The Penfield Business Wire                                                         October  2013

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Inspiring Business Vitality         Exchanging Ideas         Building Connections

PBA BUSINESS OF THE MONTH                               
Grossman's Garden & Home
1801 Fairport Nine Mile Point Road
(585) 377-1982 
Established in 1984, Grossman's Country Nursery came to life out of a ten acre corn field. The Grossman homestead was built in the center of the property in 1983.  The business is currently owned and operated by Larry & Frances Grossman. Larry started out by growing his own perennials, shrubs, trees in containers and finally trees in the field. As the projects continued, so did the public's attention to the nursery. READ MORE



Help Us Nominate the Business of the Month


Each month, the PBA Business of the Month committee selects a member business that is a positive influence and actively involved in building and strengthening our community. Some examples of how previous Business of the Month recipients have made a difference in our community are:

  • Serving as a volunteer on a Board of Directors for a charitable or other organization
  • Donating time and resources to various church groups, Penfield school programs or teams, community programs, etc.
  • Volunteering for, assisting or organizing fundraisers for not-for-profit entities in the area 
These are only a few examples of how Penfield businesses are making a difference. If you know of a member business that is actively involved in our community, send us an email nominating them for this award. Tell us a little bit about them and what they do for the community and we'll take it from there.


PBA EVENTS & ACTIVITIES                                          

Healthcare Reform ~ What do I need to know? 
Penfield Town Hall, 7:00am - 8:30am 
If you are an employer with under 50 employees you may believe you are exempt from the mandates and compliance provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). That could turn out to be a costly incorrect assumption. EVERY employer needs to be prepared for the provisions of the ACA.
Learn what to prepare for and how be compliant and avoid costly expenses. This presentation will review the provisions of the ACA and help you understand how you could be affected.

The focus of this presentation will be on sole proprietors and employers with under 50 employees. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to ask questions specific to your circumstances. READ MORE

Members $25  
Guests $30 
Premium Members - One person per business complimentary, additional attendees pay member rate


RBA Business After Hours
Woodcliff Hotel & Spa, 6:00pm - 8:00pm 


Experience a spectacular view of the Rochester skyline, Bristol Hills, and a panorama of the Finger Lakes Region when Woodcliff Hotel & Spa hosts the RBA's Business After Hours networking on October 23.

Make contacts atop the wooded hills of Perinton while taking in the amenities and warm, personal service this first-class hotel and spa has to offer. Enjoy complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar while talking business or whatever comes to mind in this beautiful setting.

Cost is $15.00 for PBA members ($35 discount off their non-member rate)

Also....did you know that the RBA offers workshops on many of the skills employers and employees need to be effective day-to-day? Things like Microsoft Word & Excel, Sales & Customer Service Training, Managing Email, Leadership Development and many other offerings. Check out their complete list of events, many of them at very reasonable cost.

Lunch Bunch Networking
Cornerstone Restaurant & Cafe
11:45am - 1:00pm 

Join us every month for lunch at one of Penfield's many lunch spots. This event is an opportunity for members (and guests) to gather for informal networking & lunch in support of PBA member restaurants.

No reservations are required but an RSVP or email confirmation is helpful for seating.

This will be the LAST LUNCH BUNCH OF 2013. We will give our restaurants a break through the busy holiday season and resume our lunch networking gatherings in January. 


Annual Meeting & Economic Development Presentation
Penfield Country Club, 11:30am - 1:30pm 
Jim Costello, Director of Economic Development for the Town of Penfield, will present the current state of economic development in Penfield and share upcoming projects on the horizon. Each of Penfield's business districts will be discussed during the presentation and there will be opportunity for Q&A at the end.
In addition, elections for our Board of Directors will be held. The slate of 2013-2014 candidates will be posted shortly, along with brief bios about each candidate. Candidate information will also be available at the meeting.  <more details>  
Members $25  
Guests $30 


Additional PBA events are listed on our website. Visit the Events Calendar to see what else we have coming up and "save the date".

MEMBER NOTES & REQUESTS                                                
Gymnastics Training Center of Rochester is having a clinic at the gym on Oct 20, 2013 and is looking for a member of the PBA who can rent them a projector to hook up to a computer, tv, or dvd to aid in a presentation. If you can help, email Sarah Jane Clifford or call (585) 388-8686.

