President's Message 
As I wrote this I was thinking about the Final 4 playing over the weekend and I hope your team is still in the running!
Florida MOM is April 21- 22 and it's not too late to sign up, call the FDA directly (800) 877-9922. Let's show the rest of the state that UPCDA steps up when it counts to help our citizens and to gain good publicity for our profession. If you worked the MOM event in 2014 at the fairgrounds then you know how rewarding it is and how grateful the patients were.
This month we will have Mark Davis, DMD presenting pearls that he picked up in 40 years of practice. We will all learn something that we didn't know or a better way to do something that we do know.
Johnny Johnson, Jr, DMD, MS gave us a very informative update on Fluoride at our last meeting. The scientific evidence keeps piling up proving that fluoride is safe and beneficial for all age groups. We also learned that we have a fight on our hands to get Clearwater's water optimally fluoridated. Clearwater has three wells that have no equipment to add fluoride to the water. The water department has no plans to add fluoride anytime soon. We need to get the Clearwater City Commission to light a fire under the Clearwater Water Department to get the equipment installed.
Mark your calendars, the End-of-Year party will be on May 13th at Ozona Blue and the FDC will be June 16-18th at Gaylord Palms, registration is open click here for more information.
John (Marty) Bindeman, DDS
UPCDA Meeting - April 20th
Reflections on Dentistry in Clearwater 1968 to 2014 with a Look Forward
Speaker: Dr. Mark Davis
Seminar: Reflections on Dentistry in Clearwater 1968-2014
with a Look Forward
Time: 6:00 p.m. social hour, 7:00 p.m. seminar, 1 CEU
Exhibitors: Dental Services Group, Hiossen Implant, Onsite 3D Imaging, Pension Services, PNC Bank, Raymond James, Solutionreach, Synovus Bank and TD Bank
Meal Options: Chicken, Fish or Veggie - when you RSVP please include your meal choice. Those that do not select will receive chicken.
Reflections on Dentistry in Clearwater 1968-2014 with a Look Forward: Valuable lessons learned regarding treatment planning, patient care, practice management, continuing education, professional relationships and the important considerations of maintain personal, physical and mental health will be presented.
Dentistry was both my vocation and avocation. I have many stories with lessons. The development of implant dentistry with the accompanying potential benefits and liabilities will be discussed. I will share information related to my implant surgery and restorative experience beginning in 1968 as the field of implant dentistry matured into the complex discipline it is today.
As a general dentist dedicated to complete patient care, a few simple guidelines for the important subjects of occlusion, long term patient and office protocol maintenance will be included.
Comprehensive patient care demands excellent laboratory support. Information regarding my 46 years in practice with an in office laboratory will offer some insight as to my perspectives regarding laboratory dentistry.
Started practice October 2, 1968 with Dr. James Hayslett
First implant surgery 1971 with Drs. Hayslett and Malcolm Nichols
President of Upper Pinellas County Dental Association 40 years ago: 1976-77 at age 34
Established UPCDA Emergency Referral Service
Hired first executive director of UPCDA with funds generated from continuing education programs
Elected member, American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics
Honored Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry
President Alabama Implant Study Group
President American Board Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry served with Leonard Linkow, Carl Misch, Bob James, Norman Cranin, Paul Schnitman Etc
Highest individual recognition of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. The 2008 Aaron Gershkoff Award. Notable recipients in other years - Dr. Carl Misch, Professor P.I. Branemark, Dr. Michael Pikos.
Expert for Florida Board of Dentistry
Honored as Distinguished Alumnus of the Year 2015 by University of Kentucky College of Dentistry. Only 13th recipient in 50 year history of University of Kentucky College of Dentistry.
Presented over 400 lectures in 26 states and 7 foreign countries.
Precipitously and suddenly retired for health reasons January 3, 2014.
Message from UPCDA: Please help UPCDA keep cost down by referring vendors to sponsor our local meetings. Exhibit cost is $350.00. Exhibitor form
UPCDA End of Year Party
Friday, May 13, 2016
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
125 Orange Street, Palm Harbor
Spouse/Guest $45
(Cash Bar, UPCDA will provide 2 tickets p/p)
Attire: Resort Casual, RSVP BY MAY 1ST
Volunteers Needed - Support our Local Clinics
You can make a difference by volunteering your time.
