Alice Deal Middle School

Think globally - Listen compassionately - Act inclusively  


The Weekly Bulletin 

deal modernized
Our school mission:
Alice Deal Middle School inspires excellence, curiosity, and compassion through intellectual and social engagement.
deal front        Ecology Field Trip

Principal's Message... 

A special thanks for those of you who participated in some form or other in our IB evaluation process. The main event concluded on Friday, as the visiting team of educators presented a preliminary set of findings to our leadership team. The last part of this process is the formal report which will be released sometime in the early spring. In the long interim, let me summarize a couple of key points that arose in the two-day visit.

Much of what we heard validated our teacher's efforts - and the visitors were impressed by so much of what takes place in our classrooms. They recognized the commitment the staff and community have to the program. Many pieces of what we do stood out - the full range of language options, the presence of reflection in much of what we do, and the ever-increasing focus on inquiry in our classrooms. Of course, we are always seeking to improve but it is helpful to have critical eyes on our work.

Not every part of what we do is where it needs to be. It is clear that we can do more to provide information about the Middle Years Program to our parent and student community. Our awesome IB coordinator, Assistant Principal Stallworth, and I have been planning a comprehensive outreach strategy - making sure that our basic processes are understood, that the very tricky area of assessments is explained, and that the broader outlines of why we do this hard work are visible. This fall, the Deal staff has been involved in the program's transition to an even more consistent pedagogical model and we have to bring everyone along with us while we move forward.

Although the IB evaluation visit did absorb a lot of attention, it was not the only happening at Deal. Our incredible #Socktober event, a first for us, covered the stage in socks and other garments in anticipation of sharing these with our homeless community. We are just beginning our annual canned food drive, a service activity that culminates in a couple of weeks, so keep your charitable instincts out. In December, we have a new activity planned - a weekend called the "Hack-a-Thon" - a joint effort by a group called Random Hacks of Kindness. This will put a cafeteria full of programmers to work on large and small technical challenges. Mr. Rottman will be spearheading this effort - you will surely hear more soon.

Notes There is a schedule change that is significant: In order to avoid our Winter Concert conflicting with Wilson HS concert, we are changing the date of the Concert. The Winter Concert will now be on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30. We are very proud of our students' success when they cross the park to Wilson and want to support both music programs. And don't let Wilson's big musical of the season, West Side Story, pass you by. Check out the details way at the bottom of this bulletin.

Finally, please check out Family Math Night this week - everyone always learns something new. We will see you here Wednesday evening.

James Albright
Week of  
November 11, 2013
 Bell Schedule
Monday - No School
(Veteran's Day)
Tuesday -Bell I
      Wednesday - Bell I 
    Thursday -  Thurs Bell SSR
Friday - Bell I 


The Alice Deal PTA is Building Community


Did you miss the Alice Deal Book Fair at Politics & Prose? Not to worry! Now you can shop online anytime and earn contributions to
benefit the school's library. Plus you can purchase items for teachers'
classroom collections through their Politics & Prose wishlists.

Search for books through the search bar at the top of the page, and 5%
of the proceeds from any purchases will go to fund the Deal library.
Click on links to teacher wishlists to buy books for classroom
collections, and 5% of the proceeds from any of those purchases also
will go to fund the Deal library.

Bookmark the Alice Deal Affiliate page and use it whenever you shop
online at Politics & Prose. And look for the button on the banner of the
Alice Deal website.

The library, our teachers, and Deal kids all benefit!     

Upcoming Dates  

November 11
Veterans' Day
No school for staff and students

November 12
Canned food drive begins

November 13
Eaton Buddy Day
Family Math Night, 6:30 pm

November 14
GeoPlunge Tournament

November 15
LSAT, 7:30 am
Report Cards Issued

November 16
Saturday Detention 9 - noon

November 19
Open House 9 - 1 pm
Team Leaders, 3:30 pm

November 20
Bancroft Buddy Day
International Night

November 21
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm

November 22
Hearst Buddy Day
Visiting Deal 9am

November 23
Scrabble Tournament 

November 26
Principal's Coffee, 9 - 10

November 27
Thanksgiving Assembly

November 28 - 29
Thanksgiving Break 
No school for students or teachers


December 3
Shepherd Buddy Day


December 5
New to Deal, 3:30 pm


December 6
Visiting Deal 9 - 10


December 7
Saturday Detention 9 - noon
Hack-a-thon 8 am - 7 pm
PTA Holiday Greens Sale 


December 8
Hack-a-thon 8 am - 6 pm
PTA Holiday Greens Sale


December 9


December 10

 December 11

PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm


December 12
School Geography Bee


December 13
LSAT, 7:30 am


December 14
Saturday Detention 9 - noon  
PTA Holiday Greens Sale
December 15
PTA Holiday Greens Sale 

 December 17

Janney Buddy Day
Winter Concert  6:30 

 December 18

Open House 9 - 1

 December 19

Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm 

 December 20

SCAC, 7:30 am
Holiday Assembly

 December 23 - January 3

Winter Break

 January 6

Professional Development Day
No school for students


January 7
Students return to school 


Buddy Days are coming to Deal!


