E y e s   o n  t h e   F o r e s t
A   M o n t h l y   B u l l e t i n   f r o m   B o r n e o - N o v e m b e r  2 0 1 2

eyes in the forest



Once in a Lifetime Opportunity  


A Special Message from 

Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas


Mother with baby orangutan



Dear OFI Friend,


Change is in the air, and an important deadline that could determine the fate of hundreds of wild and ex-captive orangutans is fast approaching.  OFI desperately needs your help today to raise $250,000 by December 31, 2012. Here's why...


As you know, OFI has been working hard to raise funds to purchase and permanently protect thousands of acres of critical rainforest habitat in the Central Kalimantan region of Indonesia (Borneo), thereby keeping it out of the hands of timber, mining, and palm oil companies.  Acre by forested acre, we have Land Purchase Message systematically been creating a series of vast, interconnected, and biologically-diverse sanctuaries for wild orangutans, as well as a viable future home for released rehabilitated orangutans, helping to ensure an essential safety net against extinction. 


However, new threats exist in Central Kalimantan and the stakes couldn't be higher!


The political landscape here--home to our Orangutan Care Center and Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest--is about to change. Depending upon the outcome of the upcoming December 2012 local elections, OFI and the orangutans who are counting on us could face a myriad of potential new obstacles from anti-conservation officials, if elected.  


Intense, new competition from developers could drive land prices far beyond OFI's financial reach. Thousands of acres of critical orangutan habitat--available to OFI today--could quickly be gobbled up, chopped down, and burned to the ground to make way for 21st Century progress.  The result?  An inevitable invasion of logging, mining, and palm oil operations directly into the heart of OFI's growing region of interconnected orangutan sanctuaries, resulting in the permanent displacement and likely death of many orangutans as well as hundreds, if not thousands, of other species of wildlife, including the highly endangered clouded leopard.


We must move quickly and decisively today to secure the purchase of approximately 4,000 acres of strategically-located orangutan habitat.  This includes key parcels within the Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest (we've secured 2,500 of the 6,400 acres thus far as well as several hundred acres of buffer zone forest) and another 1,000 acres that connect Rawa Kuno to the existing 1,000-acre protected Village Forest in Pasir Panjang.  Only by owning this land outright will we be able to ensure its long-term protection.


Clearly, time is of the essence. Your support is urgently needed. Please, consider a generous and lasting year-end gift to OFI.  The orangutans need your help!


With deep and abiding gratitude,   


Biruté Mary Galdikas

OFI President


P.S. When you donate by credit card online, be sure to write "For Land Purchases" in the online "Special Instructions" box. 


Or send your check, made payable to OFI, to Orangutan Foundation International, 824 S. Wellesley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA. Indicate "For Land Purchases" on check memo line.


Thank you!


Dr. Galdikas and friend


 In this Issue

  • Orangutan of the Month: Silver
  • OFI Events: Philly Run Wild!
  • News from the Field: Up in Smoke
  • Jungle Corner:  Horsfield's Tarsier
  • External Link: Little Mr. Bernie Hates Baths!



Orangutan of the Month: Silver 



Event News



Orangutan Caring Week

This Year's Theme: 

"Safeguarding Habitat for a Secure Future"


November marks the month in which Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas ventured into the wild jungles of Borneo in 1971 to study the elusive orangutan. 


Today, organizations and zoos from all across the globe celebrate "Orangutan Caring Week" in mid-November annually. This year's theme, "Safeguarding Habitat for a Secure Future," coincided with OFI's ongoing efforts to secure and forever protect the Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest. At OFI, every week is orangutan caring week! 


Want to celebrate Dr. Galdikas' forty-one years in the field...and support OFI's work? Purchase this high quality, historic poster. It makes a great gift!


(Click on poster to take you to OFI's online "Store").

1971 Dr. Galdikas Poster



Sneak Peek at An Upcoming Event


"Philly Run Wild-Save the Orangutans 5K Run/Walk"

April 28, 2013

At the Philadelphia Zoo!


You can help us raise $25,000 as a runner, walker or event sponsor!


Click on logo below for details

Philly Run Wild Logo

News from the Field 

Up in Smoke 


Raging forest fires in Borneo are a foreign threat to the ancient, moist jungles and peat forests. As the island faces annual dry season fires, OFI is hard-pressed to keep the flames off our forests, including Rawa Kuno Legacy Forest. Read more.


Jungle Corner  

Horsfield's Tarsier

Tarsius bancanus 


Taxonomy: Animalia; Chordata; Mammalia; Primates; Tarsiidae; Cephalopachus


Threat Status: Vulnerable (on the IUCN Red List)    


Distribution: Brunei; Indonesia (Borneo and Sumatra); Malaysia (Borneo)


Ecology: The Horsfield's tarsier is carnivorous and generally eat insects (such as cockroaches, moths, ants and bettles). They can also eat small invertebrates (bats, snakes and birds). This species will locate its prey by sound, and will catch it using its hands.


Habitat: The Horsfield's tarsier are typically a lowland species, as they are most commonly

found below 100m elevation.


Morphology: This tarsier is a vertical clinger known for its leaping skills. They are also known for their large eyes. One eyeball is nearly as big as the volume of their entire brain. Horsfield's tarsiers have round heads, short necks and thin ears. They are generally buff or grey-brown to browinish in color, and have a hairless tail except for the end which has a tuft of hair. Although their forelimbs are short, they have incredibly elongated hind limbs. The pads on their fingers and toes allow them to tightly grasp trees. Most of the Horsfield's tarsiers nails are flat, however, the second and third toes on their feet have claws for grooming.


Interesting Facts: Tarsiers have uniquely shaped spines that allow them to rotate their heads almost 360 degrees.


No Time is Bathtime for Little Mr. Bernie!


Mr. Bernie Bath Time



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