Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Trestleboard
Volume No. 12 November 2012 Issue No. 11 George M. Otis P.M., Publisher Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster
Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M.
Greeting's From The East
Lyman S. Robertson Jr.
Worshipful Master
Frank W. Lutze P.M.
"Cathedral at Cologne, Germany " Let's talk about masonry . . . - Operative masonry continued: The Cologne Cathedral - Eve of destruction
The night of May 31, 1945 was the first 1,000 bomber raid on a German city. Due to bad weather the target city was changed from Hamburg to Cologne. During this one raid 2½ square miles of the city was destroyed. 30,000 homes were damaged or destroyed. Only 300 homes remained. Two thirds of the bombs dropped on the city were incendiary, causing 12,000 fires. As a result of the raid 45,000 people were left homeless. The citizens of Cologne spent the equivalent of more than 3 months in air raid shelters during the war. Before the war ¾ of a million people lived in the city. At the end only 40,000 citizens remained. Many thousands of tons of bombs were dropped on Cologne during WWII. With all of this destruction how did this grand cathedral build by our operative brethren fare? Virtually all of the buildings in Cologne were damaged or destroyed yet the cathedral remained standing. This was due to several reasons. -The stained glass windows had been removed and hidden by the citizens prior to the air attacks. The opening created by the removal of the windows was an enormous 100,000 square feet and allowed the explosive force of the approximately 70 bombs that fell on the church to vent without collapse of the structure. -The soaring twin towers of the cathedral and the proximity to the Rhine River made the cathedral an easily recognized landmark for bombers flying deeper into Germany and thus sparing it from destruction. -When our operative brethren designed the cathedral they incorporated an impressive network of flying buttresses to prevent the weight of the roof from pushing the walls outward and collapsing the structure. These flying buttresses allowed the walls to withstand the explosive force of the bombs that hit the cathedral. The fact that this cathedral withstood the onslaught of modern warfare 700 years after the cornerstone was laid is a testament to the engineering and construction skills of our operative brethren. If you would like to learn more about this impressive cathedral this website, http://anicursor.com/colpicb.html, contains a wealth of information as well as many photographs. I found the story of the tank dual at the cathedral and the information on the massive bells fascinating. Hint: Search YouTube for "Cologne cathedral bells". THE MASON'S PLEDGE by Brother Rob Morris Brother, hearken, while I tell you What we Masons pledged to do When, prepared at yonder altar, We assumed the Mason's vow! Foot and knee, breast, hand and cheek -- Hearken while I make them speak! Foot to foot, on mercy's errand, When we hear a brother's cry, Hungry, thirsty, barefoot, naked, With God's mercy let us fly. This of all our thoughts the chief, How to give him quick relief. Knee to knee, in earnest praying, None but God to hear or heed, All our woes and sins confessing, Let us for each other plead; By the spirit of our call, Let us pray for brothers all. Breast to breast, in sacred casket, At life's center let us seal Every truth to us entrusted, Nor one holy thing reveal! What a Mason vows to shield, Let him die, but never yield. Hand to back, a brother's falling, Look, his burdens are too great. Stretch the generous hand and hold him Up before it is too late. The right arm's a friendly prop, Made to hold a brother up. Cheek to cheek, in timely whisper When the temper strives to win. Urge the brother's bounden duty, Show him the approaching sin. Point to him the deadly snare, Save him with a brother's care.  |
Chaplain's Corner
George M. Otis P.M.
"Masonic Etiquette" Parts 5 - 10
"Side" talk while a degree is being conferred is considered bad manners.
The lodge room is a Temple of the Great Architect of the Universe. The brethren within are working to make the best ashlars (stones) for His spiritual temple.
