Feature Story
Cempaku Baru
News from the Field
Employee Spotlight: Ibu Jitun
Orangutan of the Month
Little Larry
Friends and Partners
Rimba Raya, an InfiniteEARTH Project
"...Each day Larry and friends are taken to the OFI nursery playground where they can climb, play, and learn to forage leaves from nearby trees. When he isn't climbing, one of Larry's favorite activities is playing in the dirt. He will sit himself down in the charcoal-grey dirt and start scraping and digging a small hole with his hands."
OFI's new and improved membership program has arrived! The new program includes new "Wecome Kits" exclusive for members and special thank you gifts for each level of membership.
Team 1:
July 10th to July 31st
Team 2:
August 7th to August 28th
Looking for a way to get involved with OFI's work on the ground? Become a short term construction volunteer and help OFI build a much needed facility to help continue our work to save orangutans.
OFI is looking for hard-working dedicated individuals for the following field volunteer positions: |
Communications Volunteer
Help create engaging content to raise awareness about OFI's work.
Assitant to Dr. Galdikas, Internship
Duties include helping Dr. Galdikas in day-to-day activities and commitments; interns may be asked to assist with any and all aspects of OFI's work.
Orangutans need you
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Does this month's edition of "Eyes on the Forest" look a little different to you?
Welcome to our new, mobile-friendly format so now you can enjoy reading your monthly dose of OFI news no matter where you are!
| Cempaka Baru being examined by the veterinarians. |
"Orangutan Foundation International's Care Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) recently has been receiving about one orphaned infant orangutan per month. Some months more, other months less, but one orangutan per month has been the average for the last few years. Each infant has his/her own story. But these stories are often strangely similar. We are told that an orangutan mother "dropped" her infant in front of a local person. We know these stories are most likely untrue. Orangutan mothers do not "drop" their infants. Orangutan mothers never leave their infants behind. Sometimes people will admit that the infant was sold or passed from one person to another. Very occasionally a rustic Dayak will admit to have actually killed the mother and taken the infant off her body.
. . . It is rare to find an adult female alone, without an infant or juvenile. Such a rare case came to the Care Center this November. Her name was Cempaka Baru. . .
| A visiting medical student caring for Cempaka Baru upon arrival at OFI's OCCQ. |
Early in the morning, the field staff sent word that the villagers had captured the female orangutan. The field staff found her tied to the beam of a person's house, secured around her waist and throat. When OFI is told of orangutans in need of rescue, OFI staff always caution those reporting to keep the orangutan in sight but not to try to capture them. Orangutans are not aggressive except, of course, when frightened or when humans attempt to hold them against their will. Orangutans are strong. It often takes six male staff members to safely handle some juvenile orphans in our care. When OFI received word that the wild orangutan female had been captured by local people, we knew that it was unlikely to have been without a fight. The fear that the orangutan would have been injured during her capture gave the rescue team a sense of elevated concern and urgency as they set out.
. . . .
Cempaka Baru was a typical wild orangutan. Many local people are afraid of wild orangutans like her. They do not realize, as she nears their homes, that she does so only her own home, the forest, has been obliterated. They do not realize she is searching for food, that she is desperate, and that she is afraid. They do not realize that she will fight for her life rather than be captured . . ."
"There is a shining presence at the Orangutan Care Centre and Quarantine (OCCQ) in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia when the beautiful and serene Ibu Jitun is around. She lights up the room with her presence and always has a smile on her face. A kind and nurturing soul, Ibu Jitun is an exceptional person. She genuinely cares for all of the animals at the OCCQ. This includes the many cats & kittens left by villagers who know that OFI will not turn any stray animals away. Ibu Jitun is only 24 years old, but she has a steady nature and seems wise beyond her years. She is gentle and attentive when interacting with orangutans and seems to always be smiling with a happy disposition. She helps with anything anyone needs, from washing the dishes in the kitchen to spending one-on-one time with the orangutans. All the orangutans seem to enjoy her gentle company. You can often hear her quietly singing to orangutans as she passes their sleeping enclosures in the late afternoon. She sings their name and often each one will come up to greet her. . ."
Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) is proud to officially announce its partnership with The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, an InfiniteEARTH project.
The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve aims to reduce Indonesia's greenhouse gas emissions and protect the endangered Borneo orangutan by preserving 64,977 hectares of tropical peat swamp forest. This is the world's largest initiative to protect and preserve High Conservation Value (HCV), lowland peat swamp forests - one of the most highly endangered ecosystems in the world. The Rimba Raya area forms a critical buffer zone to Tanjung Puting National Park in the Seruyan River watershed.
OFI and Rimba Raya have enjoyed a close relationship for many years. The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve area was initially brought to the attention of Todd Lemons, the founder of Rimba Raya by Dr. Galdikas in 2007.
Rimba Raya's support has been of enormous help to OFI furthering OFI's field operations. OFI is proud to continue and to expand its partnership with Rimba Raya, an InfinteEARTH Project.
2016 is the 30th Anniversary of Orangutan Foundation International
Help us count down to Orangutan Awareness Week in November when we will celebrate our Anniversary.