Alice Deal Middle School

Think globally - Listen compassionately - Act inclusively  


The Weekly Bulletin 

deal modernized
Our school mission:
Alice Deal Middle School inspires excellence, curiosity, and compassion through intellectual and social engagement.
deal front        Ecology Field Trip

Principal's Message: 

I hope that over the Winter Break all members of the Deal community - students, parents, Deal staff, neighbors - have an opportunity to rest, relax, reenergize, and prepare to return! These two weeks come when the nights are longest and the days are shortest, which reminds us that life is expected to slow down. For many of us, there are important traditions associated with this time of year, traditions that help center us in our identities. For others of us, this time is two weeks away from the day-to-day experiences and helps us look forward to what is to come. For all of us, the time is needed; I hope you enjoy it in a way that is best for you.

As usual, life at Deal will continue at reasonable speed until the end of the week. There is excellent teaching planned for every day and every period, and we love to have your children with us. As I noted last week, the 2nd advisory continues after the break for a few more weeks and it is essential that students get any late work in before we depart Friday afternoon. On Friday afternoon, we will have a Winter Assembly at the end of the day (although all classes will meet on Friday) to celebrate all of us in community together. (Note to the wise: it is virtually impossible to pick up your child early on Friday afternoon as they will be in the gym - please wait until after school that day!)

This last week saw a wonderful Winter Concert, A World of Tradition, and it was truly lovely. There was a great crowd and it was treated to amazing performances. Our students never disappoint when performing - looking sharp and sounding better. Ms. Myers and Mr. Lewis proved again what sterling work they do with jazz band, symphonic band, percussion ensemble, and the strings ensemble. For our newest music teacher, Ms. Suslov (A Cappella), it was a special evening as well - the All-School Choir was accompanied on the piano by Ms. Suslov's own choir teacher from school! Special thanks to Ms. Rosenthal (string quartet) for her performance as well.

There were a couple of other interesting items of note: we had a wonderful Hour of Code on Monday pm in the media center, (thank you Ms. Wellersdick and Ms. Redekopp!). Ms. Wellersdick has been central in our efforts to add computer programming (sign up right now for Period 8!) into the life of our school; Ms. Redekopp has also spearheaded our 3-D printing effort. On the language side, Mr. Zhi met with a number of parents of students in our Chinese classes that had agreed to host our Chinese student exchange group in February, 2015. Our partnership with Yu Cai (in Beijing) will be enhanced as well when we travel to visit their school in April on the World Language trips.

In just about seven weeks, the Deal community will get together for our annual Deal Auction, organized by our wonderful Alice Deal Community Association (PTA). In today's bulletin (below) there is an appeal for auction items - both outrageous and traditional - and I want to encourage you to donate something. There is so much that this community has to offer - whether it is associated with your work or your avocation, whether it is from a friend, or something you have at home. The Deal Auction is run a bit differently from other auctions - the ADCA sees it as an important fundraiser, but more importantly has tried to make it just a great community event (like the International Night). It is a chance for all of us to come together, break bread, talk, and then commit some money to a good cause - why we are all here anyway! If you can make sure that you are donating something, or making sure you come and buy something donated, I can continue to commit that I will work with the ADCA to use those funds to make your child's experience at Deal all it can be. Every year we have significant challenges in this great public school - and your support helps us meet them time and time again. So, please be generous.

Have a great week.

James Albright

PS - please also note the first item in Student and Parent Information regarding registering student DC One Cards. WMATA has been asking families to register their students' DC One Card online for about six months; they are planning to have this be an expectation of student use of the DC One Card on their buses. Students would tap in to the reader at the front of the bus as they enter. I hope that you have already registered, but if not, we are going to do a registration effort at lunch for the next two days. Students just have to bring their DC One Cards (per usual) and we will have an orderly way to register them with our laptop carts.

Also note that in February there will be a change to the D routes using Military Road; there will be no interruption in service but there will be a slight detour (details coming) that will have the buses avoid the Military Road/16th Street intersection.

Alice Deal Community Association

 Auction Donations


Please consider giving back to Alice Deal by donating to this year's auction on February 7th. Funds raised at the auction will be used to support community service, fund arts, music, and athletics, and continue to assist teacher training. There are many ways to give: 
  • Donate tickets to sporting events, theater, and concerts!
  • Consider donating a getaway. Everyone needs a vacation!
  • Are you famous our know someone who is? Autographed items are a hit!
  • Throw a party! Gather some friends and host a fun event!
  • Can you cook? Donate a dessert a month or host a meal for donors!

