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 Project Apis m.
         P.O. Box 3157
       Chico, CA 95927
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Got Pollen?
PAm wants pure pollen from Midwest honey bee plants to run nutritional analyses.  Contact:
PAm's Scientific Advisors
June Bee Husbandry
Inspect & Monitor - Varroa
Be aware that strong colonies in mid-summer can be highly infested with Varroa mites & can crash in late-summer and fall.  Check often. 
Conduct a random sampling of hives.  Exercise judicious treatment.  Follow the label.  Rotate treatments to prevent resistance. Recheck for efficacy.  Don't assume your treatments are working.
June 2013
Enhancing the Health of Honeybees
PAm is counting on YOUR support to continue our comprehensive research program.  We have received some exciting and innovative proposals.  Practical research - guided by beekeepers FOR beekeepers! 
  These Projects Need Funding!
Dr. Reed Johnson, Ohio State, Dimilin Research,
This research will look at the effects of insecticide and insecticide-fungicide combinations on queen and worker larval development.
MaryAnn Frazier, Penn State, Pesticide Cost-Share Program, $15,000
This funding pays for half of the beekeeper's cost to run full pesticide analyses.
Dr. Brian Johnson, UC-Davis, IVDS Validation Work, $34,755
This study will test the utility of the integrated virus detection system (IVDS) using traditional molecular approaches.
Dr. Jonathan Engelsma, Grand Valley State University, Hive Scale Network, $22,140
This program will enable a national network of hive scales to be integrated into the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP's) disease & management database.
Dr. David Tarpy, NC State University, Nexcelom Vision System to process Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) samples. $29,480
This equipment will greatly enhance the ability to screen queens (and drones) for sperm number and viability.
TOTAL Research Funds Needed:  $237,015
Pollen, pollen, pollen... it's all about the forage.
Forage 1 video
Project Apis m. - It's All About Forage   3:44 mins


PAm-Costco Fellowship OPEN!
This fellowship will fund a PhD level candidate with a 3-year commitment to honey bee research. Motivated applicants can receive more information at [email protected].
Land Managers/Growers Needed
Are you an almond grower in California?  Do you know or have a contract with a grower in CA?  If so, PAm has identified low moisture requiring plants that are an excellent source of nectar and pollen for honey bees.  You provide the land and we provide the seed! 
Planting a bee forage cover crop will:  improve soil fertility, increase organic material, fix nitrogen, improve water infiltration, suppress noxious weeds, conserve soil moisture, increase beneficial insects, and reduce soil erosion.
'BEE" part of the solution!  To enroll in the pollinator forage project, contact us at [email protected].
Project Apis m | | [email protected] |
P. O. Box 3157
Chico, CA 95927

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