President's Message
Dear Friends,
Spring is finally here and I for one am glad to see it. Everything seems to come alive and be more active. Our Dental Society is extremely busy this time of year. By the time you receive this newsletter, the 1st Florida Dental Association's Mission of Mercy (FLAMOM) will be finished. We will have treated many underprivileged folks and in turn received a blessing. Thank you to all who volunteered.
The UPCDA is growing with lots of great new members. Please go out of your way to welcome them, they are the future of UPCDA.
Continue to volunteer as many days as you can. We have so many people in need in this area. In the past issues of this newsletter, we have listed 4 great venues locally who would love your volunteer hours. In case you've forgotten, here they are again; Gulf Coast Dental Outreach, Community Dental Clinic, Homeless Emergency Project and the County Health Department.
For those who don't know, one of our own, Dr. Johnny Johnson is running for County Commissioner. Please support him with your donations and time.
Our members are very active and prominent in representing Dentistry. Dr. Bill Kochenour continues to serve on the Florida Board of Dentistry. Dr. Oscar Menendez is the next West Coast District Dental Association Line Officer. Drs. Nolan Allen, Bob Churney, Pat Lepeak, Larry Lieberman, Oscar Menendez and Mike Pikos, were instrumental in the planning of FLAMOM. Dr. John Krueger and Dr. Pat Lepeak are our component representatives to the FDA FNDC Committee. Dr. Jeremy Albert was elected President of the Florida Association of Orthodontists last month. If I have left anyone out, I apologize. We all should be proud of these members and how they represent us.
Thanks to Dr. Kasem for his great presentation in March. I have always said our members give the best programs. This month our speaker is Dr. Bhattacharyya from the University of Florida. He is an Oral Pathologist who will inform and educate us. Don't forget to bring your hygienist. They will get as much out of is as you will.
In closing, your President has had the opportunity to ride on a float in the Krewe of Orpheous at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. It never ceases to amaze me what people will do for a strand of beads.
See you at Bon Appetit on 4-16-14.
James R. Pitts II DMD
Upper Pinellas County Dental Association CE Meeting
Hygienists & Assistants Welcome
April 16th
Click here to register staff
Location: Bon Appetit - Dunedin
Speaker: Indraneel Bhattacharyya, D.M.D., M.S.
Seminar: How and Why of Oral Biopsies, 1 CEU
Time: 6:00 p.m. social hour, 7:00 p.m. seminar
Exhibitors: BankUnited, Regions and Synovus
RSVP By April 11th: Please email lissette@wcdental.org or call 727-449-1232
Course Summary
This course will focus on the common oral soft tissue biopsy techniques including terminology, tissue fixation, pitfalls, etc. The discussion will be cover the do's and don'ts's of biopsies and special emphasis will be paid to biopsy of specific entities such as cancers, ulcers, autoimmune diseases, etc. An evidence based discussion along with advantages and disadvantages of newer oral cancer detection devices will be presented. The topic should be of interest to dental professionals who refer or perform their own biopsies.
Course Objectives:
Recognize the different techniques and terminologies of oral soft tissue biopsy along with tissue processing, fixatives and submission protocol of tissues.
Discuss biopsy techniques for some of these conditions.
Oral cancer and precancerous lesions
Oral ulcers
Autoimmune diseases
Interpret specific diagnostic tests and understand the mechanism and advantages and disadvantages of newer diagnostic devices such as Vizilite, Velscope, etc.
About the Speaker
Dr. Indraneel (Neel) Bhattacharyya completed his oral and maxillofacial pathology training and received a masters degree from the Indiana University School of Dentistry in 1995. He received his DDS from the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. He is currently an Associate Professor and the Director of the Oral Pathology Residency Program at the University of Florida College of Dentistry. He has won numerous teaching awards throughout his career including three at the University of Florida. He has served as a Councilor, on the Fellowship Examination committee, Education committee for the American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology. He is actively involved in a large clinical oral pathology practice and biopsy service. He has authored or co-authored more than 90 papers and book chapters covering a diverse range of topics addressing both clinical and microscopic aspects of oral and maxillofacial pathology. He is also actively involved in several NIH and industry funded research projects studying bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of jaws, molecular and clinical aspects of precancerous and cancerous oral lesions, polymicrobial periodontal disease and atherosclerosis in a unique animal model and Sjogren's syndrome. Dr. Bhattacharyya is a sought after speaker and has lectured extensively in the US and abroad at various regional, national and international meetings.
Message from UPCDA: Please help UPCDA keep cost down by referring vendors to sponsor our local meetings. Exhibit cost is $350.00. Exhibitor form
You can make a difference by volunteering your time.
