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April 2014                Grace Spoken Here      Volume 15, Issue 4
In This Issue - click a topic to quick link
Viewpoints at SSCC
Grace Note: Strong in the Broken Places
You Are Invited to Holy Week and Easter at SSCC
Implementation of New Constitution and Bylaws
Yes! Fair: Opportunities for Service and Growth
Congregational Care and Connection Ministry Forum
Jewish and Christian Middle School Groups Exploring Together
Welcome New Members!
Children & Youth Ministries
Why Do We Serve at CAC?
Taking Steps to Fight Hunger
Thanks to Our Readers!
The Day School Luau and Siilent Auction
Are You a Legacy Builder?
All Church Calendar
The Wellspring Contribution Guidelines
Join Our Mailing List!
Viewpoints at SSCC


Life is always about change. You can love it or hate it.  You can embrace the flow or fight against it.  It still happens.


I had been totally involved for 30 years in a church that fit me like a glove, had raised my children in it, had married the minister of it, had the loving support of my church family when my beloved husband died and had stayed in it for years until I began to feel that restless breath of change stirring within me. 


I began occasionally visiting other churches,but nothing touched me until September of 2008 when I visited SSCC at the invitation of my dear friend Louise Mingus.  She and I had rocked babies in the newborn nursery at Northside Hospital for 8 years and we had come to know each other very well.  She had known my husband and called to tell me about Phil Price's coming to SSCC.  She thought I would like him.  I felt so comfortable with his talk, with the beautiful music, with the simple but magical phrase "Grace Spoken Here" and the warm welcoming people I met that day.  I never left.


The Covenant Groups have brought a deep level of friendship and communication into my life.  Participating in many of the outreach projects, being a part of the Interfaith experiences and enjoying everything at the church from chili cook offs, to movie nights, to hearing special guests, to being spiritually fed by our ministers has made me feel such an integral part of this wonderful church. 


Most of us probably talk about our experiences here as we would of anything we are proud of and love.  However, SSCC still seems to be a well kept secret.  I believe in Divine Order and in our finding our right place at the right and perfect time.  We are all on this wonderful journey of Life and Change can be such an exciting and life enhancing happening. 


Carolyn Dishman  






Grace Note:  Strong in the Broken Places
Rev. Danny Gulden, Senior Minister
       Rev. Danny Gulden,                 Senior Minister

I am always struck by the difference in worship attendance from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to Easter Sunday. I must confess that I sometimes look around on Easter Sunday and think, "Where were all these people a few days ago?" The reality is that Easter is the glorious conclusion of a path that is difficult to travel, a path in which we are confronted with our brokenness. The path Jesus takes into Jerusalem to begin Holy Week is in many ways a boulevard of broken dreams. Try as we might, we cannot escape pain and brokenness as it is part of being human. Perhaps that is why we find it hard to gather on Good Friday, as if we needed to be reminded of our pain or the world's brokenness.


For humanity, the story does not end there. As Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "We are strong in the broken places." Try as the world might, we are never forever broken as the good news of Easter reminds us. The trumpets of Easter announce that the world has been made whole, that redemption has drawn near. During these remaining days in Lent, do not be afraid to acknowledge your pain and confront your brokenness. In doing so, we find a new beginning, one where our brokenness is healed and the promise of an empty tomb is made real.


Peace to your path,

You Are Invited to Holy Week and Easter at SSCC 


You Are Invited to Holy Week and Easter! 
Palm Sunday, April 13, 10 AM 
Join us for a special all church worship at 10 AM as we celebrate our annual Mexico Celebration Sunday. Our youth Mexico Mission team will lead worship as they share stories of changing the world through their home building mission in Mexico. As we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, we recall what it meant and how it shapes our lives today.   
 Maundy Thursday Service, April 17, 7:00 PM 
The church year offers several special worship experiences, but none more beautiful and meaningful than our Maundy Thursday service. Lit with candles, the sanctuary glows with special light. After each lesson is read, one candle is extinguished, and the service ends in darkness and quiet.    

Good Friday Service, April 18, 12:00 - 2:00 PM

The sanctuary will be open from 12 noon until 2:00 PM for you to move through stations that walk us through the journey of Good Friday. The bright light of Easter cannot be perceived except through the shadow of the cross.   


