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HTP ClassesHT News Archive
July 2013 Issue
New Manual for HT in the Clinical Setting
Case Study Examples
HT 2014 Conference Sponsorship Committee Leader Needed
Case Study Examples
2013 Rocky Mountain Regional Conference
2013 Instructor Gathering
2013 Pacific NW Regional Conference
HTPA Annual Report Available
HTPA Monthly Business Call
Feature Articles
Community Announcements
HTP Classes
Social Media
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HT Community News editor: Sue Walker
Click here to email HTNews
Letter from the HT Program Director
Dear Healing Touch Community,
July Greetings!  Welcome to my summer office space!  I'm loving bringing my computer and phone out to the front porch of my house where I do Healing Touch writing and calls while listening to the birds singing and gazing upon the green trees, flowering plants and blue sky.

Did you know that your Healing Touch Worldwide Community in Japan is rapidly growing? I just received the below brief report from my friend and colleague, Rumi Hashimoto RN, MSN, HTCP/I, who over the last three years has taught more than 300 students (75%+ Nurses) Healing Touch Levels 1 - 3! She is now on a month long HT Japan tour teaching Levels 1 through 3 in universities, professional nursing and health care settings, giving presentations and building community....

"Please allow me to express my sincere appreciation for your continued support and understanding as we move forward to support the expansion of Healing Touch in Japan.  Katrina and I welcome and enjoy the opportunities to share Healing Touch with the wonderful people of Japan. We will be leaving for the southern part of Japan in few days to start our month-long HT tour in Japan.   Our first opportunity to share HT will be at the 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for the Study of Nursing and Social Work in Fukuoka, Japan.  We will connect with Conference participants through a Healing Touch Japan exhibit booth and I will be presenting a keynote lecture on HT and self-care.  We will then offer Level 1 following the Conference, which is the first of eight Healing Touch classes we plan to teach this summer.  We will keep you posted on our journey as we travel throughout Japan, which will take us from the northern most island of Hokkaido down to Okinawa in the south! Thank you again for your leadership and support. With Gratitude, Rumi"

Rumi just received her training to teach her first Level 4 class in Japan. Last year she presented at Jean Watson's Caring Science Institute Conference in Hiroshima, Japan. Four years ago, she and Katrina Shibata, MPH, CHES, HTP, founded the Hashiba Institute in Long Beach, California, where they teaching Healing Touch classes when not sharing the work in Japan. Follow their travels through Japan at
Read more.

Thank you for being part of our HT worldwide community! We hope to see you at one of the regional conferences Cynthia H 1 planned between now and 2014.

Smiles and Blessings!

Cynthia Hutchison, HT Program Director
Introductory Price on Healing Touch Integrative Care Program Manual
Healing Touch Integrative Care Program: Integrating Healing Touch in the Clinical Setting
is a comprehensive manual that provides the process, structure and necessary tools needed to implement Healing Touch in a clinical setting.

This comprehensive manual is almost 400 pages and includes a USB flash drive with ~100 digital tools in Microsoft� Word, Excel & PowerPoint format that can be edited and customized.

Also included is the new Healing Touch Scope and Standards of Practice booklet - a 5x7, 60 page booklet that describes the scope and standards of practice for Healing Touch.

The introductory price of $250 (plus shipping) is available through July 31, 2013. To order, visit the Healing Touch online store and enter sales code HTICP to receive the $45 discounted price. You may also order by calling the Healing Touch Program office at 210-497-5529.

Click here to listen to the HTPA July business call recording that featured the manual (there is no charge for this).

Click here to read more about the manual.  
Newly Certified
It is a joy to congratulate these outstanding individuals who have achieved certification!

Congratulations to these new Healing Touch Certified Practitioners!

