Alice Deal Middle School Think globally - Listen compassionately - Act inclusively |
The Weekly Bulletin
Our school mission:
Alice Deal Middle School inspires excellence, curiosity, and compassion through intellectual and social engagement.
Principal's Message...
On this most unusual of weekends - with our city in a state of semi-closure, with the weather reminding us of the midst of summer - we have crested past the mid-point of our first advisory at Deal. Students will be receiving their first mid-advisory progress reports in the mail in the next few days, and many families will be signing up for meetings with teachers to map out the rest of the year. At this point, school, families, and students are grappling with how the year is starting to play out. Students are asking themselves how to maintain their effort in the face of continual academic needs; families are asking themselves about what is going well in school or where improvement is needed; and we at the school are focused on using what we already know about our students to more directly target their needs and their areas of growth.
Our first two days of Paced Interim Assessments have gone very well, with a minimum of disruption to your students' academic day and school life continuing apace. This doesn't mean that it hasn't been a tough slog - the counseling team has led the assessment work, our technology team has done something not done before in this city, and our team and non-team teachers have created the best environment - focused yet not alarmed - for students to show what they have learned in English and Math over the first six weeks.
There are some big things coming down the road, and they are listed below. For the second year in a row, this coming Wednesday we are hosting a concussion clinic with an experienced and accomplished neuropsychologist. Our busy 8th grade season continues with a High School Night in a couple of weeks that we believe will help you in this important decision-making time. Two fun PTA activities, the Politics and Prose Book Sale and International Night, are hitting the community in November. Both serve as ways to support your school, both should be fun.
Finally, there is a request for parents/adults/friends who might be available for our November 5th Career Day to serve as subjects. Many, many members of our community are working in important areas - in service, in organizations, in traditional occupations - and we really want to hear from you. Please contact Camille White at and offer yourself to share what you do with our students. Rather than decide that someone wouldn't be interested in what you do, touch base with us and have a conversation. You form an amazing community - let's talk about sharing that.
Take care.
James Albright Principal
Week of
October 7, 2013
Bell Schedule
Monday - Bell I
Tuesday -Bell I
Wednesday - Bell I
Thursday - Bell I
Friday - Bell I
Upcoming Dates
October 8 Picture Day
Team Leaders, 3:30 pm
October 14
Columbus Day No school for staff and students
October 16
Hearst Buddy Day
October 17
8th Grade Trip to Mount Vernon
Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm
October 18
Professional Development Day
No school for students
October 21
Parent-Teacher Conferences
No school for students
October 22
Principal's Coffee 9-10
6th Grade Humanities Field Trip
Team Leaders, 3:30 pm
October 23
6th Grade Humanities Field Trip
Literature-to-Film Festival
October 24
Grade Level Chairs, 3:30 pm
6th Grade Humanities Field Trip
High School Night
October 25
Visiting Deal 9 - 10 am
October 29
Mix it Up Day
October 30
Murch Buddy Day November 1Last Day of First Advisory Reno Day #1 Students Dismissed at 12:15 Detention 12:15 to 3 pm November 2Politics and Prose Fundraiser November 3Politics and Prose Fundraiser November 41st Advisory 6th Grade Birthday Party November 5Team Leaders, 3:30 pm November 6Lafayette Buddy Day November 7New to Deal, 3:30 pm November 11Veterans' Day
No school for staff and students November 12 Canned Food Drive Begins
November 13 Eaton Buddy Day Family Math Night, 6:30 pm
November 14 GeoPlunge Tournament
November 15 LSAT, 7:30 am Report Cards Issued
November 16 Saturday Detention 9 - noon
November 19 Open House 9 - 1 pm Team Leaders, 3:30 pm
November 20 Bancroft Buddy Day International Night
November 21 Faculty Meeting, 3:30 pm
November 26 Principal's Coffee, 9 - 10
November 27 Thanksgiving Assembly
November 28 - 29
Thanksgiving Break No school for students and teachers
All students must have a positive balance in their account in order to purchase/receive a lunch. If there is not a positive balance in the student's account, they will not be able to purchase lunch unless they have Free And Reduced Meal (FARMS) application. Please fill out and submit a FARMS application if you believe you qualify by following this link:
As a reminder, students can pay for meals in any of the following ways:
1. By paying with a credit/debit cards at, an online prepayment service
2. By inserting cash into the MyPAL Kiosk, located in the cafeteria
3. By sending a check or money order (please include Student ID) made payable to the D.C. Treasurer to the following address:
DCPS Office of Food and Nutrition Services
1200 First St, NE, 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Before School 8:00 - 8:40 am
After School 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Students must have parental permission to stay after school
The Alice Deal Media Center welcomes students for reading and homework after school! Students must have a permission form on file in the library to use the space after school. Students may pick up a form in the library, or may download it from the library website (Library Pass).