Easter Sunday, April 20, 9:00 or 11:15 AM 
Once we can perceive a God who hangs on a cross,we gain eyes that can see an empty tomb. We see Christ in the garden or on the beach or at the table. He is RISEN! He is with us! We become joy-filled witnesses to God's abiding presence! 
Implementation of New Constitution and Bylaws
Joyce Edwards



On March 1, SSCC began living into our new Constitution and Bylaws.   Newly elected lay leaders took office that day following a retreat in late February for both Elders and members of the Leadership Council that focused on understanding new roles and relationships and began a planning process geared to identifying new opportunities and priorities for 2015.


We want to share with you some of the highlights of what has been discussed and accomplished so far.


Key Messages


2014 is a year like no other for our new structure.  Ministries and programs planned for 2014 will go forward as we work on putting new structures and processes in place as we begin planning together for 2015. 


The month of March has been focused on making appointments to the Ministry Forums and the Trustees and to the committees of the Leadership Council (Personnel, Finance, Personnel and Stewardship).  Those appointees were approved at the first Leadership Council meeting held on March 24 and are listed below.


Identification of members of the 2014 Nominating Committee is also underway.  The Congregation will elect the Nominating Committee at a Congregational meeting to be held as part of a Town Hall meeting on April 27 at 10:00 am.


The Elders and Deacons are developing a joint task force to design a process for implementing their expanded role of maintaining regular communication with SSCC congregants.  They expect to implement this aspect of their ministry in June, 2014.


At the heart of our work, is the intention to greatly increase the conversation and dialog within SSCC about the possibilities and priorities for our shared mission and ministry.  We will provide regular updates in the Wellspring and encourage you to ask questions and share your ideas.  If you are not sure who to contact for a particular question or idea, contact Bryant McDaniel or Joyce Edwards for assistance. 


We began the planning process for 2015 at the retreat.   We identified possible key areas of focus that will guide planning and discussions in the Ministry Forums this year. We will share our current thinking and ask you to share your ideas and feedback at the Town Hall Meeting on April 27.


Our New Structure, Roles & Relationships:


Newly appointed members of the Ministry Forums and the Trustees

The appointments of members of the Ministry Forums and the Trustees were approved at the Leadership Council's first meeting on March 24.


Congregational Care & Connection

Ministry Forum  ELECTED CHAIR:


Outreach Ministry Forum





Discipleship Ministry Forum











Jim Armstrong

Carolyn Allen

Laura Adams

Scott Dalton

Joanne Burgess

Carol Armstrong

Teresa Bensch

Bruce Lady

Wayne Dimmitt

Chris Dalton

Art Edwards

Ruth Michels

Charlotte Hale

Merilyn Dimmitt

Leslie Kahrs

John Mills

Heather Rees

Rollin Mathis

Bruce Lady

Rabi Samuel

Foy Taff

Frank Murray

Janet Lochery


Scoville Walker

Erika Ono

Jeff Morgan


Karla Worley

Sara Torbert




Appointments of members of the Committees of the Leadership Council were approved by the Leadership Council on March 24.


Personnel Committee

Finance Committee

Stewardship Committee

Memorials Committee

Elizabeth Peterson*

Cindy Brown (Treasurer)*

Stuart Michels*

Larry Steinmetz*

Jim Torbert

Jim Bickelhaupt (Asst. Treasurer)

Chuck Adams

Carolyn Allen

Tony Chimera

Jim Armstrong

Tony Chimera

Wayne Dimmitt


Jay Donnelly

Caroline Dalton

Marilyn Torbert



Barb Duren

Nancy Trusty




Ann Walker


* Denotes Chair



Yes! Fair: Opportunities for Service and Growth

SSCC offers so many ways to grow and to serve, that the "Yes! Fair" displays of those opportunities overflowed Dunlap Hall!  The purpose of the fair was to help you find a way to connect and enhance lives (yours AND others!) while "being and sharing the Good News!" 


On Sunday, March 30, members and friends participated in our traditional Fifth Sunday Pancake Breakfast to benefit Youth Scholarships and also had the opportunity to "shop" the "Yes! Fair."  One long-time member even commented, "Wow!  There are so many choices." 

This year we are all encouraged to take the "YES!"  (Year of Engagement and Service) challenge.  It is to: 1) Worship on a regular basis; 2) Engage in a small group; 3) Commit to serve within the walls; 4) Commit to serve outside the walls; 5) Give generously.  For those of you who missed the fair, here click here for a list of opportunities featured and contacts.  Feel free to reach out to the contact person for more information.  You will find that as you draw closer to others through study and service, you draw closer to God.  Say "Yes!"


Click here to view pictures on the web.



