Seniors Resource
July 2013 
News, Events and Resources for Seniors, Families and Professionals
Colorado Front Range Event Highlights
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eNews Review
Seniors and Robotic Care Companions?

We keep hearing it how exercise cuts many health risks including breast cancer

Who is Paid What in the Federal Government

Find more eNews Review on the National News & Events - CLICK HERE

Senior Housing
Spotlight ...

Balfour Retirement Community

Concordia on the Lake
Concordia on the Lake

Libby Bortz Assisted Living
Libby Bortz Assisted Living

RiverPointe Senior Community
RiverPointe Senior Community of Littleton

Article Archive Snippets
One Familys
End of the Journey

Kidney Disease and a Renal Diet

10 Reasons Family Caregivers Should Use a Personal Health Organizer

When do you need a Guardianship or Conservatorship in Colorado?

Senior Service Highlights

Assisted Transition Denver

Bessie's Hope

Me & My Caregivers

Colorado Move Management

Home Helpers


Colorado Senior Advisors

Colorado Front Range News & Events

View articles, news and event highlights for July 2013 along the Colorado Front Range with our network of websites and eNewsletter.

Of particular interest are the Colorado Senior Law Day Events in Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins and Pueblo. Also look for the Rocky Mountain Sew Expo, The End of Life Forum, A Night of Laughter and Family Hospice Foundation's 5th Annual Memorial Butterfly Release. There are great events from Fort Collins to Pueblo and along the Colorado Front Range. Below are highlights. Find more events and event details on Seniors Resource Guide.

Save the Date and Order your Monarch Butterfly
Family Hospice Foundation 5th Annual Memorial Butterfly Release
Boulder's Family Hospice Foundation will host its 5th annual Memorial Butterfly Release on August 3, 2013 at Mountain View Memorial Park in Boulder. The butterfly release will serve as a fundraiser for Family Hospice Foundation. Participants can pre-purchase a live butterfly for $25, with proceeds to benefit the foundation's patient care fund.
Read more about this special event - CLICK HERE
Butterfly Registration Form

July 11 - 13, 2013

Rocky Mountain Sew Expo at the Denver Mart
Location: 451 East 58th Avenue, Suite 4270, Denver

July 14, 2013 - Sunday, 3:00PM - 6:00PM
CEOLP Forum: Resources & Discussion on End-of-Life Care
Location: Congregation Har HaShem. 3950 Baseline Road, Boulder
Afternoon of discussion about the new Contemplative Care Hospice and the CEOLP Information & Resource Initiative with Reb Zalman discussing the contemplative approach to end-of-life care and the spiritual potential of our elder years.

July 16, 2013 - Tuesday, 5:00PM - 8:00PM
How to Declutter and Downsize for an Easier to Maintain Life
Location: The MAC Recreation Center, 3295 W. 72nd Ave, Westminster
No matter your age there are plenty of reasons to downsize, but if you're not doing it in a timely manner it can take a toll on you and your family.

July 17, 2013 - Wednesday, 7:30PM - 9:00PM
A Night of Laughter! Benefit Eastern Star Masonic Retirement
Location: Landmark Comedy Works, 5345 Landmark Pl, Greenwood Vill.
The Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Community in partnership with Colorado Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Presents An Evening Of Laughter at the Landmark Comedy Works in Greenwood Village.

July 23, 2013 - Tuesday, 4:00 PM
Transitioning Into Retirement
Location: The Lodge at Balfour, 1331 E Hecla Drive, Louisville
Do you know if you will have enough retirement income for the lifestyle you want? Guest speaker, Peter Braun, Wealth Advisor for UBS in Boulder, has guided seniors and retirees through the financial markets. RSVP to 303-926-8300.

July 27, 2013
15th Annual Colorado Senior Law Day in Denver
Location: Denver Merchandise Mart, Denver
Every participant receives a free copy of the 2013 Edition Senior Law Handbook. Get expert answers to seniors' legal, financial, medical and mental well-being questions presented by respected local professionals. Can't make it to the event? An online version of the Senior Law Day Handbook is available on our website.

Article Highlights
Family Hospice Presents
5th Annual Memorial Butterfly Release

Article submitted by Jerry Kopack, Co-founder, Family Hospice and Family Hospice Foundation. For additional information regarding any questions you may have about hospice, please contact Jerry Kopack, Melody Stanton, or Christine Lewis all of Family Hospice at 303-440-0205.
Website -

"Boulder, Colorado - There is an old American Indian story that says if a person whispers a wish to a captive butterfly and then releases it, the message will be sent to the "Great Spirit" and the wish will come true. The Monarch butterfly is widely recognized as the symbol for hospice. ..."

Croquet at Copthorne - Dealing with dementia, a family learns to play together
Article submitted by James Creasey, founder of Jiminy Wicket. Jiminy Wicket was created after James Creasey played a memorable game of croquet with his father, Maxwell, who was losing his language, memory and abilities due to dementia. According to James, "Dad may have been confused, post-verbal and not able to find his way down the corridor, but with a little guidance he could play a cracking game of croquet." The game gave them many days of shared happiness until his death in 2009.

"When I first learned to play croquet, I never imagined it would create a new connection with my Dad in the silence of his dementia. Dad became post-verbal as vascular dementia sporadically stole his memory and capacities. He would forget that 'Copthorne', our family home of 40 plus years, was still the place where he laid his sleepy head. 'When are we going home?' he would ask seated at his own dining room table ..."

