Jeb and Garrett Dasher caught this nice trout while fishing the flats!
Tori Hedgecock and Lacey Hamilton of Valdosta Ga. are showing off their limit of scallops!
| Evalyn Allsworth, Deedee Sant Angelo, Linda Holmes, Teri Locklear, Lori Dorsey, and Dana Dunn are showing off their cute scallop shorts! |
| Close up picture of the ladies' shorts! |
Jerome Lucas caught this huge redfish last week!
Tommy Ballard, Mark Chupp, and Ellie Chupp are holding up a full bag of scallops they collected!
Leiza Fitzgerald, from Trenton Fl and Lowe Morrison, from Sarasota Fl collected their limit of scallops in less than thirty minutes!
The SWIMMING POOL for the Shacks at Sea Hag Marina is finished! Book your stay now!
The pool is open to registered
motel guests at this time.
Save the date for the Fall Trout Tournament in Steinhatchee and Keaton Beach, Sept. 19th!
Pictured above and below, the Roberson, Harrell, Howell, and Witzke Families had a blast scalloping out of Keaton Beach fl this past week!
Charter Captain, Tommy Thompson, reeled in this beautiful redfish early morning!
Stevie Huntt, Josh Huntt, Mila Taylor, and Bryce Taylor are pictured diving for scallops!
A beautiful sunset taken by Rob Deese off the marina dock!
Kevin Bellisle, from Brunswick Ga. and his crew got limit of scallops!
| Scott Boda, Tammy Ranaie Owens, Jerry Tilliajr, and Chelsea Dix had a great time scalloping out of Sea Hag at Keaton! |