Finally, as you shop for the holidays or visit your favorite restaurant, ask store owners if they would consider donating a gift certificate. It's that easy!


Donate now or direct donors to our website here: Alice Deal Auction  


Holiday Tree Thank You 

Thank you to our wonderful community for your support of ADCA's
holiday tree sale! Whether you purchased a tree or gave your time
to help sell them, we appreciate your support! 

 Moving to the Reno Wing
On January 5, 2015, we will be fully occupying our new Reno wing. Teachers have already started moving items over and will continue to do so for the next few weeks. What affects your student?
1) Teams Addis Ababa and Brussels will be on the 1st and Ground floors (respectively).
2) Teachers will be moving in all parts of the Deal building, as new classrooms come open when we shift some over to Reno; virtually everyone will be affected.
3) Team Addis and Brussels students will move their lockers on Friday, December, before the end of school.
4) All Deal students will receive paper copies of their new schedules
5) We will help to make sure that students feel they are able to move from class to class on-time when that journey is longer than in the past (we will be as flexible as possible).
6) There will be an evening open house at sometime in the near future so that you can see the new space as well - keep checking in the bulletin!
Week of December 15
 Bell Schedule

Monday - Bell I
Tuesday - Bell I 
 Wednesday - Bell 1 
Thursday -  Thursday Bell
Friday  - PM Bell Schedule 
Upcoming Dates

December 16
8th Grade I&S: Mock Hearings

December 17
Principal's Coffee 9 am
8th Grade I&S: Mock Hearings

December 18
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm

December 19 
Winter Assembly
Visting Deal, 10 am
7th Gr Sp Humanities to Guapos 
Tm Kyoto Breakfast 
December 22 - January 2
Winter Break - No school for teachers and students

January 5
School starts again!

January 6
Period 8 Winter classes begin


January 8

Deal School Spelling Bee

New to Deal, 3:30 pm


January 9

LSAT, 7:30 am


January 10

Saturday Detention, 9 am - noon


January 13

Team Leaders, 3:30 (all)


January 14

PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm


January 16

Shakespeare Festival - 6:30 pm


January 19

Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday

No school for staff or students


January 21
Principal's Coffee, 9 am

January 22
Deal Geography Bee
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm

January 23
End of Term
Students dismissed at 12:15 pm

 January 24
Saturday Detention, 9 am - noon

January 26
6th Grade Birthday Party

January 27
Team Leaders, 3:30 (gr level)

January 30
Visiting Deal, 10 am

Tutoring at Deal...

Team Tutoring

Team teachers will be available after school on the following days:


6th Grade Teams

Seoul: Monday (C128)

Shanghai:Tuesday (W103)

Istanbul: Tuesday

Baku: Tuesday (E101)


7th Grade Teams

Buenos Aires: Wednesday 

Athens:Wednesday (E205)

Kyoto: Wednesday (W207)

Brussels: Wednesday


8th Grade Teams

Marrakesh: Tuesday

Dublin: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

Addis Ababa: Tuesday. Wednesday, and Friday

Tokyo: Wednesday


ELL Tutoring

ELL tutoring Mondays and Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in room C213. 


Spanish Humanities 

Spanish Humanities tutoring will be in room C212 every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm.


Spanish Tutoring

Spanish tutoring will be every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in room CG07.


French Tutoring

French tutoring wil be held every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in room C103.  


Chinese Tutoring 

Chinese tutoring will be held on Wednesdays from 3:15 - 4:30 pm in room N101.   

