Registrations for EURASHE's Seminar on the Implementation of Internal and External Quality Assurance are now open.

The seminar, taking place on 24-25 October 2013 in Bucharest (Romania), is organised by EURASHE under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education of Romania, and hosted by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA).



The ultimate objective with this hands-on seminar is to support individuals who are responsible for the management or coordination of internal quality assurance at institutions.


Join the speakers and quality assurance practitioners who have already registered. EURASHE members benefit from a reduced fee.

Plenary sessions will present a keynote speech on the major role of quality assurance in the Bologna Process by a first-hand player, next to a country profile of internal quality assurance with individual experience gained from this, and a closing plenary session confronting a panel of experts who have participated in institutional reviews, in their capacity of managers of higher education institutions and/or acknowledged quality assurance experts familiar with professionally-oriented programmes, tools and instruments are shared and exchanged, with practitioners from other higher education institutions.


More on the rationale, the programme, the speakers and the registrations on our website.


 More on our website 

From October 2013 to December 2015 EURASHE will lead the PHExcel project on Testing the Feasibility of a Quality Label for Professional Higher Education Excellence with 6 European partners (Association Europ�enne des Conservatoires (AEC); European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), European Federation of Nurse Educators (FINE), SPACE Network for Business Studies and Languages (SPACE), KIC-Malta and Jagiellonian University in Krakow (UJ)).

It aims to support professional higher education institutions across Europe to improve their PHE performance. PHExcel plans to achieve this by providing them with a Quality Framework that defines best practice in the professional (as compared to academic) elements of their processes.  


The proposal derives from the strategic consultations held within EURASHE and its membership, which identify that there is no instrument for measuring, benchmarking or assessing the PHE performance, depriving the sector of a critical method for conducting self-improvement



The HAPHE project (Harmonising Approaches to Professional Higher Education in Europe) has currently reached the second stage in its development and after Mapping Professional Higher Education in Europe, the wide examination of the different approaches to PHE provision through desk research and an empirical Europe-wide survey, the consortium will soon publish the Country Profiles of PHE Provision in 15 European Union countries.


The next phase within this EURASHE core project now consists of incorporating the findings into the experts discussion in order to Characterise Professional Higher Education and highlight quality criteria for each defined characteristic. To this end the HAPHE project organised an Expert Group meeting held on 9 September in Stuttgart (Germany). The first in a series of drafting workshops aiming at establishing a European definition for professional higher education. To ensure the high level expert view within the larger context, besides the 6 consortium experts, two external experts on European higher education have been invited to contribute to the discussion: Guy Haug (France) and Jiř� Nantl (Czech Republic).


EURASHE has been developing its online resources for its members and stakeholders in its library. We have recently added over 150 new documents in all four themes of Modernising PHE; Research, Development and Innovation; Mission of PHE; Quality of HE. This brings the current total of documents to around 700 files.
Our files include publications by EURASHE (policy papers, studies, etc.), documents from our events and representation activities, documents from the projects EURASHE is involved in (outcomes, newletters, etc.), and documents reserved for our members (mobility repository, organisational, etc.).
You can browse these documents according to the categories mentioned above or per theme of Modernising PHE; Research, Development and Innovation; Mission of PHE; Quality of HE.

Registrations for the HEI-ON final conference on 29-30 October in Leuven (Belgium) are now open.


The HEI-ON partners holding the ECTS Label came together to address an important part of current challenges for the technical implementation of ECTS by designing, developing and testing a prototype online tool for the realization of the ECTS Learning Agreement. Participants of the HEI-ON final conference will join Adam Tyson, Head of Erasmus at the European Commission, one of the keynote speakers on 'ECTS+ in Erasmus+'.


Higher Education Institutions Online for ECTS


 More on our website

EURASHE is represented in the Stakeholders' Forum of the PL4SD project through n the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) working group on the Social Dimension and Lifelong Learning. The project aims at supporting measures ensuring the social dimension of the EHEA.
8th EQAF - 21-23 NOV 2013 GOTHENBURG (SWEDEN)eqaf
Registrations for the 8th European Quality Assurance Forum are still open. Members of EURASHE (and ENQA, ESU, and EUA) benefit from a reduced fee.
The Council of Europe and EURASHE encourage 
all higher education institutions to consider offering support to this multi-stakeholders initiative launched by former President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio
EURASHE represented Professional Higher Education in the activities of CELAN aiming at facilitating a dialogue in the language field between the business community and language practitioners. The public part of the final report has been published.

As always, we look forward to your feedback
Contact us at

EURASHE Secretariat
Ravensteingalerij 27/3
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 0032 (0)2 211 41 97
Fax: 0032 (0)2 211 41 99

In this issue:

European Association of Institutions in Higher Education
EURASHE is the
European Association of Institutions in Higher Education that offer professionally oriented programmes and are engaged in applied and profession-related research within the Bologna cycles.

Currently more than 1,400 higher education institutions in 40 countries within and outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are affiliated to EURASHE.

The Association is present mostly through National Associations of Higher Education Institutions and individual institutions, such as Universities, (University) Colleges and Universities of Applied Sciences, as well as through other professional associations and stakeholder organisations active in the field of higher education.
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European Association of Institutions in Higher Education
EURASHE is the
European Association of Institutions in Higher Education that offer professionally oriented programmes and are engaged in applied and profession-related research within the Bologna cycles.

Currently more than 1,400 higher education institutions in 40 countries within and outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are affiliated to EURASHE.

The Association is present mostly through National Associations of Higher Education Institutions and individual institutions, such as Universities, (University) Colleges and Universities of Applied Sciences, as well as through other professional associations and stakeholder organisations active in the field of higher education.

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