Cynthia Callahan

Eugenia Magill

Jessica Milon

Nathalie Singh

Patricia Briggs

Veronique Viola

Virginia Bartlett-Parsons


Congratulations to these new Certified Instructors! 
Carmel McCormack
Marie Leblanc
Nancy Stephens   
2014 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference Committee Leader Needed
2014 Conf Logo There is a new Sponsorship Committee being formed for the 2014 Worldwide Healing Touch Conference. There is a need for a volunteer to take the role of Chair for this committee. Responsibilities include putting together a team of 1 or 2 volunteers to work with the chair to identify and approach business to sponsor the conference in a variety of ways. The sponsorship package is being defined and created by HTP. Anyone interested, please email

New Beverly Rieger CD in the HT Store
Rieger CD DinL Deepening In Love: A Meditation on Love
Beverly Rieger

Deeping In Love: Brings together 8 tracks from Beverly Rieger's CDs that focus on love expressing, and where the music is of a more meditative nature. Beverly felt that it would be very valuable to all who are in the healing and retreat ministries to have a CD that is totally dedicated to the softness of meditation music....and the heart-centered focus as an embrace of love enables healing, transformation and creativity to emerge within this embrace. Order it now from the HT Store.
 HTP Rocky Mountain Regional Conference

3013 RMRC logo

 August 23 - 24, 2013

Denver, CO  


Oneness: Speaking with one voice

about energy healing therapies 


* Friday Evening Reception
* Saturday Continental Breakfast and Buffet Lunch
* 7 Continuing Education hours

Keynote speakers:
  • Linda L. Smith, Oneness through the Language of Vibration and Resonance
  • Janet Quinn, Coming Home to the Healing Heart: Guidance from the World's Spiritual Traditions
  • Nancy Battilega, The Seven Rays of the Cosmic Christ
  • Ann Martin, Sacred Sonic Tonic! ...Awakening Harmony and Healing Using Sacred Sound 
Hotel Update: The Inverness Hotel and Conference Center has run out of double bed rooms and has offered to drop the rates for a King Room to $75 per night (regular rate is $199). Any one already booked will get this special price.

To reserve your room call: 800.832.9053 or click here to reserve your room on-line: Use promo code: HealingTouch. Our room block is good until it is full or August 2, 2013.

Click here to register now.
Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission On Accreditation.  

 2013 Annual Instructor Gathering
2011 instructor meeting Denver, CO
Sunday, August 25, 2013
8:30am - 4:30pm

Registration fee: $135 


-  Sunday Continental Breakfast and
   Buffet Lunch
-  6 Continuing Education hours

Many instructors have expressed interest in seeing how to teach concepts, principles and methods for these three foundation stone courses. We will make this a fun and interactive time of visiting these three classes which will serve a few purposes:
  • Update you on any changes within each level.
  • Refresh your learning!
  • See examples of effective ways to teach various sections of the courses and methods.
  • Have an opportunity to ask specific questions.
In addition to the review and instructor training, we will also:
  • Be Introduced to a learning program called "Clean Language". In this one hour presentation by Barbie Starke, we will learn the basics of how to dialogue with clients according to the framework of Clean Language. Created by Marian Way, this program educates coaches, practitioners and other interested people in increasing our awareness of how we communicate and how to empower those we work and communicate with.
  • Provide important updates about accreditation, HTP services and HTP growth.
  • Have an Open Forum with HTP leadership to discuss whatever the instructors are interested in knowing.
Click here to register for the Instructor Gathering only or


Click here to register for the conference and instructor meeting and receive a $50 discount.


Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission On Accreditation.   

HTP Pacific Northwest Regional Conference
NWRC 2013 logo Embrace the Journey
October 4 - 5, 2013 ~ Seattle, WA
Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel

Earlybird discount available until August 11th
HTPA Member - $190
Non member - $230

* Friday Evening Reception
* Saturday Continental Breakfast and Buffet Lunch
* 7 Continuing Education hours
* After conference labyrinth talk and time to walk,
  Saturday, 6-8pm 

Keynote Speakers:

Karen Drucker, I Give Myself Permission 
Robbie Holz, Healing Secrets of Aborigines 
Nancy Rebecca, RN, Unity Consciousness, bringing our Healing Touch Community Together!  
Marie Manuchehri, RN, Intuitive Health

Click here for more information and to register.

Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission On Accreditation.  

HTP East Coast Regional Conference - Save the Date
reg conf2
East Coast Regional Conference
October 25-26, 2013 ~ Albany, NY

Save the date!

Details to come soon.

HTPA Update
HTPA 2013 Ann Report
HTPA 2013 Annual Report is Now Available

It is our pleasure to bring you the 2013 HTPA Annual Update Report. Our focus this year is on Growing Connections while Building Community. Click here to view the HTPA Annual Report as a Booklet.
You may also view it as a standard PDF which will allow you to print your choice of pages. Click here for pdf. 

HTPA Invites You to Listen to the Recording and View the Slides of the

On June 27, 2013, we conducted our Annual HTPA Membership Meeting by phone and webcast to allow as many to attend as possible. We shared that we have just passed our 5 year mark and how grateful we are for ALL Members, Volunteers, Staff and Friends that have made our success possible. To learn what HTPA accomplished last year, what we are working on currently and what is coming in the future click here.

HTPA August Business Support  "LIVE" Interview
Nancy Lavergne
Tuesday August 13, 2013, 9:00 - 10:15pm Eastern time
Putting On a Fundraiser from Start to Finish: Raising Funds for HTWF
The Challenges and Rewards of Producing the
Recent Heel to Heal 5K Walk/Run
With Nancy Lavergne, HTCP

Click here for call information and to register.

Many of us have often thought we'd like to put on a fundraiser for our favorite cause. Just the thought of it is overwhelming to say the least. How is the question?

One of our HTPA Members who is also a Director on the Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation (HTWF) Board just achieved what many have dreamt of. Nancy Lavergne has pulled off a fundraiser from start to finish and in the end raised $5,700 for the Foundation. WOW, what a great result!! Nancy is a gutsy gal who took an idea and desire she had to raise funds and she literally ran with it.

The beauty of what Nancy has achieved (in addition to manifesting her vision and raising a substantial amount for HTWF) is that there will be a complete set of Policies and Procedures available along with the full model of this event so it can be duplicated in multiple cities locally, nationally and globally - wherever there are those willing to raise funds for HTWF. Of course, Nancy will need to guide and mentor us in the beginning but as Walk/Runs are manifested other mentors will be borne.

HTPA is committed to deepen our relationship with other organizations and this includes HTWF. HTPA will do our best to support anyone who would like to explore putting on a Walk/Run fundraiser for HTWF.  This would be a great project for Local HTPA Chapters or for personal clubs you might be part of. If you are interested please not only come to the Interview with Nancy so you can ask her any questions you might have but also e-mail us so we can start the conversation and explore how we can help you successfully create such a fundraiser. E-mail

Nancy's recap of how she went from Start to Finish to manifest the Heel to Heal 5K Walk/Run fundraiser can also be a template for how to start a business. This is sure to inspire even the most skeptical. Please join us for Nancy's incredible story of blind faith that really paid off!!      
HTPA Monthly "Let's Chat" Support Call 

