Important Info - Please read this weekly newsletter from the Cicero PSO. Thanks!
Archway Cicero PSO News - 8/17/15
This Issue Includes Information On:
Curriculum Night
After School Fall Clubs
Please Get Your Volunteer Cards
1st PSO Meeting Tomorrow!
Kona Ice After School
Save the Date: Cicero Oktoberfest
Lunch Volunteers Needed
Amazon Teacher Wish Lists

For more information, please refer to the 
school web site: 
or the PSO web site:
Building a Community

I've been very encouraged this week. Students are back on campus, laughter fills the playground, and the copy machine hasn't stopped copying since Monday. Teachers are energized, planning field trips and writing lesson plans. We're off and running!
I'm especially proud of our faculty members, who come from all over the country to invest in our students. We are able to offer an incredible education to students, delivered by the very best and brightest teachers. I'm humbled to see them every morning and afternoon, greeting students as they exit cars, holding gates open, and moving traffic cones, in addition to their teaching responsibilities. You still see smiles on their faces even when the high reaches 117 degrees (as it did last Friday).
With over 700 on our waitlists, I'm happy to see familiar faces from past tours, of families who have been crossing their fingers to get in. We're glad to have you join the Cicero family.
I want to thank those of you who have been patient with us. As many of you know, Cicero Prep has doubled in size this year, which has caused some challenges with our traffic flow. That being said, we're still doing a great job of getting students off campus in a safe and timely manner. Our average pick-up time last year (with clubs in session) was 25-30 minutes. Our average time this week, the first week of school, was 30-35 minutes, and as after-school activities begin, we will continue to see the time decrease. Headmasters and Operations teams from around the network have come to visit our campus to learn from our procedures.
Thank you for cooperating with us in approaching the campus from the east and no longer from the west. This has helped us expedite the drop-off and pick-up process.
Our procedures are not perfect, and we will continue to refine them through trial and error. Nonetheless, our pick-up and drop-off times are some of the very best in the Great Hearts network.
So let's count our blessings and be grateful for the opportunity we have to be a part of Archway Cicero. We are a great-hearted community, and as such we model for our children what it means to be supportive and respectful of each other and of the Archway Cicero faculty and staff. Let's show them appreciation for the incredible job they do.

Matthew Vlahovich
Archway Cicero Headmaster

Important Dates

Mon, Aug. 17 - Tomorrow, 8:15am, PSO General Meeting - Multipurpose Room, All Parents Are Welcome!

Thurs, Aug 20 - Archway Cicero Curriculum Night, See Times Down Below

Fri, Aug 21 - Early Release at noon, The Kona Ice Truck will be on campus after school

Wed, Aug 26 - 12:30pm, Volunteer Card Fingerprinting, Please attend this if you wish to volunteer on campus and do not have a volunteer card yet

Fri, Sept 4 - Early Release at noon

Mon, Sept 7 - No School, Labor Day

Mon, Sept 14 - No School

Fri, Sept 18 - Early Release at noon

Curriculum Night - This Thursday

Meet your children's teachers and learn about the curriculum they'll be teaching this year. Students have the night off, parents only please.

5:45pm-6:10pm - Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
6:20pm-6:35pm - All School Address In the Gym (everyone attends this)
6:45pm-7:10pm - 3rd through 5th Grade Families

Cicero Family Free Welcome Back Breakfast

The first annual Welcome Back Breakfast, put on by the Cicero Dads' Club was a big success yesterday morning. Even though the weather was horribly hot, the company and food were fantastic!

Cicero's Dads' Club puts on events like this one to support the Cicero school community. Through various fundraising programs and events, the dads work together to further a quality experience and education for our children, families and school staff.

The Dads' Club is open to any dad or guardian in our Cicero community. If your schedule allows you to come to all of the meetings or just one that's okay! There is no required attendance, fees or annual dues.