Community Dental Clinic
The mission of the Community Dental Clinic (CDC) is to provide low-cost access to dental care through treatment, prevention, and education to low-income adults. That dental care is provided by volunteer dentists (active or retired) in our community with a clear and active dental license. To volunteer contact Allison at or call at 727-216-6155.
Gulf Coast Dental Outreach
Volunteer by contact Dr. Robert Ettleman
Homeless Emergency Project
Volunteer information: The "on site" person handling paperwork is: Margaret Lett Phone number - 727-442-9041 ext. 107 Email: For information regarding the clinical service aspect - contact: Dr. Patrick Lepeak. Cell # 727-424-3559. All phases of dentistry are needed and appreciated. An active Florida dental license is required. Hygienist services are also very much needed.
Healthy Teeth Clinic, Department of Health, Largo
Dentist Volunteers Needed! Want to be part of something great that will really make a difference? Volunteer your time and talents to the Healthy Teeth Clinic. Work with awesome assistants and grateful patients in a beautiful office. We work hard to make sure you have a great experience. Tell us the hours and dates that will work for you and the services you're happy to provide and we will take care of the rest. Call or E-Mail Christina Vongsyprasom at 727-824-6966 and for more information or to set up a volunteer date.
CDC Releases Comprehensive New Guide On Infection Prevention In Dental Settings
The ADA News (3/30, Manchir) reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new guide titled "Summary of Infection Prevention Practices for Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care," which includes a checklist for dental providers to "evaluate administrative policies and clinical infection prevention practices." Dr. Elliot Abt, chair of the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, said the CDC's checklist "may help streamline the process of infection control in a dental practice." Among its guidelines, the CDC noted the "importance of having one person in every dental office assigned as the infection prevention coordinator." The new guide can be accessed here, and the ADA provides a list of links to important infection control resources.
Medicare and Prescription Drug Coverage Webinar - April 12th
You may have heard about the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rule that requires dentists who prescribe Part D covered drugs to Medicare beneficiaries to be enrolled in Medicare or opt out of the program for your patients' drugs to be covered. The implementation of this rule has been delayed until Feb. 1, 2017. However, it does affect most dentists in the United States and requires you to take action. Are you prepared to make the decision that is in the best interest of your practice?
The American Dental Association (ADA) is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 12 at 1 p.m. EDT to help you make the right decision for you and your practice. In this webinar you will:
- learn the basic differences between Medicaid and Medicare.
- understand the three options available to you.
- access resources available to help you make the decision best for your practice.
- learn the ADA's advocacy efforts around this rule.
At the end of the presentation, frequently asked questions will be answered. To make an informed decision, please click here to register for this webinar. |
Mark Your Calendar
UPCDA Meetings
April 20th - Dr. Mark Davis
Bon Appétit
May 13th - End of Year Social, Ozona Blue
Other Important Dates
FDA Mission of Mercy
June 16-18, 2016
FDA's Dental Convention
Gaylord Palms, Orlando
Meet our New Members
Carol Bou-Sliman, Palm Harbor
Dr. Stacey Verkler - Palm Harbor
UPCDA Membership Application
click here
It is important to track and report your pro bono services in order to provide financial and statistical information to state and national legislators.
DENTIST in search of an excellent associateship.
During my 29 years in the private practice of dentistry, I am proud to have created two private practices from scratch, one in Miami, Florida and one in Marco Island, Florida. Focusing on adult restorative care, I achieved a high level of competency in complex crown-and-bridge and implant dentistry (both placement and restoration), while offering many of the services usually only offered by specialists (ie: periodontal surgery, molar endodontics, Invisalign orthodontics, etc.). I have relocated to this area and I am hopeful to be able to make a contribution to your dental office and provide the level of care that I enjoyed in my previous practices.
FDA Member Survey Coming this month!
A membership survey will be emailed to all members from the FDA this month. Please watch your in-box for the survey link. In order to provide the best service possible, we need to hear from you.
Executive Board
Dr. John Bindeman
Dr. Emanuel Kontos
Dr. George Kostakis
1st VP & Program Chairperson
Dr. James Doerner
Dr. Jeremy Albert
Council At-Large
Dr. Kristin Burch
Dr. Uday Mehta
Membership Chairman
Dr. Kristen Burch
Dr. James Carazola
Dr. Oscar Menendez
Alternate Delegates
Dr. John Bindeman
Dr. William Kochenour
Dr. Larry Lieberman
Peer Review Chairman
Dr. Mark Obman