Bus Information '13-'14
If your child travels on the 4 bus routes that WMATA makes available for Deal students, here are some important phone numbers for you.
If the D31 or D32 bus is late, misses a pick-up, or never shows up, please call the Western District Superintendent, Ms. Jacqueline Smith, at 202-962-5860 as soon as possible. Her email is Students who are passed should try to get the bus identification number. If your child rides the D33 or D34, the Northern Division contact is Ms. Priscilla Alston. She can be reached directly at 202-309-0783. Her email is As always, please send an email about bus problems or concerns to Here is a link to the bus route schedule.
Immunization News
Thanks to the parents who have been sending in immunization information. Please continue to send in documentation every time your student receives new immunizations. It is important to have all students immunized to prevent the spread of childhood diseases.
All 6th graders 11 years or older must have the following:
Tdap (tetanus, diptheria and pertussis)
Meningococcal (meningitis)
HPV (human papilloma virus)
For the HPV vacine, three doses are required for females or you may complete an opt out form.
All immunization forms must be stamped, signed and dated before the Immunization Registry will accept them.
If there are any questions, please call Nurse Dickens at (202) 939-2009.
PTA Sponsors
The following are the Deal PTA 2013-2014 business sponsors.
The Broad Branch Market
* Taylor Agostino Group
* Radifera Design Group
* W.C. & A.N. Miller Realtor
* Pete's New Haven Style Apizza
* Second Wind CrossFit
* edCount, LLC
* Discount Vacation Rentals for Deal Families
* Capitol Language Services
Acacia Bistro
Important Changes Made to DCPS Attendance Protocol
1) 10 unexcused absences means "chronically truant."
2) 15 unexcused absences is a court referral
3) Students must be at school 80% of the entire school day in order to be considered "present".
The only excusable reasons for a student's late arrival and/or absence from school are:
- Illness or medical
- Medical or dental appointment
- Death in the student's immediate family
- Judicial proceedings
- Religious holiday
- Failure of DC to provide transportation
In order to be acknowledged as "excused" the student must provide a note to the attendance counselor (written or electronically) from the parent and/or guardian with one of the reasons listed above.
If you have any questions, please contact the Welcome Center and ask to speak to the Attendance Counselor, Ms. Johnson.
Viking Time
All students will be selecting their monthly Viking time activities in their homerooms next week. The first Viking Time will be on October 31st. Here is our preliminary list of activities, divided by grade levels.
6th Grade Viking Time Activities
Anime All the Way
Bananagrams and Uno
Board Games
Book/Print Making
Capitol Jazz Project
Capture the Flag
Card Games
Creative Writing
Doodle Club
Hula Hoop
Improv Club
Independent Readers Jewelry Designing
Lanyard Making
Math Games and Puzzles
Museum Mania Music Exploration
Paper Quilling
Ping Pong
Space Time
The Sports Rap
Thank You Club
Walking Club (permission slip needed)
7th Grade Viking Time Activities
Animal Rights
Board Games
Buddy Beads
Capitol Jazz Project
Card Games
Character Illustrations
Chess Club
Creative Writing
Film Club
Four Square
Garage Band
Graphic Novel Club
Harry Potter Fanatics
Holiday Cards
Let's Chat
Line Dancing
Museum Mania
Outdoor Adventure Club
Space Exploration
Sports Talk Circle
STEM Club for Girl
Winning Arguments (Debate)
Woodcraft Painting
8th Grade Viking Time Activities
Apples to Apples
Board Games
Capitol Jazz Project Charades
Chinese Calligraphy
Creative Writing
Knitting, Spinning, and Weaving
Gadget Zone
Garage Band
Independent Readers
Lawn Games
Movie Critic
Museum Mania Nail Salon
The Philosophical Life
Planning for Life
Spanish Films
Speakin' Up, Out, and Beyond
Step Team
The Sports Rap
Theatre Games
Travel Club
Who Done It?
