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July/August 2016 - In This Issue:
July and August have been combined into one newsletter due to the Healing Touch Program Worldwide Conference being held in Charlotte, NC August 19-21.

Energy Magazine July/August Issue

We whole heartedly recommend that you take time to read this issue cover to cover. It is packed full of practical advice, information about other modalities you might consider incorporating into your practice and self-care tips.

In this issue:
  • Whole Person Caring: A New Paradigm for Healing and Wellness
  • Creating Sacred Space
  • Rwandans Teach the World to Heal
  • Intuition: Your Still, Small Voice
  • Cutting the Cords of Negative Energy
  • Walking Through Cancer and Chemotherapy
  • Healing Past Life Trauma
To receive your FREE issue subscribe today.

Registration for the Healing Touch Worldwide Conference and  
Instructor Gathering ends August 5, 2016.



There is still time to register for Post Conference Workshops!

Don't miss the opportunity to attend one of the wonderful post conference workshops presented by these highly experienced educators in the field of energy medicine education.

  • Date: Sunday, August 21, 2016
  • Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Location:  The Westin Charlotte hotel
  • Continuing Education Hours: 3  
  • Tuition: $129
  • Requirements: None, these workshops are both open to everyone - conference attendance is not required

Download the 1 page flyer and share it with colleagues and friends.

Healing Our Presence - Stepping Up Our Game 
kathy allan 2
Kathy Allan, RN, HN-BC, HTCP/I, SEP, C-NARM

Early childhood wounds, even if long forgotten, can continue to affect our relationship to ourselves and to others. Children in a bad situation never believe that the situation is bad, they believe that they are bad and develop a survival style to avoid their pain. Many of us are continuing to live life in a survival style that no longer serves us and we yearn for a greater capacity for aliveness. 

Join us to learn how to move beyond a survival style and heal early childhood wounds. Learn how you can have a deeper connection to yourself, be a stronger healing presence for others and be a more effective tool for the healing power of the universe to flow through you.

In this workshop you will:

  • Discover the five biologically based core needs essential to physical and emotional well being: What happens to these needs when influenced by good caregivers
  • Explore the five adaptive survival styles created from early childhood wounding: Why people experience them and how to heal them.
  • Apply the 12 Steps of Healing Care: Use them to move beyond your survival style and become a stronger healing presence for others.
Healing Our Presence - Stepping Up Our Game will offer you a simple, powerful and profound spiritual guide to healing the wounds of the past. 

Meet the presenter: Kathy Allan, RN, HN-BC, HTCP/I, SEP, C-NARM, is the Founder and Education Director of the Healing Care Initiative, a multilevel education program designed to take trauma out of healthcare. She is a Board Certified Holistic Nurse and Healing Touch Instructor who has spent years studying shock trauma and developmental trauma. She is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner certified to work with post traumatic stress and she is certified in NARM, the NeuroAffective Relational Model of healing developmental trauma. Additionally, Kathy studied with Rosalyn Bruyere for three years and also taught in the Nurses Certificate Program in Imagery.

Register today for the 2016 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference post conference workshop Healing Our Presence - Stepping Up Our Game to have the opportunity to learn from Kathy Allan and become the healer you came here to be.

Energy Medicine with Veterans & Families

Mary Jo Bulbrook, EMP/S/I, HTCP

The needs of our veterans and their families are great. Providing energetic support is critical to their survival and ability for them and their families to heal from the extreme hardships and trauma they experienced that altered the course of their lives. To serve this population, Dr. Bulbrook has created a unified framework titled "I Serve Those Who Served." This consortium of practitioners and programs are gathering together to meet the pressing unique needs of veterans and their families in collaboration with existing models of care.
This workshop Energy Medicine with Veterans & Families - "I Serve Those Who Served" is an introduction to an internationally accredited University based certificate training that was created to support you to provide service to this population using an integrated health approach. As you experience this unique training identify if you too are called to "I Serve Those Who Served" and what that might look like as you join this innovative integrative team approach to caring for others who gave so much.
In this workshop you will: 
  • Discover the needs of veterans and their families to empower and heal the dynamics that the individuals faced and their impact on them and their families after returning home.
  • Learn blessing with light and love, healing through soul - body alignment, sound, movement, and art to serve this unique population defusing the burning issues and dynamics they are living.
  • Determine your particular calling to join the "I Serve Those Who Serve" team of energy therapists dedicated to help veterans and their families.
  • Find out how you can become part of an international movement of "I Serve Those Who Served."
Participants will witness the unique challenges facing veterans and their families and learn an integrated approach of helpful talk, compassionate listening, heart centered processes, range of energy therapies & neuro-physiological strategies that empower and uplift the body, emotion, mind and spirit to a sense of freedom, hope and happiness.