Are you looking for a quiet place to hold a meeting or small group gathering? Consider renting space at Mathnasium of Penfield. While the kiddos are in school, the space is available for small groups and includes a kitchenette for minor food prep/storage and restroom facilities. For more information, email Aline Nguyen or call (585) 203-1717.  
FROM YOUR PBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                              


ThePBAWantsYou Recently, two of our hard working and dedicated Board Members moved on to bigger and better things. Jessica Imburgia from Family First Federal Credit Union moved to Florida with her husband Mark and daughter Cecilia to support her husband's new job with a local police department near Tampa. Laurie Klein is shifting gears and letting go of some side projects to focus on her business planning and make some improvements to the services she provides.  


The Board of Directors would like to thank Jessica and Laurie for all the amazing and helpful projects they have worked on to support the PBA over many years. Both will be greatly missed.  And that's where you come in..... 


We are looking for a few good Board Members - committed individuals with some time to dedicate to building and supporting a successful Penfield Business Community. Our Board Members do more than just show up at a meeting each month - they get their hands dirty, take on projects, work on committees and are one of the many faces of the PBA in the community. If you think you've got what it takes, give us a call or drop us an email. We would like to talk to you! 




It's that time of year again, fiscal years are counting down and we're planning ahead for 2014. Renewal letters will be going out next month and we hope all of you will continue to support business vitality in Penfield in the coming year. In the mean time, if you know of a neighboring business that could benefit from being a PBA member - to take advantage of our networking events, for the added marketing exposure, for the educational opportunities, or for the good will that comes from being part of something larger than any of us could be alone...tell them about our New Member Drive.


Join the PBA between now and the end of 2013, and your full membership will be valid through December 31, 2014. That's 15 months for the price of 12 if you join now. No special codes needed, just sign up online or mail your registration form and check and we'll take care of the rest.  


This promotion is valid on both General and Premium Memberships for new members only. 2012 members who have not yet renewed their membership are excluded from this offer.  

You spoke, we listened....our newsletters are getting a bit long and once a month is a long time in between. So we're splitting the newsletter in two. We will send one newsletter with PBA news - everything you need to know about what's happening at the Association level - and another shortly thereafter with everything that is happening in the Member Community.

This means Member Events and Activities will get more prominent and dedicated exposure each month, allowing you to share what you have going on with your business in a more focused communication. Please continue to take advantage of this excellent marketing opportunity by sending us your news and event information - we are happy to pass it along and post it on our website as well.

The Penfield Business Association
is the first and longest-running
business-focused association  
in the Town of Penfield.
We are dedicated to supporting
the growth and success of
our members
and building
business vitality
the community.

For more information visit us at

LinkedIn Group

Welcome New Members
Bookkeeping Professionals
(Premium Member)  
Catalyst Health Group
(Premium Member)

This newsletter is brought to you in part thanks to our Premium Members


Baker logo no address

Dawson Law Firm

Family First logo 2012





SVM logo




2013 PBA Board of Directors


Mike Smith  - President 

  Penfield Country Club

Jeff Chapman - Vice President

  Penfield Financial Group   

Paul Dwyer - Treasurer  

  MetLife Auto & Home 

Megan DeFranco - Secretary

  Eastside Family YMCA      

Ann Young      

   First Niagara Bank  

Tracy Dovi
  Shepherd Home 

Jennifer Novy
  Frontier Communications 

Brett Dawson 

  Dawson Law Firm    





That you can add Member-2-Member Deals to your directory listing on our website using your Member Center login. You can even change them from time to time.

Same for Community Hot Deals - you control the deal, when it's offered, what is offered, and you can change it at any time. You can even schedule a bunch of them to appear and disappear at certain times without having to remember to go back into the system.  The deals show up on your directory listing as well as the links to Hot Deals throughout our website.

If you have forgotten your Member Center login or password, simply go to the Member Center link and click on "Forgot Password". An email will be sent to you with your password or a link to reset your password.

All of this is a FREE ADVERTISING benefit to you as a member of the PBA. And who doesn't like free???

If you need assistance with the Member Center at any time, simply email or call us and we will have someone contact you to help. We even make on-site training visits, just ask!