Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network 20th Anniversary Logo
Network Notes - Featured Events from Around the State
August 2015
Regional Featured Events


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Targeted Marketing Plan Sample


Volunteer Leader Training Manual


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Below are select offerings from each region. For the full listing of events and workshops go to our Searchable Calendar.


Helen Keller was once asked if there was anything that could have been worse than losing her sight. Keller replied: "Yes, I could have lost my vision."



Meanders and Milestones 

Does your board meander and maintain? Or does the board ensure progress toward clear, forward-thinking goals and benchmarks? Over an organization's life the board composition, energy, and focus shifts along with its collective expertise and talents, commitment and vision, and many other factors.


Navigate the path by choosing the right volunteer at the right time. Here are some board qualities useful for typical life cycle stages.

  • Newborn: Requires a strong and passionate founding chair able to gather equally passionate players and bring the vision to life

  • Toddling: Look for flexibility and skills to manage growth as well as structural growing pains

  • Teenage swagger: Choose leaders with vibrant vision and well-crafted goals to manage the push-pull of competing attentions and resistance to change

  • Grown-up: Benefit from experienced volunteers and staff with diverse skills and talents, working together seamlessly while achieving measureable impact

  • Elder Wisdom: Pick leaders who are ready to take a fresh and thoughtful look at declining energies, funding stream changes, and messaging effectiveness. Renewed perspectives can inspire new programs and/or priorities or needed refinements.

To keep up with reporting at each stage the IRS provides a Life Cycle graphic with links to filing requirements:


And, boost your board's effectiveness by downloading this month's free Premium Content feature, a Board Member Self-Assessment tool.


Miles to go,


Lisa Hanger

Statewide Director

Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network 













If your organization serves women or you are a woman in nonprofit leadership this conference is for you. Early bird registration ends September 4, so secure your seat now.

Register Now


Schedule at a Glance


Breakout Sessions (all confirmed)
Map of Indiana with Northern Region HighlightedNorthern Region
The Millennial Project 

The most common age in America last year was 22. There were more 22 year olds than any other age group. Getting to know the millennial and, perhaps of equal or greater importance, millennials getting to understand and know you is what this mini-conference is all about.


When: Thursday, October 15, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM  EDT

Where: Sugar Grove Church, 58512 Old County Rd 17, Goshen, IN
Presenter:  Derrick Feldmann, Achieve

Sponsors: Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, The Elkhart County Community Foundation, and the United Way of Elkhart County

Cost: TBD


Answer: Understanding Outcomes

Question: What is the Outcome of an Outcomes Training? (REVISED)


Outcomes tell us "what happened" as a result of using resources and engaging in activities to improve the lives of people. Outcomes are the "change everyone wants to see." We will present an interactive learning experience on the outcome management process.


Participants will learn:

  • How to write clear and measurable outcomes, including particularly hard to measure outcomes

  • An understanding of outcomes and how they differ from outputs

  • Key terms

  • The benefits of outcome measurement

When: October 22, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT

* Where: Adams Memorial Hospital, 1100 Mercer Avenue, Decatur IN

Presenters: Waldo Mikels-Carrasco, lead researcher for MHIN, and Keith Sarber, Northern Regional Director, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network  

Sponsor: The United Way of Adams County

Cost: $55, includes lunch and all materials 


For more information, contact Keith Sarber, Director, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, Northern Region.

Southern Region

The Lawyer and the Accountant Can Be Friends. Really.

Guidance on Nonprofit Compliance and Legal Issues.


Join us for a lively discussion of nonprofit compliance and financial reporting issues from the perspective of both an accountant and a lawyer.  Attendees will gain greater insight into best practices in nonprofit governance and how to avoid common mistakes in their external communications and internal financial documents.


When:  Thursday, August 13, 11:15 AM - 2:00 PM CDT

Where: Deaconess Visiting Nurse Plus, 610 Walnut, Evansville, IN

Presenters:  Scott Wylie, Executive Director, Vanderburgh Community Foundation and Becki Alcorn, Finance Officer, Community Foundation Alliance

Sponsor:  Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network Southern Region

Cost: $15, includes lunch and materials

Registration:  For more information contact Karen Williams,, 812-422-4100 


Millennial Donors and Strategies for Engagement


The Millennial generation (age 20-30) is redefining how they connect, involve, and give to causes. Based on his book, Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement, and years of research with the Millennial Impact Project, Derrick will help you understand the characteristics to this generation's participation with causes and what you can do to capture their attention, talent, and resources for your organization. He will also help you develop a Millennial fundraising and marketing call to action campaign. Derrick will highlight successful campaigns, components for success, and the approaches for the greatest response. 


When:  Tuesday, October 20, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM CDT

Where: Central Library Browning Room, Evansville, IN

Presenter:  Derrick Feldmann, President, Achieve Guidance

Sponsor: Koch Bussing Foundation and Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network Southern Region

Cost: $29, includes lunch and materials

Registration:  For more information contact Karen Williams, , 812-422-4100 



For more information, contact June Miller, Director, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, Southern Region.

State of Indiana with Eastern Region Hightlighted
Eastern Region


Strengthening Your Nonprofit During Times of Change. Sponsored by the United Way of Delaware County.


How to tell your Story: Getting to the Heart of the Matter 


MikeStone How do you use the limited time and resources you have to get to the heart of the matter when talking to others, including funders, about the work of your agency?

  •  Use the logic model to frame your organization's core narrative
  •  Identify those individuals and groups likely to support the work of your organization
  •  Develop a broad "case statement" tailored to specific audiences, including potential donors and other funders 

When: Tuesday, September 1, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Ball State University Alumni Center, Meeting Room 1, 2800 West Bethel Ave., Muncie, IN

Presenter: Mike Stone, Impact Strategies

Cost: TBD


Anchor Strategy: Preparing for the Unexpected


The purpose of this workshop is to help nonprofits become better able to cope with continual change and uncertainty by equipping them with an "anchor strategy" comprised of three core elements of nonprofit strategy.

  •  The Core, which defines what we do, for whom, and why
  •  The Strategy Driver, which determines what business we are in
  •  The Strategy Boundaries, which determines what we will not do

When: Tuesday, September 15, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Ball State University Alumni Center, Meeting Room 1, 2800 West Bethel Ave., Muncie, IN

Presenter: Mike Stone, Impact Strategies

Cost: TBD


The Tough Calls: Making Strategic Program Decisions


In times of increased competition and declining resources, nonprofits must rely on sound, objective, consistent information about program performance to make decisions about how best to allocate the available resources, even if it means collaborating with other providers. You will learn:

  •  A strategic framework to provide the context for decisions
  •  A process, based on the belief that how you arrive at a decision can be just as important as the decision itself
  •  The tools to accomplish the task

When: Tuesday, September 29, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Where: Ball State University Alumni Center, Meeting Room 1, 2800 West Bethel Ave., Muncie, IN

Presenter: Mike Stone, Impact Strategies

Cost: TBD 


For more information, contact Lesley Devine, Director, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, Eastern  Region.

Western Region State of Indiana with Western Region Highlighted
Strategies for Your Fundraising Plan

Operating your organization without a fundraising plan is a risky proposition. After all, who would serve the community if your organization went away tomorrow?  A sound fundraising plan engages your board, staff, volunteers and those you serve by putting in place strategies to fund your organization's vision and creates a more sustainable organizational culture. In short, life is just simply better for those working at organizations with fundraising plans.

This hands-on session will provide participants with an outline for beginning the process of developing their own fundraising plan tailored to the specific needs of their organization.
When:  Tuesday, August  4, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Where:  The Inn at DePauw, 2 W. Seminary Street, Greencastle, IN
Presenter:  Nick Parkevich
Cost:  $15 if paid in advance; $25 at the door


2 - part Millennial Workshop with Derrick Feldmann


Millennial Donors and Strategies for Engagement

Part of the AFP / Governance Lunch & Learn: The Millennial generation (age 20-30) is redefining how they connect, involve, and give to causes. Based on his book, Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement, and years of research with the Millennial Impact Project, Derrick will help you understand the characteristics to this generation's participation with causes and what you can do to capture their attention, talent, and resources for your organization. He will also help you develop a Millennial fundraising and marketing call to action campaign. Derrick will highlight successful campaigns, components for success, and the approaches for the greatest response. 

When: Wednesday, August 5, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Where: Lafayette Country Club, 1500 S. 9th Street, Lafayette, IN
Presenter: Derrick Feldmann, Achieve
$20 (lunch included)

Millennial Board Members and Strategies for Engagement


Part of the Douglas W. Eberle Not-for-Profit Board Governance Series: In this intensive training, Derrick Feldmann will build upon his luncheon presentation (see above) and specifically address how Millennials can and do make great board members. From engaging Millennials through cause and giving, we can develop even deeper relationships through board service. Find out how engaging more Millennials in board service can broaden your circles of influence and add fresh perspective to your boards. 


When: Wednesday, August 5, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT

Where: Lafayette Country Club, 1500 S. 9th Street, Lafayette, IN

Presenter: Derrick Feldmann, Achieve

Cost: $20



The Cure for the Special Event Bug: Purposeful Fundraising


Part of the Wabash Valley Nonprofit Learning Series: Ever feel like your organization is infected with the special events bug?  While there is a place for events in a diverse fundraising program, most organizations rely too heavily on events and fail to maximize the opportunities that events offer. Often cited as a major reason for board member and development staff burn-out, events are one of the most abused, misused, and addictive forms of fundraising. Based on the article, Avoiding the Highly Contagious Special Events Bug,  co-authored by Nick Parkevich for the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), you will learn strategies for making the most of your event by establishing a process before your event and developing strategies for increasing board engagement in developing donor relationships after your event.


When:  Thursday, August  13, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
Where:  Corporate Square, 1st Floor Conference Room, 2901 Ohio Blvd., Terre Haute, IN
Presenter:  Nick Parkevich
Cost:  $20


For more information, contact Jillian Henry, Director, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, Western Region.

State of Indiana with Central Region HighlightedCentral Region  


Project Management (two part workshop,

must attend both days) (REVISED)


Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Join us for this two-day workshop to develop project management skills, review best practices, and learn tips and tricks for successful project management. Please bring information about a future project or one that's currently underway.  

  • Day One: Develop a scope of work to identify key deliverables, project roles, and activities 
  • Day Two: Develop a management plan for moving through the project with alignment and clarity

* When: Thursday, August 6 and Friday, August 7, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT, both days

Where: United Way of Central Indiana, 3901 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN

Presenter:  Andrew Black, Andrew Black Consulting

Cost: $60, United Way agencies; $70, others 


Myth Busters: Nonprofit Advocacy Edition


Do you know that it's your right to advocate for your organization's mission? Did you also know that it is your responsibility? If you are not sure how your organization can gain public support for a cause, join us for this session where we'll take the mystery out of nonprofit advocacy.


When: Wednesday, August 12, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT

Where: United Way of Central Indiana, 3901 North Meridian Str., Indianapolis, IN

Presenter:  Andrew Cullen, Vice President, Public Policy, United Way of Central IN

Cost: $20, United Way agencies; $25, others 



For more information, contact Beth Mussman, Director, Nonprofit Training Center, United Way of Central Indiana.