Meet the presenter: 
Dr. Mary Jo Bulbrook is a spiritual intuitive, international master teacher & expert specialist / practitioner in a range of energy based therapies in Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, Energy Kinesiology, Energy Dynamics, Integral Health and Transpersonal Studies as well as a psychotherapist and family therapist trained by the renown Virginia Satir.  She is Dean of the Institute of CAM Studies, University for Becoming More Fully Human, Dean of the Division of Continuing Education and Program Director of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Department at the internationally accredited Akamai University a distant education institution of higher learning headquartered in Hawaii. As founding elder of the Worldwide Healing Touch community in Peru, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile Mary Jo taught all levels of HT including advanced practice and worked alongside Janet Mentgen as co-author of the HT Notebooks mentoring students how to established their practice and share their gifts of compassion and HT. 

Register today for the 2016 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference post conference workshop Energy Medicine with Veterans & Families to become a member of the "I Serve Those Who Serve" consortium of dedicated energy practitioners and programs to help Veterans and their families, heal, grow and thrive after their tour of service using an Integrative Health approach.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016  
6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern

Dr. Shamini Jain, Ph.D.

The Biofield:  What We Know, What We Don't

Interviewed by Dr. Ramona Rolle-Berg, HTCP & Dr. Renee Rolle-Whatley, HTCP 

As Founder and Director of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), Dr. Shamini Jain is on a mission to unite scientists, practitioners, educators, and others in their efforts to facilitate conscious healing practices.  She is currently also assistant professor in Psychiatry at UC San Diego and an energy medicine practitioner herself.  She comes to the Energy Medicine in the Spotlight microphone on August 10th to reveal the latest scientific understanding of the biofield and its measurement, and to discuss her global perspectives on how energy medicine practitioners can and are teaming with researchers to improve the future of healthcare.

Come join us on August 10, 2016, @ 6pm PST and catch a glimpse of energy medicine's future.

We will discuss: 
  1. According to scientists, what is a biofield?
  2. How does improving the relationship between researchers and energy medicine practitioners advance the evolution of healthcare? 
  3. What are some of the barriers to mainstream acceptance of biofield therapies, and how can energy medicine practitioners support the integration?

Monday, August 22, 2016

6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern

Facilitated by Dawn Warnaca, HTCP/I

Connect with others in our Healing Touch community on this interactive call to share ideas, answer practice questions and support each other in our Healing Work.

Topic - Self Care: How has willpower (or lack of it) impacted your life as a HT practitioner?

No registration needed - Join by phone or webcast

Phone: 425-440-5100425-440-5100 or 425-440-5100425-440-5100  ~  Access Code: 546360#



Congratulations to our new Healing Touch Certified Practitioners

Casey Chattler

Paula Page


Our Wildest Healing Stories

By Jeri Lawson

I have been thinking about a lunch I had at the 2014 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference in Illinois for the last two years.

At the conference, most of the meals were eaten in the largest hotel room filled with wide, round tables. I usually met several new healing friends from all over the country at every meal.

At this particular lunch, I found myself sitting with five other Healing Touch Practitioners I had never met before and my friend Savitri. Savitri has a Healing Touch practice in Fort Madison, IA. There was also a Physical Therapist who used Healing Touch, and several other healing modalities, in her PT practice in Wisconsin. One healer was a nun/hospice nurse from somewhere in the Midwest, and another woman was massage therapist/Healing Touch Practitioner like me. There was also another woman who primarily did healing work for family and friends, and a nurse who used Healing Touch at her hospital.