Shakespeare Festival Rehearsal Schedule 


Monday Dec. 15

3:15-5:30 Blocking

"AS YOU LIKE IT" Sc 1 & Sc 2 Orlando, Adam, Oliver, Le Beau, Rosalind, Duke Fredrick, Charles, Ensemble

"MACBETH" Sc 1 & Sc 2 Banquo, Ross, Witches, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Messenger 2


Tuesday Dec 16

3:30-5:30 Scene Work 

"As You Like It" Sc . 3 & 4

Orlando, Adam, Duke Senior, Jacques, Ensemble

"Macbeth" Sc 3 & 4 Macbeth, Macduff, Lady Macbeth, Lennox, Donalbain, Ross, Malcom, Ensemble


Wednesday Dec 17

3:30-5:30 Scene Work 

"As You Like It" Sc 5 and 6 Touchstone, Rosalind, Orlando, Celia, Phebe Silvius

"Macbeth" Sc 5 Ross, Lady Macduff, Son, and Murderers 


Thursday Dec 18

3:30-5:30 Scene Work 

"As You Like It" Scene 7

Audrey, Touchstone, Jacques, Rosalind, Celia, Phebe, Orlando, Silvius

"Macbeth" Scene 6

Doctor, Gentlewoman, Lady Macbeth


Friday Dec 19

3:30-5:30 Scene Work

"As You Like It" Sc 8 Silvius, Phebe, Rosalind, Celia, Orlando, Audrey, Touchstone, Jacques, Duke Senior, Ensemble

"Macbeth"Sc 7

Macbeth, Macduff, Messenger 3

Schedule subject to change! Contact [email protected] with any questions.


Media Center News

Center Hours 


The Deal Library will be closed after school on Friday, December 19th for the break. 


Before School 8:00 - 8:40 am

 After School  3:30 - 5:00 pm

Students must have parental permission to stay after school


The Alice Deal Media Center welcomes students for reading and homework after school! Students must have a permission form on file in the library to use the space after school. Students may pick up a form in the library, or may download it from the library website (Library Pass). 
Bus Information 2014 - 2015

Here is a link to the bus route schedule.


If an issue occurs with your designated school transit service, below are contacts at Metro who can help.


Northern (D31, 33, and 34) (202) 962-5800

Superintendent Priscilla Alston: (202) 962-5808 (direct)

Assistant Superintendent Frank Machado: (202) 962-5809 (direct)


Western (Morning D32s, one of the afternoon D32s)

Superintendent Jackie Smith: (202) 379-8787; mobile: (202) 962-8785

Assistant Superintendent Amit Tonse: (202) 379-8787 mobile: (202) 570-6728


For longer-term bus planning needs (i.e., requests for new transit services, ongoing crowding, etc.), contact Kristine Marsh at (202) 962-6088 or[email protected]

As always, please send an email about bus problems or concerns to  [email protected].

Immunization News 


Thanks to the parents who have been sending in immunization information. Please continue to send in  documentation every time your student receives new immunizations. It is important to have all students immunized to prevent the spread of childhood diseases.


All 6th graders 11 years or older must have the following:

Tdap (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis)

Meningococcal (meningitis)  

HPV (human papilloma virus)


For the HPV vaccine, three doses are required for females or you may complete an opt out form.


All immunization forms must be stamped, signed and dated before the Immunization Registry will accept them.


If there are any questions, please call Nurse Whitlock at (202) 939-2009.

The DCPS Attendance Protocol 


 DCPS Attendance Protocol and Policy: Things to Remember


1. Students that miss two class periods will automatically be counted as being absent for the entire school day.

2. Students must submit a note from their parents to excused from being absent from school (please refer to the list of authorized excused absences)


Excused Absences According DCPS:

  • Death in the Family
  • Illness (doctor's note must be provided for absences that exceed 5 days)
  • Medical Appointment
  • Emergency
  • Religious Holiday
  • Court Summons
  • School Activities (DCPS sponsored sports events, academic activities etc.)
  • School Visit (tours, interviews, etc.)

If you have any questions or concerns more, please contact our Attendance Counselor:


Krystle Johnson

[email protected]



 International Baccalaureate


It is today we must create the world of the future." 


Eleanor Roosevelt 


This week Geography 6 students finished the International Relations unit by presenting their findings on one Millennial Development Goal set by the United Nations in 1990. Not only were the students asked to share the world's current progress, but they were also asked to make proposals for the future. After each group completed the presentation, fellow classmates shared one "glow" and one "grow" with the group.  


Activities like these introduce students to real-world challenges and show students how their thoughtful contributions matter.  


For more information on the Millennial Development Goals our students investigated, please visit 

World Language Trips 2015 and UK Trip 2015 


France Trip for 8th graders:

Registration for the 2015 spring trip to France is open for current 8th graders. To learn more about the trip, please visit and enter the tour number 1538201VB. If you have questions, please email Mr. Mbayu ([email protected]), Mr. Ngwa ([email protected]), or Ms. Brown ([email protected]). Merci! 


