Keith Bentley, Elliott McDavid, Justin and Chad Bentley and Tommy Ballard caught this fine limit in the river December 30, 2013 on Sea Hag shrimp.
 Last weekends view of the river!
Bill Rees, from Williston, FL, fishing with Buddy Thomace and his grandson Clarence Thomace, from Newton, GA, caught this nice limit of trout and a redfish and where back at the dock in time for lunch last Monday.
 Jim Kilgore and his crew caught this nice board full of speckled and sand trout last Friday in the river.
 Jimmy Maulpin, Elliott McDavid, Tommy Ballard and Richard McDavid are seen here with a 4 person limit of trout they caught in the river last Saturday on Sea Hag shrimp.
 Austin Starr, from Clay Co., FL, fishing with his dad Mark, his uncle David and grandmother Alma, caught this nice trout and black drum in the river aboard a Sea Hag rental boat Monday.
 Hayden and Logan Rust caught these fine speckled trout in the river Monday while fishing with their grandparents, Buddy and Miriam Alexander.
Jimmy Maulpin, from St. Simons Island, GA, brought in the nice trout from the river last Friday while fishing with Tommy Ballard.
This 30" redfish was caught and released out of Sea Hag Marina on December 27th, by Linda Etheridge from Williston, FL, while fishing with Kenny Rees and Darryl Etheridge.
Clarence Thomace, from Newton, GA, caught the fine keeper redfish Monday while fishing with Bill Rees.
Shawn and Emily Simmons, from Gainesville, FL, released this keeper size redfish they caught Monday on a Gulp from a nearby creek.
Mark McKinney caught this 27" redfish Sunday December 22nd just south of the river.
Justin Bentley from Monticello, GA, found a Spainsh mackerel mixed in with the speckled trout in the river last Monday.
Tommy Ballard was trolling in the river for trout when he caught this Spanish mackerel December 28th.
Chip Kilpatrick, Charles Kilpatrick and Mike Briel from, High Springs, FL, caught this fine mixed bag of speckled trout, sand trout, croakers and sheepshead in the river Sunday.