in at CREATE! Coming up are camps for students from 6 - 14 years old on these DCPS no-school days (Oct. 19, Nov 11, and Dec. 4) and winter break. Before and aftercare are also available. Ages 13-14 can be CITs during Winter Art Camp. Register at

The John's Hopkins Center for Talented Youth 
The John's Hopkins Center for Talented Youth is currently seeking candidates for their CTY Talent Search. The programs offered through CTY are recommended for students who have scored in the Advanced range on the DC state tests or who have demonstrated superior academic performance in their school coursework. Brochures for the CTY program are available in each grade level counselor's office or you may find more information on their website -