Congregational Care and Connection Ministry Forum

Bryant McDaniel, President of the Congregation

Daphne Reiley has decided to step down as Chair of the Congregational Care and Connection Ministry Forum after much thought and prayer.  While she was excited about her role and the prospects for this Forum, she had also been struggling to ensure that she would be available and "energetically capable" of meeting the needs of her kids right now. Even though Daphne is also stepping down from other commitments at the church, she still plans to attend worship services and support the church.  Please keep Daphne and her family in your prayers and be sure to thank her for all she has contributed to the life of our congregation over the past couple of years.  

Richard Allen
In working with the Nominating Committee, I'm excited to announce that Richard Allen has agreed to serve as the Chair of this Forum.  As you know, Richard is eminently qualified as a "people person" with a great passion for the care and connection of the SSCC congregation.  On March 19, the Leadership Council unanimously voted to approve the Nominating Committee's recommendation. 




Jewish and Christian Middle School Groups Exploring

In late February, the SSCC middle school youth joined middle school students from Congregation Or Hadash at the IMAX movie "Jerusalem."  We gathered at Fernbank before the movie to talk about expectations, then gathered again after the 45 minute film to debrief.  Our students mentioned they were surprised to hear that in less than one square mile, Jews, Christians and Muslims live side by side, yet separately.  Jerusalem is sacred to half the people on earth yet fought over more than any other place in history. Rabbi Ellen from Or Hadash has lived in Jerusalem and her comments, along with the narration of the movie, brought the place alive.  Rabbi Ellen suggested our groups continue to develop our relationship and perhaps in two years we could visit The Holy Land together.


So, in March, we gathered again in Dunlap Hall to explore our spring traditions of Passover and Easter.  Rabbi Analia, co-rabbi of Or Hadash, passed out Haggadahs for everyone to follow along through a portion of a traditional Seder experience.  Again, we learned a lot.  We learned of the symbolism of the elements of a Seder meal and learned why Haggadah is read from right to left (ask one of our kids!). One of our youth privately shared that she was particularly impressed by how the Jewish middle schoolers were so familiar with Hebrew and how much they knew.  The experience impressed upon her how the Jewish faith is such an integral part of their life --not compartmentalized as their weekend event.  Rabbi Analia spoke briefly about the way she values the importance of asking questions, encouraging the youth from both faiths to participate.  After that, SSCC sponsor Katie Rose shared the meaning behind Easter eggs.  We all dyed eggs, then had a "crack off." 


These were wonderful learning experiences for everyone and we hope to continue to develop the relationship through further study.  Click here for more pictures on the web.



Welcome New Members! 

In March, we were blessed to have four people join our faith family at Sandy Springs Christian Church.  Welcome, Surita Singh, Dixie Winfrie, and Heather and Phil Reese.

Congratulations on this step in your faith journey.


Dixie Winfrie became a member of SSCC on March 3, 2014, transferring membership from Southeast Christian Church, East Point.. She is retired and lives at Campbell Stone apartments. 







 Surita Singh joined SSCC on March 23, 2014. Her faith background is Hindu Brahmin, from India.  Surita has a daughter, Priya (age 15), and we invite her to become actively involved with our Youth Group. Surita is a Quality Analyst at Knowledge Generate Solution. She and Priya reside in Marietta.






Phil and Heather Reese joined SSCC on March 23, 2014, transferring membership from Mt. Bethel UMC. Phil is a lawyer and owner of Wellington Healthcare. Heather is a homemaker. They reside in Marietta and have 5 adult children (Alexandra Reese, Hunter McCann, Veronica McCann, Samantha Reese and Leigh McCann). 




Children & Youth Ministries 
Katie & Bryant Gibson, Directors 
Katie & Bryant Gibson
Children & Youth Ministries

Youth Ministry


Thank You!  You did it again Sandy Springs Christian Church!  Thanks to your generous donations, thoughts, and prayers, 12 youth and 8 sponsors are building a house right now for a family in Tecate, Mexico.  Words can't begin to express our deep gratitude for the support of this congregation in this mission.  We knew when we came to SSCC that the Mexico Mission Trip was a foundation of the church, but working with you these last 2 years hand in hand to accomplish this mission has been one of the most rewarding experiences in our ministry.


We can't wait to share with you how lives were changed on both sides of the border during our Mexico Celebration on Palm Sunday, April 13. Come hear our stories during the service at 10 am and stay for the fiesta where we will break bread and share pictures from our week in Tecate.  Gracias! 