Every year, Alice Deal 6th grade students and teachers host a day for each feeder school's 5th grade students and teachers to visit during the school day. This is our chance to proudly present our school to future middle school students and we make every effort to ensure our visiting buddies have a super positive experience.


The following schools will visit from 8:50 am to noon:


Eaton ESWed.
Nov. 13
Bancroft ESWed.
Nov. 20
Hearst ES 
Nov. 22
Shepherd ESTues.Dec. 3
Janney ES
Tues.Dec. 17


Media Center News
    Center Hours


Before School 8:00 - 8:40 am

 After School  3:30 - 4:30 pm

Students must have parental permission to stay after school


The Alice Deal Media Center welcomes students for reading and homework after school! Students must have a permission form on file in the library to use the space after school. Students may pick up a form in the library, or may download it from the library website (Library Pass). 
Bus Information '13-'14

Metrobus Contacts for Schools


If an issue occurs with your designated school transit service, below are contacts at Metro who can help.


For emergency issues or time-sensitive questions (i.e., safety, late buses, missed stops, etc.), contact the Bus Operations Communication Center at (202) 962-1825.


For longer-term bus planning needs (i.e., requests for new transit services, ongoing crowding, etc.), contact Brooke Fossey at (202) 962-5203 or


As always, please send an email about bus problems or concerns to

Here is a link to the bus route schedule.

Immunization News 


Thanks to the parents who have been sending in immunization information. Please continue to send in  documentation every time your student receives new immunizations. It is important to have all students immunized to prevent the spread of childhood diseases.


All 6th graders 11 years or older must have the following:

Tdap (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis)

Meningococcal (meningitis)  

HPV (human papilloma virus)


For the HPV vaccine, three doses are required for females or you may complete an opt out form.


All immunization forms must be stamped, signed and dated before the Immunization Registry will accept them.


If there are any questions, please call Nurse Whitlock at (202) 939-2009.

PTA Sponsors
The following are the Deal PTA 2013-2014 business sponsors.

The Broad Branch Market
Taylor Agostino Group
Radifera Design Group
W.C. & A.N. Miller Realtor
Pete's New Haven Style Apizza
Second Wind CrossFit
edCount, LLC 

Discount Vacation Rentals for Deal Families

 Capitol Language Services  


Acacia Bistro 


The DCPS Attendance Protocol

  1. 10 unexcused absences means "chronically truant."
  2. 15 unexcused absences results in a court referral 
  3. Students must be at school 80% of the entire school day in order to be considered "present."  


The only excusable reasons for a student's late arrival and/or absence from school are:

  • Illness or medical  
  • Medical or dental appointment 
  • Death in the student's immediate family
  • Judicial proceedings 
  • Religious holiday
  • Failure of DC to provide transportation  

In order to be acknowledged as "excused" the student 

parents must provided a note (written or electronically) to Ms. Johnson, the attendance counselor, that indicates for  their child was absent from school.     

If you have any questions, please contact the Welcome Center and ask to speak to the Attendance Counselor, Ms. Johnson. 

What's Cooking Deal Families?

Take a minute to sign up to bring a dish to the spectacular Deal International Night  potluck dinner on November 20. Follow the link and show off your kitchen skills with the Deal community.
International Night Dish Sign-up! 


Plan on attending with the whole family! Proceeds from this year's fundraiser will benefit student international travel. Contact Diana Rojas at with any questions.  

The 2013 International Night will raise money for scholarships for this year's international trips. Last year, thanks to the generosity of the Deal community, the Deal parent and teacher organization was able to help 19 students afford trips to China, France and Costa Rica.


Your $upport means a great Deal!  

