Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Trestleboard
Volume No. 13 April 2013 Issue No. 4 George M. Otis P.M., Publisher Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster

Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Center
Lodge Blue Room
Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M.
Adam W. Wygant
Worshipful Master
Greetings from the East
Brethren, it has been another eventful month for Jackson Lodge No. 17. We initiated our 5th Entered Apprentice this year, and are switching gears to pass 5 Entered Apprentices to the degree of Fellowcraft in April. We are busy bringing back some elements that have been missing for a few years, and look forward to a big show of support on the third Thursday in April when we do the work. If you have not seen the Fellowcraft degree performed in a while, come on out and show your support.
This past month on March 23rd, 22 brothers and ladies traveled to Pathways Masonic Retirement Community in Alma, Michigan. It was a great day of fellowship among friends, and it was really nice to tour such a beautiful facility. I was taken aback by the pride that is taken in this facility, it is clear that it is taken care of very well and the residents love it there. Most importantly, it is a place for Masons and their widows when they reach those years. It gives me great comfort knowing that there is a place where myself or my widow will not be turned away so long as I am a mason in good standing. It was impressive that brothers who have been homeless, have been directed to the facility and live out their years in great comfort rather than uncertain and difficult circumstances. This is a shining example of commitment to our brothers and widows, lived out.
If you have interest in being a part of degree work, we still have some openings for the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degree teams. Thank you to all of the brothers who worked hard installing our new bench seating in the lodge room, and those brothers who have generously donated to the project. Our lodge room continues to look better and better, and is a testament to several of you that put in great effort to see that the facility is top notch.
Fraternal regards,
Adam W. Wygant
Worshipful Master
Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M.

Frank W. Lutze P.M.
The Common Gavel
Entered Apprentices are taught to make use of the 24 inch gauge and the common gavel. I am honored to dedicate this article on the common gavel to our five newly initiated Entered Apprentices.
In Masonry we learn that there are several different types of gavels. The gavel, the setting maul and the common gavel. The gavel is the instrument used by the Worshipful Master as he presides over his Lodge. The setting maul is heavy implement used by operative masons fit a finished stone into place. It has limited use in speculative Masonry. The common gavel derives its name from the gable shape on one end. The other end is a flat surface like a hammer.
As Entered Apprentices we are taught that operative masons use the common gavel to break off the rough corners of a raw stone, the Rough Ashlar, converting it to a finished stone or Perfect Ashlar, thus making it suitable for the builders use.
We, as Entered Apprentices, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our minds and consciences of vices, habits, desires, and unnecessary wants.
An important lesson seldom taught is that we should wield the common gavel with great care and accuracy. Our work to convert our Rough Ashlar to Perfect Ashlar takes a lifetime and is often left unfinished. Unlike to operative craftsman working in the quarry, who in haste, makes an error in working the stone, we as speculative Masons cannot simple cast our Rough Ashlar aside and select a new stone to work.
The old adages of "haste makes waste", and "measure twice, cut once" should be constant reminders to work slowly and with great care when shaping our Rough Ashlar for that house not make with hands eternal in the Heavens.

Let There Be Light! By Brother Cummings Brother, kneel before the altar, In silence grave. Show no weakness. Do not falter Like cowan knave. Honest brethren stand around you, With heart and hand, Ready to encourage, aid you, A noble band.
Here you need not fear deception -- All are true -- Every brother here assembled Knelt like you.
With throbbing hearts they silent listen To your voice, As you tell in earnest whisper, Your free choice.
Gently loose the new made brother From his cord, He is bound by stronger fetters, On Gods Word.
Hearken to the Masters language: Pray for Light, Responsive voices chant the echo: Let there be Light.
Welcome, brother, to our household, You are Free; May it ever prove a blessing Unto thee.