Monday, July 29, 2013 at 9:00pm Eastern time 

  Buss Calls Circle

        All are welcome to join - no registration necessary

        By phone: Call 210-515-4837 and use access code 546360#

        Or  click here to join the online webcast


HTWF Update
htwf heel to heel logo HTWF is pleased to announce the inaugural Heel to Heal 5K Walk/Run in Cincinnati, OH was a HUGE SUCCESS! This one fun, beautiful day, racing around a picturesque lake, raised $5,700 to further HTWF's mission: to receive and distribute funds to assist, encourage and advance the philosophy, objectives and techniques of Healing Touch.
Of the 78 registrants, a majority finished the race. Healing Touch was offered on site so many participants received a 15 minute Healing Touch session. All were winners!
Thanks to all participants, sponsors, Healing Touch and race volunteers, and of course to HTWF for having faith that this event could be done with such success. Thank you also to the planning committee, lead by Nancy Lavergne, for their faith and dedication to this event. Also, a big thank you to all who donated money or bought a T-shirt to help raise funds. It was a great team for a worthy cause.
Nancy Lavergne (center in yellow) and race winners
Can you imagine a Heel to Heal 5 K in your community? Wouldn't it be FUN to have a run in HT regions throughout the year? If you are interested in bringing this fundraiser into your community, the committee is completing a procedure manual to use as a guide for future events like this and a web domain has been secured.

Please contact Nancy Lavergne at or 513-260-1273 for more information.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Cathcart
PR/Marketing, HTWF Board
Insights for Healing Touch Level 4 Students
Victoria Steward 12/2012
Victoria Stewart
The third article in the series of four on "Mentees Finding Mentors with Ease (MME)"

Created and written by Victoria Stewart, HTCP/I, HTACP, QM
Developed by Kathryn DeSouchet, HTPA, MSW

When I was attending Level 5 classes ten years ago and heard how other students used their mentors, I realized that I could have had two mentors, or relied more on my community, or on another practitioner. During the class and my Level 5 work following the class, I realized how much my mentor supported the community and how valuable she was there, which is something that I also value. Now I realize that I "did not know what I needed to know."

I have learned from some students who have had such a remarkable mentor that the students are well-prepared and feel so good about their process. While I coordinated Level 4 and 5 classes for twelve years, I also learned by listening to the questions and seeing the obstacles that students had experienced. As a Level 5 reviewer for ten years and a Qualified Mentor for two years, I have been able to keep track of the significant changes that the Healing Touch Program has experienced. A year and a half ago when I became an instructor, I went back to my Level 5 mentor and used her skills in new ways because I had learned what I needed to know to succeed in becoming a Healing Touch instructor.

You Don't Know What You Don't Know
"You don't know what you don't know" is the reason that, as a Healing Touch Program Apprentice (HTPA), you may have pondered these same questions to yourself. No two people are alike and no two people have the same needs for their success. It is important to reflect, as recommended in the second MME article.

Questions and Answers
Below are some questions that I asked Qualified Mentors and mentors, followed by a summary of their answers that show some similarities and some differences for you to consider as you select your mentor.

Use these questions as a template to create, elaborate and mold into a base model of questions that you can expand upon and explore for your own needs. Click here to read the rest of the article. Read more.

Rumi Hashimoto featured in Working Nurse Article
Rumi Hashimoto, RN, MSN, HTCP/I is featured in a recent article by Daria Waszak, RN, MSN, CEN, COHN-S on the Working Nurse website. In this excellent article, An Alternative to Burnout, Rumi discusses a holistic approach to nursing and Healing TouchClick here to read the article.

Spiral Meditation Recording Available on HTP Website
There are two recordings on the Spiral Meditation now available on the HTP website.

The following introduction was written by Kay Tolson. She and her husband George studied with Brugh Joy for ten years. They have generously shared the recordings with HTP.

Introduction to the Spiral Meditation
Brugh Joy
Brugh Joy
Brugh set aside time in the morning each day, an hour or so, for meditation and suggested his students do the same. In his retreats Brugh taught through the principle of Induction. Having inducted a state of consciousness in himself, he would then join his students sitting on cushions in a circle on the floor. Taking the hands of the 2 students by his side, all would then hold hands. Gradually the students would come into resonance and be inducted into deeper states of consciousness within themselves.

To prepare for this recording of the Spiral Meditation, Brugh inducted the state of Unconditional Love in himself and that vibration emanates in the field and from his voice as he guides the student through the meditation. He said the intention of this recording was to teach the form so the student could learn the pattern and the practice of shifting from the giving and receiving sides of the psyche. Then the student would be able to practice the spiral pattern on their own and deepen into the states of the Heart independently.