Mexico Departure


Our Mexico-bound youth, sponsors and their families gathered at the Sandy Springs MARTA station on Saturday, March 29.  Lynn and Allen McCahren graciously offered biscuit sandwiches and generous treat bags as hugs and goodbyes were shared.  After a quick blessing by Danny, the 12 youth and 5 sponsors (3 were already in California completing advance work) headed for the airport to begin their transformational week.  


Our Mexico Missionaries: (left to right, top to bottom) Katie Gibson, MacKenzie Michels, Kim French, Kyle Miller, Austin Michels, Bridget Walker, Evan Arnold, Teresa Bensch, Sara Torbert, Mary Michael Gulden, Erika Ono, Michael McCluskey, Trenton Brown, Samantha French, Abby Hicks, Lindy Watkins, Bailey Mooney. Not Pictured: Pete French, Andy Torbert, Tracey McCluskey and Jim Torbert. 


Click here for more pictures on the web.


Children's Ministry 


VBS 2014 Coming Soon...

Registration forms are ready and can be found on the church website or on the Connect Credenza.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Katie and Bryant ([email protected].)  Our theme this year is "Workshop of Wonders", July 21-25.


At WOW VBS, discover how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Experience the love of Jesus. Start an adventure. Use your imagination and creativity to build your faith. Meet people from the Bible who used what they had to produce something amazing with God. Use your heart, mind, and imagination to participate in the creative life of God, the one who works wonders!


For Both Children and Youth

Camp Christian is right around the corner.  Our theme this summer is "Get Real."  Camps will begin the first week in June.  For the next few weeks, we will have a registration booth in the Centrum before and after both services. You can also get forms by going to the regional website www.gadisciples.org and click on the Summer Camp 2014 link.  All forms will be due by April 27 in order to avoid late fees.
It's going to be another great summer at Camp Christian.  We can't wait to see you there!



Why Do We Serve at CAC?
Nancy McDaniel

In February, the Community Assistance Center held a poverty summit for CAC staff, leaders of the 30 of congregations supporting the CAC, the mayor of Sandy Springs and several elected officials from both Sandy Springs and Dunwoody.


The statistics were shocking.  Here are some of the most powerful:


According to a 2011 Brookings Institute study, for the first time ever, there are more people living in poverty in the suburbs than in cities.  The following are the cities where suburban poverty increased the most between 2000 and 2011:

            10.  Detroit-Warren-Livonia, Michigan

            9.    Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, Minnesota

            8.    Provo-Oren, Utah

            7.    Boise City-Nampa, Idaho

            6.    Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale, Arizona

            5.    Denver- Aurora-Broomfield, Colorado

            4.    Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada

            3.    Salt Lake City, Utah

            2.    Austin-Round Rock-San Marco, Texas

            1.    Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, Georgia


88% of Atlanta residents living in poverty live in the suburbs.

27% of the combined Sandy Springs and Dunwoody population is at risk

 (poverty or low income).

55-60% of Sandy Springs' students are on free and reduced lunch.


The CAC's mission is to "bring together the Sandy Springs and Dunwoody communities to provide compassionate assistance for neighbors in need by providing financial support, helping to meet basic needs and promote self-reliance."  


Ask any of the dedicated SSCC volunteers who work the first Saturday of every month to fulfill CAC's mission.  We all have stories of someone we helped that made an impression on us.  Clients are often educated, (under)employed, recovering, down on their luck but actively working to make things better, and embarrassed.  I can't tell you the number of times I have heard, "I never thought I would have to ask for help."  The CAC is the most effective organization in the Sandy Springs/Dunwoody community to help these people.   If you are interested in helping, contact Carol Armstrong or Nancy McDaniel.



Taking Steps to Fight Hunger

On the most beautiful Sunday afternoon of the year, 71 SSCC walkers joined with Congregation Or Hadash and the Islamic Center of North Fulton to participate in our third annual Interfaith Hunger Walk.  Our Interfaith Team joined 15,000 others as the Atlanta Community Food Bank celebrated their 30th year of the Hunger Walk.


Our 71 participants topped last year's number by ONE!!  This year SSCC raised a record $2366 ($1000 from Outreach).  We'd like to thank Frank Murray for his dedication in raising $381 from friends!!  The three congregations of our Interfaith Team had 149 walkers and raised $13,653. 


The Atlanta Community Food Bank reports that each dollar donated buys $9.21 in groceries and a $10 donation allows ACFB to distribute 40 meals to people in need.  We did so much good while havingsuch a good time.  Save your shirts for next year when we do it again!


 Click here for more pictures on the web.



Thanks to Our Readers!