Stephen D. Vining P.M., Secretary Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Grand Lodge Region No. 4 Regional Grand Lecturer Grand Lodge of Michigan (517) 914-8400 2013 Thursday, April 4th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Fellowcraft Degree Practice, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, April 11th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Regular Communication, 7:30 p.m. Lodge Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Fellowcraft Degree, 7:00 p.m. ~ Officer's in Tuxedo ~ Thursday, April 25h Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association Board of Trustee's Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 25th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. District #46 BGP Election All W.M.'s, Warden's & P.M.'s from District #46 are eligible to vote. Hosted by Jackson #17, 7:30 p.m.
Lodge Dinner 
Menu To Be Announced Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Regular Communication. Come to lodge and enjoy the fellowship, dinner and meeting. All for a $5.00 donation to the Stewards Fund. Contact David G. Shea P.M., Junior Warden at 517-315-5982 |
2013 Lodge Officer's
- Worshipful Master - Adam W. Wygant
- Senior Warden - Richard G. Shea P.M.
- Junior Warden - David G. Shea P.M.
- Treasurer - Dale D. Brown P.M.
- Secretary - Stephen D. Vining P.M.
- Chaplain - George M. Otis P.M.
- Senior Deacon - Frank W. Lutze P.M.
- Junior Deacon - Garry L. Gooldy Jr.
- Senior Steward - Eric J. Cole
- Senior Steward - Jeffrey R. Ohneck
- Junior Steward - Robert S. Webb Jr.
- Junior Steward - Andrew S. Marlow
- Steward/Conductor - Eric F. Dwyer
- Steward/Conductor - Martin A. Hemry
- Steward/Conductor - James W. Spink
- Marshal - Lyman S. Robertson Jr. P.M.
- Musician - Tommy R. Amidon P.M.
- Tiler - Lawrence C. Sanford Jr. P.M.
- Education Officer - Lyman S. Robertson Jr. P.M.
- Publisher - George M. Otis P.M.
- Webmaster - Stephen D. Vining P.M.

Leonard A. Moseman
Born: November 15, 1909 - Three Rivers, Michigan Initiated: September 15, 1938 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 Passed: October 6, 1938 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 Raised: October 27, 1938 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 25 Year Membership: October 27, 1963 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 Life Membership: December 13,1979 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 50 Year Membership: October 27, 1988 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 60 Year Membership: October 27, 1998 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 70 Year Membership: October 16, 2008 - Jackson Lodge No. 17 Died: March 9, 2013 - Jackson, Michigan at the age of 103 Brother Moseman would have received his 75 Year Membership Award this year, 2013.
 Leonard Moseman passed away peacefully at Vista Grande Villa Care Center, under the care of his loving family on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at the age of 103. Leonard and his wife, Elizabeth M. "Betty" were married for 67 years before she passed away in 2000. He was also preceded in death by his sister, Rose E., and son in-law, Larry C. Bauer. He is survived by his two daughters, Joyce A. Henley and Judy M. Bauer; three grandchildren, Kellie L. (Kent K.) Hubbard, Brian T. Henley and Kevin V. (Casey L.) Henley; three great-grandchildren, Logan E. Hubbard, Lindsie M. Hubbard and John A. Henley. Leonard was born to Roy A. and Rose G. Moseman. He was a graduate of Jackson High in 1929. He retired from the City of Jackson as Superintendent of the Department of Public Works. He was a life-time member of Jackson Masonic Lodge # 17 and was a member of the Jackson Exchange Club, acting as President in 1971-72. He had a strong faith in the Lord and was a life-long member of Brookside United Methodist Church. |
 Masonic Degree Schedule
Entered Apprentice Degree ( None Scheduled ) 
Fellowcraft Degree
Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 p.m.

Master Mason Degree ( None Scheduled ) |
Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. |