Costa Rica Trip for 8th Graders:

Registration for the 2015 spring trip to Costa Rica is open for current 8th graders. To learn more about the trip, please visit and enter the tour number 1610673CH. If you have questions, please email Ms. Cuffee ([email protected]) or Ms. Thompson ([email protected]). Vamos Nacionales! Gracias!  


China Trip for 8th graders

Registration for the 2015 spring trip to China is open for current 8th graders. To learn more about the trip, plesae visit or speak with anyone who attended last year's trip. If you have questions, please email Mr. Zhi at [email protected]


The trip will visit Beijing, the capital of China; Xi'an, the historical city with terracotta warriors; Shanghai, the famous economic center; and Guilin, one of the most scenic places in the world. Go Nationals! 


United Kingdom Trip for Current 7th Graders Summer 2015:  

Registration for the 2015 summer trip to the United Kingdom is open for current 7th graders. To learn more about this trip, please visit and enter the tour number1605005AT. If you have questions, please email Mr. Otterstatter ([email protected]).


Student & parent information


New: DC One Card update

Deal students who ride Metro buses to school are eligible to ride FREE with a registered DC One Card.   Up until this point, students have been able to show their card to the bus operator. Beginning in January, students must TAP a registered DC One Card in order to take advantage of this program. Registration takes a few days to process, so students should register their cards now in order to use them for bus travel after the winter break. Students will have the opportunity to register their cards at lunch on Monday. To complete the registration process from home, visit 


New: Winter Reading = Chipotle!

Librarians from the Tenley branch of DC Public Library will visit Deal during all lunch periods this Wednesday to promote the Winter Reading Club! Any middle school student who reads at least one book or article can get a Chipotle gift card!  Visit or your friendly Deal Librarians for more details.   


New: Sign Up NOW for Period 8 - Classes Start After Break!

Period 8 is Deal's unique blended-learning enrichment program, offering academic courses on a variety of exciting topics. Period 8 courses meet once per week for an hour after school. In addition, students work online to complete additional course activities and assignments. The Winter Session of Period 8 will begin the week of January 5th (immediately following Winter Break) and run through the end of February.


For more information or to register, use the Period 8 link on Edline or visit


The following courses are still enrolling students: 

Architecture through Minecraft - Mr.  Donlon 

Storytelling through Video Games - Mr. Eckel 

Mapmaking - Mr. Martini 

Computer Programming - Ms. Wellersdick   


New: School Newspaper

Our student journalists have been busy sharing the latest in news, sports, and entertainment. Check out your school newspaper at!


New: Team Kyoto

Team Kyoto Family Potluck Breakfast is Friday December 19th from 8:00-9:00 am. Sign up here:

We hope to see you there!


New: GeoPlunge Challenge Tournament
Congratulations to all the players who participated in the GeoPlunge Tournament last Thursday at the National Portrait Gallery! Deal brought the championship cup home for a third straight year! A special shout-out to our first place team of John Keating, Ethan Fingerhut, and Oscar Lee and second place team of Shayna Brotzman, Meg Buzbee, and Usha Hippenstiel. Our sixth graders also represented our school with pride - Skylar Clay, Jordan Bell, Beckett Sessums, Becket See, Adam Watkins, and Andrew Irwin-Leventhal.


New: Speech and Debate

We will not hold speech and debate this coming week. Instead, we will start up again in January. Watch your e-mail for more information.


Those students who are interested in joining the team should plan to attend a meeting on January 7th in W206 immediately after school. At that time, we will provide you with a short overview of what speech and debate is all about and talk a bit about what you would like to do for your first speech or debate.


New: "Letters About Literature" Writing Contest

Calling all creative writers at Deal! You still have time to enter the "Letters About Literature" contest. Write a letter to a favorite author expressing how the author's book (fiction or nonfiction), poem, or play changed your view of the world. "Letters About Literature" entries must be postmarked by January 15th. For further information or to receive an application, see Ms. Allen in the library or 

visit the "Letters About Literature" website:


New: Fantasy Football

We made it to the playoffs! This week's championship matches are:


Math Life vs. Silver Stripes

DC Dominators vs. $Dylan$

Kaleb's Team vs. Shayna's Team

Acraxian Warriors vs. The Ligers 


The biggest upset this past week was $Dylans$ team beating 2nd ranked Acraxian Warriors 125 to 88! Way to go Dylan! Good luck everyone in the first round of the playoffs. See you Wednesday, December 17th for Fantasy Football Club.


