October 8, 2015
In This Issue
Sunday Worship Services
7:45 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
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...a welcoming, diverse, intergenerational community, transformed by 
God's grace, 
reaching out in mission.

Sunday's Sermon

"How many loaves have you?" 

Mark 6:34-44

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, we will offer a Blessing of the Animals, Sat., Oct. 10, from 8 to 11 am, on the patio and inside Madsen Hall. Each pet will be individually blessed by name, and will receive a certificate of blessing. All God's creatures are welcome! Helpers are needed; please contact Pastor Mary if you can help.   Thank you!

United Methodist Youth Fellowship

Youth Fellowship meeting on Sunday at noon in the Youth Center.

Youth Holiday Fundraiser
The Youth Group is taking orders for Christmas wreaths. Stop by the Display Table on the patio Sunday. Fresh evergreen wreaths, center pieces and garlands make a beautiful Christmas gift.
Can you help us with your delicious homemade cookies?  Please bring cookies to the church office on Tues., Oct. 13. Or join us to pack lunches Wed., Oct. 14, at 9am in Madsen Hall.  
Our first concert "An Evening with Mitzi Smith and Friends" will be Fri., Nov. 13, 7 p.m. in the Worship Center and feature both Gospel and Contemporary Christian music. Ticket prices are: Adults-$18; Children 12 and under-$10; Adult Subscriptions for all five concerts available for $75. Stop by the table on the patio Sunday, the church office during the week, or purchase online.
Youth Group Mini-Mission Trip
At Rainbow Acres, adults which developmental disabilities receive loving care and enjoy a beautiful, ranch-style campus amid the scenic beauty of Arizona's Verde Valley. Our very own RMUMC Youth Group is planning a mini-mission trip there this Oct. 15-18. Please address inquiries to Pastor Daniel.
E.D.G.E. Nights session II begins Wed., Oct. 21. Register online or at a table on the patio this Sunday. You'll find class descriptions onling or in your Sunday bulletin insert. 
All Church Mission Invitation
The UMW is inviting the entire congregation on Thurs., Oct. 22 at 7 pm in Madsen Hall to attend a special evening highlighting the Child Crisis Center of Mesa. The keynote speaker will be Alicia Kenney, Volunteer Coordinator for the center. Please join us.
Church Conference
All are invited to come to the Church Conference, Sun., Oct. 25, at 5 pm in Madsen Hall. Led by District Superintendent Dr. Robert Burns, the Conference will be a celebration of the ministries of RMUMC as well as a time for visioning our future of what God is calling our church to do next. We will begin with a potluck dinner. Plan now to come and share a dish.
Women's Fall Bible Study
Join us Tues. mornings, Oct. 27 - Nov. 17, from 9:30 - 11 am in Room 203/204.  Rev. Karen Spencer-Barnes will be leading the study, "Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas." 
On Sat., Oct. 31, from 9 am to 2 pm, the East Valley Cruisers will be hosting a fund raiser for Gina's Team.  At the same time, Red Mountain's Matthew 25:36 Prison Ministry team will be hosting a fundraiser for our church's prison ministry by offering a light lunch in Madsen Hall from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. The Car Show is free to the public, and the lunch is only $5. Stop at the table on the patio this Sunday if you can help. 
Unique Giving Opportunity
We would like to upgrade the quality and versatility of the microphones used during Sunday worship services and special programs by purchasing high-quality handheld wireless microphones. Our goal is to purchase four handheld microphones and their receivers for a total cost of $2800. If you can assist with this giving opportunity, please mark your envelope "Handheld Microphone." As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Up Coming Events
Alternative Gift Market - November 1, 8, 15 & 22 on the church patio - available now online!
2015 Holiday Boutique - November 6 & 7 - 8 am - 3 pm in Madsen Hall. Volunteers are needed. Contact Penny to help.
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner - Sunday, November 22 in Madsen Hall
Hanging of the Greens - Sunday, November 29

Food Pantry "Item of the Week"

Thank you for your generous donations to the food pantry. Needed this week: Squeezable Jam/Jelly. Please bring any items to the church office or place them in the Worship Center basket.  
Sunday's Altar Flowers 
Sign up at the Welcome Center to place flowers on the altar in honor or memory of a special event or special someone.

Red Mountain United Methodist Church
2936 N. Power Road, Mesa, AZ 85215
Office: (480) 981-3833
Fax: (480) 807-8483  
Lean Forward - Reach Out - Grow With God