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Joyce S. Kaye 
 The Computer Spirit 
Small Business Coach,
Trainer, &
Solution Provider

 Facilitator of 
  WordPress and
Constant Contact 
workshops and retreats 
Joyce is in Phoenix weekly for in-person technical, business, and marketing support...
call 928.301.7272 for an appointment.
About Joyce
Joyce S. Kaye, MSW,
The Computer Spirit (known as The Computer Therapist in a prior lifetime), is a computer geek and people-person who understands business and computer applications and thrives on the challenge of communicating that understanding clearly. Specializing in Constant Contact e-newsletters and "living" WordPress websites - along with Microsoft Office training - , Joyce brings her creativity, love of people and Spirit*, and computer expertise together to empower individuals and assure them they are not alone. 
sidebargodword * Read a little bit more about Joyce's meaning around such words as Spirit, God, The Presence.
My Philosophy
"Give a person a fish
and they will eat for a day.
Teach a person to fish
and they will eat for a lifetime."
- Old Chinese Proverb
Click here to learn more about how we work...
I'm here to empower you - not just get a website or e-newsletter done.
I work with clients one-to-one, host computer labs where learners can work interactively on computer projects, teach workshops, and facilitate project teams.
Contact me to explore working together...
WordPress and coffee 

Interactive, hands-on workshops to empower you to create and control your own WordPress website.  
To learn more,
Inspiration and Contemplation
quoteInspiration & Contemplation

"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it."

- George C. Scott
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Contact Info

P. O. Box 2207
Sedona, AZ 86339

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Drop Shadow Accent Image
Vol. 4, Issue 10 | October 2015 
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Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.
 - Thich Nhat Hahn  
I'm glad to say that I have been feeling this way, and I am most grateful for the enthusiasm and open heart. As we leave the 10th month of the year 2015 - where did it fly to?! - I will endeavor to keep this vibrancy within me alive, be patient and kind, and remain grateful as I enter upon great changes and adventures in the next month.

And, may we all be in peace wherever Life is leading us...
Joyce's signature  
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Aphorisms Learned on the Spiritual Path 

American-born Buddhist author and teacher Lama Surya Das integrates meditation with everyday life and awakens us to the unity and connections which brings us all together as one human family.

Here are some of his aphorisms summing up the things he's learned on the spiritual path.
  • I think you have to love first and see second.
  • The size of our heart directly correlates to the scope of our attention, receptivity, and intentions.
  • If you are not here now, you won't be there then.
  • Take a breath; you deserve it.
  • Don't overlook the profundity of ordinary people and everyday experiences and relationships.
  • One moment of brilliant illumination dispels the darkness of centuries.
  • We need others to help get enlightened, for developing empathic compassion is as necessary and wise as wisdom itself.
  • We're all going to die, eventually; but who is going to truly live?
  • In this mysterious world, knowing takes second place to trusting, allowing, and flowing.
  • There definitely comes a time when we have to take it off the cushion or yoga mat, out of the therapist's office, home from the church, temple, or classroom, and into the real world where it truly counts. This is where the rubber meets the road on the spiritual path.
  • Remember that our karma is not determined by what happens to us, but by what we do with what happens.
To read more aphorisms, click here
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People Helping People
Helping Refugees Start a New Life
Thousands of refugees from the Middle East arrive on the shores of Lesbos Island, Greece daily. See how one organization is helping them start a new life after their dangerous journey across the water.

Click the image to watch a video...
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General Computer
Is Microsoft Forcing Windows 10 on You?   
According to Bob Rankin, Microsoft is pushing Windows 10 harder than it's ever pushed any previous version of its flagship product. Every device out there has received the "Get Windows 10" installation utility, which nags users to download and install Win 10.

But Microsoft has gone a step further, actually pushing multi-gigabytes of Win 10 files onto the hard drives of people who haven't asked for it. Read the full article...
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Newsletter - Dance Drop Shadow Image
Nifty Constant Contact Product Updates

Constant Contact is always looking to make product enhancements, and it has made some really nifty ones recently. Something I've been waiting for - literally for years - is the ability to save an e-newsletter as a file. Well, it's here - read on!

Save to a file: Now you can save your email campaign as a PDF, JPG, or PNG file. Options are also available for page size, page orientation, and more.

Computer vs Mobile Device Opens: Metrics now allow you to see how much of your readership is viewing your e-newsletter on their desktop and on a mobile device. Overall, stats are showing that people who send out e-newsletters in the early part of the day, viewed them on desktops; later in the day, on mobile devices.

Other updates include-
  • Rename your campaign: Now you rename an email even after you've sent it!
  • Save as template: Sure, you can copy a sent email to use for another mailing, but now you can actually save it as a template.
  • More free images: 2,500 free images have been added to the stock library.
If you're using another email marketing service and it's not giving you these capabilities, perhaps it's time to move over to Constant Contact. Feel free to contact me to learn more about the features and benefits of using Constant Contact.
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Website Development/WordPress
What's a Sticky?                    

Blog posts in a WordPress site are listed in chronological order on the posts page, with the most recent at the top. Sometimes you may want a post to remain at the top of the list - to do so, you designate that post as a Sticky. For instance, if you have a news item that you want to remain at the top so that it catches readers' attention for a while, just make it stick!

To make a Sticky Post, all you need to do is check the box in the WordPress post's edit screen, and it will stick the post to the blog page, keeping it there even after newer posts are published.

If at some time you no longer want that post to remain at the top, you can uncheck the Sticky box, and the post will go back to being listed in the usual reverse chronological order of blog posts.

This feature is only available for the built-in post type post and not for custom post types.
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Newsletter - Dance Drop Shadow Image

Yours in Spirit, 
Joyce's signature

Joyce S. Kaye
(AKA The Computer Spirit)
Logo SW



bottomgodwordJoyce "came to believe" in a Power greater than herself about 25 years ago. Thanks to hearing the novel idea that one could choose their own concept of God - and name too - and the workings of synchronicity, Joyce embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. Since that time of commencing her conscious spiritual journey, she has endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom she meets, and all that she does - including working with others and
helping to empower them as she provides solutions for their
computer projects and business and marketing needs.

e-Newsletter designed, developed, written, and published by The Computer Spirit