Just as it is impolite to talk in a church, synagogue or mosque service, so it is improper to distract the officers, the workers in the degree or the candidate.
Talking without asking to do so shows irreverence for the proceedings. God's house is not for social conversation within the lodge room. It is for worship and learning the lesson of the day which is being taught.
Unless you have requested of the Master to speak, silence is the rule. This also means no whispering.
If you have something of interest to say, raise your hand. When the Master recognizes you, you must stand up, and be recognized by the Master to speak. To address the brethren, you should say:
"Worshipful Master, Right Worshipfuls, Worshipfuls, Wardens and Brethren".
If the Most Worshipful Master is in attendance, you should say:
"Worshipful Master, Most Worshipful, Right Worshipfuls, Worshipfuls, Wardens and Brethren.
If you wish to offer a predetermined motion or matter for discussion, advise the Master beforehand.
Advising the Master before the meeting that you intend to bring up a specific motion or a matter for discussion is an important courtesy.
You may, indeed, do it without advising him in advance, but the Master may have plans of his own for that meeting, for which your proposed motion or discussion may not easily fit into the allotted time frame.
As a courtesy to him, his work, and his dedication to the members, it is best to ask him privately, beforehand, if he will be able to recognize you to speak your purpose. This saves "face" for both of you. You will not publicly be refused and he will not have to seem disagreeable or arrogant in his refusal of your motion. If you wish to speak, see number 6, above.
You must immediately obey the gavel.
Failure to immediately obey the gavel is a GRAVE DISCOURTESY and VERY poor Masonic Etiquette.
The Master is all powerful in the lodge and his word is final.
He can put or refuse to put any motion. He can rule any brother out of order on any subject at any time.
He can say what he will, and what he will not, permit to be discussed.
Brethren who think him unfair, arbitrary, unjust, or acting illegally have redress.
The Grand Lodge can be appealed to on any such matter. However, in the lodge, the Master's gavel, which is his emblem of authority, is supreme.
When a brother is rapped down, he should obey at once, without any further discussion. It is VERY bad manners to do otherwise. In fact, it is perilously close to the line between bad manners and a Masonic offense.
Masonic etiquette decries anyone who does not obey the gavel.
Never turn one's back on the Master to address the lodge without first receiving permission from the Master to speak.
Any debates that are in motion must be conducted using proper Masonic etiquette. One always stands to order when addressing the chair.
Customs differ in various jurisdictions as to the method of salute, however some salute should always be given when addressing the Master.
Two brethren, both on their feet, simultaneously arguing a motion, who are facing each other and ignoring the Master is unacceptable.
Some lodges (not all) offer salutes to the Master. Each of the brethren will salute the Master when they enter and when they leave their Masonic Mother lodge room or any other Masonic lodge room. Some lodges offer salutes to the Senior Warden.
The Masonic etiquette of saluting the Master is your renewed pledge of fealty and service. It is your public display of decorum before all other brothers of your obligation.
It shows your courteous respect for all that the Master stands for and shows that you acknowledge his authority.
Salutes should reflect your heart-felt respect for all that for which he stands.
The salute to the Master is your pledge of honor and service, your publicly shown obligation. A lazy, sloppy or improper salute is to be Masonically impolite and, thus, to exhibit poor Masonic etiquette.
Do not enter or leave the lodge room during a ballot.
It is discourteous to leave the lodge room during a speech, during a degree, etc. There are several natural periods, such as at the end of one section and before the next

