Indiana Association of United Ways Logo 
Policy Update, January 15, 2016 
Thank you for your interest and support. The Indiana Association of United Ways usually provides its Policy Update on "odd Fridays" (1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays). Contact us if you have any questions or comments about content (past, present or desired for the future).
Health Priority Area
HHS Secretary Burwell tours Indiana 2-1-1 
Sec. Burwell and Rep. Carson speak with 2-1-1 Specialist Molly Lindsay
Indiana Association of United Ways was pleased to host a visit by US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell as she promotes the deadline for Open Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace (Jan. 31). Sec. Burwell and Congressman Andre' Carson toured Connect2Help and spoke with a 2-1-1 Specialist and 2-1-1 directors from Indianapolis and Ft. Wayne. She learned how IN211 helps connect callers with healthcare options and Navigators (see article below). 

Sec. Burwell, Dir. Falk and Lucinda Nord
Following the tour, Secretary Burwell, Congressman Carson and CMS Regional Director Kathleen Falk met with consumers about their coverage. Many shared stories of receiving health insurance through the Marketplace despite pre-existing conditions. A college student shared how she is able to stay on her parents' health insurance until she is 26. A small business owner spoke of the affordability of the plan for her family. A nonprofit employee spoke of obtaining health insurance for her husband and children, as her employer-sponsored insurance only covers her.  

The Secretary and a consumer took questions from the media. The Secretary reiterated the coming deadline for enrollment and encouraged people to call 2-1-1 to get connected. 
At the Statehouse
StateCapitolDayIndiana General Assembly in session
The Indiana General Assembly convened for the short session on January 5.  About 750 bills have been filed by legislators. The committees have been busy discussing a variety of bills.
Key links: 
At the Statehouse - Take Action
Check out our Third House / Meet Your Legislator event calendar
Legislators often offer a preview, progress report or summary at "Third House" sessions or "meet your legislator" sessions. We at Indiana Association of United Ways work to maintain the calendar of Third House meetings throughout the state. Check the calendar for a date and location near you. Upcoming meet your legislator events are being held in the following communities:
  • Clinton County - 1/16, 8am
  • Greater Lafayette - 1/16 and 1/30, 7:30am
  • Greater LaPorte - 1/27, 4pm
  • Hendricks County - 1/25, 7am
  • Jennings County - 1/30, 10am
  • Kokomo-Howard County - 1/22, 4:30pm
  • Madison County - 1/21, 6pm
  • Marion-Grant County - 1/30, 8:30am
  • Muncie-Delaware County - 1/27, 6:30pm
  • Owen County - 1/16, 7:30am
  • St. Joseph County - 1/22, 12pm
  • Warrick County - 1/22, 8am
Education Priority Area Early Education Matching Grant Program evaluated
Indiana University's Early Childhood Center evaluated the success of the 2014-2015 Early Education Matching Grant (EEMG) Program.  View the full report.  During the first year of the EEMG program, funds were awarded to 30 high quality education programs in 14 counties and services were provided to more than 429 children from low-income families.  The program was evaluated based on a variety of measures including classroom attendance, family engagement, kindergarten readiness and teacher-child interaction. Findings include:
  • students showed significant gains in receptive learning language, concept development, social competence and school readiness
  • a decrease in the percentage of children showing developmental delays; 
  • EEMG teachers scored above average in emotional support and below average in classroom organization and instructional support; and
  • family engagement changed over the course of the program year.
Education Priority Area On My Way Pre-K accepting applications in 5 counties
The Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning is now accepting pre-K applications for the 2016-2017 school year. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 25, at 5:00ET.  These grants go towards educating eligible children who are 4 years old, but not yet 5 on August 1, 2016, and will be attending kindergarten in the 2017/18 school year in Allen, Jackson, Lake, Marion and Vanderburgh counties.  View more information for interested families or providers.
Health Priority Area
Celebrate 1 year of HIP 2.0 and 
Legislators seek to codify HIP principles  
January 27 will mark the first anniversary of HIP 2.0. The State received federal approval of the waiver that expanded income eligibility to 138% of the federal poverty level for the Healthy Indiana Plan ($16,436 for individuals and $33,865 for a family of four). Consumers like HIP Plus because it provides dental and vision coverage. Providers appreciate higher reimbursement rates over old traditional Medicaid. HIP also covers mental health and substance abuse. Over 356,000 Hoosiers have enrolled so far, with many more conditionally approved. See the enrollment by county for November.

HIP 2.0 is designed on principles of personal responsibility and incentives, requiring POWER accounts and co-pays while offering rewards for members who take better care of themselves. Senate Bill 165 would update the initial HIP law and codify principles of HIP 2.0 and the waiver into state law. IaUW testified in support of HIP and the expanded access, while also advocating for some level of state flexibility to allow improvements and adaptations. Best practices are still being learned about outreach, enrollment, consumer education, financial payment practices and the connections between healthcare and family stability.

Health Priority Area
Navigators are busy with countdown to enrollment deadline
January 31 is the last day to enroll in a health insurance plan in the Marketplace for 2016. Penalties for being uninsured in 2016 will be $695 or higher. Learn more or sign up for Marketplace plans at

Navigators are trained and certified to help consumers understand different healthcare options that best meet their life, health, family and income situation. Call 2-1-1 to find a Navigator or enrollment event near you.
IN211 connects people to healthcare options and
provides important information and reports to stakeholders
The eight centers of Indiana 211 Partnership pre-screen and refer callers to healthcare options. IN211 asks callers about health insurance and offers to help make connections if they or someone in the family unit remains uninsured.
IN211 also maintains a statewide database of organizations with certified Navigators and other healthcare options as well as a calendar of outreach and enrollment events. See yearend reports about Caller Results or System Results. Additional reports are available, including a new visual of Marketplace enrollments by zip code as of early January 2016.
At the Statehouse - Take Action
bullhorn Weigh in on issues important to you!
We work to highlight important opportunities to weigh in on rulemaking or public comment periods.  Here are a few opportunities.
  • Indiana's plan for participation in the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program is open for public comment through February 12 before it will be sent to the Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families. View the proposed plan for the 2016-2018 CCDF program period.  Public hearings will be held in northern IN on 2/1, southern IN on 2/3 and central IN on 2/4.  View flyer for more details.
  • The Department of Child Services (DCS) is holding a public hearing on residential provider, child placing agency and DCS managed foster care rates for 2017 in Indianapolis on February 18. 
At the Statehouse
IaUW Public Policy
IaUW is a nonpartisan organization that works to advance policy principles and compromise solutions for the common good. We focus on policies that are aligned with the impact work in local communities conducted by our 60 United Ways and United Funds.
  • Education, so that children are prepared for and succeed in school;
  • Income/Financial Stability, so that individuals and families may achieve and sustain financial stability;
  • Health, so that individuals may access quality healthcare; and 
  • Strong Communities, where a statewide 2-1-1 network and a strong charitable sector help communities thrive.
Our policy priorities are developed and guided by our Public Policy Committee and our IaUW membersbased on their work in Hoosier communities. 

Review our public policy documents, including fact sheets, testimony and bill summaries. 

Frequently Requested Links / Documents - Learn about the Indiana Association of United Ways, current trainings and conferences and the ways we support local United Ways/Funds, partners and communities.

IaUW Policy / Advocacy info - Review and download IaUW Policy Priorities, Third House calendar, bill lists, fact sheets, talking points and testimony.
Federal Advocacy Action Center - Contact your member of Congress provided through our partnership with United Way Worldwide.

IaUW Policy Update Archive - Read prior issues, special articles and key documents produced by IaUW related to public policy and advocacy.

Community Report Card - Check out key indicators in Education, Income and Health for your neighborhood, county or region. - Search for human service information available through the referral database or by calling 2-1-1. Download reports about resources, needs, gaps and trends from Indiana 211 Partnership.
NRN Calendar - Register for high-quality and affordable training for nonprofit staff and volunteers by the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network.

Funding and Other Opportunities Explore current requests for proposals, funding and recognition opportunities.

Indiana General Assembly - Check the hearing or floor schedule, watch a live or recorded hearing or floor session and look up your legislators.  - Look up bills introduced or passed in Congress.