Community Dental Clinic
We are blessed in our area to have many options to give back to our community through volunteering our skills as dentists. A brand new venue is opening in northern Pinellas County. The name is Community Dental Clinic and is located in Clearwater. Volunteer dentists and hygienists are needed to work 4 hour shifts starting on Fridays (expanding to other days soon). Opening day is Friday, September 20th. If you would like to volunteer for any upcoming days please contact the Director, Cheryl Small, at 727-418-0535.
Gulf Coast Dental Outreach
Volunteer by contact Dr. Robert Ettleman
rob@gulfcoastdentaloutreach.org or Executive Director Mr. Harry Gross harry@gulfcoastdentaloutreach.org. From the web www.gulfcoastdentaloutreach.org click on "our role" radio
button or simply call 813-579-3935 ext 101
or ext 105
Homeless Emergency Project - HEP
Volunteer information: The "on site" person handling paperwork is: Margaret Lett Phone number - 727-442-9041 ext. 107 Email: mlett@ethep.org. For information regarding the clinical service aspect - contact: Dr. Patrick Lepeak. Cell # 727-424-3559. All phases of dentistry are needed and appreciated. An active Florida dental license is required. Hygienist services are also very much needed.
Healthy Teeth Clinic, Department of Health, Largo
(click here for more clinic brochure)
Dentist Volunteers Needed! Want to be part of something great that will really make a difference? Volunteer your time and talents to the Healthy Teeth Clinic. Work with awesome assistants and grateful patients in a beautiful office. We work hard to make sure you have a great experience. Tell us the hours and dates that will work for you and the services you're happy to provide and we will take care of the rest. Currently we are in desperate need of volunteer dentists for January, February and March. Call or E-Mail Christina Vongsyprasom at 727-824-6966 and Christina_Vongsyprasom@doh.state.fl.us for more information or to set up a volunteer date.
Johnny Needs our Support
Dear Friends,
I would like to take this moment to officially let you all know that I am running for Pinellas County Commissioner, District 4. This is the seat that Susan Latvala currently has, but she has decided not to run again.
Now comes the hard part for me. Asking not only for your support, but also for a contribution. A check of any amount will be greatly appreciated. I am going to have to raise a little over $100,000 for my campaign and the sooner I do this the more solid my candidacy becomes. I will face a difficult primary with at least 7-8 candidates running against me. One is the Mayor of Dunedin, Dave Eggers who voted against fluoridation. The primary will prove to be the toughest test. However, once we are past the primary, and with your help we will be, the general election will be ours!
Below are suggested contribution amounts. The maximum has doubled this year from $500 to $1,000. That's whether you give as an individual or a business.
I look forward to leading Pinellas County and representing our profession at local, state, and national level. It only takes 100 people to donate the max and my groveling will be over.
Recommended Contribution Amounts:
$25 $50 $75 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $1,000
Checks made payable to: Johnny Johnson Campaign
P.O. Box 2702, Tarpon Springs, FL 34688-2702
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Johnny Johnson, Republican for Pinellas County Commission, District 4
The maximum contribution allowed by Florida law is $1,000.00 per individual or business. Contributions to the Johnny Johnson Campaign are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes
Mark Your Calendar
UPCDA Meetings
April 16th - Dr. Indaneel Bhattacharyya, Oral Pathology, Staff welcome
Bon App�tit
May 16th - End of the
year party
UPCDA 2014
Member Directory
Welcome New Members
Ami Patel, DMD
Endodontist - Clearwater
click here
It is important to track and report your pro bono services in order to provide financial and statistical information to state and national legislators.
Executive Board
Dr. James Pitts
Dr. Larry Lieberman
Dr. John Bindeman
1st VP & Program Chair
Dr. Emanuel Kontos
Dr. George Kostakis
Council At-Large
Dr. Kristine Allen
Dr. Jeremy Albert
Membership Chairman
Dr. Sanjie Jackson
Give Kids a Smile Coordinator
Dr. Kristen Burch
Dr. James Carazola
Dr. Robert Churney
Dr. Oscar Menendez
Alternate Delegates
Dr. John Bindeman
Dr. William Kochenour
Dr. Larry Lieberman
Dr. James Pitts
Peer Review Chairman
Dr. Mark Obman
Office space for lease at 8588 Starkey Road, Largo, FL 33777. One unit is 2975 square feet and was a doctor's office. A second unit can be divided into two units and is @ 2500 square feet. It has fixtures for dentistry
The following items are needed for the clinic:
Endo System
Endo heater
2 dental cabinets w/ drawers
Digital Pano
2 wireless keyboards & mouse
Swivel Hyg hand piece
Digital camera
X-ray head
Water bath
3 gallon Ultrasonic cleaner
Cordless curing light
If you are able to donate please contact:
Theresa White Dental Office Manager 727.442.9041 Ext. 134 727.446.1516 Fax www.ethep.org