Buddy Days are coming to Deal!
Every year the Alice Deal 6th grade students and teachers host a day for each of our feeder school 5th grade students and their teachers to visit for part of our school day. This is our chance to proudly present our school to future middle school students. We want to make every effort to have our visiting buddies have a super positive experience.
The following schools will visit from 8:50 am to noon:
Hearst ES | Wednesday | October 16 | Murch ES | Wednesday | October 30 | Lafayette ES | Wednesday
| November 6 | Eaton ES | Wednesday
| November 13 | Bancroft ES | Wednesday
| November20 | Shepherd ES | Tuesday | December 3 | Janney ES
| Tuesday | December 17 |
International Baccalaureate
Deal will undergo its first IB evaluation visit since authorization on November 7 and 8. Over a two-day period, three observers from IB will conduct the evaluation. During the evaluation the team will observe classes and meet with representatives from the school community. Parents of students from the three grade levels will be asked to participate in the process. The team will also look at student work samples. The purpose of the visit is to evaluate the implementation of the IB Middle Years Program at Deal and to provide the school with feedback. The team will send a write evaluation report of their findings.
Student & parent information
New: 2013 Volleyball Schedule
10/7/13 4:30 Deal vs Langley Oyster Adams
10/9/13 4:30 Deal vs Jefferson Jefferson
10/16/13 5:30 Deal vs Jefferson Deal
10/23/13 5:30 Deal vs Lincoln Lincoln
10/28/13 4:30 Deal vs Oyster-Adams Jefferson
10/30/13 5:30 Deal vs Langley Langley
11/4/13 5:30 Deal vs Hardy Deal
11/11/13 TBA 1st Round Play-off
11/13/13 TBA Quarter Finals
11/18/13 TBA Semi-Finals
11/20/13 TBA City Championship Game
New: Fantasy Football Club
Well it's been a great start to the season. We've had some pretty close games and a lot of fun creating our teams. Here are the rankings so far:
1. Team Rebecca 4-0 W4
2. Washington Warriors 2-2 L1
3. Team Burnham 1-3 L2
4. We All Can Hit Allstars 0-4 L4
1. Madison Cheeseheads 3-1 W2
3. Washington 3-1 W1
4. Team Shaw 0-4 L4
Good luck everyone this weekend!!!
New: Deal-O-Ween Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
The Ultimate Frisbee Club is hosting its third annual costume-themed tournament Sunday, October 27th from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. It's not too late to join the team but we need your health forms! See Ms. Kouri, Mr. Martini, or Ms. Reynolds for more information and tournament waiver forms.
New: Calling Aspiring Journalists!
If you would like to be a correspondent for the Northwest Current newspaper, see Ms. Redekopp in the Media Center. Your work may be featured in the School Dispatches section of the paper!
New: Concussion Awareness Seminar
Parents, students, and coaches are encouraged to attend a concussion awareness seminar on Wednesday, October 9th from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. The speaker will be Dr. Meagan Sady, a pediatric neuropsychologist at Children's National Medical Center in the SCORE Program (Safe Concussion Outcome, Recovery, and Education). She sees patients in the SCORE clinics in Fairfax, VA and Washington, DC and she is an active member of the research team, with particular interest in developing assessment tools to track recovery from concussion. She serves as a consultant to several local schools to help develop and execute successful concussion education and management programs. Dr. Sady is also the team neuropsychologist for our local Major League Soccer team, D.C. United.
New: Career Day is Coming in November
On Thursday, November 5, 2013 from 9:00 - 10:25 am, we will sponsor Career Day at Alice Deal. Adults from a variety of occupations are needed to visit to share insights about their careers to a class of about 25 students. To make this day a success, we need approximately 50 parents and community members to share with our students. Please contact Ms. Camille White by email at or call 202-939-2010 to sign up.
Basketball tryouts will begin soon. Please bring the following forms to Coach Downing to register:
Emergency Treatment Form 2013
Consent for Athletic Participation 2013
New: 8th Grade Parents
Our Humanities field trip to Mount Vernon is around the corner on October 17th. Please have your child return the permission slip and $25 to his/her humanities teacher no later than October 7th. Thank you in advance to those who have already done so!
New: Parent-Teacher Conference Appointments Go Online!
