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July 2015

Common Orthodontic Appliances 


If your child needs an orthodontic appliance to straighten teeth or improve jaw alignment, you may be wondering what to expect. Here are a few of the most common appliances for kids along with the types of problems they solve.

Expanders and Arches

Palatal Expander

When the lower and upper teeth fail to come together, your dentist may recommend a

palatal expander to widen your child's upper jaw, which is usually suitable only for kids under age 15, while bones are still pliable. The piece is made up of a screw with bands that attach to the teeth. Kids usually use the appliance for three months after the upper jaw has widened, to maintain space. Your orthodontist may also refer to this appliance as a rapid palatal expander, a rapid maxillary expansion appliance, or an orthodontic expander.

Lower Lingual Holding Arch

A lower lingual holding arch prevents teeth from crowding in the mouth. It uses two bands on the lower molars attached to a U-shaped bar and stops the permanent molars from pushing forward.

Nance Holding Arch

Also called a Nance button, the Nance holding arch is used for kids who have lost their baby teeth prematurely. It maintains space for the permanent teeth and avoiding a forward shift of the first molars. The appliance features two bands attached to the back teeth and an acrylic button that covers part of the anterior palate.



Hawley Retainer

This type of removable retainer is used to treat many issues, particularly after the removal of a fixed appliance. For instance, it may help to stabilize the position of teeth after braces,

stabilize expansion after using a palatal expander, or close the gap left between teeth. Usually, these retainers are colored acrylic with a wire that goes across the front of teeth.


Essix Retainer

Essix retainers are customized for the individual after braces. They are clear, almost invisible, and very durable.


Bonded Retainer

Another option after removing braces is a bonded retainer, which consists of braided wire glued to the lower anterior teeth. It is especially useful for kids who tend to be forgetful about wearing their retainer.

If you think that your child may need one of these orthodontic appliances, book an appointment as soon as possible. We offer a complimentary orthodontic consultation with Drs. Ollins and Servoss.




Dr. Cynthia Pattison D.M.D.,  
Dr. Sari Zimmer, D.M.D,
Dr. Vanessa Velilla, D.D.S., M.S.,
Dr. Joel M. Servoss, D.D.S.,
Gabriel J. Ollins, D.D.S., M.S.,
and the staff at PDA


195 S. Maple Ave.
21-00 Morlot Plaza
Ridgewood, NJ  07450
Fair Lawn, NJ  07410
(201) 652-7020
(201) 794-1906
Drs. Pattison, Velilla, Zimmer, Ollins, and Servoss
 Pediatric Dental Associates
Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in Ridgewood & Fairlawn, New Jersey

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