Please contact The Cicero Dads' Club President, Phil Ramos, if you're interested, 480-253-0679 or

After School Fall Clubs

Lego Club
2015 Fall Playwell TEKnologies Engineering (Lego Club), Info & registration: Lego Club Info

Chess Club
Info & Registration: Chess Club Info

Future Stars After School Sports
Info & Registration: Future Stars Info

Info & Registration: Band Info

Yippee Yoga For Grades K-2
Info & Registration: Yippee Yoga Info

Yippee Yoga For Grades 3-5
Info & Registration: Yippee Yoga Info

Fall Irish Dance Club
Info & Registration: Fall Irish Dance Club Info

Fall Gardening Club
Info & Registration: Fall Gardening Club Info

Drama Club
Info & Registration: Drama Club Info

Advanced Conversational Spanish Club
Info & Registration: Spanish Club Info

Fall Fencing Club
Info & Registration: Fall Fencing Club

Fall Knitting Club
Info & Registration: Fall Knitting Club

Ultimate Frisbee Club
Info & Registration: Ultimate Frisbee Club
Please Get Your Volunteer Cards

State law requires each volunteer at Great Hearts schools to be fingerprinted and undergo a background check. You must have a volunteer badge in order to volunteer on campus or to chaperone field trips. Without a proper badge, you will not be admitted on campus. If you have not obtained a badge yet, please do so now because it remains active for 3 years.

It generally takes a few weeks for your card to be printed and we request a $20 donation to cover the cost of fingerprinting.

Fingerprinting at Cicero:
August 26th, 12:30pm

We strongly encourage you to attend this event on our Cicero campus because it's more convenient than driving to the Veritas campus. If you can't make it though, you can make an appointment at the Veritas campus by contacting Great Hearts Human Resources at or call 602-438-7045, ext. 7.
1st PSO Meeting!

ALL Cicero parents are welcome! Tomorrow, Aug. 17th at 8:15am in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). 

Meet your Board Members, hear about upcoming events, learn about volunteer opportunities and there will also be an open forum to discuss events for the upcoming school year.
Kona Ice After School! Aug. 21

The Kona Ice Truck will be on campus after school (which is a half day) on Friday, Aug. 21st.

Snow cone prices range from $3-$6 and 25% of all sales are donated to the school. The truck will be parked near the north side Prep gate.

Upcoming School Fundraiser and Auction
to benefit campus improvements

ARCHWAY CICERO AND CICERO PREP are planning a fundraiser and auction event in November.  

If you are interested in volunteering your time, talent or treasure, please contact:

Chair: Natalia Solis, email: 

More details to follow.  Thank you for your support!

Love and Logic Newsletter

Greetings families! Our philosophy of classroom management and discipline is highly influenced by the principles expounded in the Love and Logic program. Our teachers have been trained by Jim and Charles Fay themselves, and our administrators have attended many days of conferences in order to better understand and implement these practices. As we seek to embody and apply many of the principles of Love and Logic in our schools, we encourage you as parents to learn more about this philosophy. It can allow you to support us in what we are teaching our students, and I know I personally have been able to apply many of these strategies in my own parenting. Attached is a link you can use to sign up for a weekly newsletter, filled with tips and tricks for both educators and parents: https://www.loveandlogic.comSimply click on the link, and enter your email address under the heading "Insider's Club" in the upper right hand corner of the website. Thank you for your support!

Lunch Volunteers & Daily "Lunch Leads" Are Needed!

The Archway Cicero Lunch Program is run entirely by parent volunteers.  It's also one of our largest fundraisers for the PSO.  We are going to use VolunteerSpot this year for parents to sign-up to be lunch volunteers. Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy!

You will see the link throughout the communications you receive, and there's even an app you can download.  If you have any questions though, please reach out to

This year, we are also in need of parents to volunteer as "Daily Lunch Leads." This is how it works: If you volunteer to be our Lunch Lead for Mondays, then any Monday that a new volunteer is scheduled to come in, you would need to spend 15 minutes training them at the start of lunch. So far, Tuesdays & Wednesdays are covered. We're looking for "Lunch Lead Volunteers" for Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. We thank everyone in advance for their support and time!

All school volunteers, including lunch, have to be fingerprinted by Great Hearts.  We will be offering this service at our campus towards the end of August.  Clearance can take up to 6 weeks though, so in order to obtain your clearance sooner and allow yourself to be on campus, please visit the Great Hearts Lead Office on the second floor of our Veritas Prep campus.  You can make an appointment by calling 602-438-7045.