None to report this past month.
 Masonic Degree Schedule
Entered Apprentice Degree ( None In November )
Fellowcraft Degree 
Master Mason Degree ( None in November ) |

Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Center Lodge Blue Room

Stephen D. Vining P.M., Secretary Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Region No. 4 Grand Lecturer Grand Lodge of Michigan (517) 914-8400 2012 Thursday, November 1st Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. | Lodge is Dark | Thursday, November 8th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Regular Communication, 7:30 p.m. Election of 2013 Officer's Lodge Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 13th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. will travel to and visit Parma Lodge No. 183, F. & A.M. Regular Communication, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 15th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. | Lodge is Dark | Thursday, November 22nd Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. | Lodge is Dark | Thursday, November 29th Jackson Lodge No. 17, F. & A.M. Dinner to Honor the Wives RSVP to Lyman Robertson W.M. or Jerry Bethel P.M. More Info To Follow Later Thursday, November 29th Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association Board of Trustee's Meeting, 6:00 p.m. 
Lodge Dinner 
Menu To Be Announced Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Regular Communication. Come to lodge and enjoy the fellowship, dinner and meeting. All for a $5.00 donation to the Stewards Fund. Contact Richard G. Shea P.M., Junior Warden 517-414-2757 or you can email him at rckshea2003@yahoo.com |
2012 Line of Officer's
- Lyman S. Robertson Jr, Worshipful Master
- Adam W. Wygant, Senior Warden
- Richard G. Shea PM, Junior Warden
- Dale D. Brown PM, Treasurer
- Stephen D. Vining PM, Secretary
- George M. Otis PM, Chaplain
- David G. Shea PM, Senior Deacon
- David R. Brown, Junior Deacon
- Eric J. Cole, Steward
- Andrew S. Marlow, Steward
- Jeffrey R. Ohneck, Steward
- Robert S. Webb Jr, Steward
- Garry L. Gooldy Jr, Conductor
- Frank W. Lutze PM, Marshal
- Lawrence C. Sanford PM, Tiler
- Tommy R. Amidon PM, Musician
- George M. Otis PM, Publisher
- Stephen D. Vining PM, Webmaster
Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. |

Jackson Chapter No. 3 Royal Arch Mason's
Adam W. Wygant, E.H.P. 517-745-1699
Ronald L. Spees, Secretary 517-780-9387 Calendar for November 2012 Wednesday, November 14th Jackson Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. Stated Convocation, 7:30 p.m. | Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |
High Priest - Adam W. Wygant
King - Dale D. Brown PHP
Scribe - Marcus U. Blue, Jr
Treasurer - Dale D. Brown PHP
Secretary - Ronald L. Spees PHP
Captain of the Host - Stephen D. Vining
Principle Sojourner - Thomas E. Royce PHP
Royal Arch Captain - Michael E. Hicks PHP
Master of the 3rd Veil - Frank W. Lutze
Master of the 2nd Veil - David R. Brown
Master of the 1st Veil - Robert S. Webb
Sentinel - George M. Otis
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Jackson Council No. 32 Royal and Select Master's
Michael E. Hicks, T.I.M.
Adam W. Wygant, Recorder
Calendar for November 2012
Wednesday, November 14th
Jackson Council No. 32, R. & S.M.
Stated Convocation, 7:30 p.m.
| Will Open & Close In Chapter This Month |

Thrice Illustrious Master - Michael E. Hicks
Deputy Master - Dale D. Brown, PTIM
Pr. Conductor of the Work - Marcus U. Blue, Jr., PTIM
Treasurer - Thomas E. Royce, PTIM
Recorder - Adam W. Wygant Captain of the Guard - Stephen D. Vining Conductor of Council - Ronald L. Spees, PTIM Steward - Vacant Sentinel - George M. Otis Chaplain - Thomas E. Royce, PTIM Marshall - Vacant
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Lloyd C. Darling PC, Eminent Commander
Michael E. Hicks, Recorder
Calendar for November 2012
Monday, November 5th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Inspection - Full Form Opening, 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 10th
Adrian Commandery No. 4, K.T.
Inspection - Full Form Opening, 3:00 p.m.
Monday, November 12th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Monday, November 19th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Stated Conclave, 7:30 p.m.
Potluck with Ladies, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, November 24th
Lansing Commandery No. 25, K.T.
Inspection - Full Form Opening, 9:00 a.m.
Monday, November 26th
Jackson Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Commander - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KTCH, P.C.
Generalisimo - SK James H. Blauvelt, KTCH, P.C. Captain General - SK Adam W. Wygant, P.C. Sr. Warden - SK Paul M. Tarr Jr., P.C. Jr. Warden - SK Ronald L. Spees Prelate - SK Tommy R. Amidon, KTCH, P.G.C. Treasurer - SK Harry E. Green, P.C. Recorder - SK Michael E. Hicks Standard Bearer - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C. Sword Bearer - SK Stephen D. Vining Warder - SK Kenneth D. Chandler, P.C. Sentinel - SK Lewis M. Woodard, P.C. 1 Guard - SK Kenneth L. Sheffer, P.C. 2 Guard - SK David R. Brown
3 Guard - SK Marcus U. Blue, P.C. 1 Hermit - SK Thomas E. Royce 2 Hermit - SK Lloyd A. Darling,KTCH, P.C. 3 Hermit - SK Theodore E. Welch, P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Cortland C. Rule, G.C., P.C.
Director of Orders - SK Richard E. Ward, P.C.
Jackson York Rite College No. 3 |
Jackson York Rite College No. 3, Y.R.S.C.
William B. Kesterson, Governor
Timothy C. Forche, Secretary
Next Meeting Date
Friday, January 18th, 2013
Stated Assembly, 7:30 p.m.
Please wear tuxedo.