The first round of parent-teacher conferences will take place on Monday, October 21st from 12:00 - 7:00 pm. Conferences with team teachers are by-appointment-only and this year appointment sign-up will take place online. Beginning Monday, October 7th, visit
to sign up for appointments with your child's team teachers. All non-team teachers (World Language, PE, Art, Music, Resource, etc.) will be available for drop-in conferences. A detailed description of the online sign-up process is posted on Edline and Deal's website.
Note: you will need an email account to use the online process. If you are unable to create appointments online, please contact your child's team to set up an appointment.
New: Period 8 Course Offerings & Registration
Deal will host another round of Period 8 - our extra-curricular blended-learning courses - this coming advisory. Period 8 classes meet in-person once a week. In addition, students spend 1-2 hours outside of class each week engaged in online coursework and activities. The following courses will be open to 7th and 8th grade Vikings this coming advisory: (6th graders will be able to enroll in spring Period 8 courses)
Forensic Science (new!) - Ms. Giron - Mondays
Journalism - Mr. Klauber - Mondays
Storytelling Through Video Games - Mr. Eckel - Tuesdays
Mapmaking (new!) - Mr. Martini - Tuesdays
Nature Around the World - Ms. D'Antonio - Wednesdays
Traveling Our Nation's Past - Ms. Trenkle - Wednesdays
More detailed course descriptions as well as participation requirements posted on Edline and Deal's website.
Registration for second advisory Period 8 courses will open on Monday, October 7th. To register for a course, please complete the form available at:
Scary Story Competition
Mr. Helsabeck will be sponsoring his 2nd annual Scary Story competitionin honor of Halloween and all things creepy, crawly, and downright bloodcurdling. Submissions will be accepted in Mr. Helsabeck's box until October 25th. Four winners will be chosen, with the first place essay being announced on Halloween. All three runner ups and the first place story will be published online and receive prizes. Email Mr. Helsabeck if you have any questions. Muhahahaha! (
Pictures for the Yearbook
Do you have pictures from a school event? Mr. Klauber is in need of photographs for the yearbook. He is requesting any and all pictures of Deal events! Please send them to
Scholastic Reading Clubs
Books and ebooks are available online for students at a discounted rate. You simply go online, register and order by mid-October. Ms. Kinzer will then process your order and have books delivered to your child at school.
To order:
1. Register at
2. Enter the Class Activation Code LWMM6
3. Choose from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
4. Submit the order online by the due date listed on the website
If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kinzer at
Politics and Prose Book Store Fundraiser
Support the Alice Deal Middle School Library on November 2nd and 3rd by shopping at the Politics and Prose book store. The Deal PTA will receive 20% of the sales from Deal supporters and this money will directly fund the library's collection. Visit Politics and Prose on either day of the sale. Identify yourself at check-out as a Deal supporter, present the coupon found in the check-out area, and our library and Deal students will benefit. The store is located at 5015 Connecticut Avenue and is open Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm and Sunday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Start your holiday shopping early and help out our wonderful school!
Peer Mediation - a Peacemaking Opportunity
Do you know a student who might be interested in being trained to be a peer mediator at Deal this year? If so, ask them to pick up a training application from the bookcase outside the counselors offices and return it to Ms. McFarland (C116) as soon as possible - the deadline is Thursday, October 10. We are looking for boys and girls from all three grades - but especially 6th and 7th. The application needs signatures from a teacher or counselor and a parent or guardian.
This is a great opportunity for students to contribute to the school community by helping others resolve problems that cause conflicts in relationships with peers and adults. If students have already been trained, they also need to apply and attend all or part of the mediation training. Special training for mediating disputes at the middle school level will be provided. Information about training dates is included with the application. Ms. McFarland and Ms. Blakeway will coordinate the program. Adults (school staff and parents) who would like to help with the mediation program this year should contact Ms. McFarland at (202) 939-2014.
This is the training schedule:
Fri., October 18 - 8:45 - 3:15 pm (no school)
Mon., October 21 - 8:45 - 3:15 pm (no school)
Wed., October 23 - 3:15 - 6:30 pm (after school)
Thur., October 24 - 3:15 - 6:30 pm (after school)
Johns Hopkins CTY 2013 Global Talent Search
Application/registration forms are available in the counselors office for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who qualify to participate in the Johns Hopkins University Talent Search Program. To qualify, students must have scored "Advanced" in either Reading or Math on last year's DC CAS. Please pick up an application from your grade level counselor if you would like to participate in the 2013-14 Global Talent Search.