Donna Church
Archway Cicero Lunch Lead

Purchase School Lunches Online

Please Note: The deadline to order lunches is by Friday at 8am for the following week

ARCHWAY CICERO AND CICERO PREP have partnered with Orderlunches to provide a secure, fast, and easy-to-use online ordering system that allows parents to view our lunch menu, order, prepay and manage student lunches on the web.

New Parents
1. GO TO: HTTPS://LUNCHLADY.ORDERLUNCHES.COM (please bookmark this page)

2. Click on Register:  Password is: Cicero2, add account, profile(s) information

3. Sign In - Welcome page displays with Program Info (Order Schedule, Rules etc.)

4. Click Order at Top of Nav Bar & go to: AUGUST

5. Click the  Order link on the calendar to begin

6. Check out & pay - Please be sure to complete the check-out process. Do not close your browser prior to receiving the confirmation display or your order may be interrupted and not fully processed. Items left in your shopping cart will not be processed and your order will not be placed.
Returning Parents
(please bookmark this page)

2. Sign In with your username & password

3.Choose student that needs location, add their grade for the new school year & click "update profile"

4. If a student has graduated, select their name & click  "remove profile"

5. Once all profiles are updated - Click on the Order link to begin ordering.
FOOD or POLICY (Missed/Late Orders, Credits, and Changes/Cancellations): 
email  TIFFLUNCH@GMAIL.COM or call 602 821-4056 and they'll get back to you right away.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT (help navigating the site): email

The program accepts payment by Debit Card or Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard & Discover.

Be sure to proceed to checkout and process your payment. Orders that are left in the shopping cart will NOT be processed and your student(s) will not be included in the lunch service.
ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE: A $10.00 fee is charged with your first order only so that we can offer our lunch program online.

MINIMUM ORDER FEE:  A $1.00 fee will be charged for orders under $10.00 - this applies to new and changed orders.

Thank you for participating in our school lunch program!
Amazon Teacher Wish Lists

You can support all Archway Cicero teachers by visiting and searching for the Archway Cicero's Wish List.

Locate your teacher on the left hand column and shop away!

We are also looking for Art Donors from the website.  Visit the Amazon Wish List for more information on the artwork requested.

All donations from the Amazon wish list will receive an acknowledgement thank you and in-kind tax donation letter.

For more information, please contact:

Angela Braun, Director of Academy Giving
480.271.3508 work cell phone number
480.222.1505 direct office phone number M-F 7:40am - 4:40pm
Academy Giving Report

Thank you, Merci, Gratias Maximas, 
Grazie, Danke, Arigato, Gracias, Hvala, 
Xie Xie, Dziekuje, Spasibo

It is with great pleasure that I thank all of our wonderful donors who contributed to Archway Cicero's Community Investment, Tax Credit and last year's Founding Families Fund campaigns!

Because of your generous support and shared vision of Archway Cicero, as well as your passion for a classical liberal arts education for your student, we were able to hire, reward and retain our valued teaching staff, implement important campus improvements such as:  add books in the library, refresh the quad play area, install projectors in the classrooms, and, make arrangements for additions to the gymnasium over fall break.

Each year, your gifts have a tremendous impact on our school budget, and with further financial cuts to education from the state, we are asking for 100% participation in this campaign.  All gifts to Archway Cicero's Community Investment stay at Archway Cicero and are invested right back into the classrooms.

Please consider making your gift to the 2015-16 Community Investment campaign today, if you have not already made arrangements with the development office.  And, don't forget to inquire about a matching gift from your employer.  All gifts to Archway Cicero are fully tax-deductible.

Thank you again for your generous support of Archway Cicero, and for the faith and trust you put in our staff to successfully lead our students into the 21st century. 

Welcome back to school!


Angela Braun
Director of Academy Giving

480.271.3508 work cell phone number
480.222.1505 direct office number M-F 7:40am - 4:40pm
Archway Cicero | 7205 N. Pima Rd., Scottsdale, AZ, 85250 | 480-424-1790 |