California Association of School Business Officials
March 10, 2015
Click here to view the full schedule at-a-glance!





April 9, 2015 | San Diego COE



Advanced Contracts


April 10, 2015 | San Diego COE



Payroll Concepts


April 13, 2015 | Shasta UHSD



Year-End Closing


April 17, 2015 | San Bernardino CSS 

April 22, 2015 | Twin Rivers USD


Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Beginning 


April 27, 2015 | Twin Rivers USD


Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Advanced


April 28, 2015 | Twin Rivers USD




Southern Section Spring Workshops


April 30, 2015 | Los Angeles COE


Accounts Payable


May 20, 2015 | San Bernardino CSS






Professional Council Summit

Save the Date!
CASBO Insights

The deadline for applying for a leadership position on a CASBO committee or Professional Council is coming soon. If you'd like to give back to the profession, improve yourself professionally or expand your professional network; or if you know another CASBO member who would be interested, we encourage you to apply by Friday, March 13, and ask that you encourage others as well. More


Register by March 21 for the CASBO 2015 Annual Conference Golf Tournament and you'll be helping raise scholarship funds to send your colleagues to future CASBO conferences!


This year's tournament, sponsored by the Associate Member Committee, will be held Monday, March 30, at the East Lake Country Club in Chula Vista, located just south of downtown San Diego.  

CASBO is preparing to recruit volunteers for its 2015 Diversity & Inclusion Task Force which will promote greater resources for supporting the association in its diversity and inclusion efforts.


The official ask for volunteers will be made later this month. The association is seeking CASBO members who are not currently serving on section boards, professional councils or committees to participate. Non-members are also encouraged to volunteer. More


Grow your career with free leadership training

At CASBO, we're excited to announce that members who renew or join at the Executive Access level receive a choice of complimentary leadership training sessions from two world-renowned leadership experts.
Participate in CASBO at this level and you'll get your choice of Ken Blanchard's "Situational Leadership" training or Stephen Covey's "Speed of Trust" course at no extra charge!

In the winter 2014 issue of California School Business, Wharton professor and author Adam Grant shared the benefits of being a "giver" in the workplace. One easy way to give, and benefit your organization as a whole, is to connect people, Grant suggested.


At the upcoming CASBO Annual Conference & California School Business Expo, you'll have a chance to practice your connecting skills. More
School Business News


Five California districts to receive grant money for replacing buses

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released the names of 76 school districts across the nation that were randomly selected to receive a share of $3 million in federal grants to reimburse them for replacing older diesel-powered school buses. 


Thirty states in all are represented in the 2014 School Bus Replacement Funding Program lottery, with Missouri boasting the most ...


The newly created state agency tasked with overseeing school accountability and performance held its first meeting recently. The agency, known as the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE), is a five-member board charged with helping the state and county offices of education monitor the progress local educational agencies (LEAs) make in meeting California's educational priorities. More


Boot camp helps ed tech companies understand privacy requirements

About 40 education technology companies faced with increasing pressure to protect students' data privacy recently attended a boot camp meant to cut through vendors' confusion and make sense of shifting legal obligations.


The event, held in Washington, D.C., was the first of several for ed tech companies, according to the Future of Privacy Forum ...


Serving summer meals? Planning starts now

Districts planning to serve meals this summer should begin preparing now, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


To aid the process, the department has released its 2015 handbook, Summer Food Rocks!, to guide school food service administrators in providing meals to children from low-income families. More



No matter how top-notch your administrative level, parents' bottom line for success lies with the teaching ranks. If the teachers are effective, they're happy.


So how do you make sure your instructors have the support they need? According to the Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley, they need psychological safety. In plain English, that's "not being afraid of negative consequences."



We're all looking for ways to up our happiness quotient. That's why Time magazine recently wrote up a tip from Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania as "the most proven technique for increasing long-term happiness." It's worth repeating.

"Every night for the next week, set aside 10 minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well ..."



We've all heard of six degrees of separation. Whether you call it the Kevin Bacon game or LinkedIn, finding out how you are connected to the people you meet is a vital part of a career.


But just how do you translate these moments into social capital after you've gathered them? That's where Ron Sukenick, founder of Relationships Strategies Institute, sees too many people lose the game.

Job Listings & CASBO's Partners


Good people working to do good things ...

Before the advent of the personal computer, when many of us were dependent on our trusty old typewriters, one of the standard lines used to either practice our keyboard skills or test a new typewriter ribbon was: "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party." Whenever I came across this line, I always wondered what it meant: Whose party? And where were all the good women? Even then, I knew that an outstanding party would have both good men and good women! More

Executive Director
Molly McGee Hewitt 
Editor in Chief
Tatia Davenport 
Features Editor 
Julie Phillips Randles 

Julie Sturgeon


The California Association of School Business Officials is the premier resource for professional development and business best practices for California's school business leaders. CASBO is dedicated to promoting excellence and professionalism in all aspects of school business. Founded in 1928, CASBO serves more than 3,000 members by providing certifications and training, promoting business best practices and creating opportunities for professional collaboration. CASBO members represent every facet of school business management and operations. The association offers public school leaders an entire career's worth of growth opportunities.