Vocal Music Department
The three Deal vocal music groups have hit the ground running! This promises to be an amazing year of music! Rehearsals continue this week. It is NOT too late to sign up!!
All School Choir (Watkins) in Auditorium
7:45 - 8:35 am - Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
The BIG DEAL Madrigal Chorale (McElhaney) in Auditorium
7:45 - 8:35 am - Monday. and Wednesday
DEAL With It A Capella Singers (McElhaney) in Auditorium
3:30 - 4:30 pm - Tuesday and Friday
Student Librarians Wanted
If you would like to volunteer as a Student Librarian (shelving books and helping students find books), see Ms. Redekopp this week. You can choose the day that best fits your schedule!
World Language Trips
France - Spring Break 2014
To register an 8th grader (taking French) for the cultural and immersion trip to France, please go to
Costa Rica - Spring Break 2014
If you are the parent of an 8th grade Spanish student and are interested in traveling with Alice Deal to Costa Rica over Spring Break, visit and type in tour #1365514 in the box provided. You can register and find information about the itinerary, destinations, and accommodations. If you know you are interested in having your student participate on this tour, please register as soon as possible to avoid an increase in price. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Henderson at
China - Spring Break 2014
If you are the parent of an 8th grade student learning Chinese and are interested in traveling with Alice Deal to China over spring break, please visit and register with tour #1362243VB. There, you can find information about the itinerary, destinations, and accommodations. If you are interested in having your student participate on this tour, please register as soon as possible to avoid an increase in price. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Yanming Zhi at
World Language Trip Scholarships
Families interested in pursuing scholarships for this year's world language trips: there will be additional scholarships, 50 percent scholarships are limited to families of limited economic means, and the process for providing scholarships will be outlined soon in the bulletin. Stay tuned!
Target's 2013 Give with Target campaign
We need your help! Target's 2013 Give With Target Campaign is providing schools with an easy opportunity to raise money. All it requires is a Facebook account and a minute of your time. We have the potential to raise up to $10,000 for Alice Deal MS.
To participate: Visit the Give With Target Facebook page and vote for Deal Middle School once per week through September 21st. Once Deal receives 25 votes, Target will donate $1 per vote to the school, with a maximum donation of $10,000. Go to your Facebook Account, search for the Give With Target application, search for DEAL MIDDLE SCHOOL, and vote!Please vote once per week - each vote raises $$ for Deal!
Paced Interim Assessments Schedule
PIA #1 Testing Schedule
Morning Session
Afternoon Session
Monday, October 7
ELA - Dubai
ELA - Babylon
| Tuesday, October 8
ELA - Alexandria
ELA - Mumbai
Wedn., October 9
Math - Morning
All - Bell T
No Testing
Thurs., October 10
ELA - Geneva
ELA - Toronto
Friday, October 11
ELA - Kiev
Daily Schedule (except Oct. 9)
Student waiting areas in the morning:
6th grade: Gymnasium
7th/8th grades: Gallery
ONLY students eating breakfast go to cafeteria
Testing Set-up
All testing support staff to cafeteria to begin set-up
Morning Bell
All students to homerooms.
Morning Session
8:50 -
Morning Session team to cafeteria with Homeroom teacher
2nd period
9:50 - 10:44
Students who have completed testing will go to their 2nd period classes. Team teachers who have 2nd period classes will be dismissed to those classes.
10:48 - 1:26
Regular lunch periods. Cafeteria must be cleared of students by 1:00pm.
6th period
1:30 - 2:20
Afternoon Session students to homerooms; all other students to regular 6th period classes
Afternoon Session
1:35 -
Afternoon Session team to cafeteria with homeroom teacher
7th period
2:24 - 3:15
Students who have completed testing will go to their 7th period classes. Team teachers who have 7th period classes will be dismissed to those classes.
This Week at Deal...
Please note: not all club meetings are included in this section; please check on full schedule at bottom of the bulletin.
Monday: Yoga Club
Yoga club will meet Monday, in E101, from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Bring a mat or towel and wear comfortable clothes. All levels welcome!