Here are 2 guided meditations that may assist in developing and deepening the Heart Center and initiation into the Sacred and the Depth of Being. Brugh's "Introduction to the Spiral Meditation" in which Brugh introduces the Spiral Meditation, recording is about 5 minutes in length, followed by the Sprial Meditation.
Kay Tolsen

Click here to listen to the recordings. The link is on the Resources: Student/Practitioner page under Level 2 Materials.

HTP Level 4 and 5 Classes in Corona, CA
HTP sponsored Level 4 and 5 classes in Corona, CA May 24-27. Mary Ann Geoffrey taught Level 5 and Cynthia Hutchison taught Level 4 and trained Rumi Hashimoto for teaching Level 4 in Japan. Level 5 students inspired the large group of Level 4 HT Practitioner Apprentices with their personal stories of growth and learning.

L 4/5 CA2
L4/5 CA
Mary Ann Geoffrey, Rumi Hasimoto, Cynthia Hutchison


Be a Part of the 2013 Healing Touch Summer Tour - Japan!

By Katrina Shibata, MPH, CHES, HTPA


Healing Touch Japan, the international division of Hashiba Institute, is proud to announce the 2013 Healing Touch Summer Tour - Japan! Since the first Healing Touch Program Level 1 Class taught in August, 2010, excitement for Healing Touch in Japan has continued to grow over its short three year history. The 2013 Japan tour will include eight HT classes (Levels 1-3) coupled with special lectures, introduction classes and practice groups through the county. Healing Touch Instructor, Rumi Hashimoto, MSN, RN, HTCP/I, has taught (to date) over 300 individuals in 9 different locations throughout Japan. This summer she will travel the length of Japan, introducing Healing Touch for the first time in both the northern island of Hokkaido (Level 1 Class) at Sapporo Prefectural University and in southern Okinawa (Nursing student workshop; Nurse educator special lecture) at Okinawa University.  

Katrina Shibata &Rumi Hashimoto
You have the opportunity to be part of the growing Healing Touch community of Japan! Share in our excitement as we congratulate and welcome fellow international students of Healing Touch. We will be posting Facebook updates of classes, students and beautiful Japanese culture throughout the summer. Stay connected and we look forward to seeing you on the road!

HT Japan class
HT Level 1 Class in Fukushima, Japan

All great masters are constantly learning and adding to their knowledge. They never tire of learning more about their subject; this is why they are the masters. HTP continuously offers the opportunity to increase your knowledge of Healing Touch.

Healing Touch Classes for Instructor Training and Advancement
Level 6 Instructor Training
November 4-7, 2013 with Cynthia Hutchison in Boulder, CO
April 22-25, 2014 with Cynthia Hutchison in Boulder, CO
November 3 - 6, 2014 with Cynthia Hutchison in Boulder, CO

For information on instructor training visit the HT Certification website at:

Level 2 Instructor Advancement Training
October 18-20, 2013 with Cynthia Hutchison in Boulder, CO
September 5-7, 2013 with Tina Devoe in Suffolk, VA

Level 3 Instructor Advancement Training
Current Level 3 instructors are warmly invited to attend the first day of training at no cost, space permitting. Contact the instructor to inquire.
Nov 14-16, 2013 with Ines Hoster in Atlanta, GA
Nov 15-17, 2013 with Cynthia Hutchison in Boulder, CO

For instructor advancement information visit the Instructor Advancement page in the Instructor/Coordinator area on the HTP website or call:
Cynthia Hutchison, or 303-440-9181
Ines Hoster, or (404) 257-1843
Tina Devoe, or 410-320-8249

Healing Touch Classes
Click here for the HTP class schedule and to register for classes.

HTP Logo
20822 Cactus Loop, San Antonio, TX 78258