Commitment to Service and Action

New: Origami Crane Project

The origami crane is a symbol associated with the idea of world peace through the story of Sadako Sasaki. The 6th graders invite the entire Deal community to help us reach our goal of creating 2015 cranes by Friday, December 19th. Completed cranes should be placed in the container near Ms. Neal's office (C114).


New: Teens for Jeans

Our next great collection effort is to collect as many jeans (all colors, all sizes, without holes, only jeans) to donate to local area homeless shelters.

The actual collection of them won't start until January 5th, but we know that many families give items away before the end of the year. Please hold on to any jeans so we can strive to be a top-ten ranked middle school for jeans donation!


Deal Swim Team

The deadline to join the Deal swim team has passed. We are excited about how large our team has grown and we have enjoyed getting to know all of our super awesome swimmers! Swim team parents should email [email protected] to get the latest news.Go Vikings!


Yearbook Photos 

Requesting photos of Deal events and students for yearbook! Email [email protected] or come see Mr. Klauber in W207.


No supervision for early arrivals

Parents, please keep in mind that the staff does not arrive at Deal until 8:00 am. Therefore we can't be responsible for children who arrive to school before that time.

Follow us on Twitter
Do you want to know more about daily life at Deal? Follow us on Twitter @DealVikings.  Mr. Albright has generously offered to buy dinner for the millionth follower so act fast; with over 670 followers, we could have a winner any day! 

Deal Athletics ...


Deal Swim Team

To receive information about joining the Deal Swim Team, please email us at [email protected] so that we can add you to our email listserv.

Basketball Schedule This Week:
Please check the Alice Deal Athletics Calendar for the most up-to-date game schedule and locations.


Indoor Track
Greetings Tracksters! The track team email is now [email protected]. Please send us an email if you would like to receive emails and updates about indoor track meets.

Track practice will be held Monday & Friday next week from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. As the weather changes, please listen carefully to both the morning and the afternoon announcements about whether practice will be inside or out on the field. Email your coaches at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Cheer practice will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:30 pm.  This Wednesday, December 10th, there be a parent meeting at 5:30 pm.   

This Week at Deal...

Monday: The International Cinema Club

The International Cinema Club will meet on Monday in N112 from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Please join us for popcorn and a movie.


Monday: Creative Writing

Creative Writing will hold its final meeting of 2014 on Monday, December 15th. At our last meeting, group members wrote stories where they alternated with a partner for each line! Now that's just plain fun. Hope you can join us!


Monday: Deal Nature Lovers Club.

The DNLC will meet at 3:30 pm on Monday in room W300. Look for a table during recess next week to support the Nature Conservancy #elegrams project. You can make, photograph, and post an image of an elephant to the Nature Conservancy webpage to save an elephant.


Monday: Open Studio Club Canceled this Week

We will not meet on Monday, December 15th. After the break, we will meet in our new space, C224. Have a great break!


Monday: The After School Outdoor Basketball Club

The After School Outdoor Basketball Club will meet on Monday, December 15th at 3:30 pm behind the school on the court next to the "Cottage." Dress for cold weather. In the event of rain, we will meet with Mr. Namian in Room W204.


Monday: Cooking Club

Cooking Club Group B will meet at 3:20 in Ms. Kinzer's room and will walk to Whole Foods for our store tour. We will leave at 3:30 sharp and will return to Deal at 5:00 pm. Please check the weather and make sure you are dressed appropriately. The trip is rain or shine.


Monday: Girl Up

Girl Up will meet in E306 on Monday at 3:30 pm. See you there to discuss the watch an awesome TED talk about women in the world!


Monday: Rubik's Cube Club
Did you know solving a Rubik's Cube improves spatial awareness, exercises the brain, develops sharp mental reflexes, and strengthens one's ability to persevere? Come check out the club so you can start learning how to master the cube and sign one out to take home over winter break! We will meet in Ms. Law's room (E101) Monday, December 15th at 3:30 pm

Tuesday: Meditation Club
Do you want to reduce stress and relax after a busy school day? Come to the Meditation Club to learn a variety of techniques to help you deal with stress. We meet on Tuesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 in Room C213.