Monday: Cooking Club
Cooking Club Group A will meet Monday, October 7th in Room 216 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Grace Kowal | Sahara Trask | Colyar Trimble | Hannah Dorosin | Blyss Saron | Margaret Goletiana | Kaitlyn Hunter | Maddie Breeden | Jalen Anthony | Candace House | Chandler Mabry | Golden Davis | Stella MAgee | Edvin Leijon | Torin O'Brien | Jaidyn Campfield | Avery Dunn | Murphy Harliee | Brittany Diaz | Alexandra Garcia |
Group B will meet on Monday, October 28th, 2013 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Virginia Mogzec | Elizabeth Redman | Iliana Samuel | Niamh Brennan | Lukas Leijon | Britney Rivera-Martinez | Alexandra Tomkin | Benjamin McMeley | Aanisah Hasan | Lyric Snowden | Alaia Lee | Rasheda White | Dayja Burton | Aline Contreras | Detroy Hudgens | Natalia Facchinato-Sitia |
| |
Monday: Board Games
Monopoly, Yahtzee, Trouble, Scrabble, Cranium, Hit or Miss, Connect Four, Scattergories, Othello, Checkers, Uno, Taboo, Chess, Twister and more! To play these and more, please join us in W106 (Ms. D. Jackson's classroom) at 3:30 pm.
Monday: The After School Outdoor Basketball Club
The After School Outdoor Basketball Club will meet on Monday at 3:30 pm on the court next to the "Cottage." In the event of rain, we will meet with Mr. Namian in E204.
Monday: The Sixth Grade Soccer Club
The Sixth Grade Soccer Club will be meeting on Monday at 3:30 pm. For those interested in soccer (experts and novices), feel free to stop by and kick the ball around with us while we discuss personal and professional soccer, followed by light refreshments in room E103. Email Ms. Hailfinger with any questions at
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: Deal Athletics
10/7/2013 Deal Volleyball vs Langley@Oyster-Adams 4:30 pm
10/9/2013 Deal Volleyball vs Jefferson@Jefferson 4:30 pm
10/10/2013 Deal Football vs Lincoln@Cardozo 6:30 pm
Tuesday: Attention Shutterbugs!
Photography Club will be meeting this Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in Ms. Taylor's room, W204. All those interested should attend this important first meeting of the year!
Tuesday: GeoPlunge!
GeoPlunge teams will meet on Tuesday during 6th and 7th grade ZAP, as well as after school in room C130.
Tuesday: History Club
History Club will meet this Tuesday from 3:30 - 6:00 pm. We will be off to the Washingtoniana Room again to pick out our final photos for the project. Please bring $6.00 for roundtrip subway fare, a snack, and your signed permission slip. See you in Ms. Trenkle's room by 3:30 pm!
Tuesday/Thursday: Volleyball Practice
Volleyball practice will be held Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm in the gym.
The 2013 Volleyball Roster
Logan Botts | Catherine Bowman-Watson | Jalen Cain | Anna Conley | Hannah Demas | Elina Edwards | Aziza Fall | Rebecca Frye | Emily Kelleher | Jane Kelly | Reilly McClure | Anna Nardello | Zoe Osborne | Olivia Personeni | Isabella Pino | Giulia Setolia | Sophie Thurschwell | Olivia Vorst | Lauren White | Nadia Tewolde (Manager) | Chloe Turner (Score Keeper) |
Wednesday: Team Santiago Study Hall
Ms. Brittingham, Mr. Martini, Ms. Nakamura, and Ms. Jackson will be available to provide academic support to all Team Santiago students every Wednesday from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm in Room C130. Please feel free to come for help or simply for a quiet place to work.
Thursday: Model UN
Model UN will have its next meeting on Thursday in room C130. See you there!
Thursday: Art from the Heart
It's not too late to join! We will meet Thursday, October 10th and Thursday, November 14th in Ms. Kouri's room (C205) to work on our community outreach projects. See you there!