Family Matters
Article submitted by Marco D. Chayet of Chayet & Danzo, LLC, and the past Chair of the Elder Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association. Marco Chayet can be reached at 303-355-8500 and through the firm's Website -

"... There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child.  This may be true, but it takes a family to care for an aging parent. As seniors lose physical and cognitive function they become vulnerable and unable to manage their own care. Who better to know their needs and desires than their own children. Even if professional care givers are providing services, family involvement makes the difference in quality of life ..."

Event Highlights
July 2013
More Denver Events - Click Here
At a glance you will find ...
July 9 - Back to Work 50+ Arapahoe/Douglas Works
July 11 - 13 - Rocky Mountain Sew Expo
July 16 - Declutter and Downsize
July 17 - Night of Laughter! Eastern Star Masonic Retirement
July 17 - Wills & Trusts Workshop Chayet & Danzo, LLC
July 18 - Ice Cream Social at Juniper Village at Aurora
July 18 - Assisted Living Tour and Open House
July 19-21 - World Wide Antique & Vintage Show 2013 Show
July 20 - Navigating the Senior Network
July 21 - Car Wash at Juniper Village at Aurora
July 24-28 - Arapahoe County Fair - Arapahoe County, Colorado
July 24 - 1st Annual Omnibus Spaghetti Dinner Benefit
July 26 - Park Hill Residence Annual Rummage Sale Fundraiser
July 27 - Annual Colorado Senior Law Day in Denver

More Northern Colorado Events - Click Here
At a glance you will find ...
July 10 - Free Nordic Walking Clinic
July 11 - Healthier Living Presentation North Colorado Medical Center
July 14 - CEOLP Forum - End-of-Life Care
July 15 - Fascinating Fungi: A World of Mushrooms at Your Feet
July 17 - Be Well with Diabetes Presentation
July 23 - Transitioning Into Retirement
July 25 - How To Get Unstuck! With Dr. DeClutter
July 26 - Cinnamon Park Assisted Living Rummage Sale Fundraiser
July 26 - Longevity, Health and Stress Reduction with Balfour Yoga

More Colorado Springs Events - Click Here
At a glance you will find ...
August 2-3 - Colorado Family History Expo 2013
September 21 - Walk to End Alzheimer's Colorado Springs

More Pueblo Events - Click Here
At a glance you will find ...
July 30 - Service Network Meeting of Pueblo
August 17 - First Colorado Senior Law Day in Pueblo, Colorado
Article Archive
July 2013 Articles
Link to Article Archive - Click Here
  • Agendas & Advocacy
  • Croquet at Copthorne - Dealing with dementia
  • Family Hospice Presents 5th Annual Memorial Butterfly Release
  • Family Matters
  • It's Happening! Dementia
  • Yoga After 50  
Online Senior Housing Tour
Take a Senior Housing Tour Online
 RiverPointe Senior Community

RiverPointe Senior Community of Littleton, Colorado invites you to take a tour of their property with their new Google Street Tour. This is a special feature on their Google+ page:   

- Look Inside RiverPointe - Click Here 

Using your mouse click on the white 'chevrons' and 'circles' on the floors to move from room to room. You can even take a peek at their backyard - did you know that they back a golf course and park?


Tell us what you think of this technology - email  

More July 2013 Event Highlights
Senior Law Day Events Along the Colorado Front Range

Can't make it to one of the Senior Law Day events?
An online version of the Senior Law Day Handbook is available online.

Find all of the events below on

July 27, 2013 - Saturday
15th Annual Colorado Senior Law Day in Denver

Denver Merchandise Mart, Denver

The Denver event is held at the Merchandise Mart. Choose from educational seminars, plus personal Ask-A-Lawyer sessions. Attendees will receive a FREE copy of the 2013 Senior Law Handbook.

August 3, 2013 - Saturday
Northern Colorado's Ninth annual Senior Law Day

Location: Fort Collins Marriott, Fort Collins, CO

Attend a variety of educational workshops while socializing with other families who are facing similar challenges and meet legal and healthcare professionals from your our community. A $10 per person suggested contribution includes lunch, four educational sessions, and two comprehensive reference handbooks.

August 10, 2013 - Saturday, 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Boulder County Senior Law Day

Plaza Conference Center
, 1850 Industrial Circle, Longmont
Get expert answers to seniors' legal, financial, medical and mental well-being questions presented by respected local professionals. Choose from two dozen educational seminars, plus personal Ask-A-Lawyer sessions. Attendees will receive a FREE copy of the 2013 Senior Law Handbook. Registration is required and closes on August 5th. Visit our website to see the seminar schedule and for online registration. Register online by calling 303-441-1685.

August 17, 2013 - Saturday, 7:00AM - 12:00PM
First Colorado Senior Law Day in Pueblo, Colorado

Pueblo Community College

900 W. Orman Ave., Student Center, Pueblo

Pueblo County seniors and adult children are invited to attend this outstanding event! Breakout Sessions include: Grandparents Rights-Adopting your grandchild, Public Benefits for Seniors, Affordable Healthcare, Estate Planning and more. Charge: $10 per person - Continental Breakfast Provided. Every participant will receive a FREE copy of the 2013 Senior Law Handbook.

Find more Denver Events - CLICK HERE
Find more Colorado Springs Events - CLICK HERE
Find more Northern Colorado Events - CLICK HERE
Find National Events - CLICK HERE
We hope you have found the Seniors Resource Guide Colorado Front Range eNewsletter helpful. If you have questions, suggestions or topics you want to see in the future please contact us.

Regards, The Staff at Seniors Resource Guide,
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Mailing Address:, LLC - 303-794-0799
P.O. Box 816, Littleton, Colorado 80160-0237

Note: New to Colorado and confused about the term Colorado Front Range? Visit Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia to learn more - Wikipedia - Colorado Front Range.