United Way of Snohomish County's
Community Leader
Live United - United Way




Fall 2013

Our Mission


Leading positive change that transforms our community and improves people's lives in Snohomish County.

Beth's Story


United Way of Snohomish County: Beth

Do you remember being a teenager and trying to find your place in this world? Now imagine doing that as a brand new member of this country. Beth emigrated from Ethiopia with her family several years ago, and wanted so badly to fit in and give back to her new community. When Beth learned about
Youth United, she immediately felt like she had a place to belong. United Way developed the Youth United program to give teens the opportunity to strengthen the community and become engaged in issues that matter to them. Youth United connected Beth to her new community-a community she will continue to strengthen in the future.


"Volunteering with
Youth United gave me
a place to belong."
- Beth

Events calendar  

United Way Board and Annual Meeting
Dec. 10

Tocqueville Holiday Celebration
Dec. 12

Volunteer Orientation
Jan. 9 and Jan. 15

Martin Luther King Jr.
Day of Service
Jan. 20

Free Tax Preparation Sites Open
Jan. 21

For more information on these events, visit uwsc.org.

Contact us
3120 McDougall Ave.,
Suite 200
Everett, WA 98201
Ph: 425.374.5500
Spirit of Snohomish County
Award Winners 
At this year's Spirit of Snohomish County Breakfast on Sept. 25,
United Way announced the winners of its annual "Spirit" Awards - individuals and organizations who help improve people's lives, work for the betterment of our community and inspire others to serve. Read more.

(L-R) United Way president and CEO, Dr. Dennis G. Smith,
with this year's Spirit Award winners: Tori Ly (youth -
her parents pictured here), Ed Petersen (Reeves/Sievers Founders' Award), Peggy Kennedy (adult), Caren Skube
(for seven years as United Way's liaison to Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound),Chris Kelly (labor)
and Philips Healthcare (community partner).

Days of Caring 2013: A Success!

United Way's Days of Caring is the largest two-day volunteer event in Snohomish County. This year, 1,019 volunteers participated in dozens of projects throughout the county. This represents a 32.5% increase over last year's volunteer totals! Thank you to all who volunteered this year!


Read more.


Campaign Update


Every school district in the county is running a United Way Campaign this year! In Snohomish School District, Superintendent Bill Mester, Education Association President Justin Fox-Bailey and Public School Employees President Judy York wrote a joint campaign endorsement letter. Presentations are scheduled for every school in the district, as well as for the administration building. Employee campaign managers are also calling for a 30% increase in overall participation.


Free Tax Preparation Volunteers


United Way of Snohomish County: Free Tax Preparation VolunteersWhat can you do in a few hours? In 2014, a few hours of your time could change a life. Volunteer registration for this year's tax campaign is now open at uwsc.org. Last year, volunteers helped families claim $5.1 million in tax refunds in Snohomish County. All training is provided, and bilingual volunteers are always greatly needed.


Read more.


Boeing Grant to Support Lean Work


Thanks to The Boeing Company, five Snohomish County nonprofits were awarded a total of $25,000 to support their efforts to streamline, or "Lean," their service delivery. Specifically, these nonprofits will learn about spaghetti charts, value stream mapping, kaizen and 5S, as well as other Lean principles. United Way of Snohomish County is administering the funds, and participating organizations include Senior Services of Snohomish County, Center for Human Services, Work Opportunities, Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County and Interfaith Association of Northwest Washington.


Finance Officer of the Year


Jeri Wilkes, CPA, chief financial officer of United Way of Snohomish County, was recently named Finance Officer of the Year by United Way Worldwide at a conference in Atlanta. The award is presented to a financial officer in the United Way system that exhibits outstanding leadership in financial management, and is seen as a role model inside and outside of their organization. There are nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 38 countries and territories.


Read more.


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United Way of Snohomish County 3120 McDougall Ave., Ste. 200, Everett, WA 98201
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