E y e s o n t h e F o r e s t
A M o n t h l y B u l l e t i n f r o m B o r n e o - J u n e 2 0 1 3
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"Eyes on the Forest" Archives
Now Available
We are so very pleased to be able to now share with you all of the great news, stories, and photos written by our hard-working staff and volunteers through our archived "Eyes on the Forest" monthly e-newsletter.
In case you missed an issue or are new to OFI -- or simply want to revisit a story that touched your heart or piqued your interest -- now you can!
Click here to access our e-newsletter archives, then select the stories that matter to you most. Happy reading!
Wishing you all the best,
Your Friends at OFI
Orangutan of the Month: Dewa
- News from the Field: Cute Faces, Dark Realities (Part 2)
- Jungle Corner: Sunda flying lemur
- Conservation Partners: Many thanks to our kind Austrian Friends and to DigitalGlobe!
With personal attention and lots of nourishing treats, Dewa's health and humor have returned. Click here to follow his story.
News from the Field
Cute Faces, Dark Realities (Part Two)
By Emily Patton
Communications Volunteer
(Click on photo below or title above to read full story)
Jungle Corner
Sunda flying lemur
Taxonomy: Animalia; Chordata; Mammalia; Dermoptera; Cynocephalidae
Threat Status: Least Concern (on the IUCN Red List)
Distribution: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
Ecology: The Sunda flying lemur's diet varies based on its locality and habitat. Generally it feeds on shoots, young leaves, coconut flowers, durian flowers, and fruits; however, in Sarawak and Malaysian Borneo, it has also been known to feed on insects.
Habitat: An arboreal animal, the Sunda flying lemur is generally found in evergreen forests. It spends its days sleeping in coconut trees and feeds at night.
Morphology: The Sunda flying lemur weighs between 0.9 and 1.3kg (2 - 2.9lbs) and has a head-body length of 34 to 38cm (13 - 15in), and a tail that is 24 to 25cm (9.4 - 9.8in) long. Despite its name, it is not a lemur nor does it fly, rather it glides from tree to tree. Its gliding membrane connects from the neck and extends along the limbs to the tips of the fingers, toes, and nails.
Interesting Fact: The Sunda flying lemur is an incredible glider and can glide for over 100m (328ft).
Conservation Partners
Our Austrian Friends Have Fun While Raising $7,000 for OFI
What do you get when you combine a famous Austrian comedian, the Royal Garden Jazz Band, an auction, and more than 100 lovers of orangutans? A very nice donation in support of OFI's conservation work! Many, many thanks to long-time supporter Monika Schertler and her husband and friends for their kind generosity. We appreciate it immensely!
DigitalGlobe Donates Digital Imaging Data to Help Keep Wild Orangutans Safe
OFI wishes to extend its deepest appreciation to DigitalGlobe and its Director of Projects and Outreach, Chuck Herring, for the kind donation of specialized, high resolution satellite imagery data. This data includes images of the region in which OFI works--Tanjung Puting National Park, Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest, Lamandau Reserve, and the Seruoyan Forest.
 Many regional organizations and government agencies rely on OFI for maps showing current conditions throughout the region, which is home to 6,000 wild orangutans. Having up-to-date maps is crucial to monitoring forest health, identifying encroaching palm oil concessions, and detecting illegal logging, mining, and other development. This data will also be useful in assessing land conditions and vegetation cover to help support strategic planning regarding the location of new release camps. DigitalGlobe's data gives us the tools we need to better safeguard wild orangutans and their rainforest habitat.
Thank you, Chuck and colleagues at DigitalGlobe! And a special thanks to OFI supporter and volunteer Shannon Lynch who worked so hard for so long to facilitate this wonderful donation.
If you'd like more information on ways you or your company can support OFI's conservation work, please contact Hollis Burbank-Hammarlund, Director of Development, at ofinewengland@gmail.com
Orangutans Need You!
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Thank you very much for following "Eyes on the Forest - Bulletin from Borneo". From now on you can expect this eNewsletter to reach your mailbox monthly. We'd love to have your thoughts, comments, or submissions (ofinewengland@gmail.com). In the meantime, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our official website: www.orangutan.org