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Policy Update, August 15, 2014 
Thank you for your interest and support. The Indiana Association of United Ways provides its Policy Update on "odd Fridays" (1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays). Contact us if you have any questions or comments about content (past, present or desired for the future).
At the StatehouseLegislative Study Committees gear up
StateCapitolDay The Legislative Council has appointed the interim study committees. Current meetings scheduled on the calendar include:
Health Priority AreaMajority of those in the coverage gap are working 
According to a new report by Families USA, 59% of the Hoosier families who fall in the coverage gap (and would be eligible for HIP 2.0 if approved) are employed. The report offers the top nine occupations of the employed but uninsured who will benefit from HIP 2.0 implementation or coverage expansion: 
  • Food Service, 42K
  • Production, 27K
  • Sales, 26K
  • Construction, 22K
  • Transportation, 21K
  • Cleaning and Maintenance, 21K
  • Office/Admin Support, 18K
  • Personal Care/Service, 11K
  • Healthcare support, 9K
View the complete infographic (excerpt at right).

If you or your family members don't fall into any categories above, think about how many people you regularly rely on who have no access to health insurance.
Health Priority Area yellow-bday-cake.jpg Happy Birthday, CHIP!
The Children's Health Insurance Program, aka CHIP, "turns 17" this August. Since the late 1990s, CHIP has been credited for the 50 percent reduction in the rate of children without health insurance. CHIP provides coverage to nearly 8 million children whose parents' income is too high for traditional Medicaid but is below 200% of federal poverty. 

Federal funding for CHIP only runs through Federal Fiscal Year 2015. Efforts are underway to assess how CHIP may be continued in the new post-Affordable Care Act environment. Sign CHIP's Birthday Card, as a part of First Focus advocacy efforts with Congress to appropriate funding beyond 2015.  
Health Priority Area - Take Action
Attn: Help consumers at risk of losing new health insurance
After multiple attempts to contact consumers, the Marketplace is asking human service providers to help clients submit documents to verify something in their application that didn't match their records. Approximately 
5,100 Hoosiers are receiving letters

this week asking them to verify some piece of information in their file, often about citizenship status. Please encourage these consumers to submit the requested information, meet with a Navigator or to call the national call center at 1-800-318-2596. 
2-1-1 IN211 Report on SNAP Outreach July 2014
Indiana 211 Partnership is working with IN Family and Social Services Administration and food banks to help Hoosiers who are eligible connect with SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Approximately 1 in 4 Hoosiers who are eligible for SNAP are not enrolled. Between October 2013 and June 2014, IN211 screened approximately 14,000 callers. Outcome surveys show that of the callers referred for SNAP, about 60% follow through with the referral. See IN211 Report on SNAP Outreach.
Income Priority Area
Income gap widens in Indiana's cities; report proposes solutions
A forty year shift in income in favor of upper-income households is not slowing, according to Income and Wage Gaps Across the US, a new report prepared by IHS Global Insight for the US Conference of Mayors and The Council on Metro Economies and the New American City. The report concludes with a concern that an increase in income inequality will continue to grow and create issues for the economy. The report asserts possible recommendations to:
  • increase technical skills, including of displaced workers;
  • adopt universal pre-kindergarten;
  • expand the Earned Income Tax Credit program; and 
  • build the nation's infrastructure (creating jobs and increasing capital).  
Check out the appendices in the full report to find how your city compares. Evansville and Indianapolis show growing inequality. and Or read Brian Eason's article in the Indianapolis Star on 8/11/14. 

Education Priority Area
Kids Count Data Book 2014 offers good and bad news about Indiana
As the kids head back to school, the 2014 Kids Count Data Book serves as a reminder about progress being made in certain areas of educational and health. The report also shows that certain areas of economic well-being and family and community have worsened including:
  • number and percentage of children in poverty;
  • children whose parents lack secure employment;
  • children in single-parent households; and
  • children living in high-poverty areas.
Read the full report or download Indiana's data profile
Charitable Sector Priority Area - Take Action
Last chance to register for Aug. 20 Storytelling Workshop 
Storytelling is an effective tool in fundraising and advocacy. Effective stories and language make the difference in communications. 

Nationally recognized storyteller Kim Weitkamp will offer a training workshop designed for nonprofit human services on August 20, 10am-2pm, thanks to the Indiana Coalition for Human Services and the Indiana Association of Community Economic Development
Please register for this event. The workshop is part of the ICHS Annual Meeting.
IaUW Public Policy
IaUW is a nonpartisan organization that works to advance policy principles and compromise solutions for the common good. We focus on programs and policies that help:
  • children prepare for and succeed in school;
  • individuals achieve and sustain financial stability;
  • individuals access quality healthcare; and
  • communities thrive, including a strong 2-1-1 network and charitable sector.
Our policy priorities are developed and guided by our Public Policy Committee and our IaUW members, based on their work in Hoosier communities.
Frequently Requested Links / Documents - Learn about the Indiana Association of United Ways, current trainings and conferences and the ways we support local United Ways/Funds, partners and communities.

IaUW Policy / Advocacy info - Review and download IaUW Policy Priorities, Third House calendar, bill lists, fact sheets, talking points and testimony.
Advocacy Action Center - Contact your member of Congress or State Legislator, provided through our partnership with United Way Worldwide.

IaUW Policy Update Archive - Read prior issues, special articles and key documents produced by IaUW related to public policy and advocacy.

NEW - Community Report Card - Check out key indicators in Education, Income and Health for your neighborhood, county or region. - Search for human service information available through the referral database or by calling 2-1-1. Download reports about resources, needs, gaps and trends from Indiana 211 Partnership.
NRN Calendar - Register for high-quality and affordable training for nonprofit staff and volunteers by the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network.

Funding and Other Opportunities Explore current requests for proposals, funding and recognition opportunities.

Indiana General Assembly
 - Check the hearing or floor schedule, watch a live or recorded hearing or floor session and look up your legislators. 

Library of Congress
 - Look up bills introduced in Congress. Note that the THOMAS site will be maintained through 2014 and fully replaced by

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