Jackson Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Mason's
Adam W. Wygant, E.H.P. 517-745-1699
Ronald L. Spees, Secretary 517-780-9387
My year in the East comes to a close in a couple weeks for Jackson Chapter No. 3 of Royal Arch Masons. It seems like the time went very fast and there is more to do, but this past week we had a great joint inspection with Ingham Chapter No. 51 in Mason, working in the Mark Master Degree. The Mark Master has always been one of my favorite Masonic degrees, and I received mine in a wooded lodge outside of Dwagiac, Michigan. The degree can be light hearted, but it is actually very serious, historically the 4th degree in ancient lodges, and has some deep meanings. On the surface it teaches us integrity, to carry our work plumb, and most importantly introduces us to stone which the builders rejected. As my year comes to an end, I challenge all to remember the stone which the builders rejected which became the head of the corner. It has been a pleasure to serve in the East during Jackson Chapter No. 3's one hundred and sixty fifth year. Jackson Chapter No. 3 chartered in 1847 is one of the original 3, with Detroit No. 1 and Monroe No. 2. To be part of something that has changed little in 165 years here in Jackson is impressive, and it makes me proud to have carried this capitular craft an additional year, and having made my Mark to pass it on to the next high priest.
Yours in Capitular Masonry,
Adam Wygant
Excellent High Priest Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M.
Calendar for April 2013 Wednesday, April 10th Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Stated Convocation, 7:30 p.m. Election and Installation of Chapter Officer's for 2013 - 2014 | Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |
High Priest - Adam W. Wygant
King - Dale D. Brown PHP
Scribe - Marcus U. Blue, Jr
Treasurer - Dale D. Brown PHP
Secretary - Ronald L. Spees PHP
Captain of the Host - Stephen D. Vining
Principle Sojourner - Thomas E. Royce PHP
Royal Arch Captain - Michael E. Hicks PHP
Master of the 3rd Veil - Frank W. Lutze
Master of the 2nd Veil - David R. Brown
Master of the 1st Veil - Robert S. Webb
Sentinel - George M. Otis
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Jackson Council No. 32 Royal and Select Master's
Adam W. Wygant, T.I.M.
Adam W. Wygant, Recorder
Jackson Council No. 32, Royal and Select Masters will meet for our stated meeting the 2nd Wednesday of April. We will also travel to Mason on April 27th to enjoy the 99th annual Strawberry Festival put on by Leslie Council No. 50, R. & S.M. Please get your reservations into me by April 20th so we can pass them along. The cost is $15 and includes a great swiss steak dinner with strawberry shortcake. If it has been a while since you have worked in the cryptic vault, make plans to join us in Mason.
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M. now has instruction and inspection season behind us, but we will continue to work on the Royal Master Degree in hopes that we may put this work on next February at Tri-State Festival.
Adam Wygant Thrice Illustrious Master Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Calendar for April 2013
Wednesday, April 10th
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Stated Assembly, 7:30 p.m.
| Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |
Saturday, April 27th
99th Annual Strawberry Festival and
Council All Degree Day starts at 1:00 p.m.
Hosted by Leslie Council No. 50
at the Mason Masonic Center
~ See weekly event calendar for more info ~

Thrice Illustrious Master - Adam W. Wygant, TIM
Deputy Master - Stephen D. Vining
Pr. Conductor of the Work - Marcus U. Blue, Jr., PTIM
Treasurer - Thomas E. Royce, PTIM
Recorder - Adam W. Wygant Captain of the Guard - George M. Otis Conductor of Council - Michael E. Hicks, PTIM Steward - Michael J. Conn, PTIM Sentinel - Ronald L. Spees, PTIM Chaplain - Dale D. Brown, PTIM Marshall - Vacant
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Lloyd C. Darling PC, Eminent Commander
Michael E. Hicks, Recorder
Calendar for April 2013
Monday, April 8th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
| To Be Announced |
Monday, April 15th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Stated Conclave, 7:30 p.m.
Potluck with Ladies, 6:30 p.m.
Election and Installation of
Commandery Officer's for 2013 - 2014
Monday, April 22nd
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
| To Be Announced |
Commander - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KYCH, P.C.
Generalisimo - SK James H. Blauvelt, KYCH, P.C. Captain General - SK Adam W. Wygant, P.C. Sr. Warden - SK Paul M. Tarr Jr., KYCH, P.C. Jr. Warden - SK Ronald L. Spees Prelate - SK Tommy R. Amidon, KYCH, P.G.C. Treasurer - SK Harry E. Green, P.C. Recorder - SK Michael E. Hicks Standard Bearer - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C. Sword Bearer - SK Stephen D. Vining Warder - SK Kenneth D. Chandler, P.C. Sentinel - SK Lewis M. Woodard, P.C. 1 Guard - SK Kenneth L. Sheffer, P.C. 2 Guard - SK David R. Brown
3 Guard - SK Marcus U. Blue, P.C. 1 Hermit - SK Thomas E. Royce 2 Hermit - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KYCH, P.C. 3 Hermit - SK Theodore E. Welch, P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Cortland C. Rule, P.G.C., P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C.
Jackson York Rite College No. 3 |
Jackson York Rite College No. 3, Y.R.S.C.
William B. Kesterson, Governor
Timothy C. Forche, Secretary
Next Meeting Date
Friday, May 17th, 2013
Stated Assembly, 7:30 p.m.
Please wear tuxedo.

