Your Small Business Coach, Trainer, & Solution Provider
Vol. 4, Issue 4 | April 2015
It seems like I've got quite a bit of exciting news to share this month!
First, I wanted to let you know - and please do spread the word - starting next month I will be in Phoenix about once a week and available to give private coaching sessions related to WordPress and Constant Contact newsletters, and to provide other technical, marketing, and business support. Contact me now to reserve an appointment!
Second, due to Google's huge change effective April 21st whereby it is ranking mobile-friendly websites higher in search results, I finally "bit the bullet" and put the time in to make my websites are mobile-friendly. Check out The Computer Spirit and Websites and Coffee.
Last month I noted that the most important day of my life was 25 years ago when I walked into the 12 Step rooms. Then, exactly 25 years and 1 month to the day, I stepped into The Landmark Forum and over the course of the weekend experienced a life-altering paradigm shift. So April 10, 2015 goes down in my personal history as the 2nd most important day of my life! Well, it may turn out to be #1 - who knew it would have such a profound impact on me?! To learn more about The Landmark Forum, you can visit their website but I'd be the first to say that words cannot convey the experience. All I know is that I walked away with a new sense of a life that is free from the constraints and limitations of the past and is full of possibility, self-expression, and freedom.
And, I'm thrilled to be assisting in bringing an Introduction to The Landmark Forum to the Sedona area this summer! It will be a free, 3-hour event Saturday, July 11. Save the date and stay tuned for details.
Now, how's that for some exciting news?
Good Medicine
Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. was one of the first to recognize and document the psychological and spiritual impact of cancer on people and their families. Through her television appearances and lectures, she has reminded many thousands of people of their power to grow beyond their current challenges and heal themselves. I was first introduced to her when she gave a speech at "The Art of Death and Dying" conference I attended in NYC in the early '90s. I love her introspective, compassionate, spiritual way of being, especially poignant for me since I have often found those qualities lacking in medical doctors. Her writings reflect this; the brief story below is entitled "Transmission."
I spent a few weeks one April in the Four Corners area of Utah in a little town called Bluff, celebrating the birthday of a friend of mine. On Easter morning we attended an Episcopal church service celebrated by a Native American bishop. With the exception of my friends and myself, the congregation was mostly Navaho people. The bishop was a middle-aged man of great personal integrity, and the service was beautiful. Dressed in a white robe with a woven scarf of Native American symbolism around his neck, he seemed deeply moved by the occasion and the story of the resurrection.
Most of the sermon was in Navaho, the bishop reading from the Bible in a voice filed with emotion. Then he glanced over toward us.
People Helping People
The Best Boss
Begun in 1999, HeroicStories brings diverse, international voices to the world - reminding us that people are good, that individuals and individual action matter. Their mission is to publish examples of people being good to each other, to inspire similar heroic actions in others.
It's easy to receive HeroicStories: they're free, delivered directly to you by email twice a week.
Read this heartwarming story about folks who all benefited from the positive experience of working for Jim, The Best Boss.
General Computer
IFTTT.COM: "If This Then That" is an online service and app that empowers you with creative control over the products and apps you love.
Users create digital "recipes" to make simple connections between products and apps. You can set up recipes to organize and share photos, get the latest scores, watch the stock market, etc. There are two types of Recipes: Do Recipes and IF Recipes.
Do Recipes run with just a tap and enable you to create your own personalized Button, Camera, and Notepad. IF Recipes run automatically in the background; you can create powerful connections with one simple statement - if this then that.
To learn more, visit
Since it's fairly easy to convert a mobile "unfriendly" theme in WordPress to one that is mobile-friendly, due to Mobilegeddon on April 21st, you may now be interested in using self-hosted WordPress as the platform for your website if you hadn't been interested before. Our workshops are offered regularly, limited to just 4 participants, hands-on, and include hands-outs and access to practice in a real live WordPress site. Some spots are already reserved, so don't linger in registering. Here's the schedule for May's workshops in Sedona, AZ: Date | Day | Time | Event | May 5 | Tue | 5:30 - 7:30P | "Intro to WordPress: First Steps" | May 26 | Tue | 5:30 - 7:30P | "Intro to WordPress: Going Deeper (Part Two)" |
For more information and to register for a WordPress workshop in Sedona, visit Websites and Coffee. I also offer private coaching by the hour in Sedona and now Phoenix plus via phone/Skype. You can take a customized 1/2-day retreat in Sedona where me, you, and your team can dedicate 4 hours solely towards developing your WordPress website.
May 8, 2015 "The Power of Email Marketing"
Join me at OLLI in Sedona for a 2-hour workshop on "The Power of Email Marketing" on Friday, May 8th, 10:00 AM to Noon. Space is still available. To register, contact OLLI directly. Osher Lifelong Leaning Institute 4215 Arts Village Drive Sedona, AZ 86336 Phone: (928) 649-4275
This workshop serves as an introduction about online newsletters: why you need an e-newsletter; what exactly is email marketing and how does it fit in with your marketing plan; using metrics to increase your success; and, tips on growing your mailing list. Then, I'll walk through creating a professional email.
The Suspended Bounce Category
Recently I noticed a new bounce category in Constant Contact labeled "Suspended." I called customer service to learn more, and was told that this category has always been in effect, but had been made visible due to multiple requests by customers. Learn what happens to addresses that bounce as non-existent, how Constant Contact prevents a negative impact on deliverability rates from repeatedly sending to the same non-existent email addresses, and what the Suspended bounce category is all about.
Website Development/WordPress
Open PayPal Button in a New Window
So April's been quite an exciting month - what will May bring?! Well, I'm greatly looking forward to floating on the Verde River, taking The Landmark Advanced Course, and a friend's housewarming party. Hope you've got some great adventures ahead too!
Yours in Spirit,
Joyce S. Kaye (AKA The Computer Spirit)
 Joyce "came to believe" in a Power greater than herself about 25 years ago. Thanks to hearing the novel idea that one could choose their own concept of God - and name too - and the workings of synchronicity, Joyce embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. Since that time of commencing her conscious spiritual journey, she has endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom she meets, and all that she does - including working with others and helping to empower them as she provides solutions for their computer projects and marketing needs.