Another successful "Read Across America " event was held at Lake Forest Elementary School on March 3.  We had 15 volunteers who generously gave of their time so that all of the pre-K through second grade rooms had a guest reader.  (The 3rd through 5th grades had author Danny Schnitzlein visit!)  "Read Across America" was established by the National Education Association in 1997 to promote the love of reading and has a goal to have every US student celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday by emphasizing that day.  With over 90% of Lake Forest Elementary School's students living in homes where English is not the first language, it is especially appreciated when SSCC provides the reading volunteers.  Thanks to all who read: Carol Armstrong, Ruth Brown, Martha Dalton, Barb Duren, Kathy Elliott, Florene Fowler, Bryant Gibson, Danny Gulden, Janis Hill, Rollin Mathis, Nancy McDaniel and 4 community volunteers SSCC recruited.



The Day School's Luau and Silent Auction

 Kathy Gregory, The Day School Director

A terrific time was had by all at The Day School's Luau and Silent Auction on Saturday, March 22.  Over one hundred people attended the festive affair at The Sibley Forest Clubhouse in Cobb County.  Attendees bid on everything from trips in a private airplane to local restaurant gift cards.  Hammocks Trading Company provided the bulk of the food while a beloved former Day School mom, Claudine Sellars from The Rabbit Hole, provided delicious salads, sides and tasty desserts.   A current Day School family won the big raffle item for the evening which included a $500 American Express gift card, $500 Ritz Carlton gift card and a $500 flight voucher - needless to say, they did NOT go home empty-handed.  There were several big winners throughout the course of the evening resulting in over $20,000 going to our Friends Foundation.  Since September of this year, our Friends Foundation raised close to $16,000 in membership donations resulting in $36,000 to put towards our joint effort with SSCC to renovate the playground.  I am positively blown away by the hard work and dedication of our tireless volunteers.  I count my blessings every day to be surrounded by such caring individuals who truly put their heart and soul into everything they do and I am grateful to be able to refer to them as "friend."


If you would like to make a personal donation towards the playground project, please contact Ryan Beach at [email protected].



Are You a Legacy Builder?

Be a part of our ministry into the future beyond your lifetime. For more information, brochures are available at the Connect Credenza. Or have a conversation with Linda or Danny who are among our growing number of Legacy Builders. 


All Church Calendar

Go to www.SandySpringsCC.org to view our monthly calendar 

"Invitable events" are highlighted in red


APRIL 2014

 4 - Staff Appreciation Lunch at Lake Forest Elementary School 

 5 - Youth & Sponsors return from Mexico  

 6 - No Sunday School

 6 - Sandwich Making at 10 AM 

 6 - International Dining at Rain Thai and Sushi Bar, 1:00 PM

12 - Disciple Women Spring Conference

12 - Wandering to Nourish, 5:30 PM (DH, 120, 121)

13 - No Sunday School

13 - Mexico Celebration Sunday, 1 service only 10 AM (S),  followed by Fiesta (DH)

17 - Maundy Thursday Service, 7 PM (S)

18 - Good Friday Service, 12-2 PM (S)

20 - No Sunday School

20 - Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt, between services (DH)

23 - Women's Bible Study, 10 AM (CR)

25 & 26 - Camp Christian Retreat

27 - No Sunday School

27 - Town Hall Meeting, 10-11 AM (DH) 


MAY 2014

 3 - Wandering to Nourish Atlanta, 5:30 PM (DH, 120, 121)

 4 - Community Sunday School - Intergenerational, 10:00-11:00 AM (DH)  

 4 - Youth End of Year Banquet, 5:00 PM

11 - Community Sunday School with Jeff Morgan, 10-11 AM (DH)

18 - Community Outreach - Sandwich Making, after 11:15 AM service

25 - Community Sunday School with Jeff Morgan, 10-11 AM (DH)

28 - Women's Bible Study, 10 AM (CR)



APRIL 2014 

7-11 Spring Break

16 & 17 - Spring Hat Parade (S)


MAY 2014

9 - Field Day

20 & 21 - End of Year Parties

21 - Last Day of School

22 & 23 - Teacher Post-Planning



Quick Links   
 Follow SSCC on Facebook       
The Wellspring Contribution Guidelines

Wellspring contributions are due 4 workdays before the end of each month. May articles are due April 25. Thank you for your timely submissions!

Please limit your article to no more than 350 words.  Submit your articles and pictures on ministry news and past events. Keep the congregation and others informed about our busy, vital church.

Email your contributions to Nan Woods:  [email protected] 