2012-2013 Officers
William B. Kesterson - Governor
Michael E. Hicks - Deputy Governor
Stephen D. Vining - Chancellor
Theodore R. Welch - Treasurer
Timothy C. Forche - Secretary
Thomas E. Royce - Primate
William L. Leonard - Preceptor
Lloyd A. Darling - Seneschal
Paul M. Tarr, Jr. - Marshall
Barry L. Chapman - Sentinel
Calendar for 2013
Friday, January 18th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 15th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 17th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, September 20th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Fern Leaf Chapter No. 66, O.E.S.
Gail Kirk, Worthy Matron 517-782-4427
Ellen Yoakam, Secretary
Calendar for the month of
March 2013
Tuesday, April 2nd
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 20th
Fern Leaf Chapter No. 66, O.E.S.
Will host a dinner and reception honoring
Jouette Duckworth Grand Representative of Texas in Michigan
and the Hunnicut-Kennedy and the
McSweyn-Forgo Grand Families
on Saturday, April 20, 2013
At the Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Center
Registration at 5:00 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Entertainment at 7:00 p.m.
Reservations with remittance of $13.00 per person
by April 10th to Ellen Voakam, Secretary
517-536-0643 or ehyoakam@comcast.net
No refunds after April 15th
Western Formal Dress, Bolo ties are acceptable for men
Skirts and western shirts for Ladies
No jeans please

Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G. |
Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G.
Renee Brock, Mother Advisor 517-240-0962
Calendar for the month of
April 2013
Tuesday, April 9th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23rd
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Chart of York Rite Masonic Degrees

Masonic Tail Light Stick On Emblems
Cost is $3.00 per set of Masonic emblems, $5.00 per set of silver Past Master emblems and $6.00 per set of gold Past Master emblems.
Contact Brother George Otis P.M.
Phone: 517-262-9862
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

| Masonic Emblem available in Silver only.
Past Master Emblem available in Silver or Gold |
Temple Board Contact Information
Temple Board Meetings will be held on the
fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.:
Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Frank W. Lutze, President
phone: 517-212-1857
George M. Otis, Secretary phone: 517-262-9862
Weekly Euchre Club
Every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m.

The Euchre Club at the Masonic Center is looking for substitutes for the current card season. If you are interested in filling in just show up on any Monday night and play cards.
The Euchre Club is also looking for card players to form teams for next years Euchre Club. If you are interested you can contact Jason Chalfant at 517-764-4608 or email him at jhchalfant@att.net for more info.
Masonic Center Fund Raising
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association

The Temple Board would like any input you might have on ideas for fund raising events. If you have any ideas or would like to help we ask that you contact either Jerry Bethel at 517-262-0147 or George Otis at 517-262-9862.
To All The Brethren of Jackson Lodge 17 and Masonic Bodies.
Again we find ourselves asking for assistance in paying off the loan that we owe to Jackson Lodge 17.
The loan was made to help pay off what the Temple Board used to
cover the cost of the Massive Clean-up that was done way back in January, 2011.
While we did get some money from the bodies and individuals, it was only $7,400.00 and we still owe more than $72,600.00
PLEASE, contribute as liberally as you can without material injury to yourself or family!
Thank you!
Make your checks out to:
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
355 Napoleon Road
Michigan Center, Michigan 49254-1264
© 2008-2013 Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster