Wet or dry, hot or cold, it's our job
to help keep orangutans safe
in any weather
These days, it's difficult to pick up a newspaper or turn on the television or Internet and not find a headline story in the news about extreme weather. It seems high temperatures, heavy rains, drought conditions, and wildfires are wrecking havoc on communities throughout the world.
But what the average person considers to be extreme weather is actually the norm in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) where, for more than four decades, Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and associates of Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) have been working year-round in tropical rainforest conditions to carry out OFI's important mission.
OFI's field-based research and conservation work is deeply integrated into the natural environment and is therefore always affected by weather. Borneo's tropical seasonality moves between the sometimes devastating extremes of the wet and dry seasons and is a constant challenge to our work. For half of the year, the tropical heat combines with torrential downpours and visibly thick humidity. During the other half, scorching sun and a cloudless sky team up to create searing temperatures. These oppressive working conditions can tax even the most hardy of souls. Click here to read the full story.
Janie Dubman
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B R E A K I N G N E W S !
Orangutan Foundation International
is pleased to announce its new land purchase campaign!
A Wild Place for Endangered Orangutans
*Includes the Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest, Kubu Village Forest, Sungai Bakau Village Forest, plus surrounding buffer and corridor lands not yet identified on the map below.
Please help us protect critical orangutan habitat!
Your support is urgently needed to help Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) purchase and permanently protect more than 6,000 acres (nearly 2,500 hectares) of prime orangutan habitat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. This forestland adjoins OFI's recently purchased
| Click on image to enlarge map. |
A Unique Opportunity to Expand and Safeguard OFI's Protected Forest Habitat
Known as the Orangutan Legacy Forest, this vast, biologically-rich forest area is home to more than 100 orangutans and other endangered wildlife species. Its acquisition and permanent protection are key to ensuring the health and safety of the region's wild orangutan populations. Read more about the importance and ecology of the Orangutan Legacy Forest.
Like so much of Borneo's forestland, unprotected portions of the Orangutan Legacy Forest are currently at risk of being clear-cut and converted to palm oil agriculture or timber concessions. Without OFI's immediate intervention--and your financial support--this forest habitat could be lost forever.
Sponsor Acres!
Your generous financial donation will ensure the permanent protection of the Orangutan Legacy Forest and its population of wild orangutans. It will also create a much-needed sanctuary for the release of orphaned and rehabilitated orangutans back into the wild.
Please join us in this important effort by giving generously to OFI's Orangutan Legacy Forest Fund. It's easy! You can donate online using your credit card or by check. Click here to learn more.
Let this be your legacy!
Orangutans Need You!
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