March 2013 v2    
 Community Forum-March 21st   

 A second community forum will be held on

March 21, 2013 in the 
Greenville Elementary School cafeteria to address referendum information and/or concerns.

Tours will begin at 6pm; forum begins at 7pm. 

HASD Expo Spotlight:  HHS Fitness Center 
The HASD Spotlight on Education Expo is a great opportunity for the district and community to come together and show the wonderful programs being offered in our area. One presenter that Expo-goers will be able to see is the physical education department and how Hortonville High School (HHS) Fitness Center is utilized.  


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Mission Statement
Our community ensures every student learns at the highest level.

Referendum: Importance of Question 2 
in the Vote on April 2nd  


While explaining the projects involved in the first question that will be on the ballot for the April 2nd referendum vote is important, the second question is as equally imperative for Hortonville Area School District (HASD) to explain.


Question two that HASD residents and taxpayers will vote on is to approve exceeding the revenue limit on a recurring basis by $370,000 per year to cover (different word) ongoing operational expenses of the new facilities. Read more... 

Greenville Elementary Students Celebrate Cultures


Student understanding of cultures is becoming increasingly important. To help children get an early start on this, teachers and the PTO at Greenville Elementary School (GES) organized a Celebration of Cultures day on March 13, 2013.  At Celebration of Cultures, 3rd and 4th grade classrooms chose a country and taught kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders various facts about each country, including climate, traditional foods, crafts, folk tales and much more. Read more... 

Grants for Excellence Winners at HMS    


By: Crystal Gorwitz & Bruce Lutz

All eighth grade students at Hortonville Middle school participated in a collaborative science/health project in Mrs. Gorwitz's health classes and Mr. Lutz's science classes. The students used science tools (Pasco's Data loggers) to collect data and interpret graphs. They also used skills acquired in science class and applied these skills in their health class. The project also enhanced the students' interpretation abilities by using graphing techniques and actively involved them in the experimentation process.  Read more...