2012-2013 Officers
William B. Kesterson - Governor
Michael E. Hicks - Deputy Governor
Stephen D. Vining - Chancellor
Theodore R. Welch - Treasurer
Timothy C. Forche - Secretary
Thomas E. Royce - Primate
William L. Leonard - Preceptor
Lloyd A. Darling - Seneschal
Paul M. Tarr, Jr. - Marshall
Barry L. Chapman - Sentinel
Calendar for 2013
Friday, January 18th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 15th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 17th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, September 20th, 2013 @ 7:30 p.m.
Fern Leaf Chapter No. 66, O.E.S.
Gail Kirk, Worthy Matron 517-782-4427
Ellen Yoakam, Secretary
Calendar for the month of
November 2012
Tuesday, November 6th
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 20th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G. |
Jackson Assembly No. 7, I.O.R.G.
Brandy Kuhl, Mother Advisor 517-522-4349
Calendar for the month of
November 2012
Tuesday, November 13th
Stated Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 27th
Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Chart of York Rite Masonic Degrees

Masonic Tail Light Stick On Emblems
Cost is $3.00 per set of Masonic emblems, $5.00 per set of silver Past Master emblems and $6.00 per set of gold Past Master emblems.
Contact Brother George Otis P.M.
Phone: 517-262-9862
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

| Masonic Emblem available in Silver only.
Past Master Emblem available in Silver or Gold |
Temple Board Contact Information
Temple Board Meetings will be held on:
Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Jerry L. Bethel, President
phone: 517-262-0147
George M. Otis, Secretary phone: 517-262-9862
Weekly Euchre Club
Every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m.

The Euchre Club at the Masonic Center is looking for substitutes for the current card season. If you are interested in filling in just show up on any Monday night and play cards.
The Euchre Club is also looking for card players to form teams for next years Euchre Club. If you are interested you can contact Jason Chalfant at 517-764-4608 or email him at jhchalfant@att.net for more info.
Masonic Center Fund Raising
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association

The Temple Board would like any input you might have on ideas for fund raising events. If you have any ideas or would like to help we ask that you contact either Jerry Bethel at 517-262-0147 or George Otis at 517-262-9862.
To All The Brethren of Jackson Lodge 17 and Masonic Bodies.
Again we find ourselves asking for assistance in paying off the loan that we owe to Jackson Lodge 17.
The loan was made to help pay off what the Temple Board used to
cover the cost of the Massive Clean-up that was done way back in January, 2011.
While we did get some money from the bodies and individuals, it was only $7,400.00 and we still owe more than $72,600.00
PLEASE, contribute as liberally as you can without material injury to yourself or family!
Thank you!
Make your checks out to:
Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
355 Napoleon Road
Michigan Center, Michigan 49254-1264
© 2009-2012 Jackson-Coolidge Masonic Temple Association
Stephen D. Vining P.M., Webmaster