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Volume 5, Issue 1 |  January 2016

I trust that the new year has already proven to be interesting and adventurous, and hopefully full of fun. I wouldn't be surprised if it had already revealed itself to be one of change for you, and perhaps some newness too!

Like this newsletter. Its look is different as is some of the content. And, it's mobile-friendly! You'll see that there isn't much talk about computer stuff or business. If you missed reading my December newsletter, then you may wonder what is going on. You can read briefly about what transpired last year that has impacted me and my life to a great degree, trickling down even to this newsletter.

It was heartwarming to hear from so many readers, expressing congratulations and support for my journey, and sharing a bit about the changes they were experiencing. I just love connecting with you! If you wrote and still haven't received a personal reply, please know that I will respond - I'm still adjusting to my new life and schedule and am behind in a number of tasks, including email.

However, I'm glad to report that things are coming together. I've no doubt Spirit knows what It is doing and all is unfolding nicely. I am most grateful.

Joyce's signature

Inspiration and Contemplation
Belief and Thought
"Belief is factual; it is truth. The magic of believing is a manifestation of one of the greatest powers in the universe: the power of thought. By our thoughts we either create or destroy. You can tear your life down by destructive thinking, but you can build your life up by thinking constructively."

- Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Thinking Day by Day, page 33
Let's Have Some Spiritual Fun!

For a few chuckles - but undoubtedly some reality and truth too - view this video "Spiritual Girl," a funny parody of Madonna's "Material Girl."

"Spiritual Girl" 
People Helping People
Doing Good

This is an excerpt from Daily Guideposts, November 2, 2015 authored by Elizabeth Sherrill. 

At first, when I saw that Lucille's letter was all about a real estate deal, my mind glazed over. I know nothing about real estate.

Apparently, Lucille had been trying to sell her house in Missouri for a long time. With the bad market, she'd lowered the price again and again. Now, she wrote, it was almost within reach of a young woman who worked in the lab at the local hospital. The would-be buyer, however, was six thousand dollars short of the down payment the bank required.

Since the technician hadn't been able to come up with this amount, Lucille offered her a deal: "I'll make up the difference. I'll give the bank the six thousand dollars, and you can pay me back with good deeds." Lucille would count these deeds as three hundred dollars a month.

"What constitutes a good deed?" the young woman wanted to know.

"Actions," said Lucille, "that help make the world a better place."

"Today I received my buyer's first accounting," Lucille wrote. The technician had worked thirty extra hours to provide time off for a coworker with cancer. She'd taken part in bake sales for a diabetes foundation. She'd bought a coat for a child the lab had adopted for Christmas. She'd gone once a week to visit the elderly at the senior center.

"I sure got my three hundred dollars' worth of joy, hearing about these things," Lucille concluded. "I can't wait for next month's report!"
Wishing you peace as you move into the month of love and friendship.

Namasté -
The Divine in me acknowledges the Divine in you.

Joyce's signature  
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