Eighth Grade Corner
High School Night @ Deal Thursday, October 24th 6:30 - 8:00pm Come to Deal on Thursday, October 24th, to hear brief presentations and meet school representatives, current students and parents who will share their perspectives on each school. This event is a great complement to attending the individual high schools' open houses. You might be impressed by a school that wasn't on your radar. School Without Walls, McKinley, Ellington, Banneker, Phelps and Wilson High Schools should be in attendance. 7th & 8th grade students and parents are encouraged to come for this informative evening. Specialized High School Open House Dates High School application deadlines are fast approaching beginning in early December! Don't miss the opportunity to visit their upcoming Open Houses. Duke Ellington School of the Arts - October 23, 2013 & January 9, 2014, 3pm to 4:30pm
McKinley Technology High School Benjamin Banneker High School School Without Walls High School - November 13, Two Sessions: 10:00am and 6:00pm
- Lisner Auditorium at GWU
Phelps Architecture, Construction & Engineering School Wilson High School - October 25, November 15, & December 6, 2013, 9am to 11am
- January 10, February 7, and March 14, 2014, 9am to 11am
Staff information ...
Monday: Washington Teachers Union (WTU) Meeting
There will be a meeting for all WTU members (all ET-15s) in Mr. Gueltig's room, E104, on Monday at 3:30 pm.
Tuesday: Picture Day
Students will take pictures during their Humanities classes. Humanities teachers please remember to escort your students to the auditorium at the beginning of the period.
All teachers are required to take a photo for the yearbook -please come down during your planning period to take your photo.
Thursday: 7th grade meeting @ 8:10 - location to be announced.
Friday: Professional Development
Close Reading 2D in room E207 and Teaching ELL Students in room C213.
(all activities begin at 8:00 am unless otherwise stated)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Deal Madrigal Chorale 7:45am
All School Chorus 7:45 am
| Deal Madrigal Chorale 7:45 am |
All School Chorus
7:45 am
All School Chorus
7:45 am
| Percussion Ensemble 7:45 am | String Chamber Ensemble 7:45 am | Percussion Ensemble 7:45 am | String Chamber Ensemble 7:45 am | Jazz Band 7:45 am | | Symphonic Band 7:45 am | Jazz Band 7:45 am | Symphonic Band 7:45 am | Peer Mediators Meeting 8:00 RM C116 | | 6th Grade Concert Band 7:45 am | | 6th Grade Concert Band 7:45 am | |
(all activities begin at 3:30 pm unless otherwise stated)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Football practice to 6 | Football practice to 6 |
Football practice to 6
| Football game 6:30
vs. Lincoln @ Cardozo |
| Volleyball game vs. Langley @ Oyster 4:30pm | Volleyball practice Gym |
Volleyball game
vs. Jefferson @ Jefferson 4:30pm
Vocabulary practice Gym
| Cross-country practice |
| Cross-country practice | Cross-country practice |
| Cheerleading practice - gym |
| Boys 6/7th soccer practice | Field Hockey practice | Cheerleading practice - gym |
Computer Programing
RM E206
GSA club
RM N116
Team Babylon tutoring
RM W207
| TAGS DC to 4:30 RM C130 | 6th/7th grade Boys' Soccer Team practice
| Literary Magazine club RM CG07 |
History club
| Fencing club RM E106 | Speech Club W206
| The Big Deal
Acappella Choir
Board Games
RM W106
Debate Team
RM W206
Competitive Swim Team interest meeting RM N116
French tutoring
RM N111
Outdoor Basketball
Outside Court
| Jiu Jitsu Outside gym | Swim team meeting N116 | Model Un RM W304 |
Ultimate Frisbee C205
String Club
Vinyl club RM C203
| Art from the Heart RM C205 |
Scrabble club
Digital Recording Club
| Music Workshop | Chinese tutoring |
| Team Rio study hall | Team Mumbai tutoring | Team Santiago study hall C130 |
Team London study hall E104
| After School String workshop |
Anime Drawing
| Knitting Club W103 | DIY club interest meeting E105
| New to Deal Transition Workshop |
Illustrator's Club C224
| The Big Deal Acappella Choir | Model UN Conference |
| Chess Club Cafeteria | Science Olympiad Team W200 | Alexandria Library E205 | |
| GirlUp! E305 | Chinese Tutoring | Art From the Heart C205 |
| Artist Journaling C217 |
Photography Club
| African Drumming CG21 |
| Student Council meeting |
| Music Workshop |
| Cooking Club Group A CG03 |
| Chinese tutoring |
| 6th Grade Soccer club E103 |
Community Information
(Items in this section are not sponsored by Deal)
Free Lacrosse Clinics
Free lacrosse clinics will be held on Sundays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. To sign up go to
Field Hockey
Practice - Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm
Games - Sundays at DEAL
visit for details