Wednesday: French Tutoring

There will be a special French Tutoring Session this Wednesday in room N112 for all students who need help to correct the numeration of their FIN. Please come with tape, glue, coloring materials, and a productive attitude! Your teachers will be there to guide and assist you.


Wednesday: Model UN

Model UN will meet on Wednesday, December 17th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the auditorium. We will have a guest speaker: Ms. Sarah Craven, Director of the Washington Office United Nations Population Fund. MUN members and community members are invited to attend.


Wednesday: Art from the Heart

Come join Ms. Kim and the rest of the club in room C224 on Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. We are currently knitting scarves for the homeless!

          8th Grade Corner

Want to Celebrate Good Grades?
Georgetown is offering a free student ticket (with purchase of an adult ticket) to two games for any 8th grade student with an "A" on their report card! The games are December 20th against Charlotte and January 3rd against Creighton. To participate:
  1. Visit
  2. Select the Charlotte or Creighton game
  3. Enter code "AGAME"
High School Application Season is Here
Although the DCPS Common Application won't open until December 15th, you should be aware of the following key points as you gather materials for applications:
  • Ms. Giron ([email protected]) has graciously volunteered to help with high school applications!
  • Please sent transcript requests to Ms. Giron at least 2 weeks in advance of deadlines.
  • Please provide addressed, stamped envelopes for any documents you need sent to schools.
  • Recommendation requests should be given directly to teachers with all supporting documents and an addressed, stamped envelope.
  • When requesting recommendations for multiple schools, please provide the information for all schools at one time with clear deadlines.

Wilson 9th Grade Parent Course Selection Night 

Attention 8th grade parents: Wilson High School will have a parent course selection information night at Wilson on January 27th from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the auditorium.


High School Open House Dates

Open houses are a great way to learn more about prospective high schools. High school visits are an excused absence (with a parent note, of course) and we encourage our students to explore their options. Please be sure to RSVP when requested: 


Benjamin Banneker High School 


Calvin Coolidge

Coolidge Open House Flyer 


Ellington School of the Arts

December 13th, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm 

RSVP to 


Eastern Senior High School 

To schedule an individual or group tour, contact

[email protected]


McKinley Technology High School 

January 24th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

RSVP to 


Phelps Architecture, Construction & Engineering School 

January 16th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

February 20th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

March 20th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

May 15th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

May 29th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 


School Without Walls High School 

 January 9th, 9:00 - 11:00 am 

January 30th, 9:00 - 11:00 am 

February 6th, 9:00 - 11:00 am 


Wilson High School 

January 9th, 9:00 - 11:00 am

February 6th, 9:00 - 11:00 am

March 13th, 9:00 - 11:00 am 

Staff information ...


Monday: Staff Breakfast
Our generous Alice Deal Community Association (ADCA, formerly PTA) will provide a staff breakfast outside the teachers lounge Monday morning - starting at 7:30!

Tuesday: Academic Leadership Team meeting
The ALT will meet at 3:30 pm to review IB plans for remainder of year and discuss planning for 2015-16.
Wednesday: 7th Grade Team Meeting
The seventh grade level will meet in W201, Ms. Newman's classroom Wednesday morning.

Thursday: Viking Time

It's Viking Time! Please check with your grade level administrator if you need anything for to make your activity a success.

Thursday: Faculty Meeting
The faculty meeting will take place at 3:30 pm in the cafeteria.

Friday: Professional Development
Standardization of Assessments: A. Brown & C. Daniels in Room C206

Friday: Winter Assembly
We will have an activity bell and students will move to the assembly from their homerooms.

New: Moving to the Reno Building
On Friday, students on teams Addis Ababa and Brussels will move their belongings to their new lockers.