These women were incredibly interesting. If I lived by any one of them, I'd be having lunch with them as often as I could. After we had finished eating, and were still sitting around the table talking, one of us told an amazing story about a healing she gave a family member. One of those astounding and miraculous healing stories in which she felt her relative's spirit reenter his body during the session.

Then someone else immediately launched into a story about a client she worked with who had been in a coma, and woke up during the healing. From there we ended up going around the table sharing our "Wildest Healing Story".

It was exhilarating. The excitement at the table was building with each story. These are healings that are too phenomenal, too outrageous, to tell anyone but other healers, because they sound crazy, or like you are bragging. We didn't know each other, we didn't know each others clients, but we made sure to honor our client's confidentiality. I felt several of the women had never told their story before.

I found it so validating to hear the other healer's stories, and I was deeply touched by them all. I oddly felt relieved after telling my story, like I had been carrying it around and finally had a place let it go.

I am a big fan of our Healing Touch community. Really big fan. This is just another example of how supportive this community has been for my Healing Touch practice.  

When "miracles" happen in my healing practice, it is both thrilling and humbling at the same time. After a session, I walk around in a state of what I can only describe as gratitude and bliss for hours, sometimes days.

I write a weekly healing blog and I still feel that writing about these wild stories creates unrealistic expectations for clients and beginning healers. I guess it's time I reexamine this belief.

My intention has always been to write about how beneficial, accessible and practical hands-on-healing work can be. I see a time when Healing Touch and energy work become completely integrated in our medical culture. A time when every person going through chemotherapy has Healing Touch available to them. Can the "miraculous" become mainstream?

So, even though I'm not (yet) writing about my wildest healing stories, we know they are out there. Really out there.


The Healing Touch Professional Association recently held a Business Series training for their members on filling your practices.
If you are interested in learning more about this recent training, you can:

*    Read a summary on the HTPA blog

*    Listen to the replays

The HTPA would also like to welcome all practitioners, apprentices, and students to join Amelia, the HTPA Executive Director, in an open community call around 'Filling our Healing Touch Practices'

This will be an place to ask questions and participate in a discussion about our current business challenges around filling your practice.

HTPA Open Business Discussion

Wednesday August 3, 2016

3pm - 4pm Pacific |  6pm - 7pm Eastern

Phone:  (425) 440-5100    Pin: 546360#

(No registration for this call is required)

HTPA is providing an opportunity for group and chapter pictures at the Worldwide Conference in Charlotte!

Cathy Andersen will be taking photos on the main stage for 30 minutes starting at 6:00pm on Saturday before the banquet dinner. Sign up is required and will be available at the Registration Desk. Schedule your group to have a professional picture taken!

This is a great way to celebrate these beautiful relationships, both framed at home and also included in your professional e-mails, newsletters and websites.

Calling Eastern South Carolina

Healing Touch-ers!

A new HTPA Chapter has started in the South-eastern part of South Carolina and we want to warmly welcome you to be in touch.

Please e-mail our chapter leader C. Akua Wright at to get more information.


We are counting the days till Conference in Charlotte!

We are so excited to see old friends and meet new ones. HTWF has a FULL schedule of events:

Silent Auction

Bid on your favorite items from crystals to quilts and jewelry throughout the weekend. Bidding closes Saturday afternoon at 2:45, just before the end of our afternoon break so you can keep a close watch on your items.


We are having a Pick-A Prize format this year. There will be a vase in front of each raffle item and you put your tickets in any you want to win. Winning numbers will be announced during the Banquet Live Auction, starting Saturday 7:30.

Live Auction

Round your friends and split on one of our 3 Vacation Stays!  

  • 5-Night Stay at Ole Glory Cabin Echota Resort in Sevierville, TN - Value $987
  • 3-nights at Aubrey Equestrian Riding Center, Ogden, IA - Value $800
  • 2-night Stay at Thistledown on Yellow Mountain, Minneapolis, NC - Value $370
  • Richway BioBelt - Value $550
  • Ultimate Gift Baskets - Value $500
  • Flags & Foxgloves Original Painting - Value $500
  • The Ultimate Source of Natural Snack Foods - Value $500 
  • Charoite Gemstone Silver Bracelet - Value $280

See DETAILS at  


Centerpiece Silent Auction

This year's banquet table centerpieces are Real Gems! Choose from three different styles and all slightly different. Auction ends at 8:00-8:15 Saturday evening.

