Logo-small1 Tobin Solutions Newsletter
We guarantee a better technology experience!
January 2013
Email is Not Secure
A Bit of Humor

Tobin Solutions provides a full line of computer support and management services 

Managed Services
Onsite & Remote
System Monitoring
Virus Protection
Spam Blocking 
Remote Servers
Web & FTP Hosting
Disaster Planning
  & Recovery 
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Tobin Solutions Newsletter

Our goal is to provide information about emerging technology, present money-saving and efficiency-improving ideas, and offer tips that will help you get more from your computers.
 For topic sugestions and feedback, please send an e-mail to:


Email is Not Secure 
Many email users are surprised when they find out how insecure standard email really is.  There are two major gaping holes in email security.


First, from the moment you click send or receive, email is transmitted over the public Internet in clear readable text.  With minimal effort and basic technical know-how, anything considered private or sensitive is open to prying eyes with a mission. 


Second, email addresses are subject to easy forgery and spoofing.  It is trivial to pretend to be someone else on the Internet.  You might receive and reply to an email from a bad guy pretending to be someone you trust.  Or, your client might receive and reply to an email from a bad guy pretending to be you!


Are you compliant with your industry standards or concerned about privacy?  Do you have to safeguard personally identifiable information, health information, credit card information, or other sensitive data?


Fortunately, there are some reasonably inexpensive and easy to use solutions that make email a more secure means of communication.  Please contact us for more information. 

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A Bit of Humor... 
We sincerely hope you appreciate our service
as much as we appreciate your business!
Please mention Tobin Solutions to people who might benefit from our services. Give us a potential client's name, and we'll make the contact. 
The best compliment is a referral!