Over the break, the school will be open for teachers to move to their new space and set up classrooms. 
Schedule of Before School Activities

(all activities begin at 7:45 am unless otherwise stated)





Symphonic Band - CG20String Orchestra - CG04Percussion Ensemble
String Orchestra
Peer Mediators
Concert Choir
Symphonic Band - CG20Concert Choir
Symphonic Band - CG20Concert Choir

Percussion Ensemble


Schedule of After School Clubs & Activities

(all clubs and activities end at 4:30 pm unless otherwise noted)




Au Cinema
National Junior Honor Society
Book Club
Creative Writing W307
Dance & Choreography
French Tutoring
Cottage Comic Book 
Open Art Studio
Debate Team
Music Workshop
East Asia Studies
Science Tutoring
Gay Straight Alliance
Board Games
Bocce Ball
Ultimate Frisbee
E307 (to 5pm) 
Peer Mediators
Conditioning Club
Tennis Club
Spanish Theatre
Yo-Yo Club
Corner Nurse & Neal
Team Shanghai
Study Hall
DIY Club
8th Gr Field Trip Club
Girls on the Run
Game Club
Vinyl Club
Intramural Volleyball
Film Making 101
6th Gr Comic Book

Cooking Club
Meditation Club
A Cappella

Calligraphy Club
Cultural Discovery Club
Fantasy Football 

Classic Card Games 
Tm Baku Study Hall
7th/8th Model UN

Girl Up
Learn to Swim Club
E201 (to 5:10pm)
Service Club

Student Council 
String Club 
Music Workshop 

African Drumming 
Science Olympiad
Dance Club

6th Gr Soccer Club
Photography Club

Japanese Culture Club
Babysitter's Club
History Film Club

Chess Club
Minecrafters 7th 
Jazz Band

International Cinema
Club E101
Minecrafters 6th 
The Sports Rap

Socratic Club

Art from the Heart

A Cappella

Workout Warriors

Scrabble Club

Model UN

Scrapbooking & Collage


After School Basketball Club

Spelling Bee Club 

Socratic Club

Nature Lovers Club


Community Information
(Items in this section are not sponsored by Deal)


Wilson Crew Wreath Sale Extended
The Wilson Crew Wreath sale is extended until Friday, December 5th.  If you have not had a chance to place your order, please do so now!  They are beautiful 24" inch fresh cut wreaths with a big red bow for just $25.  Go to and select your favorite rower or 'any rower' from the drop-down lists.  Look at the novice squads to find the Deal rowers.   A rower will deliver the wreath to your house.

Join Fit to Inspire for Holiday Power Walk on Saturday, December 6th at 9:30 am

Fit to Inspire, the women's wellness community, is holding a "Holiday Waddle" (power walk) here in Chevy Chase (meeting point is Lafayette School).  The walk is FREE, but any optional donations raised will go to Operation Smile, the medical charity that repairs facial deformities in needy children around the world.  Sponsored by Athleta and Somersault Snacks, participants will be in the drawing for many great prizes.  Join Alice Deal mom, Rebeca Plantier, for this simple and fun event!  Register on or contact Rebeca on [email protected].

Annual Winter Market at Janney

For all of you crafters and entrepreneurs at Deal... mark your calendars now for the Annual Winter Market on Saturday, December 6th from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm at Janney Elementary School. Tables are only $10 (half) and $20 (full) for students and $30 for all other vendors. The Winter Market packs Janney with eager holiday shoppers looking for everything from crafts, baked goods, and boutique accessories to second-hand toys, unique art pieces, and hot lunch fare. We welcome Deal students and families to offer items for sale at the market and, of course, to come and enjoy great food, music, and shopping. Registration for tables at the Winter Market is now open, so check out and register soon to guarantee your spot!



Do you have a story, poem or essay you still want to share? 

There is just one month left to submit to the DC Metro Regional 2015 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!


You're invited to join us for a 5-hour intensive Scholastic Art & Writing Workshop.

Come and work with Genna Kohlhardt, Writopia Instructor and Scholastic Submissions Coordinator. You can start a piece to submit, develop one you've already started, or refine one you've been working on while learning more about the submission and judging process.


WHEN: Saturday, December 6th, 2014, 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM

WHERE: Writopia Lab, 4000 Albemarle Street, Suite 308, Washington, DC, 20016

COST: $228

Middle School Self Defense Class
Grand Master Kim of the National Defense University is offering a self-defense class geared specifically for sixth and seventh grade students. The class will stimulate simple, real life situations and teach self defense techniques for children. Students will gain confidence, learn respect and discipline in a safe environment.

The class will be held at a martial arts studio just across Fort Reno Park from Deal Middle School. Classes will be held Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5 pm for ten weeks starting September 23rd. The price of the class is extremely affordable.

For more information and to reserve a spot email [email protected]