Student & parent information


New: Family Math Night - Celebrating the Joy and Beauty of Mathematics

The event of the season is HERE! Yes, Deal's Family Math Night will take place on Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 until 8:00 pm. Moms, dads, and siblings are encouraged to join us in celebrating the joy and beauty of mathematics. Activities will include: Factor Blaster, Cranium Crunch, Challenge 24, Tangrams, Mr. and Ms. Pi Head, Robotics, the Symmetry Behind Beauty, I Declare Math, Speed Drills, Math (pre)Midnight Madness, Math Apps, Lady Liberty Math, Cube-n-ometry, Math Card Games, Rubiks Cube, and the Guess the M & Ms Challenge. The math class, at each grade level, with the highest percentage of participation will receive a pizza party!

New: Follow @DealVikings on Twitter!  
Be sure to follow Alice Deal's new Twitter account for updates and pictures from the daily happenings at Deal.

New: #Socktober Appreciation
Thank you to all who donated to our #socktober sock, glove, hat, scarf, blanket, and jacket drive! Congratulations to Ms. Venezia's homeroom for collecting nearly 500 items towards our school-wide total of over 2000! Special thanks to Mr. Gueltig and Mr. Martini who together spearheaded this timely community service effort - what a great effort!

New: #Socktober - Outreach Runs
As part of the 6th grade service learning initiative on addressing homelessness in our community, each team will participate in an outreach run with the National Coalition for the Homeless! Led by a guide, a select group of students on each sixth grade team will spend an afternoon delivering the items we've collected to the homeless community in our city. Forty students on Team Santiago will go on the first run this Friday, November 14! Students must return permission slips to Mr. Martini this week.

New: Career Day Thanks

The counseling department at Alice Deal would like to thank the administration, staff, students, PTA and guests for making Career Day a great success. It couldn't have happened without your help! It was truly a meaningful experience for our students.


New: Chess Club

The chess club meets on Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in room E301. The club is a fun way for all students to develop their chess skills through games and chess problems. It is open to players at all experience levels, from beginners to advanced players. Due to the Veteran's Day holiday, there will be no club meeting next week, but the club will resume on Monday, November 18th.


New: Ultimate Frisbee Club

The Ultimate Frisbee Club will have their last practice of the season on Monday, November 18th at 3:30 pm in Mr. Martini's room (C130). 


New: Career/College Awareness Events

Poster Contest: "Choosing to Make a Difference in Our World" is the theme for this year's contest. Students are asked to create an original poster that captures this theme. Students who are interested in entering the contest should see their grade level counselor. The deadline for entries is Friday, November 15th. Prizes will be awarded!


New: Parent Groups: Parenting Children w ADHD.

Parents, are you looking for support and strategies for managing your child who lives with ADHD? We are happy to resume this parent support/psychoeducation group on Monday, November 18th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. This is a date change due to the Veteran's Day holiday. Please contact for more information or just arrive that evening

ready to share and learn.

Scholastic Reading Clubs

Books and ebooks are available online for students at a discounted rate. You simply go online, register and order no later than November 18th. Ms. Kinzer will then process your order and have books delivered to your child at school. To order:  


1. Register at
2. Enter the Class Activation Code: LWMM6
3. Choose from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
4. Submit the order online by the due date listed.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kinzer at   


The Arts@Deal  

HONK! Jr., DVDs on Sale Now  

HONK Jr. DVDs are on sale now through

The memory of the 2013 Alice Deal Middle School musical, Honk! Jr., is captured in a DVD of the show on sale now through the Alice Deal website. Just click the link, order the desired quantity, pay $10 per disc and we will mail your DVDs. Honk! Jr. DVDs will also be sold at the school store on International Night on November 20th. 


StepAfrika! Workshop
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are encouraged to participate in a workshop with Step Afrika! ( Members of the company will work with students on Tuesdays from 3:30 until 4:30 until December 10th. Whether students have never stepped before or have participated in the WPAS Summer Steps Program - all are encouraged to come out to STOMP THE YARD! Interested students should see Ms. Neal for information.


Calling Aspiring Journalists!

If you would like to be a correspondent for the Northwest Current newspaper, see Ms. Redekopp in the Media Center. Your work may be featured in the School Dispatches section of the paper!


Looking for Clean Styrofoam Trays 

The art department will re-use your clean styrofoam trays so you don have to recycle them! We are looking for donations of styrofoam trays for our upcoming printmaking units. These are the kind of flat trays you might get at the supermarket; we would love to have any clean ones you can spare! Please drop off in room C217. Thank you!  