Cast your Bones and Stones Readings by Anne Boyd

Anne will be donating all proceeds to the foundation! Located in the exhibitor room in Grand Ballroom. Be sure to get your name on the sign-up sheet at her table.

Heel to Heal 2-Mile Guided Historical Walk

No pressure, no Timing! Gather your friends, family and healing partners and register to learn some history on Charlotte and have some FUN!  Walk time, Sunday 6:45am outside Hotel Lobby. Register by August 5th to be guaranteed a T-shirt at   


Donations from your treasure box are greatly welcomed. Drop off at the Silent Auction area in the Exhibitor Room or email


Advanced Energy Education Opportunity in Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Body Prayer as a Spiritual Practice with Cynthia Hutchison and

Gong Immersion with Ken Goff

Date: Tuesday, August 23rd  

Time: 3pm - 6pm

Information or to register online: Click here

cyn ocean prayer Body Prayer is an ancient and contemporary personalized spiritual practice that can support and strengthen one's inner connection to Higher Power and fortify her/his energy body enhancing body-mind-spirit health. Through the human soul aspects of mind, feeling, and will force felt through intentional, symbolic movement, the participant will have a direct experience of a form of connecting to High Power/Higher Self, that s/he has most likely not experienced before.

Gong Immersion "is an experience in which the sacred and psycho-acoustic healing sounds of the gongs bathe the participants with sustained waves of sound. A Gong Immersion does not require a specific belief structure or discipline of practice. All one needs to do is to be present, allowing the sound to bathe the body and carry the mind. The sounds of the gongs facilitate the movement of chi, balancing and toning the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies."

You may email Amelia Vogler ( for more information.

Advanced Energy Medicine with Cyndi Dale in Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Date:  September 30-October 2

Time: Varies per day, see website for more information

Information and online registration:  Click here  

Cyndi is an awarded best-selling author, mentor, and intuitive in the field of energy medicine.
She has authored over 20 books on energy healing and spiritual matters. These include the  'Subtle Body - An Encyclopedia of Energy Anatomy;" "The Intuition Guidebook;" "Advanced Chakra Healing;" and more.

In this Advanced series, we will be exploring:
  • Create a foundation for your healing practice (both with yourself and with others).  
  • Meet your own personal spiritual Gatekeeper
  • Learn about working with the elemental realm and tapping into the deep wisdoms available to us through these archetypes.
  • Lean about some of the new energetic research around narcissism, addictions, and allergies.
  • Explore ancient civilization's healing tools and applications for modern shamanism in clinical Energy Medicine.
  • Participate in a meditation that supports healing beyond this realm
  • Review and experience the intelligences of the chakras 8-13
  • Discover the expansion of our healing and human potential through an introduction of our Spiritual Gifts
  • Participate in an activating guided meditation through all of the chakras/gifts
  • Receive a personalized reading on your own spiritual giftedness (each person in the class will receive a mini-reading from Cyndi in class)
  • Discuss best practices and boundary needs for each gift
  • Spiritual Gifts group work
  • And more...
You may email Amelia Vogler ( for more information.


Featured Product

Energy Magazine Bookmarks are now available in the 
Healing Touch Store 
Four beautiful designs are available to choose from. Each design come in packs of 100.

These are great to hand out at wellness fairs and other events. They are also wonderful to give to clients to support self-care and energy awareness.


Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin      


Healing Touch Program classes offer an interactive, hands on learning experience that fosters both personal and professional learning and growth.





HTP Logo


15439 Pebble Gate San Antonio, TX 78232

Phone: 210-497-5529  ~  Fax: 210-497-8532

Office Hours:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekdays

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We understand that not all of our emails interest you, but if you unsubscribe you will not be able to receive any information from Healing Touch Program and you will no longer receive important updates about classes, certification, accreditation, Community Newsletter, events, products and conferences. If you are not interested in this message please just delete it.  We LOVE being in touch with you!

Healing Touch Program | 15439 Pebble Gate | San Antonio | TX | 78232