DC Scores Seeks Girl Soccer Players and Poets!
The fall season is underway and there are still many slots available. This year, DC Scores is combining soccer and writing to promote personal growth of youth across our city. Participants practice soccer twice per week (Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 - 6:00 pm) and engage in a poetry workshop twice per week (Monday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm). Games are Friday! All interested female students should contact Mr. Budasoff, LAYC Coordinator, or Mr. Chang, 7th Grade Social Worker. Students who participate in the fall season will have priority for spring season sign-ups! 


Pictures for the Yearbook

Do you have pictures from a school event? Mr. Klauber is in need of photographs for the yearbook. He is requesting any and all pictures of Deal events! Please send them to  


Johns Hopkins CTY 2013 Global Talent Search

Application/registration forms are available in the counselors office for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who qualify to participate in the Johns Hopkins University Talent Search Program. To qualify, students must have scored "Advanced" in either Reading or Math on last year's DC CAS. Please pick up an application from your grade level counselor if you would like to participate in the 2013-14 Global Talent Search.

Student Librarians Wanted

If you would like to volunteer as a Student Librarian (shelving books and helping students find books), see Ms. Redekopp this week. You can choose the day that best fits your schedule!

World Language Trips 
France - Spring Break 2014

To register an 8th grader (taking French) for the cultural and immersion trip to France, please go  to and enroll with tour number: 1344248K. You can also click on the following link in your browser: EF Tours France trip 

Questions/Comments? Feel free to contact M. Mbayu at or M. Ngwa at


Costa Rica - Spring Break 2014 

To register an 8th grader (taking Spanish) for traveling to Costa Rica, visit and enroll with tour #1365514. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Henderson at


China - Spring Break 2014 

To register an 8th grader (taking Chinese) for traveling to China, please visit and register with tour #1362243VB. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Yanming Zhi at


The International Baccalaureate @ Deal 


Thank you to the students, parents, central office representatives, community members, and the Deal administrative team for you support during Deal's visit evaluation visit. I would like to extend a special thank you to the teaching staff for their hard work in preparing documents for monitoring and the evaluation visit.


The visit took place on November 7th and 8th. During the two-day visit a three member IBO evaluation team observed classes, and met with student, parents, teachers, central office representatives, community members, and members of the administrative team. The evaluation team also visited classrooms, looked at student work samples, and reviewed united plans from all subject groups. Feedback from the evaluation visit, and self-study conducted last year will be sent to the school in the spring of 2014.


- Ms. Alieze Stallworth, Assistant Principal/IB Coordinator 



This Week at Deal...

Please note: not all club meetings are included in this section; please check the full schedule at the bottom of this bulletin.


Tuesday: Alice Deal Photography Club

ADP, or Alice Deal Photography club will meet this Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 in W204. Please see Ms. Taylor in W204 or see Mr. Healy in W300 for more information!


Tuesday: History Club

History Club will meet on Tuesday, November 12th at 3:30 and return to Deal by 6:00 pm. You will need a snack, your camera (optional), comfortable shoes, and $7.00 for round-trip metro fare. We will be going to Union Station to photograph our sites near the Capitol. See you then!


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Volleyball

  • Tues: Volleyball Practice 3:30 - 5 pm
  • Wed: Semi-final Volleyball Game 5:30pm v. Oyster-Adams at Oyster-Adams MS
  • Thu: Volleyball Practice 3:30 - 5 pm
Championship game is next Monday!


Tuesday and Thursday: GeoPlunge!

During the second advisory, GeoPlunge players will meet on Tuesdays after school in Ms. Hailfinger's room (E105) from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Students may still practice in Mr. Martini's room (C130) during 6th and 7th grade ZAP on Tuesdays.


The GeoPlunge Challenge Tournament takes place this Thursday at the National Portrait Gallery! Participating students should arrive at Alice Deal by 8:00 am. Get excited!


Wednesday: Anime Drawing Club

Anime drawing club will have our last meeting in the gallery at 3:30 pm Wednesday, November 13th. The club will reconvene in the spring. Thanks for your creativity and enthusiasm the past seven weeks! Contact Ms. Redekopp with any questions.


Wednesday: Team Santiago Study Hall

Ms. Brittingham, Mr. Martini, Ms. Nakamura, and Ms. Jackson will be available to provide academic support to all Team Santiago students every Wednesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in room C130. Please feel free to come for help or simply for a quiet place to work.


Thursday: EU Delegation Field Trip

On Thursday, eight 6th grade students from each team will travel to the EU Delegation to learn about the European Union! The group will meet in Mr. Siddiqui's room (E100) immediately after 7th period on Thursday instead of going to SSR. Students will present information they learned to their geography classes as they study the EU!  Be sure to turn in your permission slip to your geography teacher.


Thursday: International Games Day

The Library will host the International Games Day ( on Thursday, November 14th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Students may participate in a Mario Kart tournament, play games on a computer, or play tabletop board games. 50 tickets will be available from Ms. Redekopp. Students must have a ticket to attend. The library will be open on Thursday only to ticketed students.


Thursday: Art from the Heart Club

The Art from the Heart Club will meet Thursday, November 14th and Thursday, December 12th at 3:30 pm in Ms. Kouri's room (C205).


Friday: New Group - Girls in Real Life Situations (G.I.R.L.S)

Sixth grade girls are invited to participate in a group using the Girls in Real Life Situations (G.I.R.L.S) curriculum by authors Julia V. Taylor and Shannon Trice-Black. This group will be held after school on Fridays  from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Interested students should see Ms. White for a permission slip and additional details. The first group meeting is this Friday, November 15.

Staff information ...  
College T-shirt/Sweatshirt Day - Friday, November 15

Teachers, please check your mailboxes this week for for additional information on the above Career Awareness Month activities to share with your classes.


Still: Indoor Track Coaches Needed

Any teachers that would like to coach indoor track should contact

Wednesday: Family Math Night
Many teachers are working to plan this; all are welcome to come and join us at 6:30 throughout the building.
Friday: Period 8 Informational Session
Teachers interested in learning more about developing and teaching a new Period 8 course are invited to an informational session at 8:10 am on Friday, November 15th in the conference room.  If you are unable to attend, but would like more information, please email 

:  Professional Development (TBD)


Eighth Grade Corner


Specialized High School Open House Dates


High School application deadlines are fast approaching beginning in early December! Don't miss the opportunity to visit their upcoming Open Houses.


Duke Ellington School of the Arts 

  • January 9, 2014, 3 - 4:30 pm

Phelps Architecture, Construction & Engineering School 

  • Nov. 15th, Dec. 20th & Jan. 17th, 11 - 2 pm 

Wilson High School 

  • November 15th, & December 6th, 2013, 9 - 11 
  • Jan. 10th, Feb. 7th, and March 14, 2014, 9 - 11

School Without Walls High School 

  • November 13th, two sessions: 10 am & 6 pm  
  • Lisner Auditorium at GWU

McKinley Technology High School 

  • Saturday, November 23, 10 - 12 pm
  • Wednesday, December 18, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
  • Saturday, January 11, 10 - 12 pm


High School Common Application


This year there will be a common application and lottery system for all public schools of choice, including charters, DCPS out-of-boundary, and DCPS specialized high schools. The initiative is entitled MySchoolDC, for more information email The timeline for completing the application process is as follows:


December 16th: Application becomes available online at

February 3rd: Application deadline for all DCPS and most DC charter high schools

March 31st: Results released.

May 1st: Deadline to claim your seat by turning in your enrollment forms.            


The DCPS Specialized/City-Wide High Schools are:

  • Benjamin Banneker High School
  • McKinley Technology High School
  • Columbia Heights Education Campus (Bell)   
  • Phelps Architecture, Construction, and Engineering High School
  • Duke Ellington School of the Arts
  • School Without Walls

Requesting Recommendations for Private Schools


1.  Who to ask? Start by thinking of which teachers can attest to your strengths and positive attributes. Some schools require specific subject teachers to write the recommendation so be aware of this before you ask.

2.  Gather the recommendation forms and fill out all pertinent information. Prepare an addressed and stamped envelope for each school from which you are requesting a recommendation. All recommendations will be placed in the mail by the individual teacher or by your counselor.

3.  Take the recommendation form with the envelope to the person from whom you need the request. Ask the person if they would be willing to write a recommendation for you. Remind them of the date by when it needs to be completed and mailed in. Please give the teacher two weeks to complete your recommendation. Ms. McFarland has copies of "Letter of Recommendation Request Forms" and "Student Profile Sheets" that are helpful for  this process.


If you need a transcript to send to a private school, please provide Ms. McFarland an addressed and stamped envelope to use to mail your transcript.

(all activities begin at 7:45 am unless otherwise stated)
No school 
Veteran's Day 
Deal Madrigal 

All School Chorus 

 Deal Madrigal

  All School Chorus

 All School Chorus
Percussion Ensemble String Chamber Ensemble  Percussion Ensemble  String Chamber
 Jazz Band  
 Symphonic Band Jazz Band Symphonic Band Peer Mediators Meeting 8:00 
RM C116
 6th Grade Concert Band   6th Grade Concert Band  
(all activities begin at 3:30 pm unless otherwise stated)

No School
Veteran's Day 


Outdoor Basketball 
Outside Court
7/8 Boys' and Girls'
5 - 6:30 pm
 7/8 Boys' and Girls'
5 - 6:30 pm
7/8 Boys' and Girls'
5 - 6:30 pm
7/8 Boys' and Girls'
5 - 6:30 pm

 Cheerleading practice - gym
Volleyball practice to 5
Volleyball playoff game @ Oyster-Adams 
Volleyball practice 
Cheerleading practice - gym
6th Grade Soccer club E103
Swim Team Practice to 5:30 pm
6th Boys' & Girls' basketball tryouts 3-5
6th Boys' & Girls' basketball tryouts 3-5
  6th Grade Transitions Workshop
Investment Team 
Photography Club
Boys 6/7th soccer practice
Field Hockey practice Robotics/
Investment Team
Computer Programming
GSA club
N116 or
Team Babylon tutoring 
The Big Deal
Acappella Choir

Literary Magazine club CG07
History club
Fencing club
 Speech Club

Girls in Real Life Situations (G.I.R.L.S)
Board Games
Debate Team
  Art From the Heart C205
French tutoring
Chess Club
Jiu Jitsu
Outside gym
Alexandria Library E205
Model UN

Ultimate Frisbee C205
Science Olympiad Team W200
Vinyl club
Art from the Heart

Scrabble club
 Digital Recording Club
Music WorkshopChinese tutoring
Team Rio study hall Team Mumbai tutoringTeam Santiago study hall C130
Team London study hall E104

Yoga club RM E101
After School String workshop
Anime Drawing

Knitting Club
DIY club 
New to Deal Transition Workshop

Illustrator's Club C224
The Big Deal Acappella ChoirModel UN Conference 

Chinese tutoring
Space Time


Artist Journaling

African Drumming CG21

Student Council meeting 

Music Workshop

Cooking Club Group A CG03


Please click the following link for the: 


Community Information
(Items in this section are not sponsored by Deal)


New: Ultimate Frisbee Youth Clinic Opportunity 

The DC Current and the Youth Ultimate League of Arlington (YULA) are hosting a clinic and workshop geared to middle school aged kids in the DC area. This event will be held on Sunday, November 10th from 12:15 - 3:15 pm. Please see Coach Kouri in room C205 for more information.

Run for Shelter 10K/5K/1K
Did you enjoy #socktober and are now looking for another opportunity to get involved? Is your family looking for a healthy way to spend a Saturday morning? Then sign up for the Run for Shelter ( in Alexandria, VA on Saturday, November 15!  All proceeds benefit the Carpenter's Shelter, the largest homeless shelter in Northern Virginia. Contact Mr. Martini ( for more information!


Wilson Theater Arts is proud to present this year's Wilson musical, WEST SIDE STORY.

The world's greatest love story takes to the streets in this landmark Broadway musical.

Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is transported to modern-day New York City, as two young idealistic lovers find themselves caught between warring street gangs. Their struggle to survive in a world of hate, violence and prejudice is one of the most innovative, heart-wrenching and relevant musical dramas of our time. 


WEST SIDE STORY will feature an 18 piece Wilson/Community Orchestra along with almost 100 Wilson students participating in the production.


Performances :

November 15 at 7:30

November 16 at 7:30

November 22 at 7:30

November 23 at 2:30 ( Special Matinee Performance)

November 23 at 7:30


Wilson Auditorium 

3950 Chesapeake Street NW

Washington DC 


Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for students/children.


Advance ticket reservations and information:

Tickets will also be available at the door.


Great community service activity still looking for students! 

Janney Elementary school is STILL looking for Honor Roll students from 7th and 8th grade who are interested in working with Janney students to provide homework help and support basic math and English language skills as part of a supervised after school activity, "Study Buddies."  This requires a regular commitment on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays, 3:40 - 4:40 pm from November - January, and would count towards community service. 


Contact Pippa Trench at if you need more information.

Bancroft Elementary School is Starting a Chess Program.
Bancroft is looking for middle school chess players to help 3rd-5th grade beginners.   The program meets every Tuesday from 4:30 - 6:00 pm at Bancroft Elementary. 
Interested students may contact Devon Bartlett at 
or 202-288-0009.


Free Lacrosse Clinics

Free lacrosse clinics will be held on Sundays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm.  To sign up go to  


Field Hockey

Practice - Